• last year
The current administrators in the judiciary may be reluctant to draw up the proposal themselves to avoid accusations of being its immediate beneficiaries.

Read More: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/posts/preview/?p=a1NqNWJwUUFvVEJmblR3eFhPVjErdjdEYWhkUHB5QmVHVlk1SWZEOTVXUT0=

Laporan Lanjut: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/bahasa/tempatan/2024/06/11/putrajaya-patut-cadang-lanjutan-umur-hakim-bekas-hakim/

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#FMTNews #Judges #RetirementAge #LegalAffairsDepartment


00:00 The government should propose raising the retirement age of judges to keep up with trends
00:06 in the Commonwealth and neighbouring countries.
00:10 A retired judge who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the Legal Affairs Department
00:14 in the Prime Minister's Office should draft a paper and obtain feedback from all stakeholders
00:19 - the three bars, the Attorney-General's Chambers, the Judiciary and the Treasury.
00:25 The source said although discussions have been ongoing about raising the retirement age,
00:30 nothing concrete has come of them so far.
00:33 The ex-judge's proposal comes after Sgb MP Hannah Yeo suggested last week that the retirement
00:39 age of judges be up to at least 75 years, adding that this was one profession where
00:44 one should not retire at 60 or 65.
00:48 The mandatory retirement age is 66 but judges, especially those in the federal court, can
00:53 get a six-month extension with the approval of the Ydnty Putuan Agung.
00:58 Lawyer Syed Iskandar Syed Mazhar also urged Putrajaya to kick-start the process by proposing
01:04 it in both the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara as two-thirds support is needed to amend the
01:09 federal constitution.
01:11 Syed Iskandar said the financial implication to government coffers would be minimal as
01:16 the exercise would only involve 150 judges of the High Court, the Court of Appeal and
01:21 the Federal Court.
01:21 (upbeat music)
