Kristen Bell Rewatches Frozen, The Good Place, Forgetting Sarah Marshall & More

  • yesterday
Kristen Bell takes a walk down memory lane as she rewatches scenes from her classic works including 'Frozen,' 'The Good Place,' 'Nobody Wants This,' 'Gossip Girl,' 'Veronica Mars' and more.

Season 1 of Nobody Wants This is available to stream exclusively on Netflix.
00:00This is fun because I'm not allowed to touch the remote at my own house because I'm apparently I'm bad at it
00:04And I always get us in a pickle, but now it's my turn
00:08Hi, I'm Kristen Bell, and I am going to rewatch some scenes from throughout my career, okay?
00:30Didn't know they did that anymore who knew we owned a thousand salad
00:37Years I've roamed these empty halls. I have a ballroom with no balls
00:41How did we get that joke in there?
00:45Come on
00:47We slid it under the radar it almost didn't make it in but then we were like what are you talking about?
00:51That's not what it means. Don't be a perv. I had always
00:55Dreamed as many people do of being involved in a Disney animation film
00:59They're so formidable in your life when you're young and I was obsessed with them
01:03And I remember sitting in my living room and on my like you know old boombox like recording myself singing the Little Mermaid
01:09Just like in case I ever needed that tape, and I mean like tape right when I finally got the opportunity. I was thrilled and
01:17It occurred to me that I would do anything. They asked me to but what I should be valiantly
01:24Striving for is to create a character that I really needed to see when I was 11 years old
01:30Which was someone like this character thankfully they let me do it
01:34I said all the Disney princesses stand like this their hands are always perfect their postures perfect
01:39I want her to be the opposite
01:40I want her to wake up with drool in her mouth
01:42And I want her to snore and I want her to talk too much and too fast and wear her heart on her sleeve and
01:46Trip over things and like the real quirk for a girl who is lovable, but not as put together and thankfully this whole
01:54Experience was really collaborative and some of those things they wrote in and others
01:59They didn't and they let me kind of take the reins like the waking up sequence
02:03She was just waking up normally, and I said can I add some snorts can you add some drool?
02:07Can I can I make this very realistic and kind of dorky and they were open to all of it
02:12And I still get such a sense of joy when I see it because I'm very proud
02:21They certainly appreciate it in the fact that they can go to college because of it
02:25But they're not part of the frozen phenomenon because kids are meant to make you feel grounded
02:31And they are meant to reject things that their parents are involved in even if they secretly liked it
02:37A lot they would never tell me
02:47I love working with Adina. She's so wildly talented the funny thing about these movies
02:53Is that we don't usually record together? I'd say maybe 85% of it was recorded separately
02:58You're not even hearing the other actor when you're recording you're listening to the director read their lines
03:03So you kind of have to know the other actor really well and just like make it all up in your head
03:09But there was one song we recorded together
03:11Which was my favorite part of recording this movie?
03:13which was the scene where Anna visits Elsa in the ice castle and we got to sing in the booth together and
03:20There's just an energy there. That's different when you're recording live with someone and I just adore her
03:33It makes sense for me to go
03:40forking shirt balls
03:43What? I love these guys. Wow. Is everything okay?
03:48Like as an adult you kind of expect to hear some swears
03:51But then there's like things you can put on TV and things you can't and censorship
03:54So I thought they had a very unique comedic way of getting around it. There were a lot of fun ones bench
03:59We had fork is obviously the the highlight and the one everyone walks away with
04:07I love these people. Is everything okay?
