J Lo and Ben Affleck Do Sunday Funday Together Despite Living Apart | TMZ Live

  • 3 months ago
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck seem to be saying they're all good, maritally speaking -- even though they're not living under the same roof, they spent much of Sunday together ... looking like a happy couple.


00:00 Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have their own troubles.
00:03 Look, something is clearly going on in their marriage.
00:06 We don't know exactly what that is.
00:08 But when one of them moves out of the house,
00:10 you know there's an issue.
00:11 He's living in Brentwood now.
00:13 She's still living in their home in Beverly Hills.
00:16 And so things have been stressed.
00:19 Wedding rings have come off, and then they've come on.
00:22 But on Sunday, you would have thought there was never
00:26 anything going on between them.
00:27 They spent much of the day together.
00:30 They went first to Santa Monica to-- one of her kids
00:35 had a school production.
00:36 And Ben was there attending, just
00:38 as she attended one for his kid last week, last Thursday.
00:42 So they left that event in Santa Monica together.
00:46 They drove to West Hollywood.
00:48 They went to dinner at BOA.
00:51 And they were photographed all along the way.
00:53 Now, the BOA thing is a little surprising to me.
00:56 Because look, they wanted to be seen.
00:58 They know there's cameras there.
00:59 That's what it seemed like.
01:00 But the other, I understand that they would come together
01:04 the way they did.
01:05 Because it's got to be traumatic for kids, where there's already
01:09 been one divorce on each side.
01:12 And then on top of that, you finally figure, OK,
01:14 now they've celebrated this marriage.
01:16 Two years later, it seems like that may be falling apart.
01:19 It's got to be really hard on the kids,
01:21 which they're clearly conscious of.
01:22 And so clearly, they are coming together
01:24 whenever necessary for the kids.
01:27 But they continue to live apart.
01:28 And she seems to be looking for a new house.
01:32 She was looking for a house last week.
01:35 So the one thing that strikes me about this,
01:37 clearly there are mixed signals going on, right?
01:39 Especially in the public.
01:41 There's a magic show with the disappearing, reappearing act
01:43 of Ben's ring.
01:44 Oh, yes.
01:45 And then we see J-Lo with Ben, seemingly looking happy,
01:49 seemingly together.
01:50 The one thing that you don't see, though,
01:52 is PDA between them.
01:53 I don't see them holding hands.
01:54 I don't see them snuggling up or kissing or anything
01:57 like that, which is telling.
01:58 But you've got to kind of wonder,
01:59 are they doing this whole mixed signal
02:01 thing for public appearances?
02:02 Are they doing it for the sake of their kids?
02:04 And more importantly, what exactly are they
02:07 telling their kids about this, right?
02:08 That's what you've got to wonder.
02:09 They clearly, because he's not living in the house,
02:12 they have to be telling the kids that something is going on.
02:15 I don't know how they've described that.
02:17 And then as far as what they're doing in public, I mean, one,
02:21 they're coming together for the kids.
02:22 So they're just going to do that.
02:24 But do I think that they want the pub--
02:27 that they're aware of their public image
02:29 and that they want it to seem like--
02:31 they're not ready to make it seem like everything's over.
02:33 And maybe everything isn't over.
02:34 Which, by the way, we've seen this many times before,
02:37 where just before somebody files--
02:39 and I'm not saying they're going to,
02:40 but it looks like it's moving in that direction--
02:43 that they go out and they present a unity front,
02:47 a united front.
02:48 On Friday-- by the way, I should say,
02:50 so on Thursday when they met up for the school production,
02:54 everyone had their wedding rings on.
02:55 On Friday, Ben went back for that same school production,
03:00 did not have his wedding ring on.
03:02 But then Saturday, the ring was back.
03:07 So I'll just speak for myself.
03:09 This is a facade, right?
03:10 They're putting on appearances and a facade
03:12 and trying to kind of trick the public.
03:14 No, we're actually together.
03:15 The truth is, the cat's out of the bag.
03:17 We know that there are problems and maybe they're
03:19 working on it, but the fact that he's living separately
03:22 at this point speaks volumes.
03:24 In and of itself, it speaks volumes.
03:25 So it's bad.
03:27 It's not great.
03:27 It's bad.
03:28 I think they may be working on things, speaking for myself,
03:31 that there's clearly an issue, whatever that is,
03:35 but they're not saying we're done with this marriage.
03:38 Not yet.
03:39 I think there's something else going on here.
03:41 I really think this has to do much more so with the kids.
03:44 These kids have become friends with each other.
03:47 And then suddenly, you separate them again.
03:50 It's almost doubly traumatic for the kids.
03:53 So I think a lot of parents, when they do this,
03:57 it's a slow rollout.
03:58 These two can't do a slow rollout
04:00 because of the publicity.
04:01 But I think the kids are really a big factor
04:05 in this whole thing.
04:07 Hi, I'm Lindsay Aguirre from Michigan.
04:09 I'm a huge fan of JLo.
04:11 I root for her.
04:12 I root for this marriage.
04:13 I agree there has to be something going on.
04:15 They've been super grumpy lately, like JLo at the Met Gala.
04:19 But I do think that's because of their relationship
04:22 issues at home.
04:23 And I think the only thing that's holding me
04:25 on is that they got back together after a 17-year pause.
04:28 So I don't think Bennifer's over.
04:35 (upbeat music)
