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John Rich | Barstool Rundown


00:00All right, it's Monday, the 10th of June, brought to you by High Noon.
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00:40All right, NBA Finals Celtics up 2-0, I was on the wood all the way around, everything,
00:51it's a mismatched nightmare clearly for Dallas, I don't think the Celtics can lose this series.
00:57Kyrie stinks, like, I mean, 0-12, he's 0-12 since he stomped on the logo, and the thing
01:09that Kyrie's doing, and Luke is great, the thing that Kyrie's doing to me that's a little
01:14bit, which I love, he's saying so much that the Celtics fans aren't in his head, and then
01:21they're clearly in his head, like he's doing this at the game, telling people to yell more,
01:26he's getting into it with the fans, see you in five, Barstool, some idiot wrote that,
01:33Kyrie trolls Celtics fans saying we'll see you in five, you can't troll somebody when
01:40you're down 0-2, arguably you're the reason they're down 0-2.
01:46So all in all, great, my experience at the game, I had a couple funny moments, what?
01:54I mean, I said it before the series started, like there was no doubt in my mind this was
01:58how it was going to go, that you would win, and Kyrie's the bum, like it's the perfect
02:04So far, and he has a million on it.
02:07Yeah, and I got a million to win, I get all the money, I mean, it's...
02:11So a couple funny moments, so the Celtics, God bless them, take great care of me, it's
02:16A+, thank you very much, Celtics, so we're walking in the back and we see Shaq walking
02:21the other way, and you know Shaq, like sometimes, there's a clip of Shaq at one point, he takes
02:25his glasses down, when somebody made fun of him, he's like, who's making fun of me, like
02:29he takes his glasses down and stares, so we're coming the other way, he took his shades off
02:34and like, I didn't know what he was looking at, there's people around, he's looking right
02:38at me, he comes right, he goes, lay off my girl, Angel, and yeah, and I was like, well,
02:50she did the lumbada, when her teammate hit Angel Reese, he's like, let girls fight girls,
02:56lay off my girl, Angel, so that was a funny moment, Cuban came up, and his second quarter,
03:03jokingly, but he's like, lay off my guys, just lay off my guys, so there were a couple
03:09funny moments, but it's all Boston, and by the way, there's a video going, people are
03:16saying that I got, I hate to give you the credit, but no, I had nothing, I'm getting,
03:23people are saying I cowered in that moment, that moment had nothing to do with me, Kyrie,
03:29so what I was yelling at Kyrie most of the time, when I would yell at him, was like,
03:34Owen 12, since the logo, like, Luca has no help, nothing, I'm not that, I'm not gonna
03:41say crazy stuff, Kyrie did not, I have so much back and forth with Kyrie, like, on text and DMs,
03:51when we were supposed to play one on one, and he was, I couldn't even follow what he was saying,
03:55so I just kind of stopped, but he didn't acknowledge me at all, like, I don't even
04:00know if he knows what I look like, to be totally honest, but that moment, when he walks by,
04:04I yelled Owen 12, the guy next to me said, and I didn't even hear him say it, he goes,
04:11was that loud enough for you, because he said previously, get louder, Kyrie turned around
04:18and went up to him, the angle is strange on that video, I, he was never, like, I knew
04:23he was never talking to me, he never acknowledged me, it was clearly, he was coming for the
04:27guy in front of him, and then the guy, the guy was like, what an asshole, but he came
04:32up to him, he's like, what'd you say to me, he's like, I said, were we loud enough, and
04:35then he kind of, like, patted him and walked off, but even that Kyrie turned around, it's
04:40like, what are you doing, the guy wasn't that loud, like, I didn't hear him yell, and he
04:43wasn't an overly loud fan, and he just kind of said, like, was it loud enough, as he walked
04:49by, he did a 180, that's how NBA players are the softest and get in trouble, it's like,
04:54why would you ever get in that guy's, like, face in that moment, it wasn't me, I wish
04:59it was me, by the way, the most disrespectful, I've seen people be like, Dave Coward, you
05:04can say a lot of things about me, I will not ever coward a verbal confrontation, if he
05:09was gonna swing at me, I'd cower, but, like, there's nothing I wanted more than to get
05:15in a jaw-to-jaw with Kyrie, but he, he didn't, I thought it looked like he, yeah, he corrected,
05:19I thought he kind of changed course, if anything, no, I was wrong with that story, it was all,
05:24it was all the other guy, I yelled at him, but it had nothing to do with me, and he,
05:29he literally didn't acknowledge me the whole game, I mean.
