Diddy Hit with New Lawsuit, Woman Claims He Raped Her Multiple Times | TMZ Live

  • 3 months ago
A new Diddy accuser is suing him over multiple sexual assaults she claims started back in the 1990s after they met in New York City ... TMZ has learned.


00:00So, there is a seventh lawsuit now against Diddy, again alleging sexual assault, in this
00:06case rape.
00:08This one, there is a twist in it.
00:12April Lampros says that her relationship, or I guess you could call it that, because
00:18it lasted over, what, about eight years, she says, between the first instance when they
00:26met and then the last time that she had any encounter with him.
00:31But she says back in the mid-90s, she was a student at FIT, the Fashion Institute of
00:38Technology in New York City, when she met Diddy at an event.
00:44I guess at that point he would have been Puffy, whichever name you call him.
00:49But they met at a fashion event, and she says that he immediately said that he would make
00:54her a big star in the fashion world.
00:56He, of course, had Sean John coming out at that point.
01:00So she was certainly enticed by his lifestyle, she says.
01:06And then they started, they went out one night, and she says that, as the word she used, that
01:13he gave her a lot of drinks, plied her with alcohol.
01:17They went back to a hotel, the Millennium Hotel.
01:20And by the way, her lawsuit, I will say, is filled with exact details of names of places
01:26they went, addresses of places they went.
01:29She says they went to the Millennium Hotel, and that she started to feel very woozy.
01:36She's saying he drugged her.
01:38And then she remembers, the last thing she remembers in consciousness is him getting
01:43on top of her.
01:45And when she woke up, she was naked, sore, and realized that she had been sexually assaulted.
01:51This is very similar to the sixth lawsuit that was filed this week as well, where the
01:57woman, this former model, says that she was drugged after getting a blunt that she believes
02:02was lace.
02:04And then fell into unconsciousness and believes she was also sexually assaulted.
02:08And then the federal says after that incident, she did not hear from Sean Combs for several
02:16And then he, again, contacted her and started, as she says, trying to lure her back into
02:23his lifestyle.
02:25And her attorney explains this in the lawsuit, and we're going to read the language that
02:31her attorney has put in the lawsuit.
02:33One other thing I want to say, the photos that we are showing, those are photos that
02:37she included in the lawsuit, because I know some people will say it's odd to show the
02:44face of an alleged sexual assault victim.
02:47But she included these photos.
02:48And I think she did it because she wanted to show that there was a relationship or some
02:52sort of relationship.
02:54So the issue then becomes, and this is so you understand why I think this is in the
02:58lawsuit, that she went back a second time after this incident.
03:04And her lawyer addressed that issue, which is going to become an issue if it goes to
03:10So this is the language he put in the suit.
03:11He said, Ms. Lampros was a hopeful yet naive college student and took Mr. Combs at his
03:16word and believed that the first rape was a possible mulligan and decided to give him
03:22a second chance.
03:25That is an odd word.
03:26It's odd to use the word give her, give him a mulligan.
03:30This is an odd phrase.
03:31But again, they are explaining why and how she ended up engaging with him a second time,
03:38which also, she says, turned into another sexual assault in a parking lot.
03:43Well, Charles, not just a second time.
03:45There are multiple times that she would go back to him after these love bombing episodes.
03:49She said he would apologize.
03:50And there are multiple allegations that it would lead to these sexual assaults.
03:54I see a parallel with some of those early Harvey Weinstein cases where he would make
03:59He was allegedly making promises of career advancement.
04:01They would sleep together.
04:02They would call it rape.
04:03But then he would show text messages saying, oh, look, they loved me afterwards.
04:06And we got back together again in subsequent episodes.
04:09It seems to be a pattern of sort of alleging abuse of power of these men to sort of get
04:14back into the good graces and commit multiple assaults, allegedly.
04:17So there's one in the parking lot.
04:18Another incident, she says, involved Kim Porter, who, you know, is the mother of Diddy's twin
04:26But she says that he invited her over to his apartment, Kim was there, and that he forced
04:33her, April, to have ecstasy, shoved it down her throat, and then demanded that she have
04:40sex with Kim Porter.
04:42And then he eventually joined in.
04:44There was that incident.
04:46And then she claims that Kim Porter, she had a run-in with Kim Porter, actually, and which
04:51ended, resulted in April being fired from her job at a restaurant.
04:55She was working at a restaurant, she says, months after the incident with Kim.
04:59Kim happened to come into the restaurant and told the manager, this person tried to poison
05:06You better fire her, otherwise Diddy will come in here and shut down your restaurant.
05:11And April says she was fired as a result of that.
05:13Now, it's interesting.
05:14Kim Porter, as you know, died of pneumonia several years ago.
05:18So mentioning all the part with Kim, no one's really going to be able to prove or disprove
05:23or disprove that.
05:25The final allegation is interesting.
05:27She says that she has reason to believe that Diddy, at some point, recorded one of their
05:33sexual encounters and has been showing that video to someone.
05:36She says that, 2023, she said she was dating someone.
05:41And that person had a friend who said, hey, be careful of this April person you're dating.
05:47She had sex with Diddy.
05:48I've seen the video.
05:50And this is where the FBI raid really comes into play, because what is apparent is Diddy
05:57did videotape lots and lots of things.
06:01And there are a lot of people, frankly, we're hearing, who are nervous about what he recorded
06:06because apparently he had cameras all over the place.
06:09If there is a video that the FBI sees that in any way aligns with what she's saying,
06:15that is powerful evidence that she has in terms of just validating the story.
06:20So that could be a big deal.
06:24Now, the question is, this is what, the seventh lawsuit?
06:28How many dominoes fall here?
06:31You can't even guess at this point.
06:33Hey, I'm Folly, and I'm from Argentina.
06:36So I think Diddy is one of the vilest people on earth, because having to hear and learn
06:42about all these stories leaked by these women so far is beyond disturbing.
06:49And I just hope that he gets the justice that he deserves.
06:53Well, to be fair to the alleged victims, they're not leaking this.
06:56I mean, they have filed it.
06:57They have filed a lawsuit.
06:59The thing that is probably most front and center is this federal investigation.
07:06We don't know when the feds are going to make a charging decision or whether they're going
07:12to bring it to the grand jury.
07:13We just don't know yet.
