Findus e One Ocean Foundation insieme per la riforestazione marina

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani, Findus annuncia la partnership con One Ocean Foundation per l’avvio di un ambizioso progetto di riforestazione marina: la piantumazione, lungo i fondali sanremesi, di ben 2500 piantine di Posidonia Oceanica, considerata il “polmone del Mar Mediterraneo”.


00:00Act to protect and preserve the precious and fragile marine ecosystems,
00:13at a time when the vulnerability of our seas and oceans is increasingly evident.
00:17This is the mission of FINDUS, a leading company in the frozen sector,
00:21always active in the field of sustainability,
00:24which on the occasion of the World Oceans Day,
00:27on June 8 announced the partnership with One Ocean Foundation,
00:31an organization dedicated to scientific research,
00:34focused on the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems.
00:38The collaboration sees the involvement of FINDUS
00:41within an ambitious marine reforestation project.
00:44First of all, we are very proud of this partnership with One Ocean Foundation,
00:48which will allow us to plant 2,500 oceanic posidon plants
00:53on the shores of the Igore coast, in the Sarremese area.
00:56This new partnership is part of a broader manifesto
01:00of activities that we carry out in the field of sustainability with the FINDUS brand captain.
01:04This manifesto is called Fish for Good and is based on three fundamental pillars.
01:09The first is focused on supply,
01:12so we are committed to guaranteeing a responsible and transparent supply chain.
01:16The second is more about environmental protection.
01:19We are committed to having 100% of the packaging and recyclable packaging by the end of next year,
01:26as well as the recent inauguration of the 2 MW photovoltaic system
01:31at our plant in Cisterna di Latina.
01:34The last area, which is the one in which this new partnership is inserted,
01:39concerns the protection and safeguarding of the seas and oceans.
01:42We are part of the Water Defenders Alliance, promoted by IFEGATE,
01:46thanks to which we have installed, over the years,
01:49a series of seabed, or marine basins,
01:52that have allowed us to filter the water and remove more than 18 tons of waste.
01:57The FINDUS adhesion to the project of safeguarding and restoring the underwater forests
02:02has been welcomed by One Ocean Foundation with great satisfaction.
02:06Think that oceanic posidon allows you to fight against coastal erosion.
02:12This species is particularly important for Europe and the Mediterranean,
02:16because it has an environmental, social and economic value.
02:22Therefore, it is essential to know it,
02:24it is essential to make people understand the precious role it has for all of us.
02:31And thanks to companies like FINDUS,
02:33we have the opportunity to promote these messages,
02:36to spread them and to create awareness.
02:39Therefore, it is essential for leading companies in their sectors
02:43to embrace these issues and make them their own.
