Wanted Dead or Alive S02E07

  • 4 months ago
00:00 [no audio]
00:06 [music playing]
00:34 All right, get down.
00:35 Let's go.
00:43 Well, there's your prisoner, Sheriff.
00:57 All in one piece.
00:58 [papers rustling]
01:01 That's Hunt Willis, all right.
01:08 The authorization for the reward payment
01:10 hasn't come in yet.
01:11 Probably be in in the morning.
01:13 No hurry.
01:14 All he needs is 12 hours of good sleep.
01:16 Well, there's a hotel just up the street.
01:17 Come on.
01:18 Oh, what do you want me to do with this horse?
01:27 Oh, I'll take him down to the livery stable.
01:29 Take care of yours too, if you want me to.
01:31 Then you can go get some sleep.
01:32 Much obliged.
01:33 [music playing]
01:45 [music playing]
01:49 [music playing]
02:05 [music playing]
02:09 [music playing]
02:26 [music playing]
02:29 Howdy.
02:48 Oh, howdy.
02:49 Can I do something for you?
02:50 Yeah, I'm looking for the Sheriff.
02:52 Well, that's me.
02:54 I mean, the one who was here last night.
02:55 I was out of town last night.
02:57 Must have been one of your deputies.
02:59 Where is he?
03:01 I ain't got no deputies.
03:04 Say, uh, do you mind if I ask you something?
03:07 Go ahead.
03:09 What's your name?
03:10 Paulson.
03:10 Lon Paulson.
03:12 Yeah.
03:13 Well, did you get my telegram yesterday?
03:14 I already told you I was out of town yesterday.
03:17 Now, wait a minute.
03:18 We brought a prisoner in here last night.
03:20 We locked him up right there.
03:22 We ain't had a prisoner in this jail for over a month.
03:25 You mind telling me where you were yesterday?
03:27 Why, you-- was it you?
03:33 Hm?
03:35 Was it you who sent that message?
03:38 Well, you lost me.
03:39 Now, I don't know what you're talking about.
03:40 Somebody sent me word that there was
03:43 a body up in Snakes Pass.
03:45 There'd been a killing.
03:46 I went up there, and it was a wild goose chase.
03:48 Are you sure you didn't send me that message?
03:52 It wasn't me.
03:53 Well, it sounds like something you'd do,
03:55 coming in here with a cock and bull story
03:57 like you just told me.
03:58 Now, you go on and get out of here before I lock you up.
04:01 Wait a minute.
04:02 Go on.
04:04 Would you believe me if I told you I brought Hunt
04:05 Willis in here last night, and we locked him
04:07 up right there in that cell?
04:08 I'd say you was crazy.
04:10 Yeah.
04:11 Well, I'm going to get out of here pretty soon.
04:15 I'm going to have to agree with you.
04:16 [music playing]
04:19 Hello, Pop.
04:39 Say, uh, tell me, you working here yesterday?
04:41 Yeah.
04:43 You noticed a man come in here about midnight with two horses?
04:46 I don't remember.
04:48 Well, I suppose that $10 will refresh your memory.
04:54 Well, ordinarily it might.
04:56 In this case, it don't do anything for me.
04:58 You see, there wasn't any horses brought in here last night.
05:01 Somebody steal your horse?
05:11 Yeah, along with a couple of other things.
05:14 Sheriff's right up the street.
05:16 Why don't you see him?
05:18 I already did, thanks.
05:19 Well, you got to understand, he's pretty busy these days.
05:23 Hunt Willis is supposed to be in the area.
05:27 Let me ask you something.
05:28 The sheriff, does he spend much time
05:29 trying to find this Hunt Willis?
05:31 Well, some folks say one thing, and some say another.
05:35 So, Sheriff?
05:36 Well, some say he's looking for Hunt.
05:38 Some say he's looking the other way.
05:40 Well, she's been looking this way when I brought
05:42 Hunt Willis in last night.
05:44 You brought Hunt Willis in here last night?
05:47 Uh-huh.
05:49 He a friend of yours?
05:50 Uh-uh.
05:51 I'm trying to choose him myself.
05:53 Well, what about the rest of town?
05:54 Well, every man's entitled to his own opinion.
05:59 Say, Pop, what do you know about that train business
06:02 Hunt Willis is mixed up in?
