Beat The Devil FULL MOVIE

  • 4 months ago
Beat The Devil FULL MOVIE
00:00:00Regazzi! Uno, due...
00:00:30Regazzi! Uno...
00:01:00Regazzi! Uno, due...
00:01:30Regazzi! Uno, due...
00:01:33Regazzi! Uno, due...
00:01:37Regazzi! Uno, due...
00:02:00At the moment, not one of them knew the first thing about it,
00:02:02except that they'd heard you could get dough for it.
00:02:04Big dough.
00:02:06Who? I mean, what do you suppose they are?
00:02:09Businessmen, does it matter?
00:02:11Well, if we're going to be on a small boat with them for weeks and weeks.
00:02:14I only said they might be for an ambassador.
00:02:16Harry, we must beware of those men.
00:02:19They're desperate characters.
00:02:20What makes you say that?
00:02:22Not one of them looked at my legs.
00:02:25Good morning, Mrs. Danrother.
00:02:27Good morning, Billy Boy.
00:02:28Care to join us in the stroll?
00:02:30Turn up the liver, sweat out the toxins,
00:02:32help nature to help you.
00:02:34Wouldn't dream of it.
00:02:37Really, Billy, you mustn't be so offhand with Mr. Peterson.
00:02:41If I were to treat him with more than common politeness,
00:02:43he'd misunderstand and try to push me around.
00:02:46Mr. Peterson is a bully.
00:02:48Billy, did you see this?
00:02:51Billy, did you see this?
00:02:55That man in London has been killed.
00:02:57What man?
00:02:59Paul Van Meer, high-ranking official in the colonial office,
00:03:02was stabbed to death early this morning
00:03:05by an unknown assailant outside a club in Soho.
00:03:08This is the third crime of violence to occur in that vicinity
00:03:11within the past month.
00:03:16What is it, Billy?
00:03:22In heaven's name, Billy, say something.
00:03:38You understand, of course, that Peterson arranged this.
00:03:40It seems there's been a lot of violence around there lately.
00:03:43Don't pretend to be a fool.
00:03:45But look, Billy, this happened early Tuesday morning.
00:03:48We'd all left London well before that.
00:03:50What about Jack Ross? What about the galloping major?
00:03:53But he only... I thought he only stayed behind
00:03:56to get that phone call from Ambassador, if it came through.
00:03:59He'll be here this morning.
00:04:02Don't get so excited.
00:04:04Don't jump to unpleasant conclusions.
00:04:07Jump? They might as well have drawn a map.
00:04:09Why was Peterson worried about Van Meer?
00:04:11What made him think he was dangerous?
00:04:13He was afraid Van Meer wouldn't stay bought.
00:04:15He was afraid he'd get the wind up after we'd gone.
00:04:18He had visions of him trotting upstairs to his superiors,
00:04:22announcing, I have certain information,
00:04:24certain persons have paid certain sums of money.
00:04:26Don't talk so loud, Billy.
00:04:28To obtain illegal rights to certain mineral supplies.
00:04:30That Indian, that Roger, or whatever he was,
00:04:33that you worked for in the old days,
00:04:35he killed a lot of people, didn't he?
00:04:37Ah, but he had a better style.
00:04:39Besides, he was out for a kingdom,
00:04:41half the size of France.
00:04:43What's the difference between that and millions of dollars?
00:04:46We must think of the future, Billy.
00:04:48This is our big chance, and maybe our last.
00:04:51Except for Mr. Peterson,
00:04:53we couldn't even pay last night's hotel bill.
00:04:55Where are you going?
00:04:57I'm going to a cafe, drink a lot of Pernod,
00:04:59and listen to the band.
00:05:00You won't make a fuss, will you?
00:05:02It doesn't do to make a fuss.
00:05:04You have to think of the main objective.
00:05:07Naturally, it doesn't do to be fussy.
00:05:13Two milk, brethren.
00:05:37The luggage is in there.
00:05:39Thank you.
00:05:44Bring it up.
00:05:54Oh, look, the Desperados.
00:05:59Not quite now, Contract Billy.
00:06:01Hard liquor before noon.
00:06:03I'm celebrating.
00:06:04Celebrating what?
00:06:05The safe arrival of the Major.
00:06:07He came galloping in a minute ago,
00:06:09looking tired but satisfied.
00:06:12I take it his mission was accomplished?
00:06:14Yes, but it's getting on for lunchtime, gentlemen.
00:06:17I'll see you later, Billy.
00:06:22Your move, Gwendolyn.
00:06:25Gwendolyn, it's your move.
00:06:31Are you sailing on the Niangar?
00:06:33Africa bound.
00:06:35So are we.
00:06:36Oh, my name is Chell.
00:06:37This is my wife.
00:06:38How do you do?
00:06:39Are your friends sailing, too?
00:06:41The whole kit and caboodle.
00:06:43You're a very mysterious group, I must say.
00:06:45Really, Gwendolyn?
00:06:46How so mysterious?
00:06:48Well, for one thing,
00:06:50you all appear to be of different nationalities.
00:06:53Your move, Gwendolyn.
00:06:58I have a theory about you and your friends.
00:07:01My associates.
00:07:03As a matter of fact,
00:07:05I think your doctor,
00:07:07evil ones, I mean.
00:07:08You're going to the heart of the jungle
00:07:10where human life is cheap
00:07:12to perform ghastly experiments
00:07:14which require the sacrifice of thousands
00:07:16on the altar of science.
00:07:18You must excuse my wife.
00:07:19She has a very lively imagination.
00:07:24Check me.
00:07:25I don't know how you expect me to play a decent game
00:07:28when you keep talking all the time.
00:07:30Harry's being all out of sorts today.
00:07:32Usually, he's a wonderful loser.
00:07:34Good morning, Mr. Danrada.
00:07:35I bring you the captain's compliments
00:07:37along with the sad news
00:07:39that the sailing of the SS Nyanga has been postponed.
00:07:42Now, look here.
00:07:43This boat is definitely, most definitely scheduled
00:07:45to sail at 2400 hours.
00:07:47Scheduled, Mr. Chelm,
00:07:49but not, I fear, destined to do so.
00:07:51The fella gone, or is the captain drunk?
00:07:53Of course, the captain is drunk.
00:07:55But the real trouble is with the oil pump.
00:07:57Well, it's not good enough.
00:07:58Simply not good enough.
00:07:59Quite right, sir.
00:08:00But you know,
00:08:02Quite right, sir.
00:08:03But you're putting it too mildly.
00:08:05The present oil pump is no good at all.
00:08:07Well, how much delay does this mean?
00:08:09To locate, bargain for, purchase,
00:08:11and install a new one will require, I should say,
00:08:13more than a day, less than a fortnight.
00:08:17Utter, hopeless inefficiency.
00:08:20Probably it isn't the oil pump at all.
00:08:22Just making it an excuse to hang about
00:08:24and pick up extra cargo.
00:08:25Gardens are open.
00:08:27I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be a smuggler.
00:08:29What a miserable place to be stuck in.
00:08:31Squalid, fifth-rate port.
00:08:34Ever been in Port Averno before?
00:08:36No, I don't know this part of the world at all.
00:08:38I thought not,
00:08:39otherwise you wouldn't be so upset about staying.
00:08:41Magnificent country.
00:08:43Ruins divided by moonlight,
00:08:45fine stretch of beach.
00:08:46Back there in the hills,
00:08:48one of the few spots left in the world
00:08:50where you can get decent food and drink.
00:08:53It's called the Blue Pavilion.
00:08:55I insist you give me the pleasure
00:08:57of having dinner with us tonight.
00:08:58Oh, that's awfully kind of you, but...
00:09:01You and your associates?
00:09:03My wife and me.
00:09:04The committee?
00:09:06Oh, Mr. Chelm, I want you to meet a friend of mine.
00:09:09This is the galloping major.
00:09:11The committee wants you to toddle around.
00:09:14Right away.
00:09:15I'll be along.
00:09:16Better toddle.
00:09:17I said I'd be along.
00:09:18They don't like to be kept waiting.
00:09:21I'll lay on a car.
00:09:22We'll meet in front of the hotel at six.
00:09:29Dan Rather.
00:09:30An American, I suppose.
00:09:32Anyway, I...
00:09:33I quite like him.
00:09:35Time, 24 hours in the day,
00:09:371,440 minutes
00:09:39for somebody else to get busy on the same idea as ours.
00:09:42We ought to have got the plane and flown out,
00:09:44as I said from the start.
00:09:46You remember I said it, O'Hara?
00:09:48My name is not O'Hara.
00:09:49It is O'Hara, you hear?
00:09:50Mr. O'Hara.
00:09:51Yes, Mr. O'Hara.
00:09:52But you remember I said it?
00:09:54I said we ought to take a plane.
00:09:56Time, time, what is time?
00:09:57Swiss manufactured, French ordered,
00:10:00Italian squandered,
00:10:01Americans say it is money,
00:10:03Hindus say it does not exist.
00:10:05You know what I say?
00:10:06I say time is a crook.
00:10:07If we took a plane, we'd be there inside 15 hours.
00:10:11Instead of...
00:10:12I don't want any more talk about flying.
00:10:13The sky is for the birds.
00:10:14My feet are on the ground.
00:10:15Both of them.
00:10:18Come in, Billy boy.
00:10:22What's all the fuss about?
00:10:24No fuss, Billy.
00:10:25We're merely wondering what course to pursue
00:10:27in view of this unfortunate delay.
00:10:29Join the peasants in their revels.
00:10:31Go to church, write your memoirs.
00:10:35Very funny.
00:10:36I like an associate of mine to have a sense of humor.
00:10:39Good laugh does more for the stomach muscles
00:10:41than five minutes setting up exercises.
00:10:46And now that we've had our moment of fun,
00:10:47and all the better for it,
00:10:48let's get back to the question.
00:10:50Doesn't this delay call for a cable
00:10:52to your friend in British East?
00:10:54Mustn't send cables.
00:10:55Can't you get it through your head
00:10:56that the population down there has trained noses?
00:10:58They can smell a uranium deal like a cat smells fish.
00:11:02But aren't you afraid, Billy,
00:11:03that when our little party doesn't show up
00:11:05on the date you said,
00:11:07aren't you a teeny bit afraid
00:11:08that your friend might use that as an excuse
00:11:11to begin negotiations elsewhere?
00:11:13If my friend were looking for an excuse,
00:11:16he'd find a better one in the morning papers.
00:11:19What do you mean?
00:11:20I'm talking about the untimely demise
00:11:22of Paul Van Meer.
00:11:27Well, I'm appalled, Billy.
00:11:29What an unwholesome opinion
00:11:31you must have of your colleagues
00:11:32to imagine that we...
