Actress Massiel Taveras Says Overzealous Cannes Security Guard Needs Jesus

  • 3 months ago
Massiel Taveras is still fuming at the security guard who tussled with her at the Cannes Film Festival ... telling TMZ the woman needs to take her butt to church, or at least open a Bible.


00:00Everyone kind of saw you kind of push the security guard.
00:05What happened exactly, like the encounter between you and her?
00:09Honestly, I was fighting so hard in my soul to just make them understand that it was just
00:15about taking one photo, one picture with my amazing dress, you know, to give credit to
00:21my to my designer, Janina Azar and Jan Pais, which is an amazing artist from my country.
00:27So yeah, to share the message that has the dress, but they didn't want.
00:32So I was trying to to just do that when she she grabbed me at the end.
00:38I don't know if you guys see that that footage and she we can't see her arm, but she was
00:44like this and like pushed me in a way that I'm like, oh, no, wait a minute, that's not
00:49that's not right.
00:50Leave me alone.
00:51You know, and then at the door, obviously, they said, oh, are you not?
00:55You're not coming in.
00:56I said, why?
00:57This is Jesus Christ's face.
00:58I have an invitation for one year in advance.
01:02So were you able to actually get in?
01:04He said to me, you're not coming in and this is not our partner.
01:09This is not your partner.
01:12OK, you were your partner with him.
01:14That's a good question.
01:15They didn't let me in in the main room.
01:17They said, no, you you then if you want to go in, go to the balcony.
01:21I'm like, OK, fine.
01:23And that's how it happened.
01:24And then they got the balcony, has a long stairs so I can have the photo there.
01:30So everybody go see my dress.
01:32I mean, does it accept you that you have to get to that point to kind of put like, you
01:36know, you kind of, you know, how to defend yourself, you know?
01:39Well, it really it really felt weird.
01:42I never had that situation before.
01:44And I think that people like the fact that I did that because it shows like, OK, there's
01:49boundaries in life.
01:50And as Kelly did, I stood my ground.
01:53We did the same, you know.
01:55So everybody was talking about her in the first place.
01:57Like, oh, look at her.
01:58No, look at her.
02:00Look at the security team.
02:01She did soft.
02:02I was like pissed.
02:03I was like, OK, that's going to be a fight.
02:05Mm hmm.
02:06We're going to show that dress.
02:08They lacked.
02:09So the securities lack a lot of respect for you guys.
02:10I mean, yeah.
02:12And for Jesus Christ.
02:15Because they didn't want to see the face.
02:16If you see the video, she's like covering her face.
02:18She should go to church or read the Bible.
