Wanted Dead or Alive S02E10

  • 4 months ago
00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics,
00:02taken ten years after its release.
00:04Those ages 30 and over can also get nostalgic
00:06from watching this film.
00:15Hi, man.
00:23See what it is, will you, son?
00:24Hello, son.
00:29Hello, Madge.
00:31Do you know what time it is, Pa?
00:33Or what night it is?
00:39The dance at Four Corners.
00:42I'm sorry, Madge. I forgot all about it.
00:45You can put the blame on me for keeping him late, Madge.
00:48I got behind on a job of work and, well,
00:51business before pleasure, you know.
00:52Of course, Mr. Bradley.
00:54It's quite all right.
00:56I think Tony Egan won't be too busy to take me.
00:59No, you just wait a minute.
01:01You're not going anyplace with Tony Egan
01:02as long as we're engaged.
01:04Well, it seems to me you're not engaged to anything
01:06but your father's shop.
01:11If she'd sooner go with Tony, let her.
01:14I always thought she liked Tony better than you anyhow.
01:19Madge, I said I was sorry.
01:29Hi, Madge.
01:31Would you take me to the dance at Four Corners?
01:36Sure, get in.
01:38You stay away from him.
01:40You're not going anyplace with that rich...
01:41Take your hands off those horses.
01:43I'm telling you, Madge.
02:53How you bring him in is not my concern.
02:57You turn him over to me and you get the $1,000.
03:01Well, what makes you think this man Egan's in Stingray?
03:04He's been seen.
03:06Mind now, I'm not saying that's where you'll find him,
03:09but it's a place to start.
03:11One other question.
03:13How many other bounty hunters do you figure
03:14I'm putting on this job?
03:16As many as it takes to bring Egan to me.
03:19Whoever brings him in,
03:20whoever brings him in gets the $1,000.
03:24Well, as long as you don't go that far with it,
03:25why don't you just put out straight wanted posters
03:27and just let it go at that?
03:28For Egan to see and know he's being hunted?
03:31Don't be stupid, Randall.
03:34Well, are you interested?
03:38As long as you get the $1,000.
03:40You let me worry about that.
03:44Take care of yourself.
03:50Come on.
04:09The bottles are meant to launch battleships, not horses.
04:11Well, excuse me all the pieces,
04:13but seeing that contraption there,
04:15I mistook you for a battleship.
04:18That's possible.
04:24Just as well you didn't tie into those fellas, Mr. Randall.
04:27With the marshal gone,
04:29they just about got this town treed.
04:33Uh, not saying they'd have treed you.
04:36Only, there's not many folks hereabouts
04:38who would lift a finger to help a bounty man.
04:42It's been a spell since you were here last.
04:44Stopping over?
04:45Passing through.
04:51Let's go.
05:04Now, begging your humble pardon, mister.
05:06Now, you look like a nice friendly fella,
05:08and we was wondering if maybe you'd, uh,
05:09settle a little argument for us.
05:11Now, the boys here say that this here is real silver,
05:14but, uh, I say it's a little tin trademark.
05:18But you lose.
05:19Let's find out who's the liar, huh?
05:22Do that again and I'll break your arm.
05:44Looks like he's outnumbered.
05:47You're doing all right.
05:50Let's go.
05:55Seems like somebody ought to give him a hand.
06:06Pull away.
06:20All right, that's it.
06:29You hit hard with that thing.
06:31How good can you shoot with it, friend?
06:34Good enough, friend.
06:36Well, like the man says, you ask a foolish question.
06:40You buy a drink?
06:41Some other time.
06:42Sure, no hard feelings.
06:44No hard feelings.
06:45Come on.
06:50I'm thankful for your help.
06:52Don't thank me. I don't want any part of it.
06:54Well, neither did I, but thanks anyway, Mr...
06:58Yeah, I know that name.
07:01Yeah, you're the bounty hunter.
07:03Look, I've had a long, hard ride and I'm tired.
07:05Hey, don't get your back up.
07:07I'm sort of an outcast myself.
07:10Name's Tony Egan.
