Congress Turns into 'Springer Show' as Rep. MTG Battles Reps. AOC, Crockett | TMZ TV

  • 3 months ago
Congress is truly devolving into an episode of the 'Jerry Springer Show' -- 3 notable legislators went back and forth trading nasty insults during an official hearing, and all it was missing were flying chairs and Steve Wilkos.


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:01 - Coming to Bravo this fall,
00:03 it's the Real House.
00:05 - I think your fake eyelashes are messing up.
00:07 - No, I ain't nothing.
00:08 - Hold on, hold on.
00:09 - Of Representatives!
00:11 With AOC, MTG, and introducing Texas Rep, Jasmine Crockett.
00:16 - If I comment on (beep) about her,
00:19 y'all gonna have a problem.
00:19 - Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman.
00:21 - What a season!
00:22 And it kicks off with an epic battle
00:24 during a committee hearing about whether to hold
00:26 Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.
00:29 And when MTG tried to sneak in some Trump stumping,
00:32 Jasmine was all like.
00:34 - Do you know what we're here for?
00:35 You know we're here about MTG.
00:37 I don't think you know what you're here for.
00:39 - Well, you're the one talking about,
00:40 I guess those are the trolls.
00:41 - I think your fake eyelashes are messing up.
00:43 - No, I ain't nothing.
00:43 - Hold on, hold on.
00:45 - AOC loses her mind.
00:47 She's like, we need to strike that from the record.
00:50 Marjorie Taylor Greene objects.
00:52 - And AOC lets her have it.
00:54 - How dare you attack the physical appearance
00:57 of another person.
00:58 - Are your feelings hurt?
01:00 - Oh girl, baby girl.
01:01 - Oh really?
01:02 - Don't even play.
01:04 (laughing)
01:06 - Like this is embarrassing.
01:08 - That is our Congress.
01:09 - They needed Andy Cohen, dude.
01:11 (laughing)
01:12 - But instead they put this guy in charge.
01:15 - Ms. Crockett.
01:16 - I'm just curious if someone on this committee
01:18 then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde,
01:22 bad built butch body.
01:24 - A what now?
01:25 - Okay, king of the hill.
01:26 - Never had these problems
01:28 when I'm allowed to serve in Congress.
01:29 (laughing)
01:31 - You son of a bitch.
01:33 - Let the men handle this.
01:35 They really seem to have a handle on things.
01:37 - A what now?
