Frank The Tank
00:00Take me out for some hot dogs.
00:04Slow down, you crazy child.
00:07Yes, you know, Vienna raw dogs for you.
00:12Yes, that's right.
00:13We are here at the Vienna Inn, established in 1960.
00:18It's a place that was recommended to me in my DMs.
00:22So, I'm going to check this place out.
00:24We're in Northern Virginia, not too far from Washington.
00:28And we're going to see just how good these hot dogs are.
00:31As we go raw dogging in Virginia,
00:34because Virginia might be for lovers,
00:36but is it for raw dog?
00:38Let's find out.
00:58All right.
01:11You know, we're actually here on a special day for the Vienna Inn.
01:15Today is the 64th anniversary.
01:18Now, it's been owned by two different people over the years.
01:22The original owners had it for 40 years.
01:24The new owners have had it for the last quarter century.
01:28And their hot dogs are what they're known for.
01:30It's one of their main dishes.
01:32And the bun feels warm.
01:34That's a good sign.
01:36Bun-to-dog ratio could be a little off.
01:38The coloring of this hot dog is not great.
01:43Let's see if it actually tastes well.
01:45How does it rate?
02:17This is cafeteria dog.
02:21No snap.
02:23No color.
02:24No grill.
02:27Almost tastes microwave.
02:32Let's see how the chili dog tastes.
02:33See if the chili is able to carry the day.
02:36I like the cheese.
02:38The chili does look pretty good.
02:40Let's see how this one tastes.
02:54Decent spice on the chili.
02:59Very good spice on the chili, actually.
03:01The cheese.
03:06It's a little nubber.
03:08Dessert Basin has to put it in the pocket.
03:10It's a single.
03:22The fries.
03:24Nice little crispy sushi fries.
03:31I'm going to give them a 7.4.
03:36All hot dogs are wieners.
03:38But they all can't be winners.
03:42This place has been around for 64 years.
03:45People must like it.
03:46They must have good burgers.
03:48Other good options.
03:50The chili was good.
03:51I like the chili.
03:52But the hot dogs?
03:55Sad to say, no.
03:57But, if you have any other places I should go,
04:00leave a comment down below.
04:02Somebody recommended this place to me.
04:08So, click, like, subscribe.
04:11And I'll see you down the road.
04:13Keep Road Doggin'.
04:16Take me out for some hot dogs.
04:20Get me one that's only plain.
04:23No mustard or ketchup.
04:26I'll know what the dog is really about.
04:30Hope that this is a good one.
04:33Maybe a horn or a double.
04:36But if it sucks, it will be a strike.
04:39I got it not worthy of my taste buds.
05:00Thanks for watching.
05:03See you next time.