Gambuzza (Confagricoltura): "Con sistema di sensori risparmio acqua del 50%”

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Un sistema grazie al quale si riducono le malattie fungine e di conseguenza, l’uso di agrofarmaci”. Lo spiega il vicepresidente di Confagricoltura, Sandro Gambuzza, intervistato in occasione del convegno “Water Management nella agroindustria per una gestione responsabile delle risorse” organizzato a Roma da Agronetwork, associazione fondata da Confagricoltura, Nomisma e Luiss.


00:00The virtuous practices that I must say the agricultural entrepreneurs have already experimented and put into practice
00:15consist substantially in a rational use of the water resource,
00:23in particular, apart from the now consolidated irrigation practices in Goccia,
00:29clearly the digitization is the factor of innovation also in this field.
00:38In fact, they exist through a system of sensors,
00:42we have ABFARM that really allows to experiment with these practices,
00:48it allows to irrigate not only the whole field when it is needed,
00:55but also small plots, thus saving about 50% of the use of the water that is normally used,
01:03allowing, among other things, also a decrease in the use of agrochemicals,
01:10because clearly less fungal diseases and a better productive yield.