06:03 I only know what I hear.
06:05 Side tracked about seven miles from here
06:07 to let a manifest freight go through.
06:09 I understand he shot up the express messenger.
06:13 Kill him.
06:14 You know, I've known Hunt ever since
06:19 he was knee-high to a duck.
06:21 He never was any good.
06:23 I guess he ain't changed.
06:25 If he gets a chance, he'll shoot you in the back.
06:28 Stay away from him.
06:29 How much blast?
06:31 Advice is free, son.
06:34 Funerals ain't.
06:35 [music playing]
06:39 What do you want?
06:58 Trying to find out who stole his horse.
07:00 Sound kind of crazy to you?
07:03 Determined, maybe.
07:05 But not crazy.
07:06 What else did he say?
07:08 Claims he brought Hunt Willis in here last night.
07:11 That's what he told me.
07:13 You know what I think?
07:15 I think he's trying to collect that $1,000 reward
07:17 under false pretenses.
07:19 If he asks me, he's telling the truth.
07:22 What do you know about it?
07:24 The lamp in your office was burning
07:26 until almost midnight.
07:27 Well, I wasn't there.
07:29 Somebody was.
07:30 Two men rode into town late.
07:33 After 15 or 20 minutes, two men rode out again.
07:36 What else do you know?
07:38 I know that Hunt Willis is a kin of yours.
07:42 Anybody ever tell you you talk too much?
07:45 If you don't like the answers, don't ask the questions.
07:48 [music playing]
07:51 Yes, sir.
07:58 Something I can do for you?
08:00 Yeah, I'd like to check on a telegram
08:02 I sent you yesterday.
08:03 Name's Randall.
08:04 I don't recall the name.
08:06 What was the message about?
08:08 Said I was bringing in Hunt Willis.
08:09 Oh, sure.
08:11 Yeah, it isn't very likely I'd forget anything like that.
08:14 Yeah, that message come in in the morning.
08:15 And then I got the one in the afternoon
08:16 about paying the reward.
08:18 The one authorizing the banks to pay the $1,000.
08:20 Yeah, I remember that name now, too.
08:23 I guess you must feel pretty good about that, Mr. Randall.
08:26 I could be better.
08:28 What did you do with the messages?
08:29 Give them to the sheriff.
08:31 In person?
08:32 Well, I shoved them under his office door.
08:34 See, he was out of town all day yesterday.
08:35 I guess he got them when he got back.
08:37 Mm-hmm.
08:38 You work here alone?
08:39 Yeah.
08:40 Not enough work around here to hire another telegrapher.
08:43 You were here all day yesterday?
08:45 Yeah, all day.
08:46 Oh, I went out to lunch.
08:48 Did you send for authorization to pay out that reward money?
08:51 No.
08:53 Could anybody else have sent it from here?
08:55 Not likely.
08:56 What are you asking all the questions for?
08:57 Something wrong?
08:59 You might say that.
09:00 Could somebody up the line have sent the message
09:01 to make it look like it came from this office?
09:03 Well, it's possible, but not very likely.
09:06 Well, if they did, how would it work?
09:08 Well, now, let's see.
09:10 The authorization to pay the reward
09:12 come from the district superintendent
09:13 up at Fort Summit.
09:15 Yeah, it could be somebody up there recognized the fist.
09:20 What's a fist?
09:21 That's the way you send, mister.
09:23 There's no two people got the same touch on a telegraph key.
09:26 It gets so you can tell who all's working up and down
09:28 the line just by listening to them send.
09:30 Yeah.
09:31 Well, here's $10.
09:34 I want you to see if you can find out
09:35 where that message comes from.
09:37 What's your interest in this, mister?
09:40 That's $1,000.
09:42 I'll be back later.
09:43 You see what you can do for me, huh?
09:49 [DOOR SLAMS]
10:22 Say, uh, I wonder if I could get a little information.
10:25 I'd be glad to help you if I can.
10:27 Did you, uh, give out any reward money here yesterday?
10:30 Yes, sir.
10:30 We did.
10:31 I handled the matter myself.
10:33 $1,000 just before we closed for the day,
10:36 paid to a man named, uh, Josh Randall.
10:39 Randall.
