Presse monde - 04/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 04/06/2024


00:00Hello and welcome to your world press review on Média1 TV, and we start with Challenge.
00:10The newspaper is interested in Saudi Arabia's plan to become a video game cluster.
00:15In Saudi Arabia, 60% of the population is less than 30 years old.
00:19Mohamed Ben Salman is betting on this youth to develop the video game industry with his strategy.
00:25Mohamed Ben Salman hopes to create 250 companies and 40,000 jobs in the sector,
00:30so that he represents 1% of the country's GDP by 2030.
00:34However, Saudi Arabia's desire to take the leadership of the video game industry in the Arab world
00:39could come crashing down on that of Morocco.
00:4224 million euros have already been invested to build Rabaa Gaming City,
00:46a gaming city in the capital, whose work should begin in September.
00:50Morocco could try to differentiate itself, thanks to a network of African countries
00:54grouped within the African Confederation of Electronic Sports.
00:58Created last year, the organization has established its headquarters in Casablanca.
01:02In any case, the race between the two kingdoms is already underway, as Challenge indicates.
01:07And we continue with science and the future.
01:09Daily life focuses on the way birds fly.
01:12Online training is privileged by birds.
01:15It reduces air friction for individuals who fly behind those in the lead,
01:19which allows them to save energy.
01:21Several volatile species use this technique,
01:24such as flamingoes, cranes and pelicans, according to the newspaper.
01:28According to Le Quotidien, a new study conducted by mathematicians at the University of New York
01:33and published in the journal Nature Communications reveals new phenomena.
01:37What the researchers explain is that if a bird is unbalanced,
01:41the air turbulence that its neighbor in front of it causes to drag on
01:44will put the bird back in place, destabilize it and keep it in place.
01:48In other words, when an individual makes a mistake in a large line of birds,
01:52his movement causes a disturbance in the flow of air around him.
01:56This agitation creates a kind of longitudinal wave, the newspaper notes.
02:00This wave then spreads through the group, gradually increasing its amplitude,
02:04disturbing the flight of all those behind it.
02:07End-of-line birds must then constantly make an effort not to collide with their neighbors.
02:12Flamingos can trigger a desynchronization of the formation,
02:15disturbing the group's cohesion and increasing the risk of its disintegration.
02:19The more birds there are, the more difficult it is for them to stay in place,
02:23precisely if we know how to come.
02:25In the press as well, Le Quotidien announces the end of the El Niño phenomenon,
02:29but maintains that its impacts will continue for several more months.
02:33El Niño, the terrible child of the Pacific, is about to leave,
02:37but the world will not necessarily have a respite.
02:39This natural climatic phenomenon, which has led to an increase in global temperatures,
02:43and fueled many extreme events around the world in 2023 and 2024,
02:47is coming to an end, according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization.
02:52However, the world is rising again.
02:53If it is likely that an episode, the Niña, will replace it in the course of the year,
02:57this reverse phenomenon should not cause much to fall Mercury,
03:00as global warming keeps the planet in a state of overheating,
03:04specifies Le Quotidien.
03:05El Niño and the Niña succeed in a cycle called ENSO,
03:10El Niño-Southern Oscillation,
03:13which causes the most important natural variations of the climate system on a seasonal and annual scale.
03:18The first, the hot phase of ENSO, is associated with a warming of the equatorial Pacific
03:23which pulls up the global thermometer.
03:25The second, the cold phase, leads to a cooling.
03:28These two phases of the same piece last ordinarily between 9 months and 1 year
03:32and occur irregularly every 2 to 7 years, signs the world.
03:36And we continue with the Figaro.
03:37Le Quotidien comes back on the explosive eruption of Mount Canlaon,
03:41of the Philippine island of Negros.
03:42Projecting a panache of ash and steam over 5 km,
03:46the alert level was raised on Monday after the eruption of this volcano in the center of the Philippines.
03:51The eruption occurred shortly before 7 p.m. local time,
03:54pushing the authorities to alert the rivers,
03:56by inciting them to wear masks,
03:58because of the risk of the return of volcanic ash and gas emanations,
04:02alerts the newspaper.
04:03Mount Canlaon is one of the 24 active volcanoes of the archipelago.
04:07The eruptions can be devastating,
04:09with lava flows and ash falls,
04:11which pose a danger to the population, signs the Figaro.
04:15And finally for Clore, your press release, world,
04:172,500 years ago, the Egyptians were already looking for treatments against cancer,
04:22this NGO.
04:23A team of researchers analyzed two skulls dating more than 4,000 years for one
04:27and more than 2,500 years for the other,
04:29both found in Egypt.
04:30Their study, published in the journal Frontiers,
04:32shows that the inhabitants of ancient Egypt knew about the existence of tumors
04:36and that they were trying to treat them, observes the newspaper.
04:39The care given to the first skull, dated more than 2,500 years after its injuries,
04:43shows that men knew how to treat traumas.
04:46The second skull, dated nearly 4,000 years,
04:48tends to show that men at that time had developed new ways
04:52to treat skull injuries, reveals Le Quotidien.
04:54If the researchers have not managed to determine with precision
04:57the moment when the incisions around the tumors took place,
05:00although they are peri-mortem,
05:02they could also explain a post-mortem exploration
05:05essential to understanding the disease, mentions NGO.
05:08Thus, we come to the end of this press release,
05:11good follow-up of the programs on our antennas.
