• last year
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 97 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 98 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 99 Completo
Vivir De Amor Capitulo 97 Completo
00:12Yo mismo las voy a destruir las pruebas esas deben de ser las malditas pruebas
00:25See Tommy's I see you all las pruebas ahora tengo que pensar como quitarse las antes de que el muy idiota las estruya
00:36Manana podrá volver a su casa señora monica
00:39está seguro de que su corazón ya se encuentra bien de salud doctor como puede ver mi esposa está muy preocupado por mí
00:46ya no hay razón para preocuparse
00:48su esposa podrá dejar el hospital mañana mismo
00:51con permiso gracias doctor gracias
00:55Dentras mañana por miedo el foo
00:58que este ser pendiente de mí me hace sentir muchísimo mejor
01:01hijita todos estamos pendientes de tu salud nos importas mucho gracias papá
01:08quieres que se te prepare algo especial para comer en la casa
01:12tú no necesitas fingir que te alegras que estoy bien de salud cristina
01:17Seguro que ya esperaba verme muerta no
01:21para quedarte definitivamente con adolfo el marido que me quitaste por favor
01:26hijita no empieces a pelear
01:29apenas puedo creer que te pongas así si aún estás convaleciente monica
01:35aunque lo dudes me alegra mucho saber que estás bien
01:39nos vamos papá para que monica pueda descansar si yo me quedo
01:45Necesito hablar con monica
01:49cuida descansa hijita
01:58En menos market que das otro rato las horas aquí se hacen eternas
02:05Necesito que me expliques todo ese asunto del hijo de misa el que tú mandaste desaparecer
02:12Sabes algo de tu hijito nada doña mis sigo sin tener noticias de misa el y no sé si él ya sepa algo de nuestro
02:22Me muero por tenerlo de nuevo entre mis brazos
02:26Poder mirar sus ojitos y
02:29escucharlo decir mamá con el favor de dios y de nuestra virgen cita eso va a suceder muy pronto guanda ya verás
02:40qué pasó
02:41Otra vez chambiaste dando bola en la calle pedrito no mijo ya te dije que te dediques de lleno a la escuela
02:49Si yo desde hace rato te ya acabé la tarea doña mis y además me aprendí todito lo que la maestra no dejó
02:58Pues ni modo de que me tenga hasta aquí de flojote cuando yo me puedo ir a ganar
03:04Dinerito para yo dale con la papa
03:11Si quieres yo te sirvo un vaso de agua
03:15Gracias Juanda
03:19Sigo esperando a que me expliques lo que hiciste hace ocho años con ese niño con el hijo de misa el con mi nieto
03:27aquella mujer era una meritriz
03:29una abusiva que sólo se quería aprovechar de misa el
03:34Adolfo hasta me exigió dinero a cambio del niño
03:38claro ahora esa hipócrita lo niega
03:41te juro que te estoy diciendo la verdad adolfo yo no iba a permitir que una gabaretera se aprovechara de nuestro hijo
03:50nuestro hijo era un muchacho inexperto un ingenuo
03:54esa mujer tenía toda la experiencia del mundo para enredar a los hombres
03:59por eso logró empacarlo
04:02Misael tenía todo el derecho de confirmar si ese niño era su hijo mónica tenía derecho a conocerlo
04:10de hacerse cargo de la criatura
04:13si está bien reconozco que
04:16que tal vez me precipité que cometió un error lo que tú quieras
04:22Pero lo hice para proteger a nuestro hijo adolfo
04:26Para variar no lo consultaste conmigo
04:29se necesita tener muy poco corazón para abandonar a su suerte a tu propio nieto
04:35como esperas que reaccione misa el
04:38como esperas que te perdone por lo que hiciste con su hijo
04:42no yo yo no quiero seguir discutiendo contigo la verdad
04:46lo que necesito de corazón es tu apoyo adolfo
04:51te suplico que hables con misa el te lo ruego
04:55que le hagas ver que yo lo hice por su bien
04:58que soy su madre adolfo
05:00dile que por favor me perdone no yo no se lo voy a decir
05:05eso se lo tienes que decir tú monica eso y además decirle dónde está su hijo
05:11tienes que decírselo si de verdad quieres que misa el te perdone
05:25Nunca más vas a volver a manejar mi vida mamá
05:29Yo mismo me voy a encargar de estas pruebas de mis decisiones y de encontrar a mi hijo
05:45Hola virgencita te traigo dos florecitas
05:49Hola virgencita te traigo dos florecitas
05:54unas por mi mamita
05:57y otras por la guanda
06:00pa que bien pronto encuentre a su hijito
06:03y no vayas a creer que soy un abusón eh
06:08pero por favor ayudanos a los dos
06:13no hay que ser
06:18un abuso
06:24a partir de hoy como ya les explique