00:11:34Look here, Peterson,
00:11:35you don't have to convince me of anything.
00:11:37You don't care what I think
00:11:38as long as I don't do anything about it.
00:11:40And I won't,
00:11:41unless you ever decide to sick
00:11:42that knife-happy little junkie on me.
00:11:44Watch yourself, Lenny.
00:11:46Now, Jack, behave yourself.
00:11:49Sit down.
00:11:52For shame, Billy.
00:11:54I think you owe an apology
00:11:55to everybody in this room.
00:11:57And if you're half the gentleman I know you are,
00:11:59I'm sure you'll make it.
00:12:01As I was saying, Peterson,
00:12:02you have nothing to worry about.
00:12:03My friend won't pull out unless I tell him to.
00:12:06For purely venal reasons,
00:12:07that's the last thing I have in mind.
00:12:11Jack, give Billy a light.
00:12:23What a wonderful car.
00:12:25It looks as if it had won
00:12:26the Grand Prix d'Elegance many years ago.
00:12:28Oh, it did.
00:12:29It was built for Oroposo,
00:12:30you know, the bullfighter.
00:12:31He had it made this way
00:12:32so he could stand up and take bows.
00:12:34He only got one rider
00:12:35and never queefed it to me on his deathbed.
00:12:37Well, here's to Oroposo.
00:12:38I hope you like champagne.
00:12:40You mean it's yours?
00:12:41Well, I gave it to my former chauffeur,
00:12:42the fat bandit in the front seat.
00:12:44Harry, look at that wonderful villa.
00:12:46Well, that was Brady Crampton's.
00:12:48Oh, you mean Lord Crampton,
00:12:49in Dostosha.
00:12:52His family acres marched
00:12:53hand in hand with ours.
00:12:55Gloucestershire, the cathedral town,
00:12:57trout fishing, garden parties.
00:13:00What a beautiful life.
00:13:02You know England well?
00:13:04Emotionally, I am English.
00:13:06I serve tea every afternoon with crumpets,
00:13:09and I've always kept up my subscription
00:13:12to Country Life and to Tedlar.
00:13:15Trouble with England,
00:13:16it's all pomp and no circumstance.
00:13:17You're very wise to get out of it.
00:13:18Escape while you can.
00:13:20Well, I'd hardly describe myself as escaping.
00:13:22Simply so happened that a relative of mine,
00:13:24first cousin actually,
00:13:25who died recently,
00:13:26happened to be the owner of a coffee plantation.
00:13:28Africa's the place now.
00:13:29You talk about the diamond boys,
00:13:30the gold boys,
00:13:31they just skimmed a little off the top.
00:13:33Potential mineral wealth of Africa
00:13:35has hardly been scratched.
00:13:37Now, there is a villa.
00:13:40Well, that's the Villa Capriccio,
00:13:41famed in song and story.
00:13:43A three-star attraction in Baydecker.
00:13:45Well, whose is it?
00:13:46Well, the bank's on it now.
00:13:47It used to be mine.
00:13:49I brought old Charles over from Phuket.
00:13:50You know, the old Phuket,
00:13:51to run it for me.
00:13:52Then when I decided to pull up stakes,
00:13:54I bought him this restaurant we're going to.
00:13:56Least I could do to show my appreciation.
00:13:58Well, here we are.
00:14:02Wait here a minute
00:14:03while I route old Charles out.
00:14:04He doesn't even know
00:14:05we're in this neck of the woods.
00:14:10He must think we're extraordinarily naive.
00:14:12Knew all those people.
00:14:14Owned that vast villa.
00:14:16Bought this place
00:14:17because he liked the fella's cookie.
00:14:19What utter balderdash.
00:14:20Well, perhaps he did.
00:14:21I beg leave to doubt it.
00:14:23Did you notice his wife?
00:14:24She seemed to be
00:14:25a rather sensitive little woman.
00:14:26Really embarrassed by all that rot.
00:14:28I am sorry, signore.
00:14:30As you see, we are closed.
00:14:32We do not open for another two months.
00:14:34Charles, what the devil's going on here?
00:14:36This place is falling to rack and ruin.
00:14:38The place is closed.
00:14:39We shall have to die in the hotel after all.
00:14:40Monsieur Don!
00:14:44Monsieur Don!
00:14:48why did you not let me know
00:14:49you were coming?
00:14:51You did not say
00:14:52you were with Monsieur Don.
00:14:54Nothing is closed to Monsieur Don.
00:14:56Good to see you again, Charles.
00:14:58It's been too long, Monsieur Don.
00:15:00Not since the night
00:15:01you left the villa.
00:15:03Remember your farewell party.
00:15:05I've tried ever since to forget it.
00:15:07Remember how in the morning
00:15:08we escorted you to the train
00:15:10with violins playing
00:15:12and everybody cried
00:15:14like when a king you love very much
00:15:16leaves his country.
00:15:20Aren't you dressed yet?
00:15:22Do I appear to be dressed?
00:15:24Do dress, do hurry.
00:15:25It's a most wonderful day
00:15:27and Billy wants us to drive out
00:15:28and see his villa.
00:15:29His former villa.
00:15:32Obviously, I can't go.
00:15:33I've got a chill on my liver.
00:15:37What a miserable place to be ill.
00:15:40And you forgot to pack
00:15:41my hot water bottle.
00:15:42You packed it.
00:15:43Gwendolyn, I distinctly remember.
00:15:50Oh, hello.
00:15:52No, I'm afraid we can't.
00:15:54Harry has this wretched chill
00:15:56Give me the telephone.
00:15:59Chilm here.
00:16:05A hot water bottle.
00:16:08That's very, very good of you, old boy.
00:16:11Look here, Danrother.
00:16:13Would you mind very much
00:16:14if my wife went alone?
00:16:16She enjoys this sightseeing
00:16:17sort of stuff, you know.
00:16:22I'll send her along.
00:16:26You know, Gwendolyn, nowadays
00:16:28one simply cannot afford
00:16:29to dismiss people
00:16:30just because they're not one sort.
00:16:33One has to try and bridge the gulf.
00:16:36After all, it's a new world
00:16:37we're going into.
00:16:38One's got to take it as one finds it.
00:16:40Face it.
00:16:41Use it.
00:16:42Master it.
00:17:07You know, I've seen Americans
00:17:10on the street
00:17:11and in the cinema, of course,
00:17:12but I've never talked to one before.
00:17:15Are you a typical American?
00:17:17I think it's important
00:17:18that I should know.
00:17:19Why important?
00:17:22There are two good reasons
00:17:23for falling in love.
00:17:25One is that the object
00:17:27of your affections
00:17:28is unlike anyone else.
00:17:30A rare spirit,
00:17:31such as the one
00:17:32you have in your heart.
00:17:34A rare spirit,
00:17:35such as Lord Byron.
00:17:37The other is that he's,
00:17:38like everybody else,
00:17:39only superior.
00:17:41Harry, for instance,
00:17:42is the very best of a type.
00:17:44Well, if you must know,
00:17:45I'm a typical rare spirit.
00:17:47How long did you live here?
00:17:49Oh, the longest I've ever lived
00:17:50anywhere is two years.
00:17:52But when you were a child,
00:17:53didn't you ever have
00:17:54a mother and a father
00:17:55and a house and a street
00:17:56and a town?
00:17:57No, I was an orphan
00:17:59until I was 20,
00:18:00and then a rich and beautiful lady
00:18:02adopted me.
00:18:03You know, I've changed my mind
00:18:04about your being an evil doctor.
00:18:07You're off to keep a rendezvous
00:18:09someplace in Africa
00:18:10sacred to the tribesmen.
00:18:12You're going to found
00:18:13a new empire
00:18:14and make yourself master
00:18:16of the riches of the world.
00:18:18But you need a beautiful
00:18:19blonde queen
00:18:20to impress the natives
00:18:21as the incarnation
00:18:23of the Queen of Sheba.
00:18:25That's why you're making
00:18:26a pass at me.
00:18:28Am I?
00:18:29Of course.
00:18:31I don't generally
00:18:32go sightseeing with strange men.
00:18:35You don't believe that, do you?
00:18:37Oh, I believe anything you say.
00:18:39Do you?
00:18:41Well, you shouldn't, you know.
00:18:42You really shouldn't.
00:18:44Mr. Charlton?
00:18:47It's I, Mrs. D'Arnauzo.
00:18:50Oh, come in.
00:18:53Tea for two
00:18:54and two for tea?
00:18:56Now, that's most awfully kind of you.
00:18:57You shouldn't have trouble, really.
00:18:59Billy told me you had a chill.
00:19:01A bit of one on the liver.
00:19:02Two tassels.
00:19:03Milk, of course.
00:19:04Of course.
00:19:09I feel I should like somehow
00:19:11to do him a good turn of some kind.
00:19:13You do?
00:19:14Well, naturally.
00:19:15Oh, I see.
00:19:18I think it would be nice if,
00:19:20if you were able to do something for him.
00:19:23Help him along.
00:19:24Give him the benefit of your advice.
00:19:26Delighted, of course.
00:19:27For instance?
00:19:29Oh, something with business.
00:19:32He was very pleased with that tip you gave him
00:19:34on the way home last night about the gold shares.
00:19:36I've forgotten what I told him.
00:19:37What was it?
00:19:40I don't remember either.
00:19:42I was listening to your voice.
00:19:44I wasn't listening to what you said.
00:19:48You see, if you were helping him,
00:19:51it would be so much easier for us
00:19:53to be together a lot out there in Africa.
00:19:55Was Danny headed for business?
00:19:56Why, he's simply brilliant.
00:19:58I wouldn't have thought it.
00:20:00But of course he is.
00:20:03You don't suppose I'd marry a ninny, do you?
00:20:06If you imagine that Harry's simply going to Africa
00:20:08to plant coffee, you're very much mistaken.
00:20:12In point of fact, in point of fact,
00:20:15coffee is the least of Harry's interests.
00:20:18In point of fact, the land he's acquiring
00:20:21is extremely rich in certain minerals.
00:20:24Minerals which are indispensable
00:20:26to the production of atomic energy.
00:20:28Harry's land simply teems with uranium.
00:20:31Wouldn't surprise me to see him become a uranium king.
00:20:34So you see, my husband isn't such a ninny
00:20:37as you may have imagined.
00:20:39It might very well be worth your while to go in with him.
00:20:42The potential mineral wealth of Africa
00:20:44has hardly been scratched.
00:20:46I was telling you last night.
00:20:48Well, of course. It's a well-known fact.
00:20:57Billy boy.
00:21:02Had a happy day?
00:21:04Very. I'm so glad.
