FTS 10:30 11-06: Israeli attacks Gaza despite UN Security Council resolution

  • 3 months ago
FTS 10.30
*Malawi: VP's plane found with no survivors
*Venezuela defends its position over Guayana Esequiba before ICJ
00:00At least 11 people were killed in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday as a result of Israeli shelling
00:15despite the ceasefire resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council.
00:24Rescue teams in Malawi have found the wreckage of the plane that was carrying Vice President
00:29Saúl Ustilíma, but reported that there were no survivors.
00:37And the representative of Venezuela before the UN, Samuel Moncada, presented himself
00:42before the International Court of Justice to reaffirm his country's position regarding
00:47the Guayana-Ezequiel dispute.
00:53Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:55My name is Belén de los Santos and from the Telesur studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
00:59with the news.
01:17At least 11 people were killed in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday as a result of Israeli shelling
01:22despite the ceasefire resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council.
01:27In this way, the Gaza Health Ministry confirmed that eight of the victims were killed after
01:31an Israeli bombardment of an apartment in the city of Gaza, while the occupation army
01:36also targeted a house in Deir el-Balá, in the center of the Palestinian enclave, claiming
01:41the lives of three civilians.
01:43The attacks persist amid reports from the Palestinian media on Hamas accepting the ceasefire
01:48resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council, as was informed by Samir Abu Soudi,
01:55senior official of the resistance movement.
02:02And as we were mentioning, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution for a ceasefire
02:07in the Gaza Strip presented by the United States.
02:10More than six months after the beginning of the Israeli genocide, the United Nations approved
02:16for the first time a resolution calling for a ceasefire and stressing the urgent need
02:21to allow extensive vital aid for the famine which has begun to spread throughout Gaza.
02:28During a session of the UN Security Council, 14 members approved the resolution demanding
02:32the return of 130 hostages kidnapped in Israel and those held in Gaza.
02:44In this context, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas issued a statement welcoming
02:49the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council.
02:52The movement praised the fact that the text calls for a permanent ceasefire and the complete
02:56withdrawal of Israeli troops, as well as the exchange of prisoners.
03:01The UN proposal also includes the reconstruction of the destroyed areas in the Gaza Strip,
03:06the return of the displaced to their places of residence, and the rejection of any demographic
03:12It also calls for the restoration or reduction of the territory of the Gaza Strip, as well
03:15as the provision of the necessary assistance to the Palestinians.
03:20In this regard, Hamas also stressed its readiness to enter into indirect negotiations in order
03:26to materialize the UN resolution.
03:33The United Nations suspended humanitarian operations in the U.S. pier off the Gaza coast
03:38following a deadly Israeli operation.
03:41In this regard, the UN spokesperson Stefan Dujarric described as a standard procedure
03:47the suspension of humanitarian operations at the U.S. pier in the aftermath of the Israeli
03:53The official stressed that the agency must resume humanitarian operations as soon as
03:58In this sense, the UN food program had previously announced that it would call off operations
04:03at the dock pending a thorough assessment of the security situation.
04:07The move comes after Tel Aviv regime forces conducted an incursion into the Gaza Strip
04:13using vehicles identified as humanitarian aid to reach hostages, killing over 250 Palestinians
04:20in the process.
04:23While the World Food Program colleagues tell us that we are temporarily pausing operations
04:31at the floating dock until a thorough assessment of the security situation is conducted to
04:36ensure the safety of our staff and our partners.
04:40In Palestine, in the occupied West Bank, a general strike is held to denounce the murder
04:45of four young people at the hands of the Israeli army.
04:49Stores and public entities in the West Bank remained closed on Tuesday in response to
04:54the call by President Mahmoud Abbas for a work stoppage.
04:57The measure of force follows the murder on Monday night of four youths in the town of
05:03Kfar Nima, where eight others were wounded after being shot by Israeli soldiers besieging
05:09the place.
05:10In parallel to its genocidal war in Gaza, Israel has launched an offensive in the occupied
05:15West Bank, where 538 Palestinians, including 133 minors, have been killed since October
05:28In Israel, recent polls show that 62% of the population intending to vote would not cast
05:35their votes for any political party that supports Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
05:40In this regard, another result of the polls showed that 56% support the call for a ceasefire
05:46in the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages from both states.
05:51The survey further revealed that 75% of the respondents did not favor the government's
05:56policies regarding evacuations on the border with Gaza and Lebanon.
06:07These polls also show that 56% of those polled support the U.S. government's proposal for
06:13a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of the hostages.
06:17This compared to 24% who opposed the second-phase initiative regarding a total cessation of
06:24hostilities and the withdrawal of occupation forces.
