Kris Knoblauch vs. Buffalo Bills Fans: A Critical Look

  • 3 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - I am now squarely against the Edmonton Oilers
00:07 in this series, and it's not that I'm going
00:08 after Connor McDavid or Leon Dreisaitl or Skinner
00:13 or any of these guys.
00:14 I'm going after this guy, the coach,
00:16 Chris "Don't Call Me Chuck" Knobloch,
00:18 who yesterday was asked a pretty reasonable question.
00:22 That team on the other side was in the Stanley Cup Final
00:25 a year ago, some experience over there.
00:28 They know about being on this stage.
00:30 The Oilers have not been there.
00:32 Here's how Knobloch decided to talk,
00:34 make a little comparison, Joe, to all of that.
00:36 - And you're playing a team that has a ton
00:38 of Stanley Cup Final experience.
00:40 They were just there last year.
00:42 Is that an edge that you guys have to overcome
00:44 and how do you do that quickly?
00:46 - Yeah, experience is good.
00:52 I don't know.
00:55 I don't know how much experience is beneficial.
00:57 You can ask the Buffalo Bills how important
01:02 Super Bowl experience is.
01:05 I think the biggest thing is just having confidence
01:10 to play and when our guys are playing their best,
01:13 they should have a lot of confidence.
01:15 - I tell you what.
01:16 Joe, that was awesome.
01:19 Look here, guy rubbed his back.
01:21 Ah, that was awesome.
01:23 That was awesome.
01:25 Well, I tell you what, you know who's gonna make
01:27 that bulletin board material?
01:29 Vinny Viola.
01:32 Vinny Viola.
01:33 - Vinny Viola, yeah.
01:35 - Vinny Viola, yeah.
01:36 - Big Vin gonna paste that.
01:38 They should be showing that in the locker room, Vinny.
01:41 Bang, bang the locker room.
01:43 That's it, bang the locker.
01:45 Do they still have lockers in the locker room?
01:47 No more, huh?
01:49 They just have these beautiful oak wood,
01:51 you know, stained-glazed rooms.
01:53 - Almost stalls, I guess you could say, Joe.
01:55 Like they got all the stalls that the guys go in.
01:57 - Yeah, big stalls.
01:59 They got, they have, you know, big chair,
02:02 like they're kings, right?
02:03 You sit down, they, you know, put on the crown.
02:07 - Joe, you gotta be comfortable.
02:08 You gotta be comfortable in there.
02:10 Sometimes you go into the older buildings,
02:12 it's a cramped room.
02:13 You need a nice, comfortable chair.
02:15 (upbeat music)
02:18 [MUSIC]
