Top 30 Movie Couples With the Worst Chemistry

  • 3 months ago
No director, actors, or scientist could bring out the chemistry. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the onscreen couples with zero magnetism.


00:00 "Okay, I'll let you in on one little secret, but you can't tell anyone I told you."
00:03 "Alright, tell me."
00:05 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today, we're counting down our picks
00:08 for the on-screen couples with zero magnetism.
00:11 "As I said, I only have ten minutes. Please, have a seat, Mr. Tommy."
00:14 Number 30. Tommy Wiseau and Juliette Danielle. The Room.
00:19 "You are tearing me apart, Lisa!"
00:22 "Why are you so hysterical?"
00:24 There hasn't been an on-screen pair quite like these two
00:27 in this famously so-bad-it's-amazing movie.
00:29 The notorious cult classic pairs up Wiseau's Johnny with Danielle's Lisa
00:33 in what might be the most awkward romance in the history of cinema.
00:38 "I can't talk right now."
00:39 "Why, Lisa? Why, Lisa? Please talk to me, please!"
00:44 Whether they're flirting or fighting,
00:46 the clunky dialogue and over-the-top acting is cringey and uncomfortable.
00:50 It results in a viewing experience that can make even the most stoic moviegoer squirm.
00:55 Of course, it is all part of this cultural entity's charm,
00:58 and fans wouldn't have it any other way.
01:01 "I love you, Lisa."
01:02 "I love you, Johnny."
01:04 Number 29. Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth. Superman Returns.
01:11 "Gil, how many Fs are there in 'catastrophic'?"
01:13 "Earn. What's the usage?"
01:15 Even the Man of Steel himself couldn't save this couple's lack of passion.
01:19 Now, Lois Lane and Clark Kent are supposed to be a perfect match.
01:23 And while there are plenty of great depictions of the famous duo,
01:26 Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth's interpretation is, quite frankly, a major letdown.
01:31 "Lois, I'm sorry. I'd hate if this damaged our relationship."
01:34 "Relationship?"
01:38 Their chemistry borders on non-existent.
01:40 And the little bit that they do muster up is, well, a bit of a snoozefest.
01:44 To be honest, even their date night in the sky is lackluster.
01:48 Unfortunately, there is nothing super about this coupling.
01:52 "Well, I hope this experience hasn't put any of you off flying."
01:56 "Statistically speaking, it's still the safest way to travel."
01:59 Number 28. Katie Holmes and Christian Bale.
02:02 Batman Begins.
02:03 "That's right. You better run."
02:05 Talk about an underbaked romance.
02:12 Co-starring in the first film of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy,
02:15 Katie Holmes and Christian Bale's on-screen attraction wasn't particularly attractive.
02:20 "How are things?"
02:20 "Same. Job's getting worse."
02:25 "Can't change the world on your own."
02:27 "What choice do I have?"
02:29 Portraying Bruce Wayne and Rachel Dawes, the duo did not exactly exude passion.
02:34 In fact, when the two share a kiss, it almost looks like they're bored.
02:38 It's no surprise that another actor, Maggie Gyllenhaal,
02:41 ended up taking over the role of Rachel in the next film.
02:44 Lacking warmth and any trace of real affection,
02:47 we're pretty sure this partnership would have never lasted.
02:50 "The man I loved. The man who vanished."
02:55 "He never came back at all."
02:57 Number 27.
02:58 Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt.
03:01 Jurassic World.
03:02 "You want to consult here or in my bungalow?"
03:06 "That's not funny."
03:08 While portraying Claire and Owen in this movie, and of course its sequels,
03:12 Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt go from bickering enemies to lovers
03:15 over a remarkably short period of time.
03:18 However, their journey to that place is far from romantic.
03:22 "What is that supposed to mean?"
03:23 "It means I'm ready to go."
03:24 "Okay."
03:24 Sure, they are a little preoccupied trying to survive murderous dinos,
03:32 but whenever they are given a moment to share some kind of intimacy,
03:36 it feels flat and disingenuous.