04:10William Jackson Harper's on the morning show now guys. Also, anybody get to New York see his uncle Vanya. Whoo
04:16He was good
04:18Right as rain Mikey my boy. So
04:21Chidi and I are gonna go to the bad place. What trust me. I've got this this show was truly a dream come true
04:29Unfolding for me. I had known Mike Schur since I'd been 19 years old when he was like a young SNL comedy writer
04:35I had admired all of the shows he created. I knew what a lovely lovely person
04:40He was to be around and I got a phone call a year or two before this show started and he said hi Kristen
04:47It's Mike Schur. I want to talk to you about a union acting job and I was like beside myself
04:53I was like, oh my gosh, it's happening. I'm finally able to work for this dream creator
04:58I went into his office for a meeting and it was supposed to be an hour and I think we talked for maybe two and
05:03a half hours because we realized we were
05:06Really connecting on this preoccupation with what it means to be a good person and he said I really want to write a show about
05:11This and I want it to have a central character
05:13Who's kind of messing up the world around her and I want there to be almost video game points and I want them to discover
05:18They're in the bad place and just everything about it was so
05:22Interesting to me and I was really grateful and flattered to finally be included in one of his projects
05:29And then this cast was so much fun. I love these people. They're still some of my closest friends in the world
05:34Yeah, I miss it very very much. They're never gonna call a train to take us to the bad place
05:40They can't
05:42Because we're already here
05:46This is the bad place
05:52Prior to starting the series Ted and I were the only people that knew this twist was coming and then there was a really fun
05:58moment around episode 10
06:01Mike and Ted and I sat down with the cast where he told the cast that he was gonna reveal we were in the bad
06:07Place up until that point everyone was just taking the show at its word that this was the afterlife and this was the good place
06:13So it was quite fun to watch these people I'd become friends with see this reveal
06:24Listen to your podcast every week. She loves a fan. Oh my god, Zara. I knew I liked you
06:30You have a great name and great taste. What do you like about it? You're embarrassing yourself. Thank you
06:35Look at this old woman aging like a fine wine. It was 30 degrees when we shot that scene
06:40It was shockingly cold in Los Angeles that night and I was wearing like this off-the-shoulder thing
06:45And that's why I like that
06:46They strategically placed the heat lamps behind us and I had I think a big like woolly blanket over my lap just to try to
06:52Stay warm and everyone at the table was so cold
06:55So we would be like shivering like this and they'd call action and then we just kind of loosen up and pretend like we weren't
07:00freezing to death
07:01You just did this episode about what a bad idea it is to have a three-way with someone hotter than you and it basically saved
07:07My marriage always be the hot one
07:09What I liked so much about this character is that she comes across so confident
07:14She comes across so self-assured and yet what Aaron wrote inside her is like all this vulnerability. I'm not asking for me
07:22I don't I don't care. Okay, she's Jewish at all
07:26There's not a Jewish bone in her body
07:29Unless you put one in her
07:35When I was reading the script it occurred to me very early on like page three that the person who played Noah would have to
07:41Be like sopping wet with charm at all times. Adam has that mode
07:46He can't play a character where he's not oozing charm
07:49I've seen it a thousand times in his work and I'm such a big fan of his work
07:52He can also stare like googly-eyed into someone's eyeballs and I was like, oh if I can do that too and he can do that
07:59Maybe we can make this rom-com work
08:01But I had also worked with him a few times in the past and he's just a lovely person to be around
08:07He has a great energy on set
08:08He's very creative and he's very like into the work, but not too much
08:12You know like he wants to block the scene out and be very strategic and intellectual
08:16But he's not like trying to be in character with you when you're at crafty
08:19He's just a fun person to be around
08:21And so I put my foot down right away and I was like you guys can go through whatever casting process you want
08:27But it's gonna be Adam Brody. So I'll talk talk to me when you're ready. I
08:37Got some really interesting news this morning. What's up crime scene was canceled
08:46I'm gonna be honest. I'm really freaked out right now. Okay, because
08:50Seemingly the only actresses that actually can survive are the ones that show their cooter and excuse me, but I refuse to do that
08:56I have a little dignity
08:59I have not seen this movie. I don't know that I've ever seen it in its entirety
09:02Maybe at the screening Jason did such a good job writing this movie Jason and Nick Stoller our director