00:21:06What an attractive woman Mrs. Chelm is.
00:21:09Is that what you called me over to tell me?
00:21:11Who are the Chelms?
00:21:13They're English going out to British East.
00:21:15They have a coffee plantation.
00:21:17And in Britain?
00:21:18In Britain.
00:21:19In Britain.
00:21:20In Britain.
00:21:21In Britain.
00:21:22In Britain.
00:21:23In Britain.
00:21:24Now, to British East, they have a coffee plantation.
00:21:26Any money in coffee?
00:21:27No, because a type of Englishman
00:21:28goes off to coffee plantations
00:21:30without caring whether there's any money in it or not.
00:21:32Relatives leave them coffee plantations
00:21:34and they go out to them.
00:21:36But why this sudden interest in the Chelm?
00:21:38I'd just like to know who's
00:21:39making friends with my friends.
00:21:42Now you know.
00:21:4810, 8, 1, 2...
00:21:54You know, if I ever leave you,
00:21:56it'll be for someone of the type of Harry Chell.
00:22:00Well, believe it you.
00:22:01I suppose that type of Englishman
00:22:03is like a story I once heard.
00:22:05An English gardener in England
00:22:07was showing some Americans
00:22:09one of those wonderful English lawns.
00:22:12And of course, they wanted to know
00:22:14how to make a lawn like that.
00:22:16And this English gardener said...
00:22:18He said, all you have to do is get some good grass
00:22:20and roll it every day for 600 years.
00:22:23I heard that story before you were born.
00:22:25Englishmen tell it when they're feeling down in the mouth.
00:22:28You just don't understand the Chell type.
00:22:32You're not even listening.
00:22:34You never do.
00:22:36Someday I'll say goodbye and you won't hear that either.
00:22:39One day I shall really meet my type
00:22:42and run off with him.
00:22:44And you'll be simply amazed.
00:22:46That's possible.
00:22:48George Moore said...
00:22:50I learned it by heart years ago.
00:22:52He said that each great passion
00:22:55is the fruit of many fruitless years.
00:22:58George Moore was a very distinguished English writer, you know.
00:23:02Except that he was Irish.
00:23:04Cheer up, sugar.
00:23:06If I make a million on this deal,
00:23:08I'll buy you an old English lawn
00:23:10when we can roll up and take with us.
00:23:17Billy, good morning.
00:23:20What's our wide-eyed Irish leprechaun
00:23:22doing outside my door?
00:23:24Why do you always make jokes about my name, huh?
00:23:27In Chile, the name of O'Hara is a tip-top name.
00:23:30Many Germans in Chile have become to be called O'Hara.
00:23:33Good morning, Mr. O'Hara.
00:23:35Madame, my respects.
00:23:37Perhaps Mr. O'Hara would like something to drink?
00:23:40Yes, uh, maybe perhaps, uh,
00:23:43a little whiskey, huh? Very weak, please.
00:23:46What's this visit in honor of?
00:23:48Oh, just wanted to have a little talk with you.
00:23:53Okay, but make it fast.
00:23:57I give you my word, Billy, I...
00:23:59I give you my word, I feel to you like, uh,
00:24:02like an older brother.
00:24:04Oh, it's not so much a difference of age.
00:24:06It's, uh...
00:24:08It's probably, yes, the reason is because...
00:24:11Because I come from a culture
00:24:13which is so much older than yours in my country.
00:24:17A child, six years old,
00:24:19is older in his heart than you'll be at 60.
00:24:24It smokes, it drinks, it philosophizes.
00:24:27At this rate, I'll be 60 before you get to the point.
00:24:29The point...
00:24:31The point is that...
00:24:33Peterson, Ravel, myself,
00:24:35we are the principals in this case.
00:24:37We are in with the money.
00:24:39We cannot switch around and turn and...
00:24:42But an agent,
00:24:44it's easy to imagine that he conceivably
00:24:47doesn't feel himself quite as irrevocably committed as, uh,
00:24:52Peterson or...
00:24:56They're fellow passengers, I believe.
00:24:58Not quite yet, would you say?
00:25:00Too sadly true.
00:25:02By any chance, you don't happen to have seen your Mr. Dan Ravel?
00:25:05I don't think Billy's up yet.
00:25:07About 11. He's rather a late riser.
00:25:09But he said... He said...
00:25:11Well, anyway.
00:25:14It's not particularly when he's had a few drinks.
00:25:16It's not that he means to break his word.
00:25:18He just forgets that he's given it.
00:25:20Charm and dependability so seldom go in one package.
00:25:22There are exceptions, of course.
00:25:24Your husband, I imagine, from his manner and behavior, is one.
00:25:27Oh, yes, very. Well, quite, I mean.
00:25:30I'm so looking forward to meeting your husband
00:25:32and having a chat about Africa.
00:25:34By all means.
00:25:36I understand he's in coffee?
00:25:38He makes it sound like a total immersion.
00:25:40Part of Africa we're going through
00:25:42are pretty important changes.
00:25:44In my opinion, things will be booming out there
00:25:46before you can say Jack Robinson.
00:25:48I do hope there won't be too many changes.
00:25:50It's completely unspoilt, I hear,
00:25:52with some of the loveliest scenery in the world.
00:25:54I can't imagine anything more lovely in the way of scenery
00:25:56than to have a few acres of gold and diamonds
00:25:58cropping up on a piece of land I bought for a song.
00:26:00Heaven forbid.
00:26:02Next thing, there'd be big, ugly holes everywhere
00:26:04and great, horrid machines
00:26:06instead of lovely scenery.
00:26:08Anyway, I don't think my husband
00:26:11cares much about money and business, that sort of thing.
00:26:15I mean, to appreciate my husband's point of view,
00:26:17one has to understand his background.
00:26:19Those lawns.
00:26:21Hundreds of years in the making.
00:26:23Those immemorial elms.
00:26:25Those walls hung with family portraits.
00:26:27Generations of them.
00:26:29Those great echoing galleries
00:26:31where so much of English history is being made.
00:26:35Taxes must be terrific on a place like that.
00:26:37What would people like the Chelms
00:26:39care about taxes with their kind of money?
00:26:41I mean, when a family's been a power
00:26:43in the city of London for so long.
00:26:45One of the great financial families.
00:26:47Power in the city?
00:26:49You mean...
00:26:51Oh, yes, of course, one of those Chelms.
00:26:53I'm surprised you know about them at all.
00:26:55Very few people do.
00:26:57They prefer to work behind the scenes.
00:26:59I find it rather hard to believe
00:27:01that a man in your husband's position
00:27:03would go to Africa just for the coffee plotting.
00:27:06You're very quick, aren't you?
00:27:08In point of fact, he isn't.
00:27:10In point of fact, he has a very special reason.
00:27:12So I suspected.
00:27:14It has to do with...
00:27:20Since the war,
00:27:22my husband has been almost exclusively concerned
00:27:24with spiritual values.
00:27:26He feels that if he can get away there,
00:27:28in the heart of Africa,
00:27:30he will come face to face with essentials.
00:27:32He wants to work out the problem of sin.
00:27:36Why, yes, of course.
00:27:38Isn't that what we're all most concerned with?
00:27:44Gwendolyn, what are you doing here?
00:27:46I thought we were supposed to meet on the beach.
00:27:48Harry, I want you to meet Mr...
00:27:50My name is Peterson.
00:27:52I've been having the most delightful talk to your wife.
00:27:54She tells me you're interested in spiritual values.
00:27:56I myself am vastly concerned.
00:27:58Harry, we'd really better be going.
00:28:00You'll excuse us, Mr. Peterson.
00:28:03What have you been telling that man?
00:28:05Oh, nothing, Harry.
00:28:07He got on to the subject of religion,
00:28:09and I just happened to mention
00:28:11that we usually go to church on Sunday.
00:28:13Billy, I...
00:28:15I think it is high time you take stock of yourself.
00:28:17Can you truthfully say about yourself,
00:28:19I, I, Billy Dan Reuter,
00:28:21have acted fairly and squarely
00:28:23to my associates, huh?
00:28:25But of course he can, Mr. O'Hara.
00:28:27Everybody knows Billy's the soul of honor.
00:28:29Shut up, sugar.
00:28:31Your conduct does not inspire confidence,
00:28:33and confidence really is the most important necessity
00:28:35in an undertaking of our kind.
00:28:37One may be completely innocent,
00:28:39but if one's actions invite suspicion,
00:28:41one might as well be guilty.
00:28:43To be trustworthy is not more important
00:28:45than to seem to be trustworthy.
00:28:47I'm sorry, Mr. O'Hara.
00:28:49I'm sorry.
00:28:51I'm sorry.
00:28:53I'm sorry.
00:28:55I'm sorry.
00:28:57I'm sorry.
00:29:02have you done something you shouldn't have?
00:29:04Tell me, Billy.
00:29:06Tell me the truth.
00:29:08My conduct.
00:29:10Do they think I am their hired man?
00:29:12But you are, you know.
00:29:14You are their hired man.
00:29:16How good and kind of you to remind me.
00:29:20How good, how true,
00:29:22how kind.
00:29:24Oh, I say, dear brother,
00:29:26good to see you.
00:29:28How about a drink?
00:29:30Well, I...
00:29:32Oh, come on, my dear fellow,
00:29:34let me buy you a drink.
00:29:36Oh, Gwendolyn,
00:29:38don't forget to send one to Aunt Beatrice.
00:29:40She'll be very pleased.
00:29:42Thank you very much.
00:29:44Oh, dear.
00:29:46Oh, dear.
00:29:48Oh, dear.
00:29:50Oh, dear.
00:29:53I can't understand it.
00:29:55Gwendolyn distinctly said she'd join me on the beach.
00:29:57Then I come back and find her sitting there in that cafe.
00:29:59Extraordinary creatures, women.
00:30:01Well, let's drink to them.
00:30:07Come on, you tiny little wreck, have a drink.
00:30:09We're drinking to women.
00:30:11Take the drink,
00:30:13but we won't join you in the toast.
00:30:15Glass of Irish.
00:30:19If they had the right idea, keep them in their place.
00:30:21Client akin to Kirk and babies in the kitchen.
00:30:23Say what you want to about Hitler,
00:30:25he had his points.
00:30:27This generation's had its chance.
00:30:29Hitler, Mussolini, those were the men.
00:30:31Now is the age of the barbarians.
00:30:33The world's going up in smoke.
00:30:35I say, let it come, get it over with.
00:30:37Well, if you don't mind, I'd like another year or so of worry.
00:30:39Worry? Just one minute, laddies.
00:30:41I've just two or three words to say to you, laddies,
00:30:43and that's don't worry.
00:30:45Don't ever worry.
