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00:00Well it's another one of the most impressive developments in French politics in the last
00:06week. Eric Ciotti, who's been at the helm since 2022 of RĂ©publicain, has now been expelled from
00:13the party. That's after a meeting between some of the deputies in the political decision-making
00:18of the right-wing party here behind me at the Social Museum, just about 100 metres away from
00:23the headquarters, which were locked. That was on directive from Ciotti earlier in the day,
00:29at about 12pm, anticipating this meeting from those deputies in the high-ranking positions,
00:36and this all stems from a response to Ciotti's statements and comments yesterday, where he said
00:43that an alliance with the national rally of Marine Le Pen was in the interests of
00:49Les RĂ©publicains. So he has now been expelled. It was a unanimous decision from inside the chamber
00:55there behind me, and now the question remains who is going to likely step into his place. Well,
01:01we do have word on that. It is going to be General Secretary of the movement, Annie Geneva,
01:06as well as François-Xavier Bellamy, who has been holding the position on the list of the
01:12European elections, at least the parliamentary elections for Les RĂ©publicains party, which
01:17didn't perform well there, but now they do have two people basically taking a joint leadership
01:22mandate over from Eric Ciotti, who will now be vacating his position. Ciotti responding after
01:29this, he said the meeting organised this afternoon was basically implemented in flagrant violation
01:36of our statutes as Les RĂ©publicains. He says none of the decisions taken at this meeting have any
01:41legal consequences. It can have criminal consequences, in fact. This is what he said on
01:45social media. I am and remain the president of our political party elected by the members. So
01:52Ciotti clearly in disagreement with any basic decisions taken by this body in the chamber
02:00behind me today at the Social Museum. Just an extraordinary moment, Jean-Emile. As you say,
02:07we have party officials saying, look, Ciotti's out, and you have Ciotti himself saying I remain
02:13the president of the party. Just do we have any sense now as to practically what this means? You
02:21mentioned potentially a new leader and what the Republicans do now? Will some of them be joining
02:27Emmanuel Macron's alliance? Will anybody but Ciotti be going to join Marine Le Pen and the far right?
02:36Well, it was interesting because ahead of this, the far right president, Jordan Bardella,
02:42he praised Ciotti for his bravery by basically saying that an alliance was possible with the
02:49national rally. He obviously received criticism from a large part of his Republican party. But
02:55at the same time, the national rally themselves believe that there are enough people in the
03:00Republicans who would side with them regardless of Ciotti or not. So there seems to be a belief,
03:05at least from their side, that they do have that support base. And they also gave their
03:10assurances that they would back those MPs who would show any kind of favor towards the national
03:17rally in Parliament with those parliamentary elections coming up in just under three weeks'
03:21time after that bombshell National Assembly dissolution by Emmanuel Macron and those new
03:26elections to come. But then there is the other side, which might show more moderate favor with
03:32Emmanuel Macron's renaissance. And that might be at least a representation of the likes of Gerard
03:39Darmanin. And he's the interior minister who did leave the Republicans to join the renaissance,
03:46as well as Bruno Le Maire, the current economy minister. So there are those who definitely see
03:51a more moderate tone as being the future. Then if you ask the likes of former president
03:56of Les Républicains, Valérie Pécresse, who spoke just before this meeting, she said that
04:01neither an alliance with the extreme right or with the centrists of Macron would actually work
04:07in their favor. So a bit of an alienation, therefore, a RĂ©publicain to contend with and
04:13to see if they indeed will form any of a coalition. PĂ©cresse, who was ousted at least or replaced
04:20by CRT after that dismal showing at the presidential election run-in in 2022, said
04:28there is no place for traitors or small-time putschists. So very strong words ahead of this
04:32meeting. And it was reflected in the way that they at least expelled CRT after the meeting.
04:38But in terms of the political future of the party, it is at a crossroads. And there are fears that
04:42this could be the disintegration of Les RĂ©publicains, who have been very much synonymous with French
04:47history since Charles de Gaulle and then with their presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy.
04:53So a lot of questions now to be asked in the future and just three weeks to go to form that alliance.