03:38 "You might want to change your shirt. They're very sensitive to smell."
03:43 Come on, give us something, you guys.
03:47 It's a little unclear what these two even see in each other.
03:50 Unfortunately, their chemistry is about as extinct as the dinosaurs themselves.
03:54 "We have families here. I'm not going to turn this place into some kind of a war zone."
03:58 "You already have."
03:59 Number 26.
04:00 Leah Thompson and Chip Zion, Ed Gale, and Jordan Prentiss.
04:04 Howard the Duck.
04:05 She's a Clevelander from Earth and he's a duck from another planet.
04:08 Yep, we're talking about Howard the Duck and his human girlfriend, Beverly Switzler.
04:13 "You think I might find happiness in the animal kingdom, Ducky?"
04:17 "Like they say, Dahl, love's strange. We could always give it a try."
04:22 This interspecies romance is truly wild.
04:25 Not only do they flirt with one another,
04:28 but they even share some intimate moments that are so uncomfortable,
04:31 they continue to make viewers cringe nearly 40 years later.
04:35 "I've got a headache and I got the asp."
04:37 "Be gentle."
04:40 Now we can't exactly blame the actors for this icky pairing.
04:44 We can imagine it's the acting challenge of a lifetime,
04:46 but this coupling is so wrong that we'd rather forget it ever happened.
04:50 "That's the way you want it. And so long, Ducky."
04:54 "Don't shed any tears over me, toots!"
04:58 "You can waddle in your own self-pity!"
05:00 Number 25.
05:02 Caitlin Deaver and Ben Platt, Dear Evan Hansen.
05:05 Hollywood has a long history of casting older actors in younger roles.
05:09 Sometimes it works well, and sometimes it goes very, very wrong.
05:13 "That's just really annoying when people do that, so."
05:15 "I'm Zoe."
05:18 In the case of Dear Evan Hansen, Ben Platt, who originated the lead role on Broadway,
05:24 slaps on his arm cast one last time to reprise his part.
05:27 However, Platt was in his late 20s during filming, and he looks it.
05:31 This greatly affects the chemistry with co-star Caitlin Deaver,
05:34 who actually looks like a teenager despite being 23 at the time.
05:38 "She's everything to me, but we're a million worlds apart.
05:45 I don't know how I would even start."
05:50 There's hardly anything convincing or believable about their high school romance.
05:54 When they're on screen together, it almost comes across as creepy.
05:58 "Don't pretend like you don't agree with me."
05:59 "You refuse to remember any of the good things."
06:02 "Because there were no good things!"
06:04 Number 24.
06:06 Lady Gaga and Adam Driver, House of Gucci.
06:09 This was one of the most perplexing films in recent years.
06:12 "You wanted to make me cry. Nobody has ever said that to me. Nobody!"
06:19 From the botched Italian accents to Jared Leto's...interesting performance,
06:24 the flick is one heck of a head-scratcher.
06:26 But perhaps one of the most confusing parts of it
06:29 is the dynamic between Lady Gaga and Adam Driver.
06:32 "Don't call me a cretin, sweetie."
06:35 "That's not what I said. I asked you not to be one.
06:37 This is serious. And you're laughing it off."
06:42 Playing the real-life ill-fated ex-spouses,
06:44 Patrizia Raggiani and Maurizio Gucci,
06:47 the two actors put their all into their performances.
06:50 But therein lies the problem.
06:52 It just seems like they're trying too hard.
06:54 Every scene they're in together feels forced,
06:57 over-the-top, and definitely not en vogue.
07:00 "We're only stronger together."
07:02 "The only thing I need from you is to stay away from Gucci
07:06 before you cause any more damage."
07:08 No. 23. Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker.
07:12 Did you hear about the Morgans?
07:13 "You are easily the sexiest, most exciting woman I have ever
07:20 been with or ever wished to be with."
07:24 "I'm sorry."