10:40 Wouldn't remember what he looked like.
10:42 About your height, maybe, uh, a little heavier.
10:46 Had a mustache, if I remember.
10:49 I was very glad to hear that they finally
10:51 caught Hunt Willis.
10:52 Well, don't be too glad.
10:54 He's going again.
10:55 Again?
10:56 But we paid the reward to Mr. Randall.
10:59 He had a telegraph message from the railroad
11:01 authorizing payment.
11:03 I don't understand this.
11:04 What's supposed to do any good if I said that I was Randall?
11:07 No, sir.
11:08 I-- I don't think it would.
11:16 How we doing?
11:32 Looks like we hit pay dirt.
11:33 Fellow that sent for the authorization on the reward
11:35 is Ollie Tate.
11:36 He works at a station in Hoges Junction,
11:37 about 10 miles west of here.
11:39 Much obliged.
11:40 Oh, mister, don't forget your change.
11:41 You give me a $10 bill, that message only come to $2.80.
11:44 Well, you keep it.
11:45 Get yourself a haircut, because if this works out,
11:47 I'm going to make $990.
11:49 Yeah, you get a haircut.
11:53 Bob, I want to rent a horse from you.
12:06 Did you say rent?
12:07 Yeah, rent.
12:08 Where are you going?
12:09 I'm trying to find Hunt Willis.
12:12 Under those circumstances, that horse just got
12:14 taken over the rental market.
12:15 He's for sale.
12:17 Oh, well, how much do I lose on a deal
12:19 when I sell him back to you?
12:20 Same amount you'd have paid if you'd have rented him.
12:22 How much is that?
12:24 I'll tell you when you get back.
12:34 Much obliged.
14:03 [KNOCKING]
14:09 Be right with you.
14:10 Hello, Sheriff.
14:15 I think you've made a mistake.
14:19 This is a railroad station, mister.
14:21 I don't think so.
14:22 This office is closed.
14:27 [CRASHING]
14:30 [GUNSHOT]
14:33 One inch and you're a dead man.
14:34 All right, get over here.
14:39 Get your hands over your head.
14:44 What do you want from me?
14:54 $1,000 you took from the Cottonwood Bank.
14:56 I don't know what you're talking about.
14:58 And then I want Hunt Willis.
15:00 Never heard of him.
15:01 Now listen to me.
15:05 I've got a running horse outside.
15:07 Every second I spend with you costs me money.
15:09 And I'm a very stingy man.
15:11 Then I suggest you take that horse back where you got him.
15:14 Now, they don't change your looks, do they?
15:20 They help.
15:21 Just hate to hit a man with glasses.
15:24 Well, maybe you'd rather hit one that's half blind.
15:27 You don't need these glasses any more than I do.
15:33 Now, where's that $1,000, huh?
15:35 I still don't know what you're talking about.
15:37 You'll have to wear yourself out if you're not careful.
16:05 There's your $1,000.
16:26 That's all you wanted, isn't it?
16:28 It was a question of a saddle and a very, very good horse.
16:30 Well, I can get them back for you.
16:32 And there's Hunt Willis.
16:33 I can't help you there.
16:35 Now, listen, this is a point of pride,
16:36 but this $1,000 doesn't belong to me
16:38 until I bring Hunt Willis in, you understand?
16:40 Well, that's your problem, not mine.
16:42 Hunt Willis shared with you.
16:44 What makes you so sure I know where he is?
16:46 You broke him out of jail.
16:48 And I got paid for it, too.
16:50 Yeah, I expect you did.
16:52 Now, where do I find him?
16:55 I'm sorry.
16:56 Well, I'm going to have to improve your memory.
16:58 And I assure you, it's going to hurt you a lot more
17:00 than it's going to hurt me.
17:01 I'll take it.
17:02 I'll take it.
17:03 I'll take it.
17:04 After dark.
17:05 Now.
17:06 In broad daylight, you want to just both kill?
17:09 All right, where's your horse?
17:18 You won't need a horse.
17:19 It's not that far.
17:22 Now, you walk slow, and you stay close to me.
17:24 I don't want anybody trying to pick me off.
17:26 I'm going ahead.
17:27 I think you're crazy to try to take him now.
17:37 I don't trust you in the daylight,
17:38 much less at night.
