Mr. President on the Go | Mr. President on the Go | 21 pinoy seafarers na sakay ng barkong inatake ng rebelde, nakauwi na sa bansa

  • 3 months ago
Mr. President on the Go | Mr. President on the Go | 21 pinoy seafarers na sakay ng barkong inatake ng rebelde, nakauwi na sa bansa
00:00At this point, fellow countrymen, let's discuss the current programs and activities of our President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., here in Mr. President On The Go.
00:11First of all, to our viewers who talked this morning about the CORSP, the 21 Filipino seafarers of MV Tutor, who boarded a ship attacked by Huti rebels,
00:21they have arrived in the country, as mentioned earlier by our co-host Sujin Kim, and as mentioned by the captain of the ship,
00:29they experienced a near-death experience of being attacked by Huti rebels.
00:36This is an all-Filipino crew, 21 of them were able to return home, and the other one is still being searched for.
00:41So, the President said that he will apply the whole-of-government approach to ensure the rescue of the survivors.
00:48These are our fellow countrymen who were able to return home.
00:51So, from Bahrain, before they were able to return home, they were given assistance, and when they arrived here in the Philippines,
00:57they were immediately welcomed by our government authorities.
01:00Secretary Kakdak of the DMW was there, Secretary Ted Erbosa of the Department of Health,
01:05and there was also the Tinggub Representative and House Committee on Overseas Workers Affairs Chair, Jud Asidre.
01:12So, our crews were very worried, especially the MV Tutor, because, of course, you don't know what to do when the engine room was attacked.
01:20The events happened so fast that their vessel was immobilized.
01:24But when our government authorities heard about this, the President said in his video that we watched on June 12,
01:32that the government will do everything to bring you home to the Philippines,
01:36and now, they are here in the Philippines, and they will be able to return to their families.
01:40Well, Dian, even though these are unfortunate events, negative or bad news that happened to our fellow countrymen abroad,
01:49we just want to highlight the immediate action of our government
01:53when there are such unfortunate events happening to our fellow countrymen who are living in a faraway place or abroad.
02:00The DMW, the crew will receive financial assistance worth Php 230,000 each.
02:11The Php 50,000 is from the DMW, the Php 150,000 is from the House of Representatives or Congress,
02:22Php 10,000 is from the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration or OWA,
02:26and the Php 20,000 is from the Department of Social Welfare and Development or DSWD.
02:32They received Php 192 dinars worth Php 30,000 before they returned to the Philippines.
02:42The government's assistance is there, and according to the MV Tutor,
02:48if they heard a loud noise, it's like they were being attacked.
02:53So that's the trauma that was caused by this incident.
02:57But then again, the government is here for you.
02:59You are the priority of the government, our OFWs.
03:02And speaking of OFWs, our second topic,
03:06these overseas Philippine workers who were burned in Kuwait,
03:10they also returned to their country yesterday.
03:13So the government's assistance is there for you, our administration.
03:19So according to the OWA, all the benefits will be given to the families of these three Filipinos.
03:27And of course, we are sending our condolences.
03:29We know the pain that our families are feeling because they left their country alive.
03:37And then because of this accident, they returned to their country, Labina.
03:42Well, for our fellow Filipinos, there are six more injured Filipinos who are still recovering.
03:49But we have two Filipinos who are in the ICU.
03:52The six are still thinking if they should return to the Philippines or continue their life there.
03:58So in the initial investigation, here in this construction building,
04:02there was a short-circuit electrical problem.
04:06Like what I said earlier, our fellow Filipinos,
04:09those who are serving, those who are helping other countries
04:13to provide a better future for their families,
04:17these are unfortunate events.
04:18But rest assured, our administration is always there to make measures
04:23to bring their families here, the Filipinos who are in the Philippines,
04:29and to provide them with immediate assistance.
04:32Well, so an update to our fellow Filipinos who are in the ICU.
04:35First of all, they are both in good condition and have been discharged from the ICU.
04:41Like what we mentioned earlier, the assistance that our OFWs need,
04:46the government is giving it to them immediately.
04:48You are a priority, Administration Marcos.
04:50And that's all for now.
04:51We have brought news and information about the activities and programs
04:56of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.
04:58Here in Mr. President On The Go.
05:01Let's go to...
