Monica Padman | Who What Wardrobes | Who What Wear

  • 4 months ago
Tom Ford for UGA tailgates, cheerleading championship rings, heirloom jewelry, American Doll fashion, and Brandon Maxwell gowns. Monica Padman hosts us in her home for this installment of Who What Wardrobes.

Director: Stephanie Romero
Cinematography: Amusement Productions
Video Editor: Collin Hughart
Sound Mixer: Jason Flaster
Associate Video Producer: Kellie Scott
VP, Creative: Alexa Wiley
VP, Social: MacKenzie Green
Executive Director, Entertainment: Jessica Baker
00:00I guess I should have said wrinkled as one of the three words that describe my style.
00:05Hi Who What Wear, I'm Monica Padman and today we're going to go through some of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe.
00:16I think I would describe my style as classic, eclectic, and pretty.
00:23So these are some of my favorite pieces.
00:29This one is a Norma Kamali dress.
00:35Nicole Chavez styled me in this for Jimmy Kimmel.
00:41I did it with Dax and it was the scariest day of my life.
00:47I was so so nervous but I felt so good in this dress.
00:51So this blazer was a hand-me-down.
00:56We call it a bell-me-down. Kristen gave it to me.
01:00But before she had given it to me, I was getting it dry-cleaned for her.
01:05And it was in the backseat of my car. This was when I was assisting her.
01:09It was hanging and my windows were rolled down, which I did not realize.
01:17And the jacket flew out of the car.
01:23And I heard something and I looked back and I just saw the sleeve tattering away.
01:30And I had to pull over and run into traffic to get the jacket that was in the middle of the street.
01:36I didn't know if it was fancy and it was hers and I had just started working for her.
01:41And I was like, I'm going to get fired because this jacket is going to get run over.
01:45It's a very special piece to me because I saved it.
01:49And yeah, she gave it to me. It wasn't that special, turns out.
01:53Okay, so this is a very basic sweatshirt, but I wear it all the time.
02:01I love the color. It's a very specific kind of mauve.
02:06And it's really worn in because I've had it forever.
02:09It's Elizabeth and James, which was Mary-Kate and Ashley's brand before The Row.
02:18So it feels very limited because this brand doesn't exist anymore.
02:22And it's some of the best fitting. I also have a t-shirt that's Elizabeth and James.
02:26And it's the best fitting t-shirt I have.
02:30So I'm pretty sad that they don't make these clothes anymore.
02:34But I have moved on to The Row, which is a little bit higher of a price point, but that's okay.
02:42These are The Row pants and I wear them all the time.
02:47I mean, I think I wore them two days ago, which is why they are a little stained and have wrinkles all over them.
02:54I didn't prepare well for this, obviously, so I'm a little bit of a mess.
02:59But I wear these all the time.
03:01They were an investment, but I really got my money's worth because they go with everything.
03:07And I love them. They're so soft.
03:09These are red velvet Tom Ford pants.
03:16I got them last year to wear to a University of Georgia football game.
03:23I went to the University of Georgia and it's a huge football school.
03:27The games are so fun.
03:30And in the South, you get dressed up for football games.
03:34So you wear like full on dresses, full face of makeup, heels to your tailgate and then to the game.
03:43And I got to go back to a football game this year and I was like, you know, what am I going to wear?
03:50It has to be fancy, but it also has to be elevated.
03:53It's a new me.
03:55And so I got these pants and I love them.
03:58And they really, they really worked.
04:00This dress I got at the Paris flea market.
04:06I was done shopping.
04:10I had got some furniture and some other little pieces, a little like bowl.
04:15And I was done. I needed to be done.
04:18And I was walking to my Uber and I saw this in the window.
04:23And I thought, if this fits me, I have to have it.
04:28And it fit me.
04:30So I bought it and I love it.
04:34And it's it feels so romantic to me.
04:37It feels very classic.
04:40And I feel like she wore this.
04:44I feel like she actually wore it.
04:46Like when I channel her when I'm in this.
04:49This sweatshirt is maybe one I get the most compliments on whenever I wear it.
04:55It's it draws the eye.
04:58It's from John and Vinny's, which is a restaurant in Los Angeles.
05:05Very delicious. It's so good.
05:07And during the pandemic, they had a little store where you could like buy, you know, fruits.
05:15You could buy your groceries basically.
05:17And then they had some other little things and they had this sweatshirt.
05:20And I was like most people pretty lost during the pandemic and buying any sweatshirt or sweat pant that came across my screen.
05:29And this was one of them. And so I bought it.
05:31And it was it's with Project 43.
05:35I wish I could tell you that I knew what that meant and what it is.
05:40I do believe it to be philanthropic.
05:44And yeah, so I love wearing it and I love this little guy.
05:49It's a little bear on front.
05:51OK, so this is a sweater also wrinkled.
05:57I guess I should have said wrinkled as one of the three words that describe my style.
06:03This is very special. Kristen brought this back for me from I want to say Italy or Paris.
06:12And it says facts on it because I'm the fact checker for my job.
06:17And also I believe in justice and facts.