05:33You caused that one turnover.
05:34Oh, 100%, and the place went bananas when they put the clown face on the Jumbotron,
05:41I asked the Celtics if I could wear it, because I didn't want to be disrespectful, they said
05:46they, they prefer I didn't, and then Jason Kidd did his mind game thing, where he's like,
05:53desperate, that was desperate.
05:55So then it's like, oh, we're playing mind games, I'm wearing the clown shirt, because
05:57I know how weak mentally Kyrie is, but yeah, it was a great day, the Celtics look, they
06:04look great, I mean, they look great, and they're not even shooting well.
06:07That's the thing, is that was the game that the Celtics, they're, every series they have
06:11a game where they don't shoot well from three, and, like, you knew that that was happening
06:15in the first half, you're like, how are the Mavs only up four or five, and Luka was going
06:19off, but yeah, Kyrie is, he's been terrible, and you can't, you can't win a game if Kyrie,
06:26like when Luka comes off the floor, and Kyrie just sucks, they have nothing.
06:31Did you see his quote?
06:32And the Celtics defense is way better.
06:34Did you see the Kyrie's quote?
06:35What'd he say?
06:36Like, I, I put the, I tweeted it, he's living, he quite literally lives in a fantasy land.
06:42His quote after the game was, so I think we got a great feel, a great experience here
06:50in Boston on what the finals is like for our group.
06:53So I think we've got a great feel, a great experience here in Boston.
06:56How is that a great experience?
06:57I put the quote from Mayor Vaughn from Jaws, the, it's a sunny day, the beaches are open,
07:03like, it's the 4th of July, like, what are you talking about?
07:07There couldn't have been a worse two games for the Mav, they were overwhelmed.
07:12Also, the story has flipped real quick.
07:15Now it's, I'm seeing people say, like, this feels like LeBron playing against the Warriors.
07:19He has no help.
07:20Two minutes ago, it was the best backcourt in the game, the dynamic duo, they're so well
07:27I mean, you can't just flip like that.
07:30He can't shoot.
07:31Like, yeah.
07:32Luka's incredible.
07:33The Celtics are just better, like, top to bottom.
07:35Their whole defense was just suffocating.
07:39Like, there's just nothing, like, Tatum hasn't even shot well.
07:43He's played well otherwise, but, like, their whole team, I mean, Drew Holiday, he shot
07:47like 11 for 14 last night.
07:49I also think there was an element, and listen, it's 2-0, crazier things have happened, I
07:53guess, but the Celtics looked like they were watching all this just bored during, like,
07:58the Eastern Conference Finals.
07:59The level of intensity that they have on defense, these two games have been superior to anything
08:04they've put on the court in the playoffs.
08:06So, yeah, it really, I mean, I took a picture of the Larry O'Brien trophy, Paul Pierce with
08:14chopping it up in the back, me and Paul Pierce, I mean, it's just, Allie Reisman, who I thought
08:20didn't like us, came up and was super friendly.
08:23It's like, hey, Allie, her dad, it's just been a love affair in Boston.
08:29This is gonna be, I think, the easiest, I think it's, like, the easiest title you've
08:33ever won.
08:34We'll see what happens, like you said, it's only 2-0, but this feels like a sweep's coming
08:41and, like, they never even fucking, there was never even a moment of doubt.
08:44I mean, Kyrie has to play the best basketball in his life.
08:47Maybe when you beat the Rockies, the Red Sox over the Rockies, it's probably.
08:51I'm trying to think how we got there, though.