06:28For their part, 72% of the surveyed participants said they strongly disagree with the Israeli
06:33government treatment of the hostages, families and the border evacuations.
06:42Saudi Arabia decided on Monday not to renew the Pedro Dolar agreement that expired on
06:47June 9th, ending a nearly 50-year relationship with the United States.
06:52The agreement signed in 1974 with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger involved
06:58the creation of an agreement for Saudi oil exports to be paid for in U.S. dollars.
07:04As a result of Monday's decision, Saudi Arabia can now sell oil and other goods in currencies
07:09such as euro, yen and yuan instead of exclusively in the U.S. dollar.
07:15The change could accelerate the de-dolarization process while challenging the dominance of
07:20the Pedro Dolar system that has been in place since the United States stopped its currency
07:25convertibility to gold in the year 1972.
07:29Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUSR English
07:37where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
07:43Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:50Welcome back to From the South.
08:05Rescue teams in Malawi have found the wreckage of a plane that was carrying Vice President
08:09Saulo Chilima but reported that there were no survivors.
08:13The plane had left the capital Lilongwe on Monday but failed to reach its destination
08:18amid bad weather.
08:20The remains of the military aircraft were located a day later in a mountainous area
08:24in the north of the country.
08:26President Lazaros Chauquera, who had first ordered immediate search and rescue operations,
08:32later announced in a televised address that the plane had been found completely destroyed
08:37and with no survivors.
08:39Seven passengers, including 51-year-old Chilima and a former First Lady, along with three
08:44military crew members were on board.
08:55And I am deeply saddened and sorry to inform you all that it has turned out to be a terrible
09:12The search and rescue team has found the aircraft near a hill in the Chikangawa forest
09:22and they have found it completely destroyed with no survivors as all passengers on board
09:29were killed on impact.
09:31In Russia, in order to keep the personnel training and equipment, the defence ministry
09:35announced the second phase of military exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces.
09:41The armed forces of Belarus joined this second stage, which is intended to ensure the defence
09:46of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries.
09:50A statement released by the Russian ministry specified that soldiers from the two nations
09:56would be trained in the coordination of the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
09:59Earlier, the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko stressed that the joint military
10:04exercises with Russia were being carried out to train, prepare and be ready since the world
10:10is dangerous and unstable.
10:18And in Russia, BRICS foreign ministers continue their second day of expanded ministerial council
10:24The meeting is attended by 10 foreign ministers of the bloc, including Brazil, Russia, India,
10:29China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran.
10:36At the meeting, they discussed current issues of the world agenda, regional issues as well
10:40as the interaction between the BRICS countries within the framework of the partnership and
10:45other platforms.
10:46The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs led the meeting and assured that the main task
10:50is the collective search for answers to the common challenges faced by the international
11:01And during the first meeting of foreign ministers of the BRICS and BRICS Plus member countries
11:06that has already started during his speech at the BRICS event, the Russian top diplomat
11:10Sergey Lavrov emphasized the steady growth of circle of the BRICS partners.
11:19We have a special responsibility to pay attention to foreign policy coordination, first of all
11:24in the UN and its Security Council, the BRICS, the SCO, the G20, the APEC and other multilateral
11:33Our position with our Chinese friends is seen more and more positively by the leading countries
11:38of the world.
11:40Our circle of partners is constantly growing.
11:42The circle of those who want to cooperate with both the BRICS and the SCO is increasing.
11:50Moreover, Lavrov said that the BRICS Foreign Minister Summit meeting was working to improve
11:56the international monetary and financial system.
12:00The Russian chairmanship is moving ahead at a good pace, some 70 events have already
12:05taken place and more are still to come.
12:08We have noted the constructive participation of all partners in them.
12:12Work has started on key Russian initiatives in the transport sector, the creation of a
12:17contact group on climate and sustainable development, a working group on nuclear medicine and a
12:23medical association.
12:25Work is also being actively done on implementing the decisions of last year's Johannesburg
12:30Summit, in particular with regard to improving the international monetary and financial systems
12:35and to developing a national currency settlement platform for mutual trade.
12:42Also in this context, the Government of Russia and Venezuela signed a memorandum of cooperation
12:46in the fight against US sanctions.
12:49The document was signed by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Venezuelan
12:54counterpart Ivan Hill within the framework of the meeting of the BRICS Foreign Ministers
12:59in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod.
13:02The head of the Russian diplomacy emphasized the good relations between Moscow and Caracas,
13:07highlighting the effective cooperation in the fields of energy and medicine, while specifying
13:11that the agreement will contribute even more to the common work between both countries.