07:29 The characters of Paul and Meryl Morgan have a lot on their plate.
07:35 First of all, their marriage isn't going well.
07:37 Then they witness a traumatizing crime and are put into witness protection,
07:41 relocating from New York City to Wyoming.
07:43 And on top of all that, the actors who play them have zero chemistry.
07:47 "I want you to expect everything from me.
07:50 You're not gonna get it, but I promise to try and give it."
07:53 You'd think that these two veterans of the rom-com genre
07:55 could have chemistry with just about anyone,
07:58 but sadly, that is not the case.
08:00 Buying them as a couple is a hard sell,
08:02 and it's even harder to understand this casting choice.
08:05 "I'm sorry. I was confused. I was an idiot. I was wrong.
08:10 I made a terrible mistake."
08:11 No. 22. Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson.
08:15 Jungle Cruise.
08:16 "You are a lot of things that I don't really care for,
08:18 but you are capable, so…"
08:22 All aboard this hot mess!
08:23 When these two ultra A-listers signed up for the Disney epic Jungle Cruise,
08:27 no one could have predicted how stale their chemistry would be.
08:31 Their characters, Lily and Frank, exchange endless amounts of banter
08:34 and quick quips over the course of the film.
08:36 However, no amount of on-screen action or adventure
08:39 can seem to ignite any sort of passion between the two of them.
08:42 "Frank, get off me! What are you doing?"
08:44 "I'm trying to get traction!"
08:45 "This is ridiculous!"
08:46 "No, no, wait!"
08:46 "Just leave me alone! That was a disaster!"
08:48 "You're too heavy."
08:49 Without that special spark, this romance is dead in the water.
08:53 Here's hoping they can fix it in time for a sequel.
08:55 "You are selfish, you are arrogant, and I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you,
08:59 which clearly isn't very far, because you are huge.
09:02 So there is no more 'we', actually.
09:04 In fact, here's the rest of your 12,000.
09:05 Oh, and here's a tip for such wonderful service."
09:08 Number 21.
09:10 Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson - Marry Me
09:13 "Why not?"
09:13 "Sure. I'll marry you."
09:20 In this rom-com, Lopez plays a big pop star, Cat Valdez,
09:24 who is set to marry her boyfriend over a live stream as the whole world watches.
09:28 Upon finding out he's been cheating,
09:30 she plucks a random person out of the audience, Charlie Gilbert, and marries him instead.
09:34 The plot asks the audience to suspend their disbelief,
09:37 but it doesn't help when Lopez and Wilson have no magnetism.
09:41 "Where are you off to now?"
09:42 "Oh, London, for a meeting."
09:43 "And I'm off to Flatbush for a dog, which pretty much sums it up.
09:49 I'll see you at the next photo-op."
09:53 "Okay."
09:53 Without an ounce of passion shared between them,
09:56 this otherwise fun premise doesn't live up to its potential.
09:59 Unfortunately, we're going to have to say "I don't" to this lackluster union.
10:03 "You ever feel like just kind of, I'm waving the white flag on marriage, that's it."
10:08 Number 20.
10:09 Tom Cruise and Annabelle Wallace - The Mummy
10:12 "Sergeant Morton, where is it?"
10:15 "What? Where's what?"
10:18 The film that was supposed to launch the Dark Universe failed on virtually every level.
10:23 From the action, to the horror, to the romance.
10:26 "I'm not embarrassed, Nick."
10:28 "Disgusted, yes."
10:29 "Regretful."
10:30 "Oh, certainly. But mainly just amazed at your ability to mimic
10:33 all the qualities of genuine human intimacy, if only for 15 seconds."
10:39 Tom Cruise is one of the most charismatic stars in Hollywood,
10:43 but Nick Morton is written with none of his signature charm.
10:46 Wallace's Jenny has virtually no character traits
10:49 outside of being the love interest and an archaeologist.
10:52 And we're not even sure if those count as traits.