08:55Like I get all the Red Sox confused, they had so many series that I, like, the Red Sox
08:59did better, the Red Sox challenges when they won the World Series were not in the World
09:05They were getting, it was like the ALCS, Tigers, Yankees, but once they got there, they won
09:11fairly easily.
09:12Not all the time, but most of the time.
09:14So yeah, it feels great.
09:15The big story, I don't think we've talked about Caitlin Clark.
09:18That story has gone nuclear.
09:22When did that come out?
09:23Well, I know I made my Saturday, so maybe came on Friday, Saturday, Saturday, yeah.
09:28Very few people.
09:29I haven't had Dickie Vitale, Dickie Vitale with the, I don't know what you think about
09:34Barstool Sports and Dave Portnoy, but he's dead on right here.
09:38Like when Dickie Vitale's coming out with that, Michelle DeFoy, I mean, it's a crazy
09:43I haven't really seen anybody anywhere say that they understand this decision.
09:49No, it makes no sense.
09:51Yeah, it makes no sense.
09:53I mean, you would be lying.
09:55The only part of it is that I think in a weird way, Caitlin Clark might be like a tiny
10:01bit relieved.
10:02But other than that, because she, she, she has, she is like, this is stuff we haven't
10:07seen since Tebow in terms of like the takes that come off of like her just existing.
10:12And she probably was like, obviously she wants to be on the Olympic team, but going on the
10:17Olympic team and not playing and still having all the takes probably would have sucked for
10:22But still, it makes no sense.
10:23The only thing I could think of is like Caitlin Clark might have a small bit of a, like, wow,
10:28I could actually use a break and have not everyone just have everything I do be a culture
10:32war, but it still makes no sense why you wouldn't put her on the team.
10:38Making up a hypothetical situation that the fans might react in a certain way is, to admit
10:46that is like, that's, they sound so fucking stupid.
10:49I can't believe they said that was the reason.
10:51And doesn't the women's team win each game by every time, a hundred, so she'll get, she'll
10:58get every time.
10:59And even the late nurse stuff, which I see that analogy is flawed because it's like,
11:05they had such superstars on that team.
11:09Like, like Caitlin Clark's the biggest drawer in women's basketball, Leitner, you had Jordan
11:13bird, you imagine like that was just a college kid, but then it affects at, like, I saw Stephen
11:20a talking about today, putting them on the later made no difference to the dream team
11:24at all.
11:25The analogy is Isaiah MJ, keeping Isaiah off.
11:28But even that doesn't really work out because Isaiah was at the end of his career and MJ
11:33was the draw.
11:34So it doesn't fully like that team had every NBA superstar, like Isaiah, people weren't,
11:40there is no comparison.
11:43I looked at Christian Leitner a different way that it was like, they wanted to keep
11:47the Olympic somewhat amateur.
11:49So you had to include a guy.
11:51And to me, that is like what, what they're doing here.
11:54Like, even if she doesn't play the Olympics, they're usually about something a little bit
11:58So having a superstar who spreads the game and is good for the sport, you, you, you put
12:03them on, even if they're not going to get a lot of minutes, there's different reasons.
12:07I didn't think they put late or on for, I don't know why they, they just put a college
12:10kid on maybe the amateurs.
12:13But even that would have been, should have been Shaq.
12:21He got snubbed.
12:22Alonzo too.
12:23All right.
12:24Uh, this, this, did you watch the video party?
12:26Bust the bowl, Kevin.
12:27So no, I got to watch it.
12:29This is incredible.
12:31Did you see him get?
12:39It's a rodeo in Oregon.
13:03The good news.
13:04And I researched it.
13:06Is the people survived.
13:07Which is crazy.
13:08First thing you gotta do, you got to research it because it could have been death.
13:12And I laughed before I knew just because it's crazy.
13:18The lady who gets thrown and you'll, we'll have a live reaction.
13:22Kevin's seeing it.
13:23We'll know when he's seen it, but it looks like she doesn't think the ball is going to
13:28make a move.