07:19You ever been in a town called Spoonhandle?
07:21Well, sure.
07:22Born and raised there. Why?
07:25Give me your gun. Putt first.
07:32There's a thousand dollars on your head.
07:34Oh, you've got to be mistaken.
07:36Sorry, my friend, but...
07:39Who was it that hired you?
07:42A man named Bradley.
07:43Oh, the accident, huh?
07:45That's why he's after me.
07:48Were he and Paul hurt bad?
07:50The old man was pretty bad smashed up,
07:52but that's not why he wants you.
07:55Then why?
07:57He says you killed his son.
08:04I knew that Paul was hurt bad,
08:06but I didn't know he was dead.
08:08You should have made your business to find out.
08:10What I don't understand is,
08:12what I don't understand is,
08:14if he is dead,
08:15why isn't the law after me?
08:18Look, I don't know anything about that.
08:19All I know is old man Bradley
08:20paid me a thousand dollars to bring you in.
08:22That's what I'm doing.
08:25You seem to be a dedicated man.
08:27Almost as much as Tate Bradley.
08:31Well, how's he so dedicated?
08:33Hate for me, I'd say.
08:37You've got good reason, you know.
08:40Oh, I won't deny that.
08:42But it goes back a long time before the accident.
08:45I never quite understood why.
08:48Maybe it's because,
08:49well, he always had to work hard for his money.
08:52And I inherited mine.
08:54Any man that has to sprint
08:56hates a man that squanders.
08:58And I guess this accident,
09:00well, it's going to give him a chance to
09:02nail me to the wall.
09:04Well, Bradley said it wasn't exactly an accident.
09:07No, I don't suppose he would.
09:11I already had a reputation for being reckless.
09:14And I was drunk.
09:16Well, just offhand, I'd say that
09:18anything you wanted to do,
09:21you had coming.
09:23But believe me,
09:24I didn't know that Paul was dead.
09:27Well, like I said before,
09:28you should have made it your business to find out.
09:30I probably would have, sooner or later.
09:33The way it is, it's going to be sooner.
09:36And somehow, I'm kind of glad to get it over with.
09:39Well, I hope you stick to it, Ethan.
09:41The last time I talked to the old man,
09:44he won't be satisfied until you hang.
10:06I just heard you were back at work, Mr. Bradley.
10:11I wanted to welcome you home.
10:13Welcome home to what?
10:16To a shop without a son?
10:18To the headstone on his grave?
10:20To a town that don't even care enough to punish his killer?
10:24Well, he'll be punished.
10:27It may cost me everything I've got,
10:29but he'll be punished.
10:31You don't really mean that, Mr. Bradley.
10:34I put a bounty on him.
10:36$1,000, dead or alive.
10:40Tony Egan killed my son,
10:42and I'm going to see that he pays for it.
10:46Will that bring Paul back,
10:49Mr. Bradley?
10:52At least he'll rest easier knowing that Egan is dead.
10:56No, he won't.
10:57Paul wasn't like you.
11:00Getting even won't make him rest easy.
11:03All right, then I'll rest easier.
11:06Witnesses saw what happened that night.
11:08You know Tony won't be punished for an accident.
11:11It wasn't an accident,
11:13and I'll prove that if I have to.
11:16You're hoping that he's not brought back alive.
11:19That's why you put the price on his head.
11:22You want some bounty hunter to kill him for you.
11:25That's it, isn't it?
11:27You've always hated Tony.
11:29You've always hated Tony.
11:32Was it because he wasn't like Paul?
11:35I'll tell you why I hated him.
11:37Because you always liked Tony better than Paul.
11:40And Paul was killed looking for you.
11:42And if the only way I can get back at you is through Tony Egan,
11:45that's how it'll be.
11:46You're wrong, Mr. Bradley.
11:48I don't want to hear any more from you.
12:00What's going on out there?
12:02It's Tony.
12:04Somebody's brought him back.
12:11Get those handcuffs off him.
12:14He's no criminal.
12:17I don't know about that, but I was paid to bring the man in.
12:20That's what I'm doing.