10:55 Say what you will about the previous Mummy movies,
10:58 but Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz's characters
11:00 had defined personalities that worked well off each other.
11:03 "You're wondering, what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?"
11:10 "Guess I've been like that."
11:12 It wasn't Shakespeare, but you remember Rick and Evelyn.
11:15 Whereas Nick and Jenny are instantly forgettable.
11:18 They somehow come off as even more lifeless than the Mummy pursuing them.
11:23 "This means something."
11:25 #19 Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore
11:29 Music and lyrics
11:30 "So, kitchen?"
11:31 "Yeah."
11:34 "Great."
11:34 Grant and Barrymore are basically rom-com royalty.
11:38 Between the two of them,
11:39 they've starred in more romantic comedies than we can keep track of.
11:43 With that in mind, you'd think that they'd be a match made in heaven here.
11:47 For whatever reason, though, Alex and Sophie never make beautiful music together.
11:51 # All I wanna do is find a way back into love #
11:57 It's especially strange since the stars seem so well-suited for the parts.
12:01 What with Grant as the sarcastic former pop star,
12:04 and Barrymore as the adorkable girl next door.
12:07 "So, are you going?"
12:08 "I might drop by, I don't wanna be rude."
12:10 "Well, I don't wanna be rude either."
12:11 Then again, maybe that's part of the problem.
12:14 The two feel like they're playing parodies of themselves.
12:17 "Talk about pandering."
12:18 "I did not pander, I just told her exactly what she wanted to hear."
12:21 As a result, music and lyrics plays out less like an actual rom-com,
12:25 and more like a fake one you'd see in another movie.
12:29 "Why do all these movies have such bad music?"
12:31 "It's so that you know how to feel every single second."
12:34 #18 Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl
12:37 Knocked Up
12:38 "Hey, hi, uh, this is my friend Jason, uh,
12:42 want to see how my beers were doing?"
12:44 Don't get us wrong, Knocked Up is among the early 21st century's funniest comedies,
12:49 but most would agree that the romance is one of the film's more contrived elements.
12:53 Ben Stone is the very definition of a guy who got a girl way out of his league.
12:58 "I-I-I very rarely look cool, this is a big ball of farm to speak in."
13:02 Pairing an ambitious career woman with a stoner who has no ambitions
13:06 naturally amounts to some hilarious interactions.
13:08 "You know, the best thing for a hangover is weed. Do you smoke- do you smoke weed?"
13:11 "Not really."
13:12 "You don't?"
13:13 Between their constant arguing and lack of common interest though,
13:16 it's clear that Ben and Allison are only together because of their baby.
13:20 The two do grow as individuals, learning what it means to be a parent.
13:25 While we don't doubt their love for their daughter,
13:27 we don't really buy that these two will ever be a happy couple.
13:31 "Don't tell mommy, but it was the smartest thing I ever did,
13:34 listening to her, 'cause now you're here."
13:36 #17 Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones
13:40 Entrapment
13:41 "I have absolutely no reason to believe a word you've told me."
13:45 "But you want to."
13:45 When Catherine Zeta-Jones married Michael Douglas,
13:48 the relationship received a fair deal of media attention due in part to the 25-year age difference.
13:53 Well, the same year she got engaged to Douglas, Zeta-Jones starred opposite Sean Connery,
13:58 who was almost 40 years her senior.
14:01 Before you jump to any conclusions, the age gap isn't this movie's problem.
14:05 The main issue is that Zeta-Jones' gin is sexualized to the point that it's borderline comedic.
14:11 Some really corny music selections only add to the unintentional laughter.
14:15 Connery, meanwhile, feels like he's played this role in a dozen better movies.
14:26 It doesn't help that the two are entrapped in a ridiculous plot,
14:29 which, according to the Rotten Tomatoes consensus,
14:32 quote, "weighs down any potential chemistry between the movie's leads."
14:37 "The crown jewels or something?"
14:38 "Oh, come on, too easy."
14:40 Number 16.
14:42 Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale, and Josh Hartnett.