13:29Like she's looking right at the ball.
13:33She's wearing red.
13:35She's just like stanza.
13:36She's like, what's she doing?
13:37As the bulls come in.
13:39And then I liked her boyfriend chasing after the bull while still holding his beer.
13:44Like what are you going to do?
13:46You didn't want to put down his beer.
13:47He's just like, I'm going to get this bull.
13:49And credit to this, to whoever, whoever put this together, the cinematography was just
13:55so good.
13:56I like when they cut to the other angles, it's like, oh shit, we get another angle.
13:59He's in the concession stand.
14:02He just running everywhere.
14:03And then, and then did you see also the cowboy come in?
14:06Coming in with like, like 10 seconds later with the lasso being like, I got this.
14:11Don't worry.
14:12It's like, dude, it's already over.
14:13The bull just fucked everyone up.
14:19Party bus.
14:20They were really apologizing.
14:21The, the, the, I forget the name of the company, but they're like, he's just a little bit like
14:26We're going to get him back.
14:27I, I always not so much in this case, like the running of the bulls.
14:31I always root for the bulls to kill people.
14:33I don't love this event, but I'm not rooting for death.
14:36So I'm glad the lady is fine, but yeah, she got, she, one day, just because they're not
14:42She got released from the hospital.
14:45She got released from the hospital.
14:47One day.
14:49I was, I would have figured you're like paralyzed.
14:50Everybody's out of the hospital.
14:51They also leave the hospital.
14:53That is the perfect story.
14:54That is the perfect blog story for us.
14:56They got to make sure no bulls see this video.
14:58Cause I feel like that was very easy for a party bus to jump over that.
15:02They didn't realize that they could just do that.
15:05And now it's like game on all the way.
15:10We can jump this.
15:11Oh, okay.
15:14You hear what party did contain this in the bull community because they fucking get word
15:18and bulls are going to be running everywhere.
15:21Uh, we were at the Belmont stakes, big upset door knock.
15:25I lost all my money, Elio.
15:27He's like a older child.
15:29Then the thing about Elio, I do it, what you'll get kicked out.
15:31He's betting horses the next day with his own money.
15:34Like he goes home and he bets because he didn't lose anything with me.
15:39I, I lost so much money and I knew it.
15:42I was like, I got home, I dead.
15:45We all lost.
15:46And the first race is one more day at Saratoga for this unique festival.
15:49I'm like, who's you having the first and he answered right away.
15:52So he's got the, he's got the best of both worlds, but it's crazy.
15:55He, the best moment of the weekend was, uh, on Friday when we got there, Dave and I sat
16:02down and we, and we, cause the syndicate has gotten very confusing because Elio throws
16:06in no money.
16:07Jerry throws in no money.
16:08So it's Dave betting a lot of money, me betting a lot of money for myself.
16:13And then these two guys just being like, let's win some money boys.
16:16So Dave and I had to negotiate how the syndicate was going to work.
16:20And it was just like, I wish we had a tape because we had this great plan of like, all
16:26right, if you win, I'll get this.
16:27And when I win, you'll get this.
16:29And then we, uh, we, we won the second race on day one.
16:33And that was the last time we were in the black for the entire week.
16:36Not even close.
16:37It was a bad bath.
16:38So I need the Celtics actually.
16:39Um, yeah, you actually like really, yeah, I need a Celtics Dan Hurley.
16:44His flirtuation with the Lakers is over.
16:47Turned out big deal.
16:48I would have been, I guess I was stunned because we heard the rumors.
16:52I don't think it would have worked in LA.
16:53I don't think he's a NBA coach at all.
16:55Like he's too hard and he's perfect for college.
16:57Um, so not surprised.
16:59Good for you, Dan, and your future Yukon.
17:01And I think, I don't know how serious he actually ever really was, but it's a brilliant move
17:07to, to go down this road, turn it down and then be able to like be Yukon, see, I am here
17:13for life.
17:14Like I'm never leaving.
17:15Um, so Yukon looks like there'll be a, yeah, that's, I'm going to pet him again.