12:21You should have done some checking around before you took the job.
12:24So far as we're concerned,
12:26the whole thing was an accident.
12:28Old man Bradley's got it in for Tony.
12:30That's why he's making a stink.
12:32None of my business.
12:33It's gonna be, mister.
12:35You've done Tony no favor bringing him in.
12:38The town isn't pushing anything, said you.
12:40Now take off those handcuffs.
12:45Yes, sir.
12:57See, uh, you wouldn't have to know
12:59if Mr. Bradley's back from that hospital in Abilene, would you?
13:02You'll find him in his shop.
13:06Let's go.
13:16Match, I'm sorry.
13:19I didn't know about Paul.
13:22You, uh, you coming?
13:33Sam, do you think we'd better go in?
13:37I give you my word, Mr. Bradley, I didn't even realize...
13:40And you call yourself a bounty hunter?
13:43You should have brought him in dead.
13:45Oh, now, wait a minute, Mr. Bradley.
13:47No, you'll wait.
13:49You won't get paid until Egan is tried and hung.
13:52But I've been trying to explain...
13:53You shut up!
13:55You killed my son and left me like this for the rest of my life.
13:59But Mr. Bradley was an accident.
14:01I didn't know.
14:02Then why did you run?
14:04I say it was intentional.
14:06I'm gonna file charges.
14:08Now lock him up.
14:10Oh, come on, Mr. Bradley.
14:12You know you can't make that stand up.
14:14Oh, look at you.
14:15I'm a citizen and a taxpayer in this town.
14:18I'm willing to file a murder charge against Egan.
14:21Now, are you gonna lock him up or do I have to go to the state government?
14:27Sorry, Tony.
14:43Look, Mr. Bradley, I understand how you feel.
14:46But you'd like to get paid?
14:50You'll get paid when Egan hangs.
14:52No, he's not gonna hang.
14:54I don't care how he dies, as long as he does.
14:59Look, Mr. Bradley, you're gonna pay me.
15:01And I'm gonna stay here in town until you do.
15:03Yeah, suit yourself, Randall.
15:06But you staying around,
15:08you're liable to end up the same way as Egan.
15:11And that's gonna be dead.
15:21Please excuse me.
15:26Here. I can see you're busy.
15:28But a hungry horse here. How much feed and stow for the day?
15:31You're the fellow who brought Tony Egan in, ain't you?
15:36And you don't like me, right?
15:37Yeah, I don't.
15:38I don't like you.
15:39I don't like you.
15:40I don't like you.
15:41I don't like you.
15:42I don't like you.
15:43I don't like you.
15:44I don't like you.
15:45I don't like you.
15:46I don't like you.
15:47I don't like you.
15:48Uh-huh. And you don't like me, right?
15:49Yeah, nobody in this town does.
15:52Especially when he collects on somebody we like.
15:54Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't collected yet.
15:56Yeah, and that don't change things.
15:59If I was you, I wouldn't go past no dark alleys.
16:02Well, I'll try and remember that.
16:03Now, how much for the feed and stall?
16:05All right, we're all filled up.
16:09Let me ask you a reasonable question.
16:10The horse isn't responsible for who rides him.
16:12You can't just let this horse go hungry for something he can't help, hmm?
16:16Well, the feed and stall is two dollars a day.
16:22Here's the two dollars, and here's the horse.
16:43Here, I'll buy it.
16:56Sixty-five cents.
16:58And you drink it over in the corner away from the decent customers.
17:14I, uh, changed my mind.
17:21Say, uh, let me ask you something, Sheriff.
17:24You lift that badge off and went ahead and did your job.
17:26Would the town pay you?
17:27I guess so.
17:29Well, Bradley hired me to do a job, and I'd kind of like to get paid.
17:36Randall, I'm giving you five hours to ride out.
17:43If you're still here by dark,
17:46I won't be responsible for any accident that might happen to you.
17:50Well, I'll try not to be too big a target.
17:59Now, look, Mr. Bradley.
18:01I want that money, and I want it quick.