14:45 Pearl Harbor.
14:46 "Oh boy, now you're really breaking my heart."
14:48 "If you hadn't gone, none of this would have happened."
14:51 Hey, remember that movie with DiCaprio, Winslet,
14:53 and the sinking ship that made like two billion dollars?
14:56 "I'm flying!"
14:57 Let's try to do that again.
15:00 Except this time with Affleck, Beckinsale, and Pearl Harbor.
15:03 "Ma'am, I know how this looks."
15:05 Oh, and let's throw another heartthrob in there so we can have a soap opera love triangle.
15:09 "So is it my turn now?"
15:10 "No, you'll wait your turn."
15:12 "Yes, ma'am."
15:12 This movie's attempts to recapture the success of Titanic couldn't be more apparent,
15:17 but Pearl Harbor doesn't understand what made that Best Picture winner work.
15:21 "Actually, you know what? This is better."
15:22 "Yeah, it is."
15:25 What can you tell us about Jack and Rose?
15:27 While Jack is an optimistic dreamer overflowing with passion,
15:31 Rose is a repressed aristocrat with a wild side eager to break free.
15:35 Now, what can you tell us about Rafe, Evelyn, and Danny?
15:38 "I don't know."
15:39 Yeah, we're drawing three blanks too.
15:41 Number 15.
15:43 Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes, 'Maid in Manhattan'.
15:46 If you can get past the inevitable liar revealed plot point,
15:50 a maid posing as a socialite who falls for a senatorial candidate
15:54 isn't a bad setup for a romantic comedy.
15:56 Our issue boils down to the casting.
15:58 "I don't have a husband."
15:59 "Well, I insist then. Come with us if you're free."
16:02 While Lopez and Fiennes are talented actors,
16:05 we don't entirely buy them in these roles.
16:08 Before she even puts on the Dolce & Gabbana coat,
16:10 quote-unquote "ugly duckling" Marissa is already the most stunning person in the hotel
16:15 because, well, she's played by Jennifer Lopez.
16:18 "Come on, feel how the other half feels."
16:22 As for Fiennes, we think he's better suited to play a rom-com villain
16:25 rather than the romantic lead.
16:27 "Who's kidding who here?
16:29 You think you would have taken a second look at me if you knew I was the maid?"
16:31 Put these two together and they have about as much chemistry
16:34 as Ramona Vega and Lord Voldemort.
16:37 Actually, we totally pay to see that movie.
16:40 "From this day forth, you put your faith in me."
16:46 Number 14.
16:48 Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz.
16:50 What happens in Vegas?
16:52 "Did I mention that I got fired by my boss/father?"
16:55 "Did I mention that I threw a surprise birthday party for my fiancé
16:58 and the surprise was that he dumped me in front of all of our closest friends
17:01 while they hid in the closet?"
17:03 After meeting and drunkenly getting married in Vegas,
17:06 Kutcher's Jack and Diaz's Joy decide to divorce ASAP.
17:10 Matters are complicated, however, when they win the three million dollar jackpot.
17:14 Although they could easily split the money
17:22 and live comfortably for the rest of their lives,
17:24 Jack and Joy are unfortunately the worst people in the world.
17:28 "I don't like you.
17:29 I don't like any of you."
17:32 The newlyweds go to court, and through a ludicrous ruling,
17:36 they're forced to stay together for six months to learn the value of marriage.
17:40 Rather than wait it out,
17:41 these two continually find new ways to make each other miserable.
17:45 That is, until the final act when they develop feelings for one another.
17:49 Why?
17:50 Because it's time for the movie to end.
17:52 They live richly ever after and nothing is learned.
17:56 "I do want to be married to you again."
18:02 Number 13.
18:04 Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel.
18:06 The Happening.
18:07 M. Night Shyamalan isn't particularly known for having a knack
18:10 for demonstrating how couples interact or how human beings talk.
18:14 "Come on, buddy. Take an interest in science."