09:08Wow, it's hard for me to take any credit for this movie because this was so early on
09:13I did not know what I was doing
09:14I was just so happy to be chosen
09:16but I'll tell you booking this role was wild because I was
09:19Working in San Diego on Veronica Mars and I got the audition
09:23which was a lot of material and then a whole page about just you you need to know how to improv and I was like
09:29I can pretend I know how to improv and I got it on a Friday morning and on Veronica Mars
09:34We shot Friday's which means we end around 730 in the morning on Saturday
09:38And I did not sleep that night and I tried to learn this material
09:43On set while I was shooting and then I drove up to Los Angeles and auditioned at like 1 in the afternoon on no sleep
09:49And somehow in that blackout booked this role and I will be forever grateful. Oh my goodness
09:54And I don't have the frame to support plastic surgery. I would tip over this voice is very not for me
10:00And I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna exploit myself. Nope
10:03I'm glad my voice has come down a little bit cuz that's a that's a lot actually the day of this scene
10:10That morning I had received an email that Veronica Mars was canceled
10:14so the irony was so thick because I think I was just talking in the first person that I
10:20Found out that the job that I had had for three years had been canceled and that happened to be the subject matter of the scene
10:26Sarah Marshall was shooting today. That was wild. That was a very like meta moment
10:38Hey Upper East Siders
10:39Gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever one of my many sources Melanie 91 sends us this
10:48Spotted at Grand Central bags in hand Veronica Mars had just gotten canceled gossip girl had just gotten greenlit and I
10:57Realized that I was probably five or ten years too old to audition for one of these parts
11:04So I called the head of the CW at the time and I said hey remember yesterday when you canceled my show
11:10Could I be the narrator on this other show and thankfully there was enough goodwill there that she gave me a chance and pitched it
11:17To the creators Josh and Stephanie and they said yes, and then really this was the only project
11:22I've ever done where I never received a note ever throughout however many years it ran
11:28When I went into the voiceover booth to start recording the pilot, I said, I'm just gonna try something
11:35I'm gonna try to make it really like snarky and sassy and sexy and we'll see where it goes
11:39I did it and they were like great and then I
11:42Continued to record it for many years after that without any notes. They just trusted me. It was very empowering
11:53Everyone who feels like to the people you actually taser
11:58Let's give it a whirl what do you say I didn't do any taser research I wouldn't that's believable enough
12:03I realize I cannot pull off bangs under any circumstance, but there's just too many cowlicks a sideswoop, maybe
12:11Logan move away from him
12:15Veronica don't
12:20Give me the gun Veronica
12:23He killed everyone on the bus I had come
12:26To Los Angeles the year prior and had done mostly
12:31Dramatic roles in New York on and off Broadway and so like that was sort of like my training
12:36But my real-life personality was much goofier and I guess snarkier and I think that the writing on this show
12:44Informed the rest of my life like oh wait
12:47There's a lane where I can be self-assured and snarky
12:51But also show some vulnerability here and there and engage the audience. I will forever be grateful to Rob Thomas for having
12:59Taught me that that's a lane. I can drive pretty fast in give me the gun
13:10What's interesting is Logan wasn't written as Veronica's love interest it was supposed to be Duncan and
13:16Somehow within the filming of the first couple episodes
13:19people started commenting on the chemistry between Logan and Veronica probably because it's that old trope that's like
13:27bad boy and
13:30Semi good girl who probably shouldn't but there was like a heat and a chemistry to the aggression that they threw at each other
13:37This is a testament to the good writing that they were like
13:40Well, we could continue going in this direction or we could take what we have
13:43Which is what we think is this chemistry and write towards it and see what these actors can pull off and then yeah
13:49The rest of the series became about Logan and Veronica
13:59This truly feels like another person like I don't have an imprinted memory of doing this scene
14:05But I can recognize that that's me. It's very strange. Also. I haven't seen Veronica Mars in
14:1317 years
14:14Awaiting the day when my kids are old enough to watch some of the topics that they explore on Veronica Mars because I do think
14:20That it probably holds up is my guess. There's a really well-written show
14:28I'm Kristen Bell. Thank you for watching me watch some scenes from my career. It's so pleasing to finally touch a remote
14:36I'm really not allowed to use them at home