06:27proporcionaremos los nutrientes que las semillas necesitan para su sano crecimiento
06:33y más pronto de lo que imaginan estaremos cosechando los primeros cultivos
06:59Felicidades mi amor estás haciendo un trabajo increíble
07:03pero estás acoloradisimo verdad
07:06Me estoy derritiendo eh
07:08Ah pues yo tengo la solución
07:12Ah si
07:19Ay mamacita chula mejor no abro la carta mi guandios no
07:23Que tal si me llevo una desilusión nomas de a grapis
07:26Ni guas mejor no la abro
07:28A que busco lo que no quiero encontrar
07:30Ay Doris no seas chillona
07:32Lela de una vez para que salgas de dudas
07:34Si verdad
07:36Total además mi Sebas me dijo
07:38Que si yo siempre había soñado con tener un papá
07:40Pues que me sintiera bien afortunada porque al final lo encontré
07:43Pues el Sebas tiene la boca llena de razón
07:45Así es que orale sin miedo que para morir nacimos
07:48Pues vamos a ver cuantas mentirotas me escribió el tal Armando Fuegos
07:52O sea si mi jefe
07:54Yo mejor te dejo Doris
07:56Porque aunque el no este aquí personalmente en persona
07:58Pues es algo personal entre ustedes dos no
08:00Echale corazón
08:03Ay ay ay
08:05Bueno pues la leemos no
08:09A ver
08:11Que si que la quiso leer
08:13Y tu viste yo se la escribí con todo el alma
08:16Ya no tengo ninguna oportunidad de recuperar a mi hija
08:19No no arriba corazones Armando
08:21Porque ni creas que voy a dejar que te des por vencido
08:25Date cuenta de que eso significan los hijos
08:28Una lucha constante
08:30Y nosotros no nos vamos a rendir ok
08:45Por los clavos de Cristo
08:47Es Doris G
08:50Me esta llamando porque va a dejar el local
08:53Ella a mi no me lo dijo G
08:55Me dijo que si iba a ir que va a dejar todo cuando supiera que yo era su padre
08:59A ver ya contéstale mira mira
09:03Ándale ya contesta
09:33Sí sí sí sí
09:36A ver no entiendo nada si no como donde cuando
09:39¿Qué pasó dime qué te dijo?
09:41Mi hija aceptó verme
09:43Ay no no a ver platica
09:46¿Qué te dijo? ¿Que te aceptó verte? ¿Y luego qué?
09:49¿Te das cuenta G?
09:51Mi hija aceptó hablar conmigo
09:53Lo sabía Armando
09:55No hay corazón de piedra cuando se trata de los hijos
09:58Ay su pobre tío
10:58¿Entonces aquí quedaste de verte con Armando?
11:01Sí aquí Merito mi Sebas
11:03Mira hay una mesa vacía vamos ¿No?
11:06Ay gracias
11:08Tranquila todo va a estar bien
11:10No pares
11:12Híjole mi Sebas gracias por darme ánimos
11:15Si no fuera por lo que me dijiste yo jamás de los jamáses hubiera venido a hablar con ese señor
11:19No tienes nada que agradecer pero
11:21Doris trata de escucharlo
11:23Dale la oportunidad de decirte lo que te tenga que decir después de tantos años
11:27Pues de oírlo lo oigo
11:29Pero si veo que nomás me anda choreando yo le tengo tres respuestas bien preparaditas ¿Eh?
11:34Está bien Doris pero trata de ser paciente y escucharlo con el corazón
11:39No te prometo nada mi Sebas
11:42Pero lo que si te prometo es que lo voy a intentar ¿Va?
11:45Ahí viene
11:47Buenas tardes
11:49Hola buenas tardes
11:51¿Cómo estás Doris?
11:53¿Qué tal?
11:55Hola Sebas ¿Cómo estás?
11:58Hola Doris
12:02Siéntense adelante allí
12:04Cristian pero antes de sentarme a tomar un café con ustedes
12:08Me gustaría ver si me puedes acompañar a una joyería que está aquí junto
12:12Es que vi unos collares bien bonitos y quería ver si me acompañas
12:17No yo sé que a los hombres les choca ir de compras pero
12:20Ándale vamos ¿Si?
12:22Si claro que te acompaño
12:24No me tardo ¿Ok? Y recuerda lo que platicamos
12:26Cuando quieras
12:28Si con permiso
12:38¿Y qué espera de ese embuche? ¿Qué me quiere decir?
12:42Perdóneme hija
12:45Perdóneme por favor
12:51Pues no hay ninguna joyería es para dejarlos solos ¿Verdad?
12:56Has oído hablar de las mentiritas blancas ¿Verdad?
12:59Es mejor dejarlos solos para que hablen
13:01Si tienes toda la razón tienen mucho que platicar
13:05Quieres mucho a Doris ¿Verdad?
13:08Ay sí más de lo que te puedas imaginar
13:12Así fue como conocí a tu mamá Doris
13:15Fue una novia que adoré con toda el alma
13:20Después yo me fui para intentar hacer una fortuna y poder darle lo mejor
13:27Pero cuando yo regresé ahí fue cuando me enteré
13:32De esa maldita enfermedad que me la mató
13:37Nada más me entregaron una carta que ella me dejó
13:42Yo tenía tanto miedo de leerla
13:46Con el tiempo me atreví a leerla y
13:49Y el día que la leí
13:52¿Y qué decía la dichosa carta?