18:17 Thus, Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel have even less personality
18:21 than the killer plants in The Happening.
18:23 "If we're gonna die, I want you to know something.
18:25 I was in the pharmacy a while ago.
18:28 There was a really good-looking pharmacist behind the counter.
18:30 Really good-looking."
18:32 Their relationship is supposedly intended to be the film's emotional core.
18:36 However, they're so deadpan and lifeless that nobody cares
18:39 if these individuals overcome this epidemic or sort out their marital problems.
18:44 It would have made more sense if it turned out they were pod people all along.
18:48 Would have been a better twist too.
18:50 "Elliot?"
18:50 "Yeah?"
18:52 "I was just making sure you're there."
18:55 Number 12.
18:56 Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz.
18:59 Gangs of New York.
19:01 Martin Scorsese is great at depicting complex relationships between dysfunctional people,
19:05 but sweeping romance hasn't exactly proven to be his strongest suit.
19:10 "Quite a pair of conversationists, aren't you?"
19:12 The love story is pretty tacked on in Gangs of New York,
19:17 with DiCaprio's Amsterdam and Diaz's Jenny failing to light up the screen together.
19:22 Their chemistry is at soap opera levels,
19:24 which you could argue is in the tradition of other Hollywood epics.
19:28 Unlike Titanic though, the romance here simply never feels genuine.
19:32 "This is what I wanted to show you."
19:34 "This is where we're gonna go as soon as you get well."
19:39 It doesn't help that Diaz seems miscast in her role altogether,
19:43 although she does give it her best shot.
19:45 "This will all be finished tomorrow."
19:47 "No, it won't."
19:48 Number 11.
19:50 Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, The Tourist.
19:53 At one point in time, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp were two of the most respected,
19:58 talented and appealing movie stars in the world.
20:01 "Would you like to have dinner?"
20:02 "Women don't like questions."
20:06 So how was it possible that they had zero chemistry in The Tourist?
20:11 Well, this entire movie is actually kind of the definition of shallowness.
20:15 The production values look attractive on the outside,
20:18 and of course the leads look attractive on the outside.
20:22 But the film has no heart, no emotion or humanity on the inside.
20:27 "I am sorry I got you involved in all this."
20:29 "Why are you involved in all this?"
20:31 It just goes to show that appearances can be deceiving,
20:34 even when great talent is involved.
20:37 "20 million dollars worth of plastic surgery, and that's the face you choose."
20:42 "Do you not like it?"
20:44 "It'll do."
20:46 Number 10.
20:47 Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler, The Bounty Hunter.
20:50 "Did you really think I was gonna stay there the whole time?"
20:53 The Bounty Hunter is further proof that action romantic comedies
20:57 rarely satisfy any demographic.
21:00 Butler plays Milo, who's tasked with bringing in his ex-wife Nicole, played by Aniston.
21:05 "You are a bounty hunter?"
21:07 "Yup. It's just it pains me to say this, and it really does. I gotta take you to jail."
21:13 We can see why their marriage didn't last.
21:15 Milo is insensitive, immature, and has serious anger issues.
21:20 Nicole is a nagging stereotype who only cares about her job.
21:24 What we don't understand is why these two would ever get back together.
21:29 Spending the entire movie bickering and even getting physically violent,
21:33 the two continually prove why they shouldn't be together.
21:36 Even after everything, Milo still turns Nicole in and she still wants to be with him.
21:41 Yet we're supposed to believe that this is true love
21:44 just because they play a catchy pop song over the credits.
21:47 "Don't be mad, babe, because we're never gonna get this marriage thing going again.
21:52 If you come into it with a lot of anger and resentment."
21:54 Number 9.
21:56 Dane Cook and Jessica Alba.
21:57 Good luck, Chuck.
21:58 "I'm just not emotionally available at this time."
22:02 "I'm okay with that. I'm looking for more of a physical relationship anyway."
22:06 In the 2000s, she was known more for her looks than her acting skills,
22:10 while he was more of a love him or hate him comedian.
