• last year
How well do people in Liverpool know cycling laws?
00:00When is it acceptable for cyclists to ride to a breast is it always
00:06as long as they are not on a narrow road or
00:11Cyclists shouldn't ride side by side even on quiet roads
00:17If it's a wide not a lot narrow road I won a
00:21Ding ding ding correct. Thank you very much
00:25It is illegal not to wear a helmet while cycling is that true
00:33ding ding ding
00:36Correct. Well, that's cool because I never
00:40What is the minimum safe overtaking distance for a motorist
00:47overtaking a cyclist
00:49two and a half meters
00:51Two meters or one and a half meters Mishra and half
00:56ding ding ding Debbie