13:54Bueno en la carta ella me decía que
13:59Que habíamos tenido una hija hermosa
14:02Y hasta me dejó una foto
14:06Fue ahí entonces cuando supe que
14:09Que tú, mi hija
14:12Estaba vendiendo ahí en el mercado
14:15El bendito mercado que compré
14:19Me sentí el hombre más afortunado del mundo
14:21Sentí que la virgencita, que el mismo San Judas
14:25Me estaba dando el amorcito ese poquito
14:28Que había perdido y que no te he podido dar
14:31Pues no espere que dé brincos de alegría sonando las maracas y tocando el pandero
14:36Porque lo que sufrí no se borra con un plumazo señor
14:41Ahorita confórmese con que le dirija la palabra
14:45Te digo la verdad
14:47Yo me conformo con verte
14:50Así aunque sea de lejitos
14:55Vamos a hacerlo como tú lo dices
14:58Tiempo al tiempo, ¿no?
15:01Y a ver qué, qué dice Dios
15:08¿Qué hija ni qué ocho cuartos?
15:11Usted sigue diciendo que no se borra
15:14¿Qué hija ni qué ocho cuartos?
15:16Usted sigue siendo don Armando
15:18Y yo soy la Doris
15:20Y hasta ahí no más
15:36Jefe, ya me hacían harta falta
15:39¡Ven acá!
15:40Hijo, bienvenido
15:42Pero, pero no entiendo
15:44Pues ahora sí regresaste bien rápido, mi hijo
15:47Sí, no te esperábamos tan pronto
15:49Y pensamos que te ibas a quedar allá más tiempo
15:51Pues ese era el plan, pero
15:53Pasaron algunas cosas que
15:55Luego les cuento
15:56Pero ahora necesito decirles algo importante
15:59Ay, mi hijo, ¿qué?
16:00No me regresé solo
16:04¡Me traje a la Sandra conmigo!
16:13Mira, nada más que cochinero
16:15¡Qué bárbaro!
16:16No es posible, son unos puercos
16:18Oye, tranquila, ¿eh?
16:20Mañana levantamos todo
16:22Que tal vez si Javi hubiera comido algo antes de dormirse
16:26Pues hubiera tenido un poquito de energía para levantar todos sus juguetes, ¿eh?
16:30Ay, pobrecita, mi mamá se fue a dormir con muchísima hambre
16:34¿Por qué llegaste tan tarde, eh?
16:36¿Dónde estabas? ¿Con quién estabas?
16:38Pues, trabajando
16:40¿Dónde más voy a estar?
16:42Necesito esforzarme de más para mantenerlos a ustedes como se merecen
16:45Tu papá no me ha depositado ni un peso
16:47Ay, no te creo, mamá
16:49Seguro esa es otra de tus mentiras, ¿no?
16:51Matilde, por favor
16:53Yo siempre les he dicho la verdad
16:55¿Ah, sí?
16:56¿Estás segura que toda la verdad?
16:58Entonces dime
17:00¿Por qué saliste en un video en ropa interior
17:02Junto a otro señor que no es mi papá?
17:06Siempre dices la verdad, ¿no?
17:08Dime, ¿eso también es verdad?
17:22Mi amor, ya no te atormentes más, por favor
17:26No has dejado de ver las camas vacías de tus hijos
17:28Y eso te está haciendo daño
17:30Ay, es que...
17:31Y tienes que comer algo también
17:32Porque no has probado bocadito del día
17:34No sabes cuánto extraño a mis hijos
17:39Extraño sus voces
17:42Sus risas
17:45Los extraño mucho
17:47Pues precisamente por tus hijos te tienes que mantener fuerte
17:50Vas a luchar por ellos, ¿no?
17:52Bueno, vamos
17:54Porque yo también los extraño
17:56Vamos a que sientes algo, ¿sí?
17:58Vamos a que sientes algo
18:00Vamos a que sientes algo
18:02Vamos a que sientes algo, ¿sí?
18:05Mira, yo sé que Romina no los va a dejar morirse de hambre
18:12Lo que nunca les va a poder dar
18:14Es el amor que yo les doy
18:23Me mentiste, mamá
18:25Me hiciste creer que estabas en la ciudad
18:27Sacrificándote por nosotros
18:29Cuando en verdad te estabas revolcando en la cama con tu amante
18:34Ay, perdón, perdón, Mati
18:36No quise...
18:40¿Cómo pude perder la paciencia?
18:43Por lo visto el imbécil de Luciano
18:45Hizo hasta lo imposible por hacerme quedar mal
18:51De poco le sirvió
18:53Le gané la partida y ahora yo tengo a mis hijos
19:15Juliá, ¿qué tienes?
19:16¡José Emilio!
19:17¡José Emilio, veanla!
19:18¡La doctora está muy mal!
19:19¡Está temblando!