17:20The, uh, the funniest part about this was, I don't know if you guys saw, but Billy, um,
17:25on Saturday texted me, PFT and Hank, and was like, just saw Dan Hurley in LA.
17:30He was out there for a wedding.
17:31And he's like, I went up to their table and I talked to him and I asked them if they were
17:35going to the Lakers and one of Dan Hurley's sons, I guess shushed Billy.
17:41And Billy was like, so he's definitely going to the Lakers.
17:44Don't tell anyone.
17:45Before I could even read the message, Billy had tweeted it being like, please credit me.
17:51And now he's like, he's in denial.
17:53He's like, I just don't understand how this could have happened.
17:56There's a very good chance that one of Dan Hurley's sons was literally just shushing
18:00him being like, go away, dude.
18:01We feel like, please stop talking to us.
18:04A hundred percent of the wedding.
18:05He was doing the thing where he was replying to every word tweet being like, please credit,
18:11please credit.
18:12Like make sure you credit.
18:14And then, and he just, I texted him.
18:15I was like, what happened?
18:16He's like, I still don't believe it.
18:17I still think he's going to the Lakers.
18:21Billy, Billy scoops.
18:23This NHL finals kid video.
18:25I'm against them.
18:26Very good.
18:27Very funny.
18:28You're here and supporting the Panthers.
18:29What is this?
18:30This is a monumental moment in my life.
18:31I have been here since day one of my birth, 2011, and I just can't wait to see my team
18:38happily host the cup.
18:46Have you seen this kid?
18:47He's like super riled up rooting for the Panthers.
18:49His team, he's got to be like eight years old.
18:52Oilers lose game one.
18:53I watched it with Mr. Rice.
18:54I will say Oilers dominated the game and I, there is no other sport like hockey where
19:03you can dominate and lose.
19:05There's no, it's very, very, very frustrating.
19:09And I guess hockey guys love it.
19:11Puck luck, whatever.
19:12But it's, it's almost dumb.
19:16Like if you're better, you should win 90% of the time that you're better.
19:21It doesn't happen in hockey.
19:22There's no other sport.
19:23I've heard people be like pitcher.
19:24Like that doesn't make any sense.
19:26If you're getting shot up by a pitcher, you have no offense.
19:28You're not doing football.
19:30You can sometimes get over.
19:32Where it's like you're moving the ball at ease and you just aren't getting touchdowns.
19:35And then the other turnovers, but not like that.
19:40If you play in that scenario, the team that's better will win.
19:44I feel like 80 to 90% of the, like you're getting that one hockey.
19:48It can happen like three or four times in a fucking series.
19:52Where goalie just stands on his head.
19:54It was so I need the audience to win tonight.
19:58Must win.
19:59Um, shout out to that kid.
20:00I hope he loses.
20:02And last up here.
20:03Are you going to game four?
20:05I'm going to aim for Dallas.
20:08Are you not going to Edmonton?
20:09No, I'm not going to Edmonton.
20:12Not going to Edmonton.
20:13Too much travel.
20:14I have something I could do on Monday.
20:15It was too much.
20:16So I'm going to gate four in Dallas for the Celtics.
20:19Beer Olympics.
20:20What did they announce?
20:21Did they announce something new today?
20:25I haven't gotten, I think this is really affecting well, cause I asked him, I tried to call him
20:29and he's like, we're going through it.
20:30Um, I don't think they've announced anything new today.
20:34Uh, Oh, one thing that will make you puke in your mouth.
20:39Uh, Dave, last night we were on the stream watching the game and Max was basically like,
20:46I like, I don't want to go out there to do this.
20:49And I'm not even in it.
20:50And I was like, you should, you should be careful what you say, because I'm sure we're
20:54like one cancellation from you competing a hundred percent.
20:5810 minutes later, Will was like, can Max be in the beer Olympics?
21:00Oh my God.
21:01So he is the absolute scraping.
21:05I don't know.
21:07I just asked Gaz.
