• last year
PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) kembali menyuntik modal entitas asosiasinya, PT Adi Sarana Logistik (ASL) sebesar Rp2,2 miliar. Aksi tersebut dilakukan supaya porsi kepemilikan saham perseroan di ASL tidak terdilusi.

Corporate Secretary ASSA Jerry Fandy Tunjungan mengatakan, penambahan modal tersebut dilakukan karena ASL membutuhkan tambahan modal dalam menjalankan usahanya.


00:00 PT Adi Sarana Armada TBK again stole the capital of the association entity PT Adi Sarana Logistics or ASL worth 2.2 billion rupiah.
00:09 Corporate Secretary Adi Sarana Armada Jerry Fandi Tunjukan said,
00:13 the capital increase was made because ASL needs additional capital to run its business.
00:23 PT Adi Sarana Armada TBK or the black emitter of the ASSA sub-agency again stole the capital of the association entity PT Adi Sarana Logistics or ASL worth 2.2 billion rupiah.
00:36 The auction was held so that the share of the shareholder in ASL is not diluted.
00:43 Corporate Secretary ASSA Jerry Fandi Tunjukan said, the capital increase was made because ASL needs additional capital to run its business.
00:54 With the increase in capital, the arrangement of the shareholders in ASL did not change,
00:58 ASSA lost 40%, then PT Roda increased by 40% and the LTD top has 20%. The two shareholders last mentioned transferred their capital of 2.2 billion rupiah and 1.1 billion rupiah.
01:14 The capital was increased and transferred to 181.6 billion rupiah.
01:20 So adding the capital increase is considered an affiliation transaction because ASL is an association entity of ASSA.
01:28 In the company, ASSA also places its people, namely Yong Suh Yanto as the main commissioner of ASL and Produsunaryanto as the commissioner.
01:38 Thank you for watching!
01:40 [Music]
01:44 [Music]