00:30:47I'm in a position to know secret information.
00:30:50The Rosicrucians, the Great White Brotherhood,
00:30:52the High Secret Orders, which have no faith.
00:30:54You must have faith.
00:30:56Faith and power, secret power.
00:30:58Men who guard the trust from the deepest inside,
00:31:00as the watchmen call it.
00:31:02Mystic rulers, all one club,
00:31:04chained together by one purpose, one idea.
00:31:06Mankind's champions. Follow me, Billy?
00:31:08Oh, why, of course.
00:31:10This generation's had its chance.
00:31:12Hitler, Mussolini.
00:31:14I can't stand here and permit you...
00:31:16Are you interrupting me?
00:31:18...that things don't happen to be what certain people imagine.
00:31:20An officer may find himself strapped for money,
00:31:22and he may undertake certain things
00:31:24which in other circumstances, no, absolutely no.
00:31:28I mean, absolutely no.
00:31:30In the old days, I should have simply told people
00:31:32of your ilk to buy their own drinks.
00:31:34Poor old Jack.
00:31:36I'll teach you.
00:31:38I'll teach you
00:31:40to insult an ex-officer
00:31:42of the Indian Army.
00:31:44Well, are you yellow?
00:31:47The bar.
00:31:49You're Major Ross?
00:31:55Ross here.
00:31:59Right again.
00:32:01Come along to the committee.
00:32:03Save for the bell.
00:32:08I've never heard such rot in my life.
00:32:10Sin. Oh, sin.
00:32:12All I could do was to keep a straight face.
00:32:14No one could see it.
00:32:16I'm certain of it now.
00:32:18These are two very clever and dangerous antagonists.
00:32:20Sit here and help me close this.
00:32:22But how could they possibly know what we're up to?
00:32:24Great interests like the Chelms have ways and means.
00:32:26Yes, and I'm convinced they're out to get us
00:32:28even before we get started.
00:32:30We must get ahead of them.
00:32:32Time has entered the picture in a new way.
00:32:34Never forget the time factor, gentlemen.
00:32:36It always enters the picture in the end.
00:32:38I'm sending a cable to London.
00:32:40I want full information on those Chelm interests.
00:32:42British Africa, too.
00:32:45I'll reach you by telephone.
00:32:47Keep me informed of the latest developments.
00:32:49Damn Reuter, that lying, swineish,
00:32:51rum-swilling double-crosser.
00:32:53What pleasure.
00:32:55No, you can't at the moment.
00:32:57We need him right now.
00:32:59We need that swineish, lying double-crosser.
00:33:01Did I hear my name?
00:33:05Three men and a tub.
00:33:11Been a change of plan, Billy boy.
00:33:13What's happened, Peterson?
00:33:15Must be something important to get you on a plane.
00:33:17Perfectly simple, Billy boy.
00:33:19The trouble with the oil pump
00:33:21and the general uncertainty
00:33:23about when the Neanderthals will sail
00:33:25forces me to sacrifice my personal comfort.
00:33:27I prefer to fly rather than run the risk
00:33:29of arriving too late.
00:33:31There's also such a thing as arriving too early.
00:33:33What do you mean by that?
00:33:35The land doesn't come up for auction
00:33:37for a couple of weeks.
00:33:39My friend can't make his move until then.
00:33:42Is that your real opinion, Billy,
00:33:44or are you just looking forward to a long sea voyage
00:33:46with the attractive Mrs. Chelmer as your companion?
00:33:48Or perhaps you have even other reasons.
00:33:50Such as?
00:33:52That's for you to know and for us to find out.
00:33:54You'd better get your packing done.
00:34:02Where are you going?
00:34:04Off to Africa, flying.
00:34:06Just like that?
00:34:08Aren't you even going to kiss me goodbye?
00:34:12I wish...
00:34:14Don't say it.
00:34:18That you wish we'd never met.
00:34:20You'll be coming on the boat and in Africa we'll get together and...
00:34:22I think I hate you.
00:34:24Letting those revolting men order you about.
00:34:26Don't deny it. I've watched them.
00:34:28They treat you like a servant.
00:34:30They say hop it and off you hop.
00:34:32I know what it is.
00:34:34They have a hold on you.
00:34:36Some black secret that could ruin you.
00:34:38What makes you think that?
00:34:40It happens all the time.
00:34:42My old Spanish nurse told me that
00:34:44half the people in the world would be ruined at once
00:34:46if everyone told what they knew.
00:34:50couldn't we have them done away with?
00:34:52You must know plenty of people
00:34:54who could bump them off.
00:34:56It'd probably cost a good deal
00:34:58but it'd be worth it certainly.
00:35:00It's not impossible except that afterwards
00:35:02I wouldn't have any money.
00:35:04This way I stand to make a lot.
00:35:06Millions? Maybe.
00:35:09Perhaps your connection with those men
00:35:11isn't quite so undignified as I thought.
00:35:13Those millions,
00:35:15would they be pounds or dollars?
00:35:17Either way suits me.
00:35:19No, that's very careless of you.
00:35:21The state of the pound is so uncertain.
00:35:23You must think in terms of hard currency.
00:35:25Maybe I should hire you
00:35:27to handle my affairs.
00:35:29You could do worse.
00:35:31I'm awfully intelligent, really.
00:35:33Come along, Billy boy.
00:35:35The car's waiting.
00:35:39Come along.
00:35:53Can't get faster than this.
00:35:55We'll miss the plane.
00:35:57Press on! Press on!
00:36:05Try posting.
00:36:09Push! Push!
00:36:36Push! Push!
00:36:39Come on.
00:36:41One, two, three!
00:37:08Piper! Piper!
00:38:09My car!
00:38:11My car!
00:38:13My beautiful car!
00:38:15You did that on purpose.
00:38:19You planned it that way.
00:38:21I know what you're up to.
00:38:23I know everything.
00:38:25I know about the uranium on the Chelm's land,
00:38:27the Chelm interests in the city of London.
00:38:29The what?
00:38:31You heard me, the Chelm interests.
00:38:33I take it your information comes from a reliable source.
00:38:35It does, from Mrs. Chelm herself, in fact.
00:38:37Pay me back for the loss of my beautiful car.
00:38:39If you weren't a benighted jackass,
00:38:41if you could see as far as you could spit,
00:38:43you'd know there's no such thing as the Chelm interests.
00:38:45You'll have to do better than that, Mr. Danrother,
00:38:47very much better than that.
00:38:49Don't believe me? Check with London.
00:38:51If you find out it's anything more than a down-at-heel Gloucestershire squire,
00:38:53you can have my services for nothing.
00:38:55You mean Mrs. Chelm is an unqualified liar?
00:38:57Well, let's say she uses her imagination
00:38:59rather than her memory.
00:39:01You will make a restitution.
00:39:03We know, Mr. Dan, either the money or a new car.
00:39:06Why, you fat bandit, I gave you the car in the first place.
00:39:08How I came by it is beside the point.
00:39:12The fact you gave it to me doesn't make it any the less mine.
00:39:16Shut up.
00:39:18That's right. Threaten me.
00:39:20It is not enough that you destroy my beautiful car.
00:39:22Now you...
00:39:24My beautiful car!
00:39:28Stop! Hey, stop!
00:39:38More than anything,
00:39:40I want Billy to make a grand success out there.
00:39:44As you care so much about money,
00:39:46I should have thought you would have left Billy
00:39:48for some rich man.
00:39:50I shouldn't think Billy would mind, really.
00:39:52I mean, neither of you are in love or anything.
00:39:56You are a strange girl.
00:39:58Of course I love Billy.
00:40:01Actually, I adore him.
00:40:03And Billy loves me
00:40:05very, very, but...
00:40:07very much.
00:40:09That's why I trust him with his little unimportant amours.
00:40:12And what does he say about yours?
00:40:14But, darling,
00:40:16all husbands like their wives
00:40:18to seem attractive to other men.
00:40:24Be sure you explain that to Harry.
00:40:26I'm going back to the hotel.
00:40:31This is Dan, rather. Maria.
00:40:33I have, I'm afraid...
00:40:35I have some shocking news for you.
00:40:37The boat is not going at all?
00:40:39There's been a terrible accident.
00:40:41Your husband's car drove over a cliff.
00:40:43The people on the bus saw it fall into the sea.
00:40:45It seems almost certain that...
00:40:47What is it? What are you trying to say?
00:40:51He's saying that Billy is dead.
00:40:55It's become necessary to redistribute the stock
00:40:57in our company.
00:40:59Stock? Stock? What good is the stock now?
00:41:01We can't deal with Darada's friend.
00:41:03Not without Darada.
00:41:05All the effort, the money,
00:41:07everything went over the cliff
00:41:09with that car.
00:41:11Ravelo, you forget the English
00:41:13are very sentimental people.
00:41:15I tell you, there is nothing that Billy's friend
00:41:17will not do for his widow.
00:41:19And in black,
00:41:21she's a very touching figure.
00:41:23Oh, Maria,
00:41:25you really think that
00:41:28You are very understanding.
00:41:30If only there was
00:41:32something I could do.
00:41:34Just now, if you could bring me
00:41:36an aspirin.
00:41:38I have a headache.
00:41:40Don't move. Just you wait there.
00:41:42I'll be back in a moment.
00:41:44Mussolini, Hitler,
00:41:46and now Peterson.
00:41:48A great man.
00:41:50A great loss.
00:41:52I'm going upstairs
00:41:54and reading my book.
00:41:56Why all the clothes?
00:41:59Maria has a headache.
00:42:05What's the matter with you?
00:42:07Go away.
00:42:09My dear girl, I'm as sorry about Dan Ruther as you are.
00:42:11But after all, it isn't as if he was one of our oldest friends.
00:42:13I was in love with him.
00:42:15He was a very pleasant acquaintance.
00:42:17What did you say?
00:42:19I was in love with him.
00:42:21Really, darling, have him no control over you.
00:42:24Really, darling, have him no control over your romantic fantasies.
00:42:26I loved it!
00:42:28Can't you hear me?
00:42:30I love you, I love you!
00:42:32Oh, Rost, you're just dramatizing again.
00:42:34By George, you were right after all.
00:42:36I did pet it.
00:42:40What shall I do?
00:42:42I feel as though I were drowning.
00:42:46He's dead.
00:42:48He's dead and I'm left in a fool like you.
00:42:54I tell you what to do.
00:42:56Have a bit of shut eye.
00:42:58You'll wake up in an hour feeling your old self again.
00:43:00And there'll be no more silly stories
00:43:02about falling for a middle-aged roustabout.
00:43:04Oh, please go away.
00:43:06I'll just take these to Maria.
00:43:14Mr. Chelm, this is very important.
