• 2 months ago
A look at some of the flowers grown from seed and transplanted into pots to create a cottage garden effect and me transplanting some young plants.
01:05Hello again
01:06Sun's out today. So that would get some transplanting done. We only have a few things left here now to transplant in the garden
01:15These big things beside me are giant sunflowers, they're in very small pots
01:19So I'm gonna plant some of them in the ground and some of them in bigger pots
01:24This is the third attempt at planting them in the ground. The wind snapped some of them. So I'm going to stake them
01:31As long as I have the rest of them
01:33Had a wee casualty here moving one today
01:35So I'll stick that in the ground pull off the lower leaves and see if it comes on
01:41And I'm also transplanting
01:44These were grown from seed
01:46Planted late March and these are giant Mexican sunflowers. They're edible the flowers on them
01:52Supposed to have big giant heads
01:54These are petunias
01:57New Wave variety I think
02:00Can't remember the exact name, but they're different to the ones that grew earlier in the summer, which are already flowering
02:06earlier in the spring and
02:09These are now coming along great
02:11Some of them have been transplanted up into these
02:14six cell
02:16Some of them are still in the re-seed trays
02:19So I'll get them in bigger pots today and hopefully they'll take off now with a little bit of heat
02:25Let's see them flowering soon
02:28First up I am going to
02:33These containers aren't really big enough for them. So I'll leave them for the petunias. I'll go with these
02:39giant ones that I
02:41Bought, picked up in dairy in the garden, sent there yesterday
02:47Because I've run out of pots, I've reused everything I had so
02:52Just again a mixture of
02:55Multi-purpose compost and a little bit of topsoil on here
03:03I'm only going to put one in this pot. There's two pots here
03:13These are
03:16Ten litre pots
03:20Do the two at the one time
03:25And the compost I'm using here is evergreen which is
03:30Seems to have a lot of feed through it. That's very fine great for starting seeds as well
03:37Just really good quality and I think if you're
03:41If you don't know much about compost if you go to the garden centers, the actual garden centers
03:46they tend to sell the best stuff and
03:49It's always reasonably priced as well
03:52You can always ask them there because they're experts
04:00Just mixing in some topsoil now. This is Westland topsoil and there's a lot of
04:08Sand through it. So it's great for drainage
04:10This mixture too will help retain some moisture in the soil as well
04:41Just mixing that through
04:56Now I'll be planting some in the ground along there and trying for the last time but this time I'll
05:02Give them a garlic wash to try and keep the slugs off them and stake them as I was saying
05:07So first things first, I'll get this boy in here. Which one in the pot? I have some behind me here, too. I
05:15Think this boy might be better in the ground. Try this guy
05:23You can see there the root ball is really well advanced here. Desperately
05:31Looking for deeper ground
05:34I'm just teasing them out a wee bit and
05:38Just make a hole here at the bottom
05:41Whoops. Uh-oh, another one bites the dust. That stem's broken as well
05:49They're very brittle
05:56Get that nice some compost in there
06:03To start with, just use these smaller
06:11Supports and just a cable tie type thing. This is a reusable cable tie
06:21And that's already
06:24Feeling a lot more sturdier
06:27So all that needs now is a good watering and that'll go around the front then which is the sunnier part of the garden
06:32So that one's done. Now
06:37The other one I was just showing you, broken
06:40They are so brittle and
06:43I'm just going to pull that off and maybe
06:51I'll throw it in the pot and see if it comes on
06:57Now this one still has a couple of leaves
07:00And that one's broken too
07:02So I'll put these two in the ground. I doubt these will come on now, but I can try them
07:10Right. So with this other pot, I'm just gonna
07:14Put a pile of petunias in there
07:22Do a wee bit more
07:29It's now late June in Ireland. I would have had really terrible weather up until the last few days
07:48I was
07:51Away this week at a wedding and then I had the Dairy Journal People of the Year awards
07:58And I was speaking to a few other journalists there, and they were
08:04Saying that they're trying their hand at growing too. It seems to be something more and more people are doing
08:12the local council has
08:14an initiative as well where
08:18people can
08:21It's supporting people to grow their own and they also offer free compost
08:27to people made with
08:30brood scraps
08:32taken from recycling bins and garden waste
08:35It's a great initiative
08:38There's a lot of good
08:41Positive, great initiatives happening across the Northwest in Ireland
08:47a lot of pioneering work going on actually
08:51Right, that's that one done. So we have four. No, we have one two three. Yeah four and here
08:58Four petunias. Don't know what colors. That's part of the
09:02Part of the crack of doing these things that you don't know what you're getting
09:11I'm just going to do up these last two in this pot
09:15Petunias are actually related to the tobacco plant
09:18They're from South America
09:21But they're very much a garden favorite in this part of the world
09:27Although they're
09:29A pain in the butt they grow from seeds. I'm not sure I would try that again. It's just it takes so long
09:35to do anything
09:38But then they do tend to tick off once you once they're
09:41They lie dormant for a few months. Don't really put on much growth
09:47and then they kind of tick off but
09:50The germination rate wasn't great on them
09:57So from a few hundred seeds, I got maybe a dozen so I don't know if I would do that again
10:11Although definitely saves money
10:17There's no real root on that one so that may die that one
10:27So that's the last of the seed tray ones. There's a few in there that haven't made it
10:35These have been outdoors for quite a few weeks, so they're well used to the elements
10:41So I'll just keep them on like that now
10:45There we go, that's the petunias done in that one
10:50Now these six here, I might actually
10:52Leave them for another day. I'm looking for long pots to put them in, window boxes for this side of the garden
11:02They're okay for now in these
11:04Bigger shells and they're coming on fine. So I'll just leave them for now and then
11:12Apart from that, as you can see behind me, we're starting to get some flowers
11:16And the flower bed here
11:20It's all orange and gold at the moment
11:24So it's been a couple of days now and you can just see here some of the ones that were planted in the ground
11:32Slugs have left them alone so far
11:35I'm really hoping these come on, they're about two foot, two and a half foot now
11:48And we'll just see now if these won't survive. As I say, this is the third time doing it. We're planting these in the ground and
11:58I just don't think I'll claim it
12:00Sunflowers mix that well, so we'll just check it out in the next week or so and see if they establish themselves
