• last year
00:27Howdy hi good for a man named Helen any idea where he is I
00:32Figured I figured hey, there's a fellow out here looking for Randy Howard
00:40You'll find him in the last shack down at the end of the street
00:44And when you get him in your sights make sure that you don't miss all that bill that'll be enough
00:52Your jubilance is a little premature
00:55He isn't one of them
00:57Don't you fellas talking about I didn't come here to kill Helen
01:47Take it easy baby. Take it easy. Tell it just woman off me. I won't take it easy. Stop. It's best. Who is he?
01:55His name is Randall, he's a friend of my father's
02:00You go home now. He'll protect me. I'm not going Randy. There's three of them. And now that mr. Randall's here. There'll be two of us
02:07Yeah, you heard her. Mr. Randall you and she make two I never touched a gun in my life
02:14You better go to your pie. He hates me enough as it is. I told you I'm not going
02:24Please would you go home? Did you really come here to help him? His father's a friend of mine
02:28He said the three men are coming here to kill his boy. That's why I'm here
02:31That's the only reason no feeling for him at all. None at all. Oh, you just don't understand him
02:37You're like all the rest. I'm the only one who wants to help him. Yes, ma'am. Would you please go home?
02:59Pretty scared fellow, aren't you?
03:03You still got the eyes of a hawk mr. Randall, no, I'm not doing that
03:11Look you stay here you will get killed
03:13Well now that you're here on that don't overestimate me. Oh
03:18I've got great confidence in you. Mr. Randall
03:21And why are you so dead set on staying in this town
03:25Money, mr. Randall money
03:29You know what? My father promised me if I could stick in one town for one year
03:36That's why I'm not riding out now
03:38Not for another three weeks till that year is up
03:41And no matter what torture I have to go through sweating out those three weeks
03:45Nobody's gonna move me out of here till then
03:48No, you're talking like you think your father's an enemy
03:51No long as I can remember. He's been testing me
03:56He wants me to wrestle a bear with my hands or or make my way across 50 miles of desert
04:02Without a horse or water and come out smiling
04:08Well, I I did one thing for him and nobody else could do I
04:14Got him the right away for a spur. He wanted to put through here
04:19And I got the bills of sale to prove that I bought up that right away
04:25Now, I hope that proves to him whatever he wanted to know
04:28I'm sick of him and everything that he stands for
04:32What about that little girl was in there protecting you with this rifle?
04:37She'll be paid for her help
04:42You can't make me sick to my stomach I
04:50You know something
04:52You're gonna stay here
04:53And save my life
04:55You know why?
04:57Because you're one of them noble creatures that my father wants me to be like
05:07Who those fellas are coming in here to get you
05:10Hired assassins, I suppose
05:13Why would they want to kill you? I
05:15Don't know
05:16Well, you must have an idea. I don't know
05:20They've got their reasons I guess well who hired him
05:25You know me it could have been anybody I met a fella coming in a town this morning smooth talker good dresser hard eyes
05:34Well, it sounds like lawyer Dawson. You got any personal reasons to hate you. I
05:41Guess he hates me good enough
05:45We're going
05:47What well, don't leave me alone
05:49You promised my father. You're his friend. You can't go back on your word now
05:57What's the matter with you
05:59Feels like an iron band crushing my chest
06:02Maybe that I'm bad disappear. You'd stay off this stuff and get out of this town
06:08No, I'm not leaving not yet
06:11What do you have to go out for
06:14There's enough food here and whiskey. I don't have as much confidence as you do. It's weak gunfighters coming in this town
06:19I need some help. You understand what I mean?
06:48Heard you were in town. Yeah. Well, and you know what the problem is
06:51I figure between the two is we might be able to nail him
06:55Why should I try to nail him with you?
06:57Well, you're the law here. I figure maybe it's your duty, isn't it?
