• last year
Here's a progress video showing how the seeds I planted back in February and March are coming on in pots and in the ground during what has been a cold, wet and windy start to summer here in Ireland.
00:00Hello again, back this week with a wee update on how the garden is doing and I'm just going
00:20to show you some of the plants that are now starting to flower, like these tomatoes here
00:25and we have a surprise in here, first baby tomato, so I'll show you this and then I'll
00:33take you out the back and around the front and show you what's been growing. So as you
00:40can see here the tomatoes have really taken off, they're about 4 foot tall now and these
00:47were grown from seed planted in February. There's a lot of little yellow flowers. On
00:59this one here, there's about 4 different plants in this one, they need staked up. I have stakes
01:06on some of them but they're growing pretty fast, doing very well just here by the glass
01:11doors. There's a wee surprise on here, if I can find it now. There it is, the first tomato.
01:24Looks like they've grown up at the ready in a couple of days. Hopefully it's the first of many.
01:33Now we'll head outside.
01:38So it's a pretty dry day out here today but you can see already there's a lot more foliage
01:52than the patch I dug out. Unfortunately the weeds are not going to come back too with all this rain
01:58and dry weather that we're having. Now these are seeds I planted, I didn't know what they were but
02:07I did, I looked on a plant net app, plant identifier app and it turns out they're some kind of poppy.
02:16Here you can see, everyone's getting eaten but you can see some of the pansies starting to open and the
02:27calendula are now opening out the back. Everything's been slower out the back because it doesn't get as
02:34much sun, it's another wee pansy, some California poppies. I'm not sure if these only open in the
02:43sun, you can see them, there's some massive buds here but they seem to be closed for most of the
02:50day and it may be because there is no sun. And here we have Godisha clergia, the name's changed
02:58now, cosmos, quite slow growing, nasturtiums, the lupins are looking very healthy and you can see
03:10the dock leaves and all taken off as well. At the back there we have a few hollyhocks looking a bit
03:16worse for wear, I think the weather's not helping them, some brussel sprouts, some taillias, one was eaten and two have been left alone.
03:24Gladiola were there already and what else do we have in here, there's some larkspur down here, a lot of weeds in
03:41around there, I think they're weeds anyway, scattered seeds, so I'm not sure, they may just leave a good part of this, just
03:48they sort of grow up together, whatever comes, comes, because they try and weed it now, you may be pulling out things that you don't want to be pulling out, but let's see.
04:02And down here we have more tomatoes, more tomato flowers, some sunflowers, these are giant Mexican sunflowers, but they're in small pots, every time I put them in the ground they get eaten or destroyed by the wind, some more calendula, I haven't found a home yet, over here there's some, a tray of rosemary,
04:29quite slow growing, perennials, a few chard popping up, more tomatoes, some sweet pea, planted about a fortnight ago, which are going to go up along the back here, oxeye daisy is the last of the oxeye daisies, everything in the ground was eaten, and there must have been about 30 plants in the ground, seemed to be the favourite for the
04:57plants, whatever's there, whether it's earwigs or slugs, and up here I have a mint, which I'm going to use, it needs a bigger pot, but I'm going to use to try and make perfume, some kind of fragrance or aftershave, later in the summer, with some of the different things that are growing here, some of the herbs and that, here's some lavender, and in the back there, more of a mint,
05:28calendula, so that's everything on this side, we'll go around the corner here now, just while we're here may as well, show you, one of the things growing best is this broccoli, and there's some peas that are kind of not getting the sun there, like I need to sun this out, if you can see there,
05:53I'll try and angle the camera, there's some flowers on the runner beans, and this is more brussels sprouts, again they're super crowded so we'll need to move them out, along the back what's doing really well is the chamomile, there's a few pasmos in there too, a few hollyhock stations,
06:24that are getting eaten a bit here, you can see here the chamomile and bugs in about the open, and these are some of the berries, these are red currants, and here we have some sunflowers that I tried to rescue because they've been eaten,
06:50marigolds, cosmos in a pot, these are alpine strawberries, I need to get them potted up, another giant sunflower, these are zinnias which didn't really come on at all, put some in the ground, they were eaten, these ones in pots I think it's just far too cold and wet for them, they're not suited really to this climate,
07:17a wee angel wing, a beautiful wee flower in that actually,
07:21a wee tent of flax in here, starting to bud, this is a wee pansy, and more kalanchoe, so easy to grow the kalanchoe, and here we have one of the, I don't know what this is, it might be some kind of weed,
07:45and this is one of the blueberry bushes, which I'm not expecting any fruit off that, it's very slow growing, strawberries on the other hand are doing really well, plenty of flowers, plenty of young strawberries there, this is a lupine in a pot, lupines have been doing extremely well, and it looks like they're actually going to flower this year which I wasn't expecting, they were growing from seed as well,
08:09another blueberry tomato, and this blackcurrant is coming on extremely well, so I'm hoping to get that in the ground at some point, I'll take you round the front now, here just before I do, I have this, I can never remember the name of this, beautiful big pink flowers, hydrangea, that's it, they seem to love the water, hence the name I suppose,
08:34this is a massive wee flower now, another
08:40angel wings plant, this is three different ones in the one pot, and underneath it you can see there, some sweet alyssum, marigolds amongst that too, here's a kalanchoe or a pot marigold, really big flowers, really nice,
08:58with the light scent there, and then over here we have ones with the darker scent, a different variety, and amongst those we have the first nasturtiums, which are edible along with their leaves, so are the calendula, so you can use them in salads, they brighten them up and stuff, california poppies also edible, as are these, which also need piled up, and these are the chamomile, I'm going to collect these,
09:28when I get a mass of them I'll collect the flower heads, dry them out and use them for tea, here's the silver pennies, now there's eight in this, which is far too many, I didn't realise it grows so big, but they're all looking very healthy, and hopefully by next spring we'll have a lot of flowers, and also then the silver pennies, seed pods, there's more pansies in here, and some
09:58marigolds, lobelia and petunias, more petunias in here, with the sweet pea, which is now starting to claim up the trellis, I need to pound some of that up, because it's getting very bulky, and this is a one day spot too, the other one's over here at the other post, and doing quite well,
10:29here we have icelandic poppies, these are more california poppies, but a frilly rose variety,
10:38these are more petunias, which have grown from Cedar Duffin variety, the ones I have in pots already,
10:48here are some more giant sunflowers, I really need to get them in the ground,
10:52some miniature sunflowers in a pot, these ones are looking very healthy, and I'm hoping to get some big flowers on them soon, and then some sweet aloe similar on the front,
11:08more pansies,
11:10along here, all different colours, which is nice, and these were very easy to grow from seed,
11:22brilliant germination rate as well, and here I have the first of the petunias, starting to flower, looks like a white one,
11:35these are a trailing variety, and these were grown from seed, they're very slow growers,
11:40more, oh that's right we have a pot full of oxide daisies, these are the only ones that survived,
11:45so none on the ground survived, but in the pot it had more killings of that,
11:51petunias, some dahlias, nasturtiums, petunias, baby breath in here along with the petunia,
12:01you can see the buds on this one already, and here I have a just a collection of different
12:06plants all in a staggered arrangement, and another nice little pansy opened up,
12:14and finally more calendula, these are the neon orange variety,
12:20and that is basically everything, I'll just stand back here and let you see how it's all looking,
12:36that's gradual, I'll sign off now in here, just before I do, I just noticed a wee visitor there, coming in,