19:20¿Qué pasó?
19:21Juliá, Juliá, ¿qué tienes?
19:22¿Qué pasa?
19:23No sé, mira
19:24Tiene fiebre y está temblando
19:25Juliá, Juliá, reacciona
19:26Juliá, ¿qué pasó?
19:29¿Qué pasa, Juliá?
19:34Ahí está la causa de que la doctora esté mala
19:36Si no le ponemos el antídoto a la doctorcita se muere
19:40Búscalo, búscalo
19:42Juliá, Juliá, tranquila, aquí estamos
19:45No, no, Juliá
19:46Juliá, Juliá
19:47¿Qué pasa, José Emilio?
19:48Reacciona, Juliá, aquí estamos contigo
19:54No me digas que ya te vas, brother
19:59It was you, wasn't it?
20:01You took over the whole poker thing so my mom would blame me
20:04Hey, hey, hey, wait
20:06Oh my God, I had a horrible day, like I was listening to your nonsense
20:10You have to tell the truth
20:12Rebeca, why are you doing this to us?
20:14Why are you putting my mom against me?
20:16Lucifícame tu tono de voz
20:18As far as I know, the one who has to give explanations is you, not me
20:23Are you going to answer me whether you want to or not, Rebeca?
20:25What do you want with your intrigues?
20:27First Angelí and now me
20:30If what you want is to destroy us, you won't get it
20:33Well, we'll see about that, kid
20:38Why are you answering your brother like that?
20:40Do you really want to destroy us?
20:43Do you want to destroy your own family?
20:58We have to do it now, we have to play with that courage
21:14My name is Diego, I live in Jalcómulco, Veracruz
21:17I really love to play pot
21:19Bulls are not real, we make them jump
21:22You can bullfight them, you can drag them
21:25And the most fun thing is to get them ready and open the drawer
21:29It's a good summer!
21:55You can't break your commitment
21:57What will people say about us?
21:59A father who wants to correct the past
22:01My son is going to be the vice-president
22:04And three women who will give him a second chance at heart
22:08That's right, my timeless love
22:10Let's do yours
22:20If what happened to me happened to you too
22:22But it didn't happen to me
22:23Are you saying it was my fault?
22:24I hope this takes you back in time
22:26Very good things are going to happen to you, son
22:29As the saying goes, stories that connect with you
22:55That woman murdered your friend
22:57That is to be proven
22:59There was something between them
23:00Nicolas, I need to talk to you
23:02You must stay away from those people, please
23:06The killer is one of them
23:08Fugitivas, July 1st, 8.30pm, on Las Estrellas
23:24I'll be waiting for you every morning on Las Noticias
23:26I don't want to give you more
23:28Monday to Friday at 5.50pm, on Las Estrellas
23:54Let's make dad proud with a very fun show
23:57Games, challenges, special guests
23:59And many surprises will not be missing in this celebration
24:02In the music we will have the presence of
24:04Alexander Hacha
24:05Alex Intec
24:06Los Recoditos
24:07And the beautiful Maribel Guardián
24:10Dad is this Saturday, June 15th, 7pm, on Las Estrellas
24:25The duo Río Roma invites people to adopt and not buy
24:28Notes, recipes and more on Cuéntamelo Ya
24:31From Monday to Friday with Las Estrellas
24:33Today we are going to celebrate that love has finally triumphed
24:36You are Maria
24:37I finally found you, my daughter
24:39You are a murderer and I don't know if I can forgive you
24:41I know you want revenge
24:43We will be able to kill everyone
24:45If you want to help her, I need you to ruin that wedding
24:48Is there any impediment to this union before God?
24:51Monday to Friday, 8.30pm
24:54Wake up with the stories that will mark the course of your day
24:58To understand what is behind each news in Mexico and in the world
25:04And get close to all the information about sports, entertainment and video
25:08Wake up, a newscast from NMAS
25:10Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning with Las Estrellas
25:14A family that lives on appearances
25:16You can't break your commitment
25:17What will people say about us?
25:19A father who wants to correct the past
25:22My son is going to be the vice president
25:25And three women who will give a second chance to the heart
25:29That's right, my timeless love
25:31Let's go Antonio
25:32Starts on July 8, 6.30pm
25:35That woman murdered your friend
25:37That is to be proven
25:39There was something between them
25:41Nicolas, I need to talk to you
25:43You must get away from those people, please
25:46The murderer is one of them
25:49Fugitivas, July 1, 8.30pm, by Las Estrellas
25:54If you want to connect with us and get good advice
25:57Our menu, every day you must open
26:01If what happened to me happened to you
26:03But it didn't happen to me
26:04Are you saying it was my fault?
26:05I hope this takes the course
26:07Very good things are going to happen to you
26:10As the saying goes, stories that connect with you
26:15Study acting
26:16In the Artistic Education Center of Televisa
26:20Participate in the Children's Call 2024
26:23Look for the bases at lasestrellas.tv.ca
26:27We are waiting for you!
