A Palazzo Lombardia incontro su salute e prevenzione Tvp nel mondo dei trasporti

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - La prevenzione e la promozione della salute nel mondo dei trasporti e l’importanza di prendere maggiore consapevolezza sul rischio di trombosi venosa profonda (Tvp) terza malattia cardiovascolare più comune, ad oggi ancora poco conosciuta. Sono i temi al centro dell’incontro ‘La prevenzione in viaggio. #piùmovimentomenotrombosi’, organizzato a Palazzo Lombardia, organizzato a Milano dalla Regione in collaborazione con l’associazione Vincere la trombosi.


00:00Despite being the third most common cardiovascular disease, thrombosis is a silent killer,
00:10little is said about it and sometimes it can be lethal for the patient.
00:14However, it can often be prevented.
00:16This is why it is important to be more aware of thrombosis.
00:19Prevent, inform and educate on this particular pathology
00:23have been the three cardinals of the meeting
00:26More movement, less thrombosis
00:28organized by Regione Lombardia in collaboration with the association Vincere la Trombosi
00:32at the Marco Piaggi hall of Palazzo Lombardia in Milan
00:35where they talked about prevention and health in the world of transport.
00:39It is also an ethical and moral question for Region Lombardia
00:44and we believe in it, we invest in it because we transport a lot of people
00:49whether they are tourists, commuters and students
00:53and it is right to provide them with safety
00:56but to do this we must also preserve the good state of service of the operators
01:04so the tram operators, the drivers and all those who work in this world
01:09so complex and complicated that it serves 10 million Lombardian citizens
01:16as well as a lot of tourists who arrive in our region.
01:19Region Lombardia has equipped Trenord, through North Railways and FNM
01:24with 209 new generation trains
01:27with innovative ergonomics designed to reduce the psychosocial risks
01:32related to the profession of the driver.
01:34This is just one of the aspects put in place by Trenord
01:38for the prevention and safety of its employees.
01:41Basically, we have implemented a preventive medicine monitoring system
01:47which is a fringe benefit that the company gives with corporate welfare
01:52so that all those who want to voluntarily participate
01:56have the opportunity to do a check-up throughout the year
01:59to then have a whole series of medical check-ups.
02:03The second part, which is then linked to the obligation of law
02:07is the application of everything related to health care
02:11provided by the legislative decree 81
02:14and then the other fundamental thing is to try to monitor the lifestyle
02:19by giving advice from our medical service
02:23which, in good conscience, with our competent medical coordinator
02:27gives a series of indications on healthy living.
02:30Materially, then, the most important thing is what we have put in place
02:34a system related to the verification of the stress of correlated work.
02:38This is also an obligation of law, but we have gone a little further
02:41trying to put in this questionnaire a whole series of data
02:45that can be used by the workers to have very plausible indicators
02:49to then make very articulated proposals
02:52such as the discussion of ergonomics
02:54such as the discussion of evaluation related to work activities and training.