00:43:16For you as well as for myself.
00:43:18Yes, well, get on with it.
00:43:20There is now an opportunity for you
00:43:22to make enormous profits with virtually no risk.
00:43:24I want to meet about the bush.
00:43:26Our papers...
00:43:28For you as Billy's widow,
00:43:30it will be very easy to persuade his friend in British East.
00:43:32And for Capital, we have Chelm.
00:43:34Why don't you be less informed as to my interests?
00:43:48What's the matter with all of you?
00:43:51Somebody dead?
00:43:53A car. It went over a cliff.
00:43:55We thought you'd both been killed.
00:43:57I'm delighted to see you're alive,
00:43:59but your wife is in a fainting condition.
00:44:01Do you mean you're not dead at all?
00:44:03Obviously I'm not dead.
00:44:05I knew you weren't dead. I knew it.
00:44:07I counted 13 backwards 13 times.
00:44:09My old Spanish nurse said if you did that,
00:44:11a miracle would happen.
00:44:13And you see, it has.
00:44:15Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the glad tidings.
00:44:17The captain is sober
00:44:19and will sail at midnight.
00:44:32I can't see it anymore.
00:44:34What can have happened to it?
00:44:36My dispatch box, where is it?
00:44:38A black tin box this size.
00:44:40What have you done with it?
00:44:44I told you to take the most particular care of it.
00:44:46I shall not go on board till my dispatch box
00:44:48has been found.
00:44:50I think that I can't cope with myself, thank you.
00:44:58He says he put it in your cabin, whatever it is.
00:45:00Idiot! Why didn't he say so in the first place?
00:45:04Say, look.
00:45:06What's happened to Harry?
00:45:08You've been giving me the fish eye all evening.
00:45:10What is it?
00:45:12Perhaps it's because when I thought you were dead,
00:45:14I told him I was in love with you.
00:45:18I couldn't help it. It made you seem less dead.
00:45:22Oh, he didn't believe me.
00:45:24He thought my nerves were upset, a sort of delirium.
00:45:26He thought it quite a joke,
00:45:28the idea of my inventing a love affair
00:45:30with a middle-aged roustabout like you.
00:45:32That's what he called you.
00:45:34Well, now that I'm back in the flesh,
00:45:36you'll begin wondering about that delirium of yours.
00:45:38I suppose seeing you alive
00:45:40is different from thinking of you dead.
00:45:42Because Greg cooped up on that tub
00:45:44and he...
00:45:54Let's not go.
00:45:56What do you mean?
00:46:00I'm asking you to run away with me.
00:46:04What about the millions in hard currency?
00:46:06What's happened to you?
00:46:08I thought you were my shrewd little manager.
00:46:10I've changed my point of view.
00:46:12I thought we'd get to Africa and you'd make your fortune
00:46:14and everything would be wonderful,
00:46:16but now I think it's all too risky.
00:46:18Too many things can happen.
00:46:20I want us to cut and run for it right now.
00:46:22You really mean that?
00:46:24With all my heart.
00:46:26Oh, no, that's impossible.
00:46:30Well, for one thing, Mrs. Danrother might not go for the idea.
00:46:32She's not quite as sophisticated as you are.
00:46:34Please, Billy, listen to me.
00:46:36I've thought it all out.
00:46:38We'll take the bus and catch an express or something.
00:46:40I don't love the way I am.
00:46:42If I loved you a thousand times more than you say you love me,
00:46:44it still wouldn't make any difference.
00:46:46I've got to have money.
00:46:48Doctor's orders are that I must have a lot of money,
00:46:50otherwise I'd become dull, listless,
00:46:52and have trouble with my complexion.
00:46:54But you're not like that now, and you haven't any money.
00:46:56It's my expectations that hold me together.
00:46:58You really mean that, don't you, darling?
00:47:00Sure I mean it.
00:47:02And your main reason for wanting lots of money
00:47:04is so that you'll be ever so attractive
00:47:06and I'll love you more and more.
00:47:08I'll help you, Billy.
00:47:10I can, too.
00:47:12I'm something of a witch.
00:47:14My old Spanish nurse said I could have been a professional.
00:47:16Well, don't look now,
00:47:18but they're raising the gangway.
00:47:32Sierra, ozone.
00:47:34What a pity we can't bottle it, gentlemen.
00:47:36What a fortune we'd make.
00:47:38Neptune's mixture.
00:47:40Now breathe deeply. Remember, every breath
00:47:42is a guinea in the bank of health.
00:47:50Good morning, Chell.
00:47:52Why, that's good.
00:47:54Very good indeed.
00:47:56I didn't know you were an artist, Mrs. Danrava.
00:47:58I'd hardly call myself that.
00:48:00I only dabble.
00:48:02The nose is not enough long.
00:48:04It's too small. Only has one eye.
00:48:06Now come along, gentlemen. We must not dawdle.
00:48:20Good morning, Mrs. Chelm.
00:48:22Let's hope she breaks her neck.
00:48:34Mr. Peterson!
00:48:36Mr. Peterson!
00:48:54No Chelm estate lost
00:48:56as you start.
00:48:58No land lost as you start.
00:49:00No land lost as you start.
00:49:02No land lost as you start.
00:49:04No land gentry Chelms.
00:49:06What do you make of that?
00:49:08He's not a Gloucestershire.
00:49:10Like Billy said.
00:49:12Just as I was beginning to take Billy at his face value.
00:49:14But if he's not what Billy said,
00:49:16then what is he?
00:49:18We are at sea again, gentlemen, in more ways than one.
00:49:20Mystery, more mystery.
00:49:22Billy is a liar.
00:49:24Heaven only knows what Chelm is.
00:49:26CID, maybe.
00:49:28You borrowed my thought.
00:49:30The time has come for direct action.
00:49:32You remember last night
00:49:34when we came on board,
00:49:36the fuss he was making about his dispatch box?
00:49:48I love colors.
00:49:50Working with them
00:49:52is an endless puzzle.
00:49:54Your face, for instance.
00:49:56Ten minutes ago,
00:49:58it was all brown and pink.
00:50:00Now the light is changed
00:50:02and it's chalky white.
00:50:08Tinged with green.
00:50:14It must be getting rough.
00:50:16Just a little.
00:50:18Don't break the pose.
00:50:20I don't feel very well.
00:50:22I think I'll go below and take a pill.
00:50:28It's incredible.
00:50:30Harry Chelm is just...
00:50:32Just Harry Chelm?
00:50:34Nothing, nobody, a ruddy refugee from Earl's Court.
00:50:36In the letter of introduction to the secretary of the governor.
00:50:38The secretary, mind you.
00:50:44My box!
00:50:46A bit up and down, isn't it, sir?
00:50:48It's gone!
00:50:50Oh, yes, indeed. Major Ross took it.
00:50:52I saw him sneak it out of your cabin.
00:50:54I like to keep my eye on what goes on aboard the ship.
00:50:56I believe Mr. Peterson's cabin.
00:50:58In fact, I'm sure.
00:51:10Now may I ask what explanation you have to offer?
00:51:16He forgot his hot water bottle.
00:51:24Billy, have you heard what's happened?
00:51:26I've seen the paper in days.
00:51:28It's not funny.
00:51:30They've stolen Harry's dispatch box.
00:51:32Who stole his dispatch box?
00:51:34That dreadful little Major.
00:51:36He took it to Peterson. They went through it.
00:51:38It's all your fault. I suppose you know that.
00:51:40My fault?
00:51:42With the poppycock you've been peddling.
00:51:44All that junk about the Chelm interest in London.
00:51:46Uranium on your land.
00:51:48Well, in a way, you're the one to blame.
00:51:50I'm the...
00:51:52I liked it so superior.
00:51:54I was falling in love with you and I...
00:51:56I couldn't bear it for you to think I was just a nobody.
00:51:58Married to the son of a
00:52:00boarding house in Earl's Court.
00:52:02The son of a what?
00:52:04A boarding house.
00:52:06That's what Harry's parents do.
00:52:08They run a boarding house for
00:52:10decayed gentlefolk.
00:52:12But the way he talks, the way he acts, I thought...
00:52:14It's just that he sees himself in a place in the West Country
00:52:16with trout streams and horses
00:52:18leading the life of a country squire.
00:52:20It's not his fault if people take it
00:52:22for granted that he has a place like that.
00:52:24He's never once said that he had.
00:52:26Country gent, son of a boarding house or whatever
00:52:28he is, I suppose I'd better get his box back.
00:52:30Oh, he got it back himself.
00:52:32Then there's no harm done.
00:52:34Except that Harry's gone to the captain.
00:52:36He's going to have them put in irons.
00:52:38He is what?
00:52:40He says that's what they did in the Royal Marines.
00:52:42Look here, Skipper, there's a perfectly simple explanation for all this.
00:52:44I happen to own a dispatch box
00:52:46which is very similar to Mr. Chelm's.
00:52:48When I didn't find it in my cabin
00:52:50I asked Major Ross to see if it had been stowed away
00:52:52somewhere else by mistake.
00:52:54The Major found what he thought was my box in the saloon
00:52:56with some other luggage.
00:52:58The box has been in my cabin ever since we sailed.
00:53:00Under the berth.
00:53:02As soon as I saw the box, of course, I realised at once
00:53:04that it wasn't mine.
00:53:06I simply opened it to find out to whom it belonged
00:53:08so that I could return it to its rightful owner.
00:53:10I can't conceive why this gentleman should imagine
00:53:12I should be interested in a box containing patent medicines.
00:53:14I'm not a hypochondriac.
00:53:17Purser, tell the captain exactly what you told me about the box.
00:53:20Why, sir?
00:53:22You asked me whether I'd seen it
00:53:24and I said it might be the one I'd seen being carried along the passage by Major Ross.
00:53:26You distinctly told me
00:53:28that you'd seen it being taken from my cabin.
00:53:30Oh, you must have misunderstood.
00:53:32You were rather ill at the time, if you remember, sir.
00:53:34That's all, Purser.
00:53:36He's been bribed.
00:53:38He's in league with these criminals.
00:53:40Just a case of a misunderstanding.
00:53:42That's how I look at it.
00:53:44Now, what about a little cognac
00:53:46to wash away any ill feeling?
00:53:48I don't care for a drink.
00:53:50And let me assure you that this matter is far from settled.
00:53:52While rifling through my personal effects,
00:53:54I feel certain that you must have noticed I had a letter of introduction
00:53:56to the secretary of the governor.
00:53:58I suspect he'll be much more interested in what I have to say
00:54:00than this gin-soaked so-called ship's captain.
00:54:02You mind your tongue!
00:54:04Any more interrupts, the other one I'll put in irons.