26:34We are intercepted
26:37Here we discuss the different points of view
26:41Topics of common interest with different positions
26:47Third grade, Wednesday
26:49At the end, on point with Enrique Acevedo
26:52With Las Estrellas
27:16They will pay us the penance
27:17We are very afraid to take her out because she was in jail
27:21Irina is coming back
27:22You won't be talking to me
27:25Get Irina out
27:26And I'll keep her
27:27I don't want to have children, do you think?
27:29Now how do we get rid of them?
27:30Do you think?
27:31This Sunday, 7pm
27:34A family that lives on appearances
27:36I can't break your commitment
27:37What will people say about us?
27:40A father who wants to correct the past
27:42My son is going to be the vice president
27:45And three women who will give a second chance to the heart
27:49That's right, my timeless love
27:51Let's go, Antonio
27:54Today we are going to celebrate that love finally triumphed
27:57You are Maria
27:58I finally found you, my daughter
28:00You are a murderer and I don't know if I can forgive you
28:02I know you want revenge
28:03Accept it
28:04And we will be able to kill everyone
28:06If you want to help me, I need you to ruin that wedding
28:08Is there any impediment to this union before God?
28:12Monday to Friday, 8.30pm
28:14If you want to connect with us and receive good advice
28:18Our menu, every day you must open
28:21If something happened to you, what happened to me too
28:23But it didn't happen to me
28:24Are you saying it was my fault?
28:25I hope this takes the course
28:28Very good things are going to happen to you
28:30As the saying goes, stories that connect with you
28:41In Mexico and in the world
28:44And get all the information about sports, entertainment and movies
28:48Wake up, a newscast from NMAS
28:50Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
28:52With the stars
29:11Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:12With the stars
29:13Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:14With the stars
29:15Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:16With the stars
29:17Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:18With the stars
29:19Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:20With the stars
29:21Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:22With the stars
29:23Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:24With the stars
29:25Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:26With the stars
29:27Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:28With the stars
29:29Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:30With the stars
29:31Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:32With the stars
29:33Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:34With the stars
29:35Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:36With the stars
29:37Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:38With the stars
29:39Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:40With the stars
29:41Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:42With the stars
29:43Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:44With the stars
29:45Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:46With the stars
29:47Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:48With the stars
29:49Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:50With the stars
29:51Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:52With the stars
29:53Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:54With the stars
29:55Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:56With the stars
29:57Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
29:58With the stars
29:59Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
30:00With the stars
30:01Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning
30:02With the stars
30:04With the stars
30:08Because I've made up my mind
30:15I'm going to love you
30:24Answer me, Rebeca!
30:25Why did you tell your brother?
30:27Tell the truth, so my mom knows her daughter's real intentions.
30:32Calm down. You're very upset, Mom.
30:35That's exactly what Santiago wants you to think.
30:37I didn't say anything.
30:39He provoked me so you'd think the worst of me.
30:42I didn't say I wanted to destroy you, you did, Santiago.
30:45You're putting words in my mouth to make me feel bad about Mom.
30:48That's serious.
30:50Stop it.
30:51I'm tired of your behavior.
30:54Mom, to be fair, you don't want to see the truth.
30:57I'm sick of all this.
30:59Mom, that's why I'm leaving.
31:00Because you can't see the truth.
31:02Don't talk to me like that, Santiago.
31:04Mom, you spent years looking for your lost daughter.
31:07Ever since she appeared, only she exists for you.
31:10Rebeca or Frida, whatever you want to call her.
31:13You're the only one who cares.
31:15Angeli and I don't exist for you anymore.
31:17Enough. Don't say that, Santiago.
31:21Santiago, wait.
31:24I'm talking...
31:25What do you want? Do you want me to show you the suitcase?
31:27What's wrong with you?
31:28It's done, Mom.
31:29I'm not stealing anything from the house.
31:31Santiago, look at what you're doing.
31:33It's done. There's nothing here.
31:34What's wrong with you, Santiago?
31:36Close that suitcase.
31:38Santiago, I'm talking to you.
31:45Why did you have to argue with your brother, Rebeca?
31:48Didn't you see how he got?
31:51This is what he wanted.
31:53For us to fight and for you to think the worst of me.
31:56You know what?
31:57I don't know what to think of you anymore.
32:00I realize that every day I pass by, I know you less.
32:04I don't know who you are.
32:07You can't tell me that, Mom.
32:09Don't say that. It hurts me a lot.
32:12And it hurts me more to realize that maybe everyone's right.
32:17Am I the one who hasn't opened my eyes?
32:19Am I the one who's wrong, defending you?
32:21No, Mom. Why are you telling me all these things?
32:25Don't tell me you regret giving me my name back.
32:28You regret giving me a place in this family.
32:31The lawyer is coming tomorrow to sign the papers.
32:34I'm going to talk to him to stop the process, Rebeca.
32:38You can't do that to me, Mom.
32:41I'm your daughter.
32:42I deserve to have my real name.
32:47I'm not signing anything until I'm sure I'm wrong about you.
32:56No, don't give up. The temperature won't go down.
32:58It will. Don't worry, Jose Emilio.
