Olivia Munn Recalls Gaining 60 Lbs. During Pregnancy How It Changed Her Body -Exclusive-

  • 3 months ago
Olivia Munn Recalls Gaining 60 Lbs. During Pregnancy How It Changed Her Body -Exclusive-


00:00I looked nothing like what I see people look like when they're pregnant.
00:05I had a six-day window where it looked cute.
00:11I'm not even kidding. A six-day window.
00:15She looked beautiful.
00:17I would think about it because she's got a lot of fancy people who go to her to see her.
00:23I thought about them almost every time I was in the elevator.
00:26I think about what they must be wearing to go see her and how they look.
00:30I was wearing the same sweatpants and the same flannel shirt everywhere.
00:37I couldn't get it together.
00:40Being in the public eye, I think a lot of people understand it now.
00:45Before it was just people in Hollywood.
00:48But now with social media and podcasting, everyone's out there.
00:54We're all in the same world and same playing field.
00:57So a lot more people understand what it's like.
00:59So there is a greater understanding and a lot more compassion and grace.
01:06But it doesn't mean that you don't go, oh, man, I don't look my best.
01:12The flip side is that so many people are sharing their lives and it looks so great.
01:18I'd had friends who were pregnant at the same time or had their babies after me,
01:25and yet they snapped back like that.
01:26Or their pregnancy outfits were so cute.
01:28Everything was so cute.
01:29Or they already had the nurseries done.
01:31I mean, the nursery wasn't done until days before.
01:34I mean, days before.
01:36And I remember asking my friends, how are you doing this?
01:42And then they said, oh, my gosh, you should have seen me before and after.
01:46It was a mess.
01:47I mean, that's all an illusion.
01:49I was like, no, no, that's what's impressive.
01:51I'm sure it's an illusion.
01:52But I don't even have the energy to fake it.
01:55To make the illusion.
01:56Like, what, to even pretend is crazy.
01:59And so, yeah, my body's changing.
02:02And I put on 60 pounds.
02:05That's when I stopped counting.
02:06You know, we discussed what was a healthy number.
02:09And, you know, but it's hard.
02:11It is hard.
02:12And I stayed inside a lot during my pregnancy.
02:14So I – and I was really craving pizza and Lucky Charms.
02:20By the way, I love pizza and Lucky Charms.
02:23Every day, all day long.
02:25And so then my body did not snap back afterwards.
02:28I did not lose the weight.
02:30And right now I'm doing a lot of laser treatments on my stomach because that analogy that people
02:37give, some people give, a lot of people snap back and look like nothing.
02:41But it has that deflated balloon thing, like, right over your – like, on the top – like,
02:46for me, it's not on the bottom, but on the top part.
02:47Like, around your belly button and above.
02:49And so, you know, a lot of lasering to try to reverse those Lucky Charms and pizza decisions.
02:57But you got the cutest little boy.
02:59Oh, my gosh.
02:59And, I mean, he really is a looker.
03:01Thank you so much.
03:02He really is.
03:03Thank you.
03:03He's amazing.
03:04I give every – I give my whole body up.
03:06I mean, I don't care.
03:07That's the thing.
03:07Once you have a child, you're like – I mean, you still want to look good.
03:10Every woman –
03:11I'll try what I can.
03:12But if somebody said to me, you're going to look completely different than you've
03:19ever lived your life.
03:21If, you know, you're going to have this baby boy instead, I'd say, okay.
03:24Yeah, five times over.
03:24In a heartbeat.
03:25No problem.