07:01Now you got the right word there
07:03Duty, I'm just about to ride out on my tax circuit to perform my duty collecting taxes in this county
07:10Figure I'll be going all day today
07:13Tomorrow, I'll collect more taxes and the day after that and the day after that
07:19After Haliburn's put under the tax collections will stop
07:24Now you're a real smart man, mr. Randall
07:28You won't be any help, will you?
07:32Like I said, mr. Randall, you're a smart man
08:03Have a couple of words with you
08:06No, I'm gonna have him anyway
08:08Mr. Bounty hunters aren't welcome in this town. How about killers? They welcome get out of here
08:14You know, I got a hunch you the fella hired them killers. You're the only one who knew I wasn't one of them
08:19My advice to you is to get on your horse and take your hunch right out of town
08:25Lord says if a man hires somebody to kill
08:28He's as guilty as a man. It pulls the trigger
08:30If they kill that boy, you're gonna hang Dawson and I'm gonna see to it
08:35All right, I'll give it to you straight
08:37If it's necessary for me to hang in order for Randy Halloran to be exterminated
08:42It'll be worth it
08:46We understand each other
08:53Get back in the store, haven't you shamed me enough?
09:00Mr. Randall, my name is Wilson. I run the general store. Mm-hmm
09:05Don't think bad of anybody in this town. We've got good reason to feel the way we do
09:10Beats me how you can stand by and see a man killed
09:12I'd agree if it's a man we were talking about
09:15But when it's just a polecat with no more feelings than a skunk then I say that man doesn't deserve to live
09:22Well, if I need any supplies
09:24I'll come and see you now. Hold on
09:28I'm not selling anything right now. I'm buying
09:31Hmm how much are you getting for this job? Why?
09:36I'll give you $1,000 if you leave town right now
09:42He comes high here didn't it'd be cheap at twice the price. Mr. Randall
09:52He's coming this way
10:11Stop by when when you're not so busy
10:26Send this out for me
10:29Jason Nichols Mesa Flat Hotel Mesa flats sure would like to see you in Horse Hollow the faster the better
10:38I'd like to oblige you mister, but
10:40It won't work yeah, I can see that there's no way I can get a message out of Horse Hollow
11:40And they're real calm ones too. They said we're gonna have an ice wash and something to eat and
11:46Then they'd take care of the business
11:51Stay here girl
11:56Where are you going?
11:58Trying as hard as I know how to get the people of this town to get those killers off of Helen's back
12:01But they're here they're here right now. I know I saw well, then why don't you do something?
12:07Why don't you take that gun and shoot them?
12:09Lady the three gunfighters. I wouldn't want to go up against him by myself
12:28Who is it
12:47Don't know how far can I go they catch up to me
13:00Gotta stay here until the year is up. Your life is more important than money
13:05Not having money is just another way of being dead
13:11Where's Josh Randall, he's supposed to protect me
13:17Well, don't leave me alone
13:21I won't leave you
13:26Why did you pick me to see because I understand the doctors are against bloodletting. Oh, yes, we're a dedicated bunch
13:32Then why don't you get the responsible people of this town together and run these fellows out of here?
13:36You don't seem to understand mr. Randall the people of Horse Hollow responsible and otherwise are delighted at the prospect of Randy Halloran's demise
13:46Tell me something if there was a lynching would you stand by and watch it happen?
13:50No, that's exactly what this is a lynching. No, it isn't. What would you call it?
13:56Justice has it occurred to you to ask us why we hate him
14:00Look the Great Western Railroad Company tried to put a spur through here before but it got nowhere and Randy
14:06Halloran was out to prove that he could do it
14:08Now, you know that a railroad can't put a spur through unless they buy all the property along the way now
14:13Nobody wanted the railroad and nobody wanted to sell but Randy Halloran tried every
14:19Underhanded trick to make a sell and it just didn't work
14:24But he did buy the land, oh yes
14:28He finally got his way
14:30With the help of an epidemic. We were hit by smallpox
14:33I ran out of medicine so fast and when I tried to get more I found out that had to be shipped in by train
14:38Well, I ordered it and Randy Halloran said it's on the way
14:42Well, it stayed on the way until he got all the land that he wanted to buy
14:48But he did pay these people for the land
14:50The people got a fair price if you don't figure that part of the payment was a half-dozen human lives
15:05Well, my kitten doctor I do understand the way you feel I'm just saying if you go ahead with this killing
15:10You're not gonna get the satisfaction out of it. You think you will you're wrong. Mr. Randall. You're so bitter now
15:15You can't think straight maybe but what I can't see is your stake in this
15:19Why are you risking your life you let Dawson bring those killers in here and assassinate that boy?