13:17For his part, Hill reiterated Venezuela's interest in becoming a full member of the
13:21group of emerging economist BRICS, a position that Lavrov supported.
13:31In other news on Monday, main left-wing parties of France announced the creation of a popular
13:36front against fascism and the far-right.
13:39The meeting was attended by members of La France Insoumise and socialist, green and
13:44communist parties.
13:46According to the statement issued by these four groups, they will support single candidates
13:51in the first round of the legislative elections.
13:54In this sense, the parties indicated that their candidates will carry a disruptive program
14:00detailing the measures to be taken in the first 100 days of the new popular front government.
14:06The decision comes after President Emmanuel Macron called for early legislative elections
14:11scheduled for June 30th and July 7th, respectively.
14:41Welcome back from the South.
15:02The representative of Venezuela before the UN, Samuel Moncada, presented himself before
15:07the International Court of Justice to reaffirm his country's position regarding the Guyana-Ezequieva
15:13In this sense, the Venezuelan diplomat stated that they are at the ICJ following instructions
15:18by President Nicolás Maduro and the popular mandate.
15:22He stated that they are there to defend the Guyana-Ezequieva and to reaffirm that the
15:27Geneva Agreement is the international framework under which the dispute with Guyana needs
15:32to be solved.
15:34In the year 2018, Guyana unilaterally decided to approach the ICJ regarding the issue, breaching
15:41the Geneva Agreement's mandate to always proceed with the agreement of both parts.
15:51Meanwhile in Venezuela, the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela,
15:55Diosdado Cabello, led a debate on political organizations with members of the Great Patriotic
16:01Cabello pointed out that this party is a great political force and called it the vanguard
16:06of the Bolivarian revolution with presence in all municipalities and parishes of Venezuela.
16:13During his speech, Cabello also rejected the destabilization attempts orchestrated by the
16:17extreme right wing and its aggressions against the sovereignty of the country.
16:30What is certain is that for this election of July 28th, we have one candidate, our brother
16:34Nicolás Maduro, president of the party, supported by 13 political organizations grouped in what
16:45we call the Great Patriotic Pole, where the traditional leftist parties of Venezuela are
16:54together with other groups and social movements, a great political force.
17:03We have the president, only one candidate, and they have nine candidates.
17:11In this context, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela described as extraordinary the
17:17revision days of the 1x10 electoral machinery held on Sunday throughout the national territory,
17:24in preparation for the presidential elections of July 28th.
17:27In a meeting headed by the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela,
17:31Diosdado Cabello, it was detailed that the 1x10 machinery became the most in tune with
17:37the proposals of the national government during 25 years of revolution.
17:49We go now to Argentina, where more than 80 resignations from Javier Milet's cabinet
17:54have been registered in the last six months as a result of internal conflicts.
17:59According to government sources, a total of 82 officials, including ministers, secretaries,
18:04undersecretaries and directors, have so far resigned from their posts.
18:08The resignations are related to internal conflicts and scandals linked to the distribution of
18:13food for soup kitchens and overpaid salaries with funds coming from international organizations.
18:20According to experts, the resignations are an unequivocal sign of instability within
18:26Milet's administration and of lack of expertise in political management.
18:31The areas with the highest number of departures are the former ministries of education, labor,
18:36culture, and women, gender, and diversity.
18:57We stay in Argentina as local athletes express concern about how President Javier Milet's
19:02austerity policies are affecting the sports movement.
19:06In this way, the best South American swimmer in 2023, Argentine swimmer Magarena Ceballos,
19:12already classified to the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, highlighted that in the sports
19:18facilities where she is preparing, there are not the necessary conditions to materialize
19:23the success of her training program.
19:26On the other hand, Diogenes de Urquiza, director of the National Institute for High Performance
19:31in Sports, expressed that 2024, despite being the Olympic year, they have the same budget
19:38as in 2023, with an inflation of almost 300 percent year-on-year as part of a severe fiscal
19:46adjustment plan of the current administration.
19:54It's three hours, three and a half hours a day, that I'm wasting this week to go train
19:58at the German Gymnastics Society in Villa Ballester.
20:02It's something that happens to us when water heater pump breaks.
20:07We are aware that in a country like Argentina today, where people cannot afford to eat,
20:11there are other priorities than sports.
20:13We had to work with what we had.
20:15We worked judiciously.
20:16We agreed that the priority this year was the Olympic Games.
20:20And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:23You can find these and many other stories on our website at telusorenglish.net and also
20:27join us on social media.
20:28We are on Facebook, X, Instagram, Telegram, and also on TikTok.
20:36For Telusore English, my name is Belén de los Santos.
20:38Thank you for watching.