21:08So we had a company meeting and pulled all resources today.
21:11So, um, Joey Yanks was correct with that scoop.
21:15I don't even want, if I'm trying to confirm it, I think Paul Gaz said we had over 40 people
21:25going logistics, like social, like, uh, running the event to this thing.
21:36We, Dave, we have all PMT because the whole plan was when we were initially sold it.
21:42It's like, look, here's the list.
21:43Oh, great.
21:44We'll do like, we'll do three or four interviews and then we'll do beer Olympics now.
21:49And I can't, I'm too good of a friend.
21:52What was that thing I saw of Compton though?
21:54Was that not real?
21:55Him canceling on a case race.
21:57He canceled the case race.
22:00When's the case race?
22:01Uh, Wednesday of dozen week.
22:03Well, you want him to go to last, last chance you, right?
22:06Well, no, yeah.
22:07He's got to go to T.U.
22:08Which we would have gone to, but because the K cause the dozen got moved.
22:13We can't go to T.E.U.
22:14Um, that's, that's why, that's why these guys, you just got to, you got to know, should I
22:22I don't want to cancel.
22:23I would cancel if I were you in a second because they cancel on you.
22:26They would.
22:27You're right.
22:28No, they, they've like, you go from, you go from, we were going to have Travis Kelsey
22:34at this event to can max come Shane Gillis.
22:38Taylor Swift was going to go.
22:43We have data beers, max.
22:46I mean, I don't even know 40 to 50 people going.
22:49We were going to like edit it, parcel all this.
22:53Where are we?
22:54Can't get half the money back.
22:55I think we're sending one now.
22:56They said somebody's got to execute the ads.
22:59I don't know why we don't, you don't even have to cancel, just reschedule, just do it
23:04in Nashville or Chicago.
23:07It's all barstool people anyway.
23:09We'll just do the beer Olympics here.
23:11They, they, they, I'll try to call him, see if he picks up.
23:15I wish, but I, man, I have a lot of pressure on my side.
23:19My guys really want me to cancel, but I'm just, well, you should a hundred percent cancel
23:24the, the problem, the, you should like the, he should love this, man.
23:30You fucking, I know Kevin, I want to be out.
23:34I've said this a million times.
23:36I I'm in, but all I've thought about is canceling.
23:38I don't want to do this.
23:41I doubt I'll pick a couple at one point I wanted to do it because it was going to be
23:45a fun event.
23:46And now it's like the, it's so sad.
23:48I feel like it never sounded fun.
23:52The initial list was going to be fun.
23:55If this was Donald Thompson, Dave, your call has been forwarded to voicemail.
24:01It's like, they all love it because it's well, no, I listen where their problem is.
24:07Will thinks canceling it is like a huge defeat.
24:11Whereas it's already a huge defeat.
24:13Now he's, now he's just being selfish because you're putting everybody out.
24:18Like people who don't want to go, but like parcel people have to go do it.
24:23Like the day before a survivor in the office or some, I don't know, he's come up with something,
24:29but they don't.
24:30He's being, he thinks he's being a team player.
24:34He's like, I'm going to go down with the ship.
24:35He doesn't realize how selfish he's being the worst leader of all time.
24:40You have to, and Taylor, they have to eat it and be like, if you're, if you're the captain
24:48or you're the general Lieutenant and you lead your crew into enemy territory with mines,
24:53you're going to be, I'm the first one to go and get myself blown up.
24:56I'm going to go take the fire and die because you already killed everybody.
25:01At least let a couple try to live.
25:04If they don't do, I just want to live there by continuing along this path of destruction.
25:13The only thing they guarantee is the entire platoon dies.
25:16That's it.
25:17Nobody like, Oh, I just, I just, it's fitting as the dozen comes up because I've heard you
25:24say this to him.
25:25A lot of times.
25:29This is, this is, well, you know, they're big names.
25:35They're doing it.
25:38They haven't had the best, like track record late.
25:41I, I, it's just, it, nobody's word was bond with them.
