• last year
Frank The Tank
00:00 Take me out for some hot dogs.
00:03 Guten Tag! Yes! Guten Tag!
00:08 Everybody, I'm back in Chicago and I'm here to go raw dogging here at the Burger Baron.
00:15 And they have hot dogs? No?
00:18 Chicago? Seems like there's hot dogs everywhere. It's falling out of the sky in Chicago!
00:25 Well, we're going to give a review and see if these Burger Baron hot dogs are worthy of the title.
00:33 Let's go!
00:53 Alright, well, here at Burger Baron, they're not just about burgers.
00:57 They have hot dogs, they have gyros, they have steaks, they have everything.
01:01 It's right here tucked away neatly on the corner of Noble and Grand.
01:06 And you know, they've been here for 45 years.
01:13 Only known for their burgers, well they have the hot dogs.
01:15 And the hot dogs, bun-dog ratio is actually very good.
01:20 The color of the dog is decent, but now here comes the most important test.
01:25 What's surprising though is they don't have the poppy seed buns.
01:29 That's kind of surprising when you come to Chicago, but let's see how these hot dogs actually taste.
01:34 [laughter]
01:37 Low quality dog. Cooked as best as you can.
02:03 Definitely not Vienna beef, which is probably a no-no when you come to Chicago.
02:11 It's a Baltimore chopped single on the infield.
02:18 And now let's see how the chili is. The chili does have beans.
02:28 Not always a good sign, but let's see how it actually tastes.
02:34 Decent enough chili. It's got a decent enough chili.
02:54 This is another single that the base runner is just able to nip the runner to the pro at first base.
03:07 Now these fries, do not like the colors of the fries. Not impressed. Not impressed at all.
03:16 Look at these fries. Not impressive.
03:21 5.2 on the fries.
03:33 Alright, well they call this place Burger Baron.
03:37 So let's see if the burger is better than the hot dog.
03:40 I like how the bun looks. Good grill marks on the hamburger.
03:44 You know, maybe if they grilled the hot dogs the same way, it could be better.
03:49 I like the toasted of the bun. Yes, I do. I do road dog my hamburgers.
03:55 So let's see how this came out.
03:58 [Video playing]
04:24 Alright, it's Burger Baron. It's not Hot Dog Baron.
04:28 I'm going to give this hamburger, a very good hamburger actually, an 8.3.
04:37 When coming to Burger Baron, stick with the burgers.
04:40 They put Vienna beef hot dogs on that sign. Those are not Vienna beef.
04:44 Those are Oscar Mayer or generic brand.
04:48 They were not anywhere close to Vienna beef.
04:52 But the burger was good.
04:56 Hot dog, well, as mediocre as mediocre can get without striking out.
05:02 But if you know a better place I can go, leave a comment down below.
05:06 Because you never know where I'm going to show up.
05:08 I'll be here, there, everywhere on the road.
05:10 And one day I'll review a hot dog in all 50 states.
05:14 So keep tuning in, keep road dogging, and I'll see you down the road.
05:18 [Singing]
05:46 [Laughing]
05:47 [Whooshing sound]
05:48 [Thud]
05:49 [Silence]