15:24You're just as guilty as he is now you understand that
15:27Well, they're all over in the saloon right now getting ready to celebrate. Why don't you tell it to them?
16:10If you let this happen
16:40You'll never get the smell out of your clothes or out of your homes
16:45We've got a good acquaintance with death. My wife died for the lack of a few drops of medicine. I
16:52Understand about the sickness was here and I understand what he did
16:55It was rotten. Oh, that's an easy word to use rotten
17:00Go out and watch a young one double up with pain and crying out for help
17:04And then come back here and see if you can use an easy word like rotten. I don't like him any better than you do
17:10What he did was a dirty unforgivable crime, but why stick your head in the mud with his because he fouls everything that he touches
17:17My daughter she's shamed me before all my friends taking up with him before he came to this town. There was no hate here
17:25No sadness love of our fellow man was what we had and the respect of our children
17:30Randy Holland can't take that away from you
17:32But Dawson here can if you let him bring in hard killers and have this man assassinated who's to blame he had good reason
17:39He lost his only son
17:41What are you gonna tell your children when they ask what happened on this day?
17:44If a vicious animal is in your midst you get rid of him. This is our opportunity and we're not passing it by
17:51Now look Dawson
17:52All the man needs is three weeks. Give him three weeks and he'll be out of here. You don't hear very well
17:58We don't want him to go. We want him dead
18:02Three children two women and a man died because of him and a lot of us here Kim to those people
18:08Don't you see mister? There's none of us gonna stand in the way
18:14All right. I've said my piece
18:16But I'll tell you again. You let Dawson bring in those hard killers
18:20And you're just as guilty as he is. Mr. There's one thing that's got to be God straight
18:25Dawson acted for us
18:28That's right. Look about
18:30We're the ones who hired them. We got up a collection and every man in this room
18:35Contributed as heavy as he could you got the point mister. We hired those killers this town did
19:06I'll be here in a minute. I
19:11Can't I don't know how to shoot it
19:15Better time to learn I won't touch it
19:21Killing no matter how you look at it. That's cruel. I
19:25Understand he killed six people miss
19:27It wasn't my fault. I couldn't get the stuff back fast enough
19:31There wasn't anything else for me to do. You don't understand him
19:34He doesn't want to do the things he does
19:36You're right. I don't understand
19:50They've turned him against me. He just soon see me kill too. I don't want to see anybody kill
19:57No, it wasn't my fault. I
20:01Couldn't help what I did
20:02It's what's happened to me in the past. I'm in sick all my life
20:11Nobody has an easy time in this world Helen either you climb out of the muck and become a human being or you die
20:20You just make an excuse so you can run out on me
20:32In case they get by me
20:37Keep it back against the wall isn't worth getting killed over
21:02Fight isn't with you friend. I sure don't want to fight anybody either. Mr. We'd be obliged if you'd step aside
21:13Well, uh
21:16I'm sorry. I'm sorry too, but I guess there's no other way
21:24Don't do
21:51You all right I'll do
21:57There's no bullet wound
22:08I'm sorry. He's dead
22:14What happened well if I had to make a quick guess I'd say he died of a heart attack
22:42Well, they wanted him dead he's dead
23:03Hope this means anything but the boys father knew this was gonna happen. That's why he sent me down here
23:11Bring him back home
23:13Thank You. Mr. Randall
23:16What you gonna do now
23:20I'm going to leave horse hollow. No reason for me to stay here now