33:00We're going to get Julia to get better
33:02by following the instructions that Nachelli gave us.
33:04She's seen how they treat people with this poisonous scorpion.
33:08Here you go, please.
33:09Thank you.
33:10Thank you.
33:11Julia, please.
33:14Let's go.
33:15Julia, you have to react.
33:17Drink a little.
33:19Take this over there, please.
33:23Sandra, you're going to sleep here very comfortably.
33:26I can sleep here.
33:27Sandra can stay in my room.
33:29No, Lucas.
33:30I'm not here to bother you.
33:32Don't worry.
33:34I'll find a place to stay tomorrow.
33:36No, no, no.
33:37No way, Sandra.
33:39Listen to me, dear.
33:41Our house will always be your house
33:43as long as you find a safe place, understood?
33:47Okay, ma'am.
33:48Thank you very much.
33:49It's a pleasure.
33:51Well, I think we're going to get some rest now.
33:53We'll leave you here.
33:54You're welcome.
33:55Get some rest.
33:56Get some rest, guys.
33:58Goodbye, my love.
33:59Let us know if you need anything.
34:02Sleep well.
34:04See you tomorrow.
34:06You have such great parents.
34:08They're everything.
34:12What are you going to do now?
34:14I hope I don't have to deal with Chapulín.
34:17What do you think?
34:18I hope I don't have to deal with Chapulín.
34:21Listen, bro.
34:23Shut up.
34:27Sandra, is everything okay?
34:29Is this guy bothering you?
34:33Lucas, listen to me.
34:34What are you talking about?
34:38The guy who was bothering you.
34:41The young Bruno?
34:43Yes, him.
34:45I knew him.
34:47He was dressed differently, but I'm sure it was him.
34:52He was Chapulín and Ramiro's friend.
35:02Grandpa, in order to deal with the crisis we're going through,
35:04we need to increase our orders.
35:08I doubt our clients will agree to increase their orders.
35:14We already talked to our older clients.
35:18They totally agree to increase their orders.
35:21That's right, Mr. Emilio.
35:23In fact, all the information is on the charts.
35:27Take a look at the proposal.
35:30It's a great strategy, it's a win-win.
35:34Congratulations, guys.
35:37This is a very good strategy.
35:41I'm glad you recognize it, Grandpa.
35:43We've put in all our efforts for the corporation to rise.
35:48Very good, Isael.
35:51I hope you don't mind if I take a look at these charts.
35:57No, of course not, Aunt.
35:59Bruno and I will continue to work.
36:02If you'll excuse me.
36:03Of course.
36:04I'm very happy that Isael and Bruno
36:07are putting in all their efforts to get ahead, Grandpa.
36:11But let's not forget that he's the first suspect
36:14in the corporation's fraud.
36:18What are you suggesting, dear?
36:22That we ask for another opinion, basically.
36:35You saw my grandfather's face, didn't you?
36:38I'm slowly regaining the land I conquered Jose Emilio.
36:42I won't stop until I get everything I deserve.
36:47You can count on me.
36:55Thank you, really. Thank you so much.
36:57You saved my life.
36:58Well, we didn't do it alone.
37:01It was also with this smart girl
37:03who saw us and helped us.
37:05She's the one you have to thank, Julia.
37:07Yes, because she practically did everything.
37:10We just helped her.
37:11Yes, and I'm sure Nacieli will be an excellent doctor like you.
37:16And now my patient has to rest to feel better.
37:20Yes, whatever you say, Doctor. We'll do it.
37:23Whatever you say. Excuse me.
37:25Get better.
37:27See you later.
37:30I'm so happy to see how Julia is recovering.
37:32With Nacieli's care, she'll get better.
37:35That's right.
37:36And since you've done a great job,
37:39we're going to have breakfast with the delights I made for you.
37:43Really? That sounds delicious.
37:45Thank you.
37:46From now on, everything will be fine, my love.
37:52The bad is over, and you and I are together.
37:56And you and I are together.
37:58That's all that matters right now.
38:00Yes, my love.
38:02Because if I imagine that you're married to Renato right now...
38:06No, no, no.
38:07You can't even imagine it, Jose Emilio.
38:10I don't know how I could accept marrying him.
38:14I mean, Renato is a great man, but not for me.
38:18You're the only love of my life.
38:22And I accept that I let myself be carried away by pain,
38:25by spite, by jealousy, because I was with Renato.
38:29I couldn't take it anymore.
38:31You were jealous.
38:33I was dying of jealousy, my love.
38:37But as you say, it's over.
38:39It's over, and what matters is that you and I are together.
38:44And I promise you that we'll be together
38:48for all eternity.
38:51Swear it.
38:52I swear it.
39:09It's breakfast, not dinner, Tina.
39:13I'm coming, ma'am.
39:15Would you like anything else?
39:16Yes, I'd like a sandwich with jam, please.
39:19Okay, in a minute.
39:33My mom won't be able to attend to that lawyer.
39:36I won't let him stop the process
39:37so he can give me my name back.