17:39 You're going to make a real good target for him,
17:41 I can tell you that.
17:42 Well, you ever stop and think?
17:44 Hunt Willis nails you, he won't have
17:45 to split the money with you.
17:46 You know the money you two stole off that train?
17:48 I didn't hold up that train.
17:50 Well, that's funny, because I figured
17:51 you were the only one that could have flagged down that train.
17:53 You know, made sure it was sidetracked.
17:55 Think you can prove that in court?
17:57 Keep moving, Buster.
17:58 Put your hands in your pockets.
18:09 You keep them in there.
18:10 You find the man you're looking for?
18:23 I think so.
18:25 [music playing]
18:27 I got you.
18:41 What's the matter now?
18:42 I thought you said it wasn't very far.
18:44 Well, it isn't.
18:45 It's just through that cut.
18:48 Go ahead.
18:49 [music playing]
18:51 You do that again, mister, and I'm just liable to shoot you.
19:09 I didn't try anything.
19:10 I just tripped over that rock.
19:12 Get up.
19:17 [music playing]
19:19 [gunshot]
19:29 [music playing]
19:31 [music playing]
19:33 Hey!
19:47 Hey!
19:56 It's me, Ollie Kane.
19:58 Come ahead.
19:59 [music playing]
20:01 Who hit the trap?
20:09 The bounty hunter brought you in at Cottonwood.
20:12 What's he doing here?
20:13 I brought him, Hunt.
20:15 I led him right into that trap.
20:18 Well, how'd he get to you?
20:20 Nobody saw you in Cottonwood.
20:23 Well, I don't-- I don't think so.
20:26 Don't you lie to me.
20:27 Well, maybe-- maybe there was one person that saw me.
20:34 Who?
20:35 Who?
20:40 The teller at the bank.
20:42 Why him?
20:44 Why the teller?
20:46 Well, look, Hunt, I went way out on a limb for you.
20:49 And as far as I know, maybe you weren't even going
20:51 to keep your end of the bargain.
20:52 I had no way of being sure.
20:53 Why the teller?
20:55 Well, it was the reward.
20:58 On you, the $1,000, I couldn't see
21:00 any use in it going to waste.
21:01 And I was going to split it with you, Hunt.
21:03 I really was, and I'm telling you the truth.
21:05 A plum out and out idiot.
21:08 Was he alone?
21:11 Randall?
21:12 Randall?
21:13 No, the king of Spain.
21:15 Yeah.
21:20 He was alone.
21:21 Nobody behind him?
21:23 No, I'm sure that--
21:25 Good, that's good.
21:27 You sure the trap got him?
21:29 He's dead.
21:30 What are you going to do, Hunt?
21:36 Something I should have done a long time ago.
21:39 [gunshot]
21:41 Nobody never could trust that Ollie.
22:04 He said you was dead.
22:06 I'll give him this, though.
22:08 He only missed by a few minutes.
22:10 Let him alone, Hunt.
22:15 Don't tell me what to do, Ron.
22:18 I said let him alone.
22:20 [gunshot]
22:22 [gunshot]
22:24 Well, let's face it.
22:44 If it wasn't for you, I just wouldn't be buying a new hat.
22:50 All right, I was wrong about you.
22:53 Well, that makes us even.
22:56 I was wrong about you, too.
22:58 Listen, I got $1,000 here.
23:00 Some of it is reward money.
23:02 I think you ought to take half of it.
23:03 No, you caught him first.
23:05 It wasn't your fault he got loose.
23:07 Besides, I don't want the money.
23:10 You see, Hunt's my cousin.
23:12 And there's certain citizens in this town
23:16 figured I was in cahoots with him.
23:18 Well, if you're asking for an apology, you got it.
23:21 At least from me.
23:23 Prop, how much do I owe you for that horse?
23:27 Well, since Hunt rode him back in,
23:29 I think I'll send him the bill.
23:31 At least I know where I can find him.
23:33 Well, I know you're not interested,
23:35 but I could be talking about a drink.
23:37 Well, I could be talking to a recipient.
23:39 Well, I might consider it.
23:42 It's been a long, hard day, ain't it?
23:44 ( dramatic theme playing )
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24:30 Filmed by a four-star.
24:33 (dramatic music)