00:54:08As far as I'm concerned,
00:54:10this is a close incident.
00:54:15You've got your box back.
00:54:17Why don't you forget the whole thing?
00:54:19What possible interest do you expect the colonial office to take in?
00:54:21On the contrary, I expect them to show considerable interest
00:54:23in a gang of crooks who are trying to swindle the country
00:54:25out of vast uranium deposits.
00:54:35Just one moment, sir.
00:54:37What leads you to believe?
00:54:39This gentleman obviously hasn't seen fit to inform you
00:54:41that during your supposed demise,
00:54:43he attempted to lure me into your nefarious venture.
00:54:45Unfortunately for you,
00:54:47he acquainted me with all the pertinent facts,
00:54:49facts which I intend to communicate to the proper authority
00:54:51at the very earliest opportunity.
00:54:55I thought you were dead.
00:54:57That's what they told me.
00:54:59Everyone told me you were dead.
00:55:01And if you were dead, we head to a fresh capital.
00:55:03Didn't we?
00:55:05You, Ravello, my own partner,
00:55:07sneak up behind my back
00:55:09and try to cheat me.
00:55:11The milk's spilt. It's no good crying over it.
00:55:13Get after him, Billy. Calm him down.
00:55:15Talk to him. See if you can't get him to change his attitude.
00:55:17I'll try, but I don't think it'll do any good.
00:55:19I don't know why we have to worry about Chelm's attitude.
00:55:21Talk's no good.
00:55:23Conversation never convinced anybody.
00:55:25I say put an end to her. Shut up, Jack.
00:55:27Time factor has entered the picture again.
00:55:29This time, fortunately, it's working on our side.
00:55:31Two weeks before we reach port.
00:55:33That should be plenty of time to convince our friend Chelm.
00:55:35I beg you.
00:55:37Please end all this trouble.
00:55:39If things go on, either you will be done away with
00:55:41before we ever get to Africa,
00:55:43or you will leave and denounce Peterson to the authorities.
00:55:45And that will be the ruin
00:55:47of all my plans and hopes.
00:55:49In the long run, you'll do much better
00:55:51to get clear of these people.
00:55:53They're thoroughly undesirable.
00:55:55The long run? I'm tired of the long run.
00:55:57I am not even thinking about them
00:55:59or about myself.
00:56:01It's all about the money.
00:56:03Or about myself.
00:56:05It's only you that concerns me, Harry.
00:56:07No need to worry about me.
00:56:09Ever since I met you,
00:56:11you fill my thinking.
00:56:13You are becoming an obsession.
00:56:17Don't you understand, Harry?
00:56:19I am deeply in love.
00:56:27My dear.
00:56:33Only you
00:56:35could make a woman feel like this.
00:56:37All I want
00:56:39is to be in your arms
00:56:41now and always.
00:56:43You forget I'm going to be done away with.
00:56:45Oh, no, no.
00:56:47It will be easy to arrange.
00:56:49What you must do is this.
00:56:51You will write me a letter.
00:56:53A love letter.
00:56:55You will tell me that you cannot denounce Peterson
00:56:57because then I will be the one
00:56:59who will be the one
00:57:01to denounce Peterson
00:57:03because then I will suffer, too.
00:57:05Because you love me so much
00:57:07you cannot bear to hurt me.
00:57:09Such a letter
00:57:11they will believe if I show it to them.
00:57:13My dear girl, you must see
00:57:15that this is quite out of the question.
00:57:17I don't propose to make compromises.
00:57:19Not compromises, Harry darling.
00:57:21But you can see
00:57:23if you cause trouble to all of our plans,
00:57:25my plans,
00:57:27you would not want
00:57:29to make the innocent suffer.
00:57:31It will be much better
00:57:33if you don't interfere, Maria.
00:57:35I must handle this as I see fit.
00:57:37Then you intend to go ahead with this business,
00:57:39tell stories and ruin everything?
00:57:41It will be much better
00:57:43if you cut loose from these people.
00:57:45No happiness can come from such an association.
00:57:47Harry, I'm asking you not to do this.
00:57:49Please, write a letter.
00:57:51Then there will be no trouble for you,
00:57:53no trouble for us, no risk when we get to Africa.
00:57:55I'm sorry, my dear.
00:57:57This is a very pig-headed lot.
00:57:59You think you can get away with this?
00:58:01But Maria, my dear good Maria, listen.
00:58:03First you made love to me.
00:58:05Now you tell me you will ruin me.
00:58:07You forgive me, but it was you who made...
00:58:09Oh, shut your trap. Go on, do what you like.
00:58:11You think you're such a brave man.
00:58:13I'll tell you what you are.
00:58:15You are a heel.
00:58:19The blaze is down.
00:58:21What's happening? What's going on here?
00:58:23The oil pump's on the blink. The electricity's failed.
00:58:25A ship lying in darkness this way?
00:58:27We might well be rammed at any minute.
00:58:29I'll tend to this myself. Which way is the engine room?
00:58:31The passengers are not...
00:58:33I'm sure your chief engineer would welcome the advice
00:58:35of an ex-officer of the Royal Marines.
00:58:51Look here, you fool.
00:58:53Should we simply abandon to our fate?
00:58:55I insist on something being done. For instance?
00:58:57Give out the life belts. Organize the boat drill.
00:58:59The clientele are requested to remain calm.
00:59:01To remain calm?
00:59:03Does the captain feel no sense of responsibility
00:59:05for the lives of his passengers?
00:59:07It's my opinion that the captain doesn't feel much of anything at the moment.
00:59:09You mean to say he's drunk?
00:59:11The fellow ought to be made to walk the plank.
00:59:13I'm afraid just now he cannot walk at all.
00:59:15This is outrageous.
00:59:17Calm down, old man. What have you got to worry about?
00:59:19We're only adrift in an open sea
00:59:21and the captain's engine is liable to explode at any moment.
00:59:23It's a perfectly ordinary situation.
00:59:25It happens every day.
00:59:27But just in case any of you are still at all anxious,
00:59:29let it be known that Mr. Chelm
00:59:31has taken charge in the engine room.
00:59:33Who's taken charge?
00:59:35Harry. And he'll foozle it for sure.
00:59:37Shall I get out the hymn books?
00:59:39Your husband claims to have learned
00:59:41all about the engine and such things
00:59:43when he was an officer in the Royal Marines.
00:59:45If he ever was.
00:59:47In point of fact, not only was he an officer,
00:59:49but he once won a medal
00:59:51for jumping into a sea of fire to rescue someone.
00:59:53It's only a bit of wreckage and not a man,
00:59:55but that wasn't Harry's fault.
00:59:57Just a slight error in judgment.
01:00:01Oh, the lights, they come on.
01:00:03He must have fixed it.
01:00:07The engines are turning.
01:00:09We are underway.
01:00:11I still say it's impossible.
01:00:13Ladies and gentlemen,
01:00:15may I have your attention for a moment?
01:00:17I'm happy to inform you that the oil pump
01:00:19is now in perfect working condition.
01:00:21Putting it right was no great accomplishment
01:00:23for anyone with the slightest mechanical bent.
01:00:25Anyhow, we may now proceed without further delay
01:00:27and in absolute safety.
01:00:29Oh, Harry, you did, you did.
01:00:31You foozled it.
01:00:33You wrecked my ship.
01:00:35Where is it?
01:00:37He can't see you.
01:00:39There you are, you devil.
01:00:41You wrecked my beautiful ship.
01:00:43Nothing of the sort.
01:00:45And you went in there and sabotaged my work
01:00:47out of pure merits.
01:00:49You sprawled my head in there.
01:00:51Keep your head down.
01:00:53Stay out of this, grandmother.
01:00:55I can handle the boat.
01:00:57What's our business now?
01:00:59Do we get the life abeyance?
01:01:01Do we abandon the ship?
01:01:03There's no immediate danger.
01:01:05The passengers will please to return to the saloon.
01:01:07We're heading for the nearest port
01:01:09and there seems to be some chance of our making.
01:01:11Come along.
01:01:17Now, who was last down?
01:01:23Billy boy, be a good fellow
01:01:25and make a forth the bridge.
01:01:27The major has no head for cards.
01:01:29A few rubbers will soothe all our nerves.
01:01:31Oh, thank you. I'll soothe mine with a double scotch.
01:01:33In fact, I think I'll make it a triple.
01:01:35No ice, no water. That's it.
01:01:37How about you, dear Mrs. Danrother?
01:01:39Oh, so sorry.
01:01:41I have the most fearful headache.
01:01:43I think I'll go to my cabin.
01:01:47Oh, what a shame.
01:01:49Well, boys, we'll have to make it cutthroat.
01:01:51What about Harry here?
01:01:53Maybe he'll take a hand.
01:01:55That, under the circumstances, is a most unsuitable suggestion.
01:01:57Gwendolyn, I must ask you
01:01:59to either move to another table or else leave the saloon.
01:02:01Oh, Harry, for heaven's sake.
01:02:03I don't care for my wife to associate
01:02:05with an associate of criminals.
01:02:07That's absurd. Billy's not a criminal.
01:02:09He's the best friend we have on this boat.
01:02:11We're not in need of such friends.
01:02:13You need any friends you can get.
01:02:15The only thing standing between you and a watery grave
01:02:17is your wits.
01:02:19That's not my idea of adequate protection.
01:02:21Perser, how much longer before this ship reaches port?
01:02:23If we ever do get to port,
01:02:25it should be within 14 or 15 hours.
01:02:27That's a long time.
01:02:29Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. Have a drink.
01:02:31Enjoy the major's piano recital.
01:02:33Come on, Peterson.
01:02:35Buy us a drink.
01:02:37I'm afraid I can't accept hospitality from persons
01:02:39whom I intend, in a few hours' time,
01:02:41to denounce in a place of justice.
01:02:43Two spades?
01:02:45I admire your sans-froid, Mr. Peterson.
01:02:47Or perhaps you don't think I'm serious.
01:02:49We shall see.
01:02:51Sweet clubs.
01:02:53Gwendolyn, are you going to do as I say?
01:02:55Not when you speak to me in that tone.
01:02:57Not when you try to order me about.
01:02:59In that case...
01:03:01Where are you going?
01:03:05Four tonics.
01:03:07I think you'd better go after Harry.
01:03:09Why should I?
01:03:11If he's going to be so childish and unreasonable.
01:03:13Take my advice. Go to him. Stay with him.
01:03:15I suppose you think we should keep up appearances.
01:03:17The loyal wife at her husband's side.
01:03:19No, Billy.
01:03:21I'm experiencing something that is rare and beautiful.
01:03:23And I shall not deny it.
01:03:25Either by word or by deed.
01:03:27I love you.
