WMF, Maccio Capatonda: Intelligenza artificiale aiuto per la creatività

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Maccio Capatonda :"Può aiutare a dare spunti, ma alla fine l'impulso umano è fondamentale. Non togliamo all'uomo la sua creatività altrimenti non ci resta nulla"


00:00What do you think about AI?
00:05It can certainly help, and sometimes I resort to artificial intelligence,
00:12but it is always a bit of a help, it must start from a human stimulus
00:18and then it can reach the corollary of a pre-existing creativity,
00:24or it can give some ideas.
00:26For example, in some cases I found myself being totally devoid of ideas,
00:31and by writing some questions to the AI,
00:35I was given some ideas, and from those ideas I started to work on my own.
00:40I think that the help is more than just this,
00:43it must not replace the human being, I hope I don't do it,
00:46because then you lose practically everything.
00:49Then there must be the man who stimulates,
00:52who gives input, who inserts input.
00:56I would never want you to become totally cannibalizing of creativity,
01:01which is the thing that probably really makes us human beings.
01:05If they take away our creativity, what are we? Nothing.
