• 4 months ago
Can you answer these cycling-related Highway Code questions?
00:00When is it acceptable for cyclists to ride to abreast?
00:04A. Always
00:05B. As long as they're not on a narrow road, busy road or bend
00:09or C. Cyclists shouldn't ride side-by-side even on quiet roads
00:14I can't see
00:17Well, apparently it is A. Always
00:20It's illegal not to wear a helmet while cycling. Is that true or false?
00:26Yeah, I'd say that's true
00:29That's correct. Apparently it's not illegal to avoid wearing a helmet, just strongly advised
00:34What is the minimum safe overtaking distance for a motorist overtaking a cyclist?
00:40Is it A. 2.5 metres
00:43B. 2 metres
00:44or C. 1.5 metres
00:47Should be 2.5, but I'm going to go with the shortest distance
00:51I'm going to go for C, but 2 metres
00:53The answer is apparently C. 1.5 metres
00:56There you go, yeah, and I'm not going to be doing my driving lessons