18:03Now, I got to get out of town by 9 o'clock tonight,
18:05and I mean that sheriff's gonna go round and round, you know?
18:07That puts you in something of a fix, doesn't it?
18:11Look, I'll tell you what.
18:16I'll pay you double if you'll deliver Egan from jail.
18:20That's all. No killing.
18:22Just turn him over to me.
18:23I'll take care of the rest.
18:29I think you're a sick man, Mr. Bradley, and you need a doctor.
18:33Gee, you were saying that, do you hear?
18:35You'll be a dead man before 9 o'clock!
18:42Sheriff told me he was leaving,
18:43so I figured I'd save time by getting him ready for travel.
18:48Yeah, well, uh, the one of this town doesn't need a newspaper.
18:52Well, you are leaving, ain't you?
18:54Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am attacked.
18:57$5,000 in the world worth as much trouble as I've been through.
19:00Yeah, come right down to it.
19:02We don't need people like you in this town.
19:06Say, you mind if I ask you something?
19:08Why didn't anybody manage this Bradley fellow?
19:09You know, he's the man that hired me.
19:11Oh, now, Louis, you're happy about what he did,
19:13but we can understand that.
19:14He'll get what's coming to him at the right time.
19:17Meanwhile, you take my advice and ride out.
19:20And don't stop. Turn around on the way, hmm?
19:25That's the only question I ask.
19:28Is it wrong for a father to mourn his son?
19:31Is it unnatural?
19:33A lot of you know the way I feel.
19:36A lot of you have suffered the same way.
19:42You, Ben, when the typhoid took your Joe,
19:46you remember how you felt?
19:48All the... All the sorrow and the emptiness inside?
19:52The anger that the thing that killed him a polluted well?
19:57You've destroyed that well, Ben,
20:00so that nobody else's son would ever get typhoid from it.
20:03Now, I ask you, I ask all of you,
20:08are you gonna stand there like statues
20:10or are you gonna help me do what any of you do
20:12if you lost a son?
20:15Right in there is the thing that killed my Paul.
20:19Tony Egan.
20:21A worthless killer who struck him down
20:24and left him lying in the dirt.
20:26Left him in the street dead.
20:29And me, a cripple for life.
20:32Are you gonna drag him out of there for me and hang him?
20:36Are you?
20:37I'll do, Mr. Bradley.
20:38It's all over, folks.
20:40Go on home.
20:41No, you can't.
20:44I won't be stopped.
20:46I won't.
20:49Take off that belt.
20:55Drop it.
20:58You're crazy, Bradley.
20:59Drop it.
21:03I'm warning you, you go through with this, you'll hang.
21:05Cripple or no cripple, you will hang.
21:20Show yourself.
21:23You stay there where you are, Egan.
21:25Mr. Bradley, please be sensible.
21:30It was always you and Tony.
21:33You're responsible, the both of you.
21:37Now look, why don't you just settle down, Mr. Bradley?
21:40Out of my way, bounty hunter.
21:43Mr. Bradley.
21:49Go away.
21:51I, I.
21:53You've done enough to me and my family.
21:57Mr. Bradley, I, I tried to make you understand,
22:02and I'm afraid that's not going to happen.
22:05It won't.
22:06I promise.
22:09Mr. Bradley, you're an idiot.
22:12Tony and I were only friends.
22:15I never loved anybody but Pa.
22:18I never loved anybody but Pa.
22:45How's the arm?
22:46I'll live.
22:50I know you don't like this town, but thanks anyhow.
22:54Can't spend gratitude.
22:56I'd still like to get that $1,000.
22:59You asking me to pay it?
23:01Well, now that you mention it, it's not a bad idea.
23:05You know, I almost found myself liking you.
23:09But I think you're just too dedicated to money.
23:12No $1,000, huh?
23:15I'll buy you a drink.
23:17That's all.
23:18Just one two-bit drink.
23:23I'll go $0.65.
23:25Oh, the price will come down.
23:27Folks in town here, well, they're friends of mine.
23:30We live.
23:31Let's forget it, because I don't like your friends.
23:45THE END
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