• last year
Things are not amicable between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck ... the lines of communication are closed and it's making it difficult to hammer out a divorce agreement.


00:00JLo and Ben everybody's wondering are they filing for divorce? When are they filing for divorce? We can tell you they are getting divorced
00:06We know that
00:08And we have been reporting that look they Ben's already moved out bought his own house where he's living alone now
00:14They're selling the family house. She's out looking for her own house. She was out over the weekend
00:20Looking with one of her kids. So this marriage is over, but it's going really slow
00:28They're not talking to each other. There is radio silence between the two of them short story
00:34It is not an amicable right and on paper Harvey. They were they've been married for a year and change
00:39They had a prenuptial agreement
00:41They they basically own effectively own one albeit large asset the 68 ish million dollar home
00:47This should be very simple on paper. But if you're not going to communicate at all, it's not gonna get done
00:52And that's why it's going slow. It's slowing down the divorce
00:55They were being told that they haven't even hired attorneys and obviously when it comes to like the financial stuff
01:01They have like business managers kind of communicating and figuring out and there won't be any kind of documents
01:07Filed until they figure out all the financial stuff
01:11But it's this just shows you that everything they've been doing in public that has been confusing
01:17You know them seeing each other in person doing an air kiss hugging being all smiles
01:23And then also continuing to wear their wedding rings now, we know it is all for show because behind the scenes
01:29They're not even on speaking terms, right? It's weird. The wedding ring thing is weird because
01:35What's the what's the point of wearing a writing wedding ring sometimes and not other time?
01:41I think it's just to throw people off because that's every time we say it hard
01:44They're getting divorced this relationships over people want to they want to glom on to that fact. Oh, but what about the wedding rings?
01:49It's over
01:52Yeah, but but
01:55There is a thing in California and in many many states, I think most now
01:59It's a no-fault state, which means it doesn't matter who files first
02:03But it matters to celebrities because you don't want to look like the person who is left
02:09you want it you want to be the one to leave and so
02:12Neither of them are doing this and if they're really getting along you could kind of understand why and then they'd issue a joint statement
02:20But because neither of them are doing it and they're not getting along
02:25It's a little weird to me that they're both playing this right
02:28Could you see somebody would you be shocked if we said found out tomorrow Jennifer filed for divorce as like a but that's hack against
02:34Him, but that's what I'm saying. Yeah, and and also I want to say one other thing. I don't necessarily think that this started out
02:42Because they were at each other's events for a time in the recital
02:46I think something happened after they decided to split and it just got really kind of ugly at that point
02:53But they're not by the way more evidence that Ben wants to move on from this. He got a new haircut you guys
02:59He is sporting a new look
03:01It's like a faux hawk which like wow like really like young looking Ben Affleck here
03:08Look at that moto
03:11It looks like he's ready to bag a new check you guys like he is in his single era right now
03:16It looks good. He could have any haircut and and still right
03:21By the way, I had mentioned that J Lo's that was out yesterday looking for property
03:25She was actually in Beverly Hills with one of her kids
03:28They looked at a super expensive house
03:3368 million dollars Wow, which is more than the marital house, right and 60 and change, right?
03:39Then only spent 20 on his new place 20.5, but who's counting?
03:43But that kind of shocked me that she's looking for a house that expense areas out that is shocking
03:49Especially since they haven't sold the marital house. She's got a lot of money
03:54Maria Chaney, Dallas, Texas
03:56Jennifer and being our adults that seems to be acting a little childish
04:00Hey not speaking to one another to end the marriage seem that they both have some growing to do internally
04:06Let's stop playing games find a buyer for the house move on with your life. No need to prolong this
04:11This divorce longer than the marriage itself, that's true. Yeah marriage in last