39:42That's a lot of juice.
39:45Is breakfast ready?
39:49You're watching your favorite soap opera.
39:51We'll be right back.
40:14It's breakfast with the stars.
40:45Ronaldo is addicted to online gaming
40:47and he doesn't know he's fallen into the clutches of a gang
40:49because he's addicted to El Juego del Sicario.
40:53Tuesdays at 6.30, 8.30 p.m.
41:14We're in third grade.
41:16Here we discuss the different points of view.
41:20Topics of common interest with different positions.
41:25Third grade, Wednesdays at 8.00 with Enrique Acevedo.
41:30With the stars.
41:44And the stars will realize that no matter how much they shine...
41:47We are more than a beautiful body.
41:49If you don't know the answer, you'll lose a lot of weight.
41:52Cash, the kiss of money.
41:53This Sunday, 9 p.m. with the stars.
42:14Starts July 8th, 6.30 p.m.
43:14We'll be right back.
43:44We'll be right back.
44:14We'll be right back.
44:44We'll be right back.
45:14We'll be right back.
45:44We'll be right back.
46:14We'll be right back.
46:44We'll be right back.
47:14We'll be right back.
47:45We'll be right back.
47:58What's up?
47:59How'd you sleep?
48:01I wanted to tell you that last night
48:05I was really sad that we argued.
48:08I don't care if you think of me as Frida.
48:11The only thing I really want is to be by your side.
48:15I don't care about anything else.
48:18If what you're saying is true,
48:20I hope you'll apologize to Santiago.
48:22I will.
48:24In fact, I'm going to convince him to come back home.
48:28And if I have to leave for him to accept her,
48:30then I will.
48:32I'm going to do whatever it takes to see you well, Mom.
48:35Okay, Rebeca. Thank you.
48:38Here's the toast and the jam you asked for, Ms. Rebeca.
48:41Thank you, Rebeca.
48:43Excuse me.
48:44Thank you, Timmy.
48:51Well, the Mexican eggs you made were great, Ms. Eva.
48:55Now I'll wash the dishes, what do you think?
48:57No, don't worry.
48:58I know you don't like to do it.
49:00Leave them there and I'll wash them.
49:01There are things I thought I didn't like, Ms. Eva.
49:03But when I'm with you, I feel like doing it.
49:06Like washing the dishes.
49:08I even want to learn how to cook.
49:10I mean, you're so brave to try my dishes, aren't you?
49:14Well, I love what you say, Doris.
49:17The truth is that after Dulce's death,
49:20I thought I would never be able to feel this for someone else.
49:24But let me tell you, miss, that I was wrong.
49:29Because I love you.
49:31I love you, Doris.
49:32I love you too.
49:34Oh, oh, oh, I love this song.
49:37Wait for it to play.
49:38Oh, there it is.
49:40Hey, where were we?
49:42We were talking about how much I love you
49:46and I want us to live together.
49:49And what else?
49:50That's all.
49:51That's all?
49:52That's all.
50:07What did you call me for, Dad?
50:09To tell you that your mother has left the hospital
50:12and is already at home.
50:14Good for her.
50:16Son, son, son, please.
50:19Stop acting like that and go see your mother.
50:23Please, Isabel.
50:25At least listen to her.
50:31And after Sebas left,
50:33and after Sebas asked me to live together,
50:36and everything.
50:37That's cool.
50:38Sebastian is an angel in your life, Doris.
50:41Not only does he really love you,
50:43he's also worried that you'll get close to your boss.
50:46That's great.
50:47Well, just because I'm in a good mood,
50:49I'm going to give Mr. Armando a chance.
50:51Let's see if he really deserves to be my dad.
50:54One thing I'll tell you, my Juan Dux,
50:56Mr. Armando is going to have to do a lot of things to beat me.
51:00And I'm not talking about money,
51:02because you know I'm not interested like Rebeca.
51:05I just want to see if he loves me and really misses me.
51:09Oh, man, I'm really happy for you.
51:12The truth of the matter is that my Sebas had a lot to do with it.
51:16He convinced me to talk to Mr. Armando.
51:19Sebas is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
51:23Now I hit you with your love, right?
51:26But let me tell you that it's good love.
51:28I hope you get well abused and you don't let him go.
51:32You obviously told him you were going to live together, right?
51:35It may be mean,
51:36but I'm not crazy to say no to my Sebas.
51:38What do you think?
51:40Although there is something that worries me a little, my Wanda.
51:44I told him a lot of lies because of Rebeca.
51:47Well, yes, man.
51:49To begin with, Sebas doesn't even know
51:51that Rebeca and I were very close.
51:53I told him a lot of lies,
51:55but Sebas doesn't even know
51:57that Rebeca and I were very close.
51:59I mean, you know, like double-edged swords.
52:01Oh, and where's the trouble
52:03if you and Rebeca don't even look at each other?
52:06And much less take each other.
52:08Well, yes, but I'm determined to tell him the truth
52:11because I don't want to have a secret relationship, you know?