25:45You know, it, it, people were just breaking on them and then, I mean, they thought I know
25:50they think they're having a jelly roll concert.
25:52What are they crazy?
25:54They're like, they're jelly roll is going to perform in front of Max and Dana beers.
25:59Like, what are you talking about?
26:01I just, I just don't know why they don't realize like at this point, it's even if we pull it
26:06off and people are going to shit on it.
26:08So it's like reschedule it and, and, and re and be like, we're doing it this time.
26:14It's going to be something different and it's going to be awesome and get everyone pumped
26:17for that.
26:18And it's like, great.
26:19That is, is like a wildly expensive case race with a couple of like competitions in it at
26:26this point.
26:27It's just our own people drinking.
26:29And the worst part is I think I actually can win this now, which I don't want to do.
26:33My whole plan was like, it was a great plan.
26:36I was going to go out, do a couple of interviews, get some work done, you know, last for the
26:41first couple of rounds and have an offensive lineman kick.
26:44Like George Kittle kicks my ass and it's like, great.
26:46That was fun with the boys.
26:47I can go home.
26:49I might be drinking for six hours because it's me versus moves in a death match.
26:55Moves is like four to one now.
26:57I, it, it, it honestly, it's probably the most mismanaged, worst thing we've ever done.
27:08I'm trying to think of, uh, I feel like there was some blackout tours where we bit off more
27:12than we could do.
27:13I said that.
27:14I said that to Will because he did.
27:15Will was like, Dave would never cancel.
27:16I was like, Dave did cancel at the end of the blackout tour, but it wasn't clear that
27:20it was not like the fad was over.
27:23He would pull the plug.
27:25Because you, and for the same, you have to, you have to, sometimes you have to live to
27:28fight another day.
27:30That's the perfect expression.
27:33And they're not going to fight.
27:34This is the end.
27:35They're all there.
27:36They're all gone.
27:37Everyone was dead.
27:39Like no one's going to survive this event.
27:42It's in Vegas in the middle of summer, which was crazy to begin with.
27:46Uh, do you think I should cancel?
27:48A hundred.
27:49I've told you, I, I told Will seriously, cancel, cancel.
27:55You got to understand how selfish you're being.
27:57You're, you're literally leading people into a slaughterhouse.
28:03It's also crazy how long this has been going on.
28:05I was thinking about it.
28:06Oh God.
28:07The first, I can't believe it.
28:08The first issue was Superbowl week was when this first started and it's just been like,
28:15by the way, I'm missing, I'm missing like basketball games because of this, because
28:21the dozen got moved.
28:22Like everybody made Jeff brought it up.
28:26He's like his game six, are you going to be okay?
28:29It's like, it's all we can do because you know, we've got to keep the Boston guys happy.
28:33Like they're so selfish and so bad.
28:37So everyone's dead now.
28:39Everyone's dead.
28:40The first domino was Travis Kelsey, right?
28:44That was when it all began.
28:45That's why they moved it.
28:46They moved it for Travis Kelsey, right?
28:49Do we think him pulling out was Taylor Swift involved in this in any way?
28:54If the Kelsey stayed, I think the whole thing is attacked because there are big enough draws
28:59where people would go.
29:00Once they went, it was, it was game over.
29:03It was just, I feel like there's a world where Taylor Swift said, why don't, why are you
29:07going to do this for, for someone else's brand?
29:09Why don't you just go do your own thing with your brother and do it?
29:12They are.
29:14Same week.
29:17To me.
29:18There's a world where Taylor, there's this for charity.
29:22Oh, it's going to be thought about canceling.
29:26I've actually thought about like the, the video of like them doing a press conference,
29:30canceling it.
29:31Like if you had, if you had a camera in the PMT studio and all of us here, we would look
29:36like a, like a bubble team making the tournament.
29:39That's how we react.
29:41Oh yes.
29:44And it's, by the way, now it's going to add a lot of work for their own guys.
29:48Like you don't have better things to do them.
29:50And then editing like a Barstool drinking day.
29:53All right, it's see you guys later.