01:03:29I love you.
01:03:31Either by word or by deed.
01:03:33I love you. Let the whole world know it.
01:03:35I love you. I love you.
01:03:37Keeping up appearances isn't exactly what I meant.
01:03:39Why do you want to send me tagging after Harry?
01:03:41He's being such a deadly bore tonight.
01:03:43Deadly, but not dead. Not yet.
01:03:45What do you mean?
01:03:47They killed one man just because they thought
01:03:49he might try to get in their way.
01:03:51Now, handsome Harry, he's certain to blow the whole thing wide open.
01:03:53They killed a man?
01:03:55Really? Who?
01:03:57Just a man.
01:04:01for all Harry's being too, too tiresome
01:04:03and my loving you to distraction,
01:04:05I still wouldn't want to see him done in.
01:04:07He has some perfectly darling traits, really.
01:04:09I mean, like always remembering one's birthday.
01:04:13No, we simply mustn't let anybody murder Harry.
01:04:15Keep him in your cabin.
01:04:17Never let him out of your sight.
01:04:19Keep him under lock and key.
01:04:21Oh, Billy.
01:04:23That awful music.
01:04:25It's so loud.
01:04:27It comes right into our cabin.
01:04:29Peterson, tell the major to soft-pedal it.
01:04:33While he's about it, he might change the tune.
01:04:35Oh, don't you like it? It's one of my favorites.
01:04:37I'm afraid he doesn't know any others.
01:04:39Do you, Jack?
01:05:21Do I hear a lady screaming?
01:05:23One down.
01:05:45What happened?
01:05:47Oh, Billy, all that screaming.
01:05:49I thought someone had been killed.
01:05:51Well, someone nearly was.
01:05:53Indeed they were. Look at the major.
01:05:55Every time I turn my back, someone makes trouble.
01:05:57The passengers break the engine.
01:05:59They beat each other to feet. They throw each other overboard.
01:06:01That man attacked me.
01:06:03You! You again!
01:06:05If I struck him, it was in self-defense.
01:06:07He came sneaking up behind me and tried to run me through with his sword.
01:06:09Is that true?
01:06:11It's no use, Billy.
01:06:13Am I trying to protect Harry any further?
01:06:15I may as well tell the whole truth.
01:06:19Captain, it grieves me to confess this.
01:06:21But in point of fact,
01:06:23this man has an illness of the mind.
01:06:25The medical word for it is paranoia.
01:06:27On occasion,
01:06:29he displays homicidal tendencies.
01:06:31The psychiatrists say it's because he
01:06:33believes people are plotting against him.
01:06:35And so he strikes back
01:06:37and tries to kill them.
01:06:39Gwendolyn, for heaven's sake, woman,
01:06:41what's the meaning of this treachery?
01:06:43Believe it or not, Harry, I'm doing it for your own good.
01:06:45He knows. He saved my life.
01:06:47He'll tell the truth.
01:06:49I wouldn't contradict the lady.
01:06:51He tried to kill the passengers.
01:06:53But I'm the first on the ship.
01:06:55Let me go. I'll kill the lot of you.
01:06:57I warn you, Captain.
01:06:59Oh, Harry.
01:07:01It's awfully sad.
01:07:03We've tried everything to cure him.
01:07:05How dare you lay hands on me?
01:07:07You hooligans.
01:07:09I'll have you put in irons.
01:07:11You'll be the ones in irons.
01:07:13Good, good. We'll have no trouble from you.
01:07:19Look, every one of you.
01:07:21Every man, jack of you.
01:07:25After all, it was the only solution.
01:07:27Harry's safely locked in his cabin
01:07:29where those beastly men can't do him any harm.
01:07:31On the other hand,
01:07:33he can't say or do anything now
01:07:35to interfere with your making that fortune in Africa.
01:07:37I mean, the authorities would hardly listen
01:07:39to the ravings of a lunatic, would they?
01:07:41They won't even let him off the boat.
01:07:43Well, in that case,
01:07:45he'll just have to stay shut up for a few weeks.
01:07:47It's a bit hard on the old boy, don't you think?
01:07:49Yes, but
01:07:51after you've amassed all those African millions,
01:07:53we'll make it up to him.
01:07:55We'll buy him a country place
01:07:57in Gloucestershire with
01:07:59some rough shooting
01:08:01and a trout stream like he's always wanted.
01:08:03Maria will marry him, perhaps.
01:08:05She seems to have
01:08:07a very real feeling
01:08:09for English country life.
01:08:11And everybody lives happily ever after.
01:08:13Especially us, Billy.
01:08:15Board station, everyone!
01:08:17Prepare to abandon ship!
01:08:19What's going on?
01:08:21I believe, sir, that we're sinking.
01:08:23Board station, everybody!
01:08:25We're sinking!
01:08:27Harry! Harry, open the door!
01:08:29You must! The ship's sinking!
01:08:31We're sinking!
01:09:01Pull up! Be careful!
01:09:03What are you doing there?
01:09:05You've ruined the most beautiful boat in Bordeaux!
01:09:07You scoundrels!
01:09:09Pull up! Be careful!
01:09:13Look what they've done to me!
01:09:15Look what they've done to me!
01:09:17You'll pay for this!
01:09:19You'll pay for this!
01:09:21Hurry up!
01:09:23Hurry up!
01:09:25Get on the boat!
01:09:27Hurry up!
01:09:29Look down there!
01:09:31Hurry up!
01:09:33Jump! Jump!
01:09:37Hurry up!
01:09:39Hurry up!
01:09:41Hurry up!
01:09:43Hurry up!
01:09:45Hurry up!
01:09:47Hurry up!
01:09:49Hurry up!
01:09:51We can't!
01:09:53We simply can't leave without finding out what's happened to Harry.
01:09:55Maybe we'll run across him out there.
01:09:57He's a strong swimmer, isn't he?
01:09:59Do we run across him?
01:10:01I don't say we will, but it's possible.
01:10:03Anything's possible.
01:10:57Where do you suppose we are?
01:11:01What part of Africa?
01:11:03Yes, that's important, what part.
01:11:05It's not a bad place to land.
01:11:07No customs, no forms to fill out.
01:11:09Tell us at once where we are. It's important, I know.
01:11:11You mean to say there are parts of the Dark Continent
01:11:13where you won't be received like the prodigal son?
01:11:17What's that?
01:11:23Better get down, everybody.
01:11:25Get rid of your passports, boys.
01:11:27Mrs. Chow, Billy Boy, my identity must remain a secret.
01:11:45I don't want to know.
01:11:51Put them down.
01:11:55Put them down.
01:11:58Put them down.
01:12:00Put them down.
01:12:03Put them down.
01:12:07Put them down.
01:12:18Alia, what's that?
01:12:20It was a company that sold arms to the Arab legions.
01:12:22Wait a minute, that rings a bell.
01:12:24Some of the equipment we sold was defective.
01:12:28Been too long under the water in the Gulf of Leyte.
01:12:31The Arabs claim they lost the war because of rusty guns and dud ammunition.
01:12:34For heaven's sake, be quiet. If you go on like that, I'll be...
01:12:37I'll see you drawn and quartered.
01:13:01Are you going to allow them to bully you in this way?
01:13:03Why, it's simply...
01:13:05It's shocking.
01:13:06Harry wouldn't have let them do it.
01:13:08He had a sense of dignity.
01:13:10I have a sense of survival.
01:13:12Billy, what is going to happen?
01:13:14Do you think they will torture us?
01:13:16Just let them try it.
01:13:18I'm a British subject.
01:13:19I wouldn't say it too loud.
01:13:25We shipwreck.
01:13:27Big boat, go down.
01:13:30Bottom ocean.
01:13:32We take little boat.
01:13:36Row all day.
01:13:38And we go down.
01:13:40And we go down.
01:13:42And we go down.
01:13:44And we go down.
01:13:46And we go down.
01:13:48And we go down.
01:13:50And we go down.
01:13:52Row all day.
01:13:54Row all night.
01:13:57There's only one way to deal with these swine.
01:13:59Walk up to them and kick them in the belly.
01:14:01Show them who's boss right away.
01:14:03We sight land.
01:14:05Your land.
01:14:06Praise Allah.
01:14:08Come ashore.
01:14:10Suddenly, boom, boom, boom.
01:14:13No good way to treat shipwreck people.
01:14:16You will please to hand over your passports.
01:14:23There seem to be four missing.
01:14:26Will those who have not handed over their passports
01:14:29hold up their hands?
01:14:36All left on board ship, Your Excellency.
01:14:39We're going to sail.
01:14:41We're going to sail.
01:14:43We're going to sail.
01:14:45We're going to sail.
01:14:47We're going to sail.
01:14:49We're going to sail.
01:14:51All aboard ship, Your Excellency.
01:14:53A terrifying experience.
01:14:55An incompetent crew, a burning ship
01:14:58put overboard in a small boat at dead of night.
01:15:01What was the name of the vessel?
01:15:03The SS Nyanga. She's a Portuguese ship.
01:15:05I will investigate whether such a ship
01:15:07has been reported lost at sea.
01:15:09Well, does it stand to reason, Your Excellency,
01:15:11we should come to this shore in a small boat
01:15:13if we'd not been shipwrecked?
01:15:15Our country is in a state of unrest.
01:15:17Oh, I am sorry.
01:15:19Certain foreign governments
01:15:21sometimes try to enter it by stealth,
01:15:24hoping to fan the flames of revolution.
01:15:27Therefore, we track carefully
01:15:30on the activities of strangers.
01:15:33But surely, Your Excellency, in our case,
01:15:35one look is sufficient to convince you of our innocence.
01:15:52One look is not enough.
01:16:01If you think we're the enemies of your country,
01:16:03the logical thing is to boot us out.
01:16:05Send us packing by the first available boat or train.
01:16:08We shan't object.
01:16:10We've got important business elsewhere.
01:16:12Where is elsewhere?
01:16:14Central Africa.
01:16:16Central Africa.
01:16:18And what sort of business?
01:16:21Vacuum cleaners, sewing machines.
01:16:23Ah, yes.
01:16:25Businessmen all going to Central Africa
01:16:28to sell vacuum cleaners.
01:16:31Hut to hut, I suppose.
01:16:34And you, sir, I take it, are the head salesman,
01:16:37the ringleader of this group.
01:16:39Oh, no, no group.
01:16:41We met for the first time on board ship.
01:16:44Complete strangers to one another.
01:16:47The others all look at you each time I ask a question.
01:16:50I am a keen observer.
01:16:52You four are together.
01:16:54Oh, no, my fat-gutted friend.
01:16:56I'm not the illiterate, simple-minded native
01:16:59you're fool enough to take me for.