52:14Well, what are you up to, my Wanda?
52:17How are you doing with your kid?
52:19Hasn't Mr. Isabel told you?
52:21Nothing at all.
52:23And I'm already very desperate, my Doris.
52:27And if he's just giving me everything with his finger
52:29and he's not going to find out anything?
52:31That's why it's easy to know.
52:33Go and look him in the face, daughter.
52:35In fact, go see him, Wanda.
52:37But to her. Come on, activate yourself.
52:39Well, you're going to have to shoot.
52:41You tell me where and I'll get in shape.
52:43Go ahead.
52:44Thank you for coming, Sebastian.
52:46With great pleasure, Mr. Emilio.
52:48How can I help you?
52:50I need you on the team of my collaborators.
52:54You are a friend of Jose Emilio
52:57and you are an integral man and of all my trust.
53:01Thank you.
53:03I want you to review a proposal
53:06in which my grandson Misael is working.
53:10I want you to check it.
53:12What do you tell me, boy?
53:14Are you going back to work for the Rivera-Cuellar corporation?
53:20Well, how can I say no to a man like you, Mr. Emilio?
53:24Of course you can count on me.
53:26Well, you're at home, boy.
53:30Thank you.
53:34You cared about managing my life to make a copy of yours,
53:37but you know what?
53:39You got this far, Monica.
53:41I renege on you and I renege on being your son.
53:46Even if you don't want to see it,
53:48it's something good for you.
53:50And I did it for you.
53:52Please, Misael, forgive me.
53:55I can't.
53:59I don't want to listen to you.
54:00In fact, I don't even want to see you.
54:06What if I give you back your son?
54:08If I tell you where he is.
54:18I already told you that Mr. Misael is not here.
54:21Stop denying that Misael.
54:23We are not soap makers.
54:25The only thing we want is to talk to him
54:27so he can tell us the truth about something we want to know.
54:30That's all.
54:31Yes, little sister.
54:32Don't be a snitch.
54:33And tell Misael that here is the glove.
54:35I mean, your napkin.
54:37And that I'm not leaving until we talk.
54:39Look, face stretched.
54:40You heard us.
54:41We're not going to move until we see Misael.
54:43Here we stay.
54:44Come on, little hand.
54:45Stop here.
54:46How do you see?
54:47Here it is.
54:48Come on.
54:49Come on.
54:50Here we are.
54:51And you?
54:52Who let you in?
54:53Look, nothing more.
54:54Dorotea and the dancer inside Quinta.
54:56How awesome.
54:57Look, Rebeca, don't mess with me, huh?
54:59Let's respect each other, new rich girl.
55:01Well, not so new.
55:02Because I realize that Rebeca is well used.
55:05Don't miss me.
55:06Don't miss me.
55:07A couple of insignificant snitches
55:10who come to insult decent people like me.
55:13You should be decent.
55:15So you would have stopped doing all the crap you did.
55:19You throw me everything you bring, daughter.
55:21Throw me everything.
55:22Because don't even think you're going to offend me.
55:24In fact, you don't even exist for me anymore.
55:26And everything you tell me, I slip, you know what?
55:29Like butter.
55:30So don't even waste saliva, Rebequita.
55:32How do you see?
55:35What are you doing here?
55:38I love coincidences.
55:41You already told him
55:43that you started dating him because I asked you to.
55:47Or that you fell in love with him
55:48to help me seduce Jose Emilio.
56:05I love you.
56:31Santiago, look at me.
56:33Another friend told me to visit you.
56:37Turn around.
56:53And on these sheets,
56:54you can write each letter as you like.
56:59Repeat after me.
57:04Very good.
57:05The letter B.
57:09The letter C.
57:14The letter D.
57:18It's not like...
57:30Miss, are you okay?
57:31What's wrong?
57:33Go get the doctor and Jose Emilio.
57:35What's wrong?
57:39Angelina, what's wrong?
57:41What's wrong?
57:42Honey, what happened?
57:43They told me you don't feel well.
57:46Her temperature is fine.
57:47I don't know what happened to her.
57:48I don't know either.
57:50Something is happening to my mom.
57:53Come, come, come.
58:04I took a picture of the boy when he went to that neighborhood.
58:07Is he my son?
58:09It can't be.
58:10Who do you think you are, Jose Igualado?
58:12Didn't they teach you to respect your home?
58:14Where is your father?
58:15I met him, Mom.
58:16And you too.
58:18I mean, Jose Emilio took him to the company a long time ago.
58:20And now he went with Wanda.
58:22I don't understand, Mom.
58:23I want to know the truth, Doris.
58:25I want to know if you fell in love with me to help Rebecca.
58:27Because now it turns out you're her best friend, right?
58:30Answer me, Doris.
58:31Yes, Seba, yes.
58:32Yes, yes.
58:33Please let me explain.
58:34I want you to take your things and leave.
58:40They ran over Elena.
58:43And how is she?
58:44What do you mean they ran over her?
58:46Renato, how is my mom?
58:47For God's sake, tell me how my mom is.