Ika-13 anibersaryo ng GCG, ipinagdiriwang ngayong araw <br />

  • 3 months ago
Ika-13 anibersaryo ng GCG, ipinagdiriwang ngayong araw
00:00 The Governance Commission for Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations
00:05 has promised to continue taking care of the environment
00:08 along with their 13th anniversary today.
00:12 This is the story of Allan Francisco.
00:14 The 13th anniversary of the Governance Commission for Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations
00:23 or GCG in Pasay City was celebrated today.
00:25 He is the CEO of more than 100 GOCCs including your national television, People's Television Network.
00:33 The mandate of GCG is to serve as the central advisory monitoring and regulatory body for government-owned or controlled corporations.
00:44 So we make sure that they perform their mandates properly.
00:51 We set targets for them so that they become more efficient and responsive.
00:56 GOCC sectors and partner organizations came.
01:00 We are taking big leaps and strides to become more responsive not only to GOCCs,
01:10 the government-owned or controlled corporations, but also to the Filipino people.
01:16 Because these GOCCs are also doing public service.
01:21 So our targets and strategies are to make these GOCCs more economically viable and responsive to the public.
01:33 Every year, especially when I assume office, we take a look at what is happening in the current situation
01:46 not only in the Philippines but in other countries.
01:49 We adapt their best practices so that our services become more efficient.
01:55 This year, the theme of the anniversary is the promotion of diversity, sustainability and excellence.
02:02 Happy 13th anniversary of GCG.
02:06 And 13th after all, as the chairman said, is a lucky number.
02:12 Because now we are emphasizing sustainability, something that we really need, especially in response to climate change.
02:20 Under the new leadership, our General Manager, Melchia Addis-Robles,
02:27 we started our good relationship with GCG.
02:32 And just like last year, we were awarded and our, what they call, "gradu" increased from 60%.
02:43 We got 93% last year and we are one of the most improved GOCCs.
02:49 That is the award we received last year.
02:51 There was also an addition to the commitment to promote sustainable development in the field of gender equity, environmental protection and corporate governance.
03:01 After several changes in administration, big triumphs and often overwhelming challenges,
03:10 we in the Governance Commission are proud to stand in front of you today
03:17 and say that keeping this promise made 13 years ago has never wavered.
03:24 In fact, this promise has only grown to be more resolute, daring to pursue economic and developmental reforms
03:34 while embracing new ideas and friends from varied backgrounds and fields.
03:41 Senator Lauren Legarda is proud of the efforts of the government offices that are planting trees.
03:48 The Energy Efficiency Act can help solve the problem if we do not waste our consumption of electricity and be mindful of our use of energy.
04:00 According to GCG Chairperson, Atty. Mario Scorpus,
04:04 they will continue to support the development of the environment and public services.
04:11 GOCCs have their own ways to make their responsibilities sustainable.
04:17 In fact, right now in the works is the Clark Green Code because that will encompass the environment, the construction and everything that will provide ecological balance.
04:33 Our focus is the implementation of the Renewable Energy Act
04:38 where we target 35% of renewable energy contribution by 2030 and 50% by 2040.
04:47 Aside from that, our target is to have energy efficiency and conservation.
04:53 Alan Francisco for Pabansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