01:17:01I am a great man, a serious man.
01:17:04I spit on you, too.
01:17:06I spit on you and all your life.
01:17:08Off to the wrong start, Peterson.
01:17:10There's only one way to deal with these spines.
01:17:12Spine! Spine! Spine!
01:17:15You'd better be careful.
01:17:17My husband, my late husband,
01:17:19who was drowned in the Niagara disaster,
01:17:21happened to be one of the most important figures
01:17:23in the British government, Sir Harry Chelm.
01:17:26In point of fact, we had letters
01:17:28from the Prime Minister and the Queen
01:17:30telling everybody to be particularly courteous
01:17:32to us and our friends.
01:17:34So you see, if any harm befalls us at your hands,
01:17:37it will become a major international incident.
01:17:40Would you instruct that one
01:17:42that in my country a female's lips may move,
01:17:46that her words are not hurt?
01:17:48Harry, Harry.
01:17:52If only you were here.
01:17:56And now, sir, you will stop abusing my intelligence
01:18:00and tell me who you really are
01:18:02and what is your actual purpose in being here.
01:18:05I'm a sick man. I've got a bad heart.
01:18:07I mustn't talk anymore.
01:18:08You refuse to answer.
01:18:10That is interesting.
01:18:11It makes of it a contest.
01:18:13A contest in a game at which we excel.
01:18:17We of this country have had 4,000 years' experience
01:18:21in asking questions and getting answers.
01:18:25Who are you?
01:18:27Why are you here?
01:18:29Don't hit me again.
01:18:31My heart, I have an attack.
01:18:47What a bloody hamster!
01:18:59Of course, Billy's led a thoroughly decadent life.
01:19:02I must say, I thought he had more backbone than that.
01:19:06Either you have it or you haven't.
01:19:08You see the beating I took at the hands of that great ugly brute
01:19:11without even flinching.
01:19:13Billy was crazed with fear before they even laid a finger on him.
01:19:18Tell me more about Rita Hayworth.
01:19:21You really know her very well?
01:19:23Do I know Rita? Do I know her?
01:19:26I'll give you a letter of introduction.
01:19:28She'll fall an immediate victim to your charms.
01:19:30You really think so?
01:19:32Oh, but certainly a man like you,
01:19:35suave, intelligent, darkly handsome.
01:19:39You have everything, Ahmet, except money.
01:19:42And if you'll listen to me,
01:19:44a boat will be placed at our disposal,
01:19:46a very slow boat,
01:19:48so that Fat Cat's check will have plenty of time to clear.
01:19:50And you will trust me for your share?
01:19:53Does one man of the world ask another to trust his own brother?
01:19:57Oh, no, Ahmet.
01:19:59You'll give me a check for half.
01:20:01Demands are very great under the circumstances.
01:20:05Why shouldn't they be? Fat Cat's my best friend.
01:20:08I will not betray him cheaply.
01:20:10You are certain that you are the friend of the peerless Rita?
01:20:13Come, come, Ahmet. Mind back to business.
01:20:17Very well. Fifty-fifty.
01:20:20Oh, by the way, Fat Cat's nature is noble like ours.
01:20:24He might try to bargain.
01:20:25I do not bargain with a puffball like that.
01:20:28It's beneath my dignity.
01:20:30It will be dawn soon,
01:20:32the correct hour for a firing squad.
01:20:34But if we have him shot, what about the money?
01:20:38Well, I was just thinking that if he had a volley at the psychological moment,
01:20:42he might not be so inclined to haggle.
01:20:44I believe you must have Arab blood.
01:20:48Westerners are not usually so subtle.
01:21:00Look, how am I?
01:21:03Where are you taking me?
01:21:05I won't go. I demand to see a doctor.
01:21:08Would you say that in Paris,
01:21:11among smart people,
01:21:14the Rolls-Royce or the Cadillac
01:21:17is considered more chic?
01:21:21That's no problem, no problem at all.
01:21:23A man in your position should have both.
01:21:31Mr. Donnerather, I believe, would like a word with you.
01:21:37Sit down, Peterson.
01:21:46Ah, I've been talking to Ahmet here,
01:21:49and he's made a mark.
01:21:56It's blackmail.
01:22:00I can't pay.
01:22:06What was that?
01:22:08Firing squad.
01:22:10It's execution day.
01:22:13Will he take a check?
01:22:36The name!
01:22:42Stay away!
01:22:44Stay away from my ship!
01:22:46If you try to come back,
01:22:48I'll kill you!
01:22:58If you try to come aboard, I will shoot you!
01:23:01I will shoot you!
01:23:03Get my gun! Get my gun!
01:23:06Give it to him. Maybe he'll shoot himself.
01:23:09My gun! My gun!
01:23:11Excuse me. Are you Mr. William Donnerather?
01:23:14That's right. I'd like to ask you a few questions, if I may.
01:23:17I'm sorry, not now.
01:23:19Forgive me, but it's rather important.
01:23:21Yes, it always is. I was a newspaper man myself once.
01:23:24Well, you may quote me as saying that everybody was heroic,
01:23:27except Mrs. Donnerather, who was never heroic.
01:23:30Well, you may quote me as saying that everybody was heroic,
01:23:33except Mrs. Donnerather, who was never heroic.
01:23:36Well, you may quote me as saying that everybody was heroic,
01:23:39except Mrs. Donnerather, who ate all our boots.
01:23:42Very amusing, but I'm not a reporter.
01:23:45Jack, go to the phone, make reservations.
01:23:48The first plane to Nairobi. Six seats.
01:23:50Yes, and if they don't have any, talk to the right man and tell him
01:23:53if he kicks out of people after plane, we'll make it worth his while.
01:23:56I always said we ought to take a plane.
01:23:58You remember I said that, Mr. Horror. I said we ought to take a plane.
01:24:01Mustn't dawdle, Billy boy. Great deal to do and not much time.
01:24:04Those are the other members of your party?
01:24:06Yes. I'd like to talk to them, too.
01:24:08What's it all about?
01:24:09I believe you were acquainted with a Mr. Van Meer, now deceased.
01:24:15Peterson, you and the boys better come back down.
01:24:18The gentleman here wants to speak to you of Mr. Jack Clayton of Scotland Yard.
01:24:22You take your wine here or upstairs, Mr. Donner?
01:24:24We'll have it here.
01:24:25Care to join us in a drink, Clayton?
01:24:27No, thanks. It's a bit early in the day for me.
01:24:29I read somewhere that a Scotland Yard man never accepts a drink
01:24:32from anyone he intends to arrest.
01:24:34Is that true, Mr. Clayton?
01:24:36Quite so.
01:24:37Mrs. Danrother?
01:24:38No, I'm Mrs. Chell.
01:24:40This is Mrs. Danrother.
01:24:42Oh, how do you do.
01:24:43Well, I wouldn't dream of alarming you lovely ladies,
01:24:46so perhaps I'll have a glass of bubbly after all.
01:24:50How do you do, sir?
01:24:51How do you do?
01:24:53And, um, Mr. Horror.
01:24:56O'Hara. Julius O'Hara. Delighted.
01:24:58No, I'm not one to be delighted.
01:25:00It had begun to look as though I'd never catch up with you people.
01:25:03That would have been a bit embarrassing.
01:25:05You see, this is the first time I've ever been abroad on an investigation.
01:25:08I've spent quite a lot of money.
01:25:10And my chief can be very sarcastic about the money one spends,
01:25:13particularly if you fail to deliver the goods.
01:25:16Mr. Clayton is presently interested in the Vanmere murder case.
01:25:19The Vanmere murder case?
01:25:21Oh, yes, yes.
01:25:22That fellow in the colonial office.
01:25:24Yes, I read about that in the paper.
01:25:26It was a shocking affair.
01:25:27According to Mr. Vanmere's appointment book, Mr. Peterson,
01:25:30you had lunch with him at the Savoy a few days before his death.
01:25:33That's quite correct.
01:25:34Mr. Vanmere was an expert on African matters.
01:25:37We wanted his advice about affairs in British East.
01:25:40Do you recall the subject of the discussion?
01:25:43Uh, crop yield.
01:25:44The native labor situation.
01:25:46Inches of rain.
01:25:47Vaccination. Shorts.
01:25:49How long don't you know Mr. Vanmere?
01:25:51Oh, a couple of months. We met half a dozen times.
01:25:54Did he ever make mention of any enemies?
01:25:56Business or otherwise?
01:25:57Did he say anything about romantic attachments?
01:25:59I mean, did he name any women?
01:26:02I should have been very surprised if he had done.
01:26:04Mr. Vanmere struck me as being every inch a gentleman.
01:26:07Oh, of course, of course.
01:26:09Well, uh, that's all.
01:26:11Unless somebody has anything further to add?
01:26:15I have.
01:26:20I think you ought to know
01:26:21that the business of one of these businessmen is murder.
01:26:26I beg your pardon?
01:26:28Major Ross, I mean.
01:26:30I can't guarantee Major Ross murdered this Vanmere person.
01:26:33I assure you, however, he attempted to murder my husband
01:26:36with a long, thin dagger which he always carried about
01:26:39in what looked like an innocent swagger stick.
01:26:42Go on, Mrs. Chubb.
01:26:44You see, Major Ross is employed by Mr. Peterson there
01:26:47to do his dirty work.
01:26:49One might say he's a professional killer.
01:26:51My husband found out certain things about Mr. Peterson.
01:26:54Things in point of fact that are a matter of empire,
01:26:57involving, as they do,
01:26:58a plot to exploit our kingdom's uranium resources.
01:27:01And that's why Mr. Peterson decided to have him done away with.
01:27:04Don't run away, Mr. Peterson.
01:27:06That's always tantamount to a confession of guilt.
01:27:09Tantamount is what I call it.
01:27:11More champagne, Clayton?
01:27:13No, thank you.
01:27:28As I said before, very smart fellows indeed.
01:27:36Should you ever think of me in Earl's court,
01:27:39that's where I'll be, helping Harry's parents with the lodgers.
01:27:43Should you ever think of me, try not to let it be too harshly.
01:27:48You kiss her too, Billy, and tell her she's forgiven.
01:27:52Sure, sure.
01:27:54Goodbye, Billy.
01:28:01Poor Mrs. Chelm, just came on the ship's wireless.
01:28:05Oh, by the way, Mr. Danrada,
01:28:07do you know that your associates are all in the Who's Gow?
01:28:11Oh, now that I'm a bit surprised.
01:28:13I put them down as thoroughly bad characters, right off the bat.
01:28:17But then there are so many bad characters nowadays.
01:28:20Take mine, for instance.
01:28:25He's alive!
01:29:07Oh, this is the end.
01:29:13The end.