06:24This is a Brandon Maxwell gorgeous dress gown.
06:31We could say that I found because ding, ding, ding.
06:36Hillary Kerr was wearing this on Instagram.
06:41And I thought I must have that immediately.
06:44And so I bought it. It's beautiful.
06:46I have not as the tag on. I haven't worn it yet.
06:49I'm saving it for a gala that I have not been invited to.
06:53So, you know, putting it out there that if anyone invites me to a gala, I will be wearing this dress.
06:59And I can't wait.
07:00This dress I love.
07:04It's vintage. It's Fendi.
07:07I got it at this little Austin vintage store that I sort of just came across.
07:14It's super easy.
07:16I love a dress that you can just slip on, but it has like a vibe to it.
07:22I love the collar.
07:24And I normally pair this with a tennis shoe so that I can kind of high and low it.
07:30But I love this.
07:31She's she's so pretty and she's so easy.
07:35OK, so these pants are also from the vintage store in Austin.
07:41I love a pleat.
07:43I just I just am a real sucker for it.
07:47This sweater is from Alexandra Golovanov.
07:50She has a store in Paris and just makes the most beautiful cashmere sweaters.
07:55I was there last year and I got this one.
07:58I love the covered buttons on it.
08:00It's cropped, but she has so many different styles, but they're all very classic.
08:05And I feel like last you forever.
08:07And then I got some little Gucci loafers.
08:11Can not go wrong with a Gucci loafer.
08:14I love the white.
08:15I also have a white Gucci Jackie bag that I feel like pairs really well with it.
08:22OK, so these are Jordans.
08:26And Dax got really into Jordans or he's always been into Jordans, I guess.
08:32But he got into like gifting everyone a bunch of Jordans, which was which is very generous.
08:39And these are my first pair that he got me.
08:41It's I forget the print.
08:44It's called like animal something.
08:47And they're so cool.
08:49As soon as they arrived, I was like, oh, I get it.
08:51I get the need to like collect a sneaker.
08:55So I have a few other pairs of Jordans, too, that I've since got.
08:58But these are my first one.
08:59So they're special to me.
09:02This is my everyday bag.
09:06This green I feel like is really rare.
09:11I don't I haven't seen it since since I bought it.
09:15And I love it because it's it's so classic.
09:19But the green kind of gives it something a little bit different.
09:22I keep everything in here.
09:23And my laptop is currently in here.
09:25I keep the cord.
09:26I travel with this.
09:28It's such a luxe bag, but it really delivers like it is durable.
09:34It comes everywhere with me.
09:36And she's really pretty.
09:40These have never been worn in my adult life, but they probably are.
09:46They're probably the two most important pieces in my entire home.
09:51They are my state rings from high school.
09:55I was a cheerleader, a competition cheerleader in high school.
09:58And we won state my junior and senior year.
10:01And they give you rings for that.
10:04And they say my name.
10:05They say school.
10:07It was such a big deal at the time.
10:09And still, it was sort of the first moment that I learned that hard work really does pay off.
10:15So these are really, really important reminders to me.
10:19Now, this is all tangled.
10:21I tried before we recorded this video.
10:25I solicited a lot of people in this room.
10:28There's more than just me in this room.
10:30And to try to untangle it, and nobody could do it.
10:34But this is a necklace that I love.
10:41I stole this pendant from my American Girl doll, Samantha.
10:48She was wearing it on a teeny, tiny chain.
10:52And I thought, that is such a cute necklace that this doll is wearing.
10:57So I ripped it off, and I put it on a real adult chain.
11:01And I used to wear it all the time.
11:04I haven't seen it in a bit, probably because it got all tangled and I gave up on it.
11:08But yeah, this is Samantha's necklace.
11:13This is a Chanel Camellia ring.
11:20I got this because I would see really beautiful jewelry.
11:27And I would think, oh, maybe one day someone will buy that for me.
11:33Maybe one day for Valentine's Day or for an anniversary, a man will buy this for me.
11:40And I was in Paris, and I was walking by, and I saw it, and I was in love with it.
11:45And I thought, why am I waiting for that?
11:48There is absolutely no reason for me to wait for somebody else to buy me this when I can buy myself this ring.
11:56And so I did, and I love it.
11:59It's so pretty.
12:01And it kind of reminds me, like, you're good on your own.
12:07Not that there's nothing wrong with having a partner, but you can do things by yourself if you want.
12:13Okay, so this necklace is a peridot stone.
12:20That is my birthstone.
12:22And my grandmother got me this when I was five.
12:26My grandmother has an amazing jewelry collection.
12:31She's from India and has all this gold jewelry.
12:34And so jewelry kind of means a lot to her.
12:39And so when I was five, she got me this, which I did not appreciate until maybe, like, five or six years ago.
12:47I saw this just, like, sitting in my jewelry box.
12:50And I thought, that is a gorgeous necklace.
12:54Why am I not wearing it?
12:56And so I do now, and it reminds me of her.
12:59And I love it.
13:02Those are some of my favorite pieces in my closet.
13:05Thanks for tuning in.
13:09I'll see you next time.