22:14 2007 saw Jessica Alba and Dane Cook partner for Good Luck, Chuck,
22:18 where every woman who sleeps with Cook's Chuck finds her true love immediately afterwards,
22:23 and Alba's the girl he hopes will break the curse.
22:26 "I know three women you've gone out with. I'm just not into dating as a sport."
22:30 But we find it hard to believe these two even want to be in the same room together,
22:36 let alone spend the rest of their lives with one another.
22:39 You can actually see the leads trying to look like they're attracted to each other.
22:43 A sure sign of sexual compatibility if we've ever seen one.
22:47 We think Chuck's luck done run out.
22:49 "I need some space."
22:50 "So tonight is no good."
22:54 "I'm very close to changing my phone number."
22:58 Number 8.
22:59 Madonna and Adriano Genini.
23:01 Swept Away.
23:02 "It's not going to rain, madam."
23:03 "Is that a joke?"
23:06 Winning five Razzies, including worst screen couple,
23:09 Swept Away stars Madonna as Amber, a self-absorbed snob who we instantly despise.
23:15 On a cruise, she repeatedly mistreats Giuseppe, a deckhand played by Adriano Genini.
23:21 The tables are turned when the two are stranded on a deserted island,
23:24 as Giuseppe reduces Amber to his submissive servant.
23:27 "There are some things in life that can't be bought, and this fish is one of them."
23:34 Despite Giuseppe's cruel behavior, Amber finds herself falling for him,
23:38 which feels like a red flag for Stockholm Syndrome.
23:41 Amber doesn't even want to leave the island when there's an opportunity to be rescued.
23:45 "Please, I beg of you, let's stay. I love you."
23:49 In the end, however, Amber returns to her wealthy husband, leaving Giuseppe heartbroken.
23:54 We think this is supposed to be a tragic ending,
23:57 but these characters were so toxic together that it's honestly the happiest resolution possible.
24:02 "Help!"
24:03 "Go! Shout! Shout!"
24:05 "Somebody help!"
24:08 "She's crying forever, the idiot."
24:10 Number 7. Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright, the Harry Potter franchise.
24:15 Fans often debate what the Harry Potter movies got right and wrong,
24:19 but pretty much everyone sees eye to eye when it comes to Harry and Ginny's relationship.
24:23 In the books, we watch Ginny evolve from a shy girl with a crush on Harry
24:32 to a resilient woman who Harry falls for.
24:35 The movies drop the ball with Ginny's development,
24:37 essentially turning her into a glorified extra.
24:40 Unless you've read the books, Harry's blossoming attraction towards her
24:44 in 'The Half-Blood Prince' comes off as completely random.
24:47 "I can stay hidden up here too, if you like."
24:48 Maybe it was the casting, maybe it was the writing, or maybe it was the direction.
24:54 All we know is that they had several movies to build this relationship up,
24:58 and the magic never materialized.
25:00 "Maybe that's the best reason to have it."
25:02 "Because of everything that's going on."
25:04 #6 Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, the 'Star Wars' prequel franchise
25:15 It's hard to believe that the man responsible for Han Solo and Princess Leia's relationship
25:20 also wrote the love story between Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala.
25:24 "Annie? My goodness, you've grown."
25:27 "So have you. Grown more beautiful, I mean. Well, for a senator, I mean."
25:33 Watching Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman together in the 'Star Wars' prequels
25:37 is excruciatingly painful.
25:39 While their performances are stiff and bland, can you really blame them?
25:43 "Believe me, I wish that I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't."
25:48 You try making lines like "I wish I could just wish away my feelings"
25:52 and that diatribe about "sand" sound natural.
25:56 A five-year-old could construct more romantic dialogue than this.
25:59 "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
26:07 Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth."
26:18 What else can be said except
26:19 #5 Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman, 'Bewitched'
26:28 "I'm a witch, Darren. A real house-haunting, broomstick-flying, cauldron-stirring witch."
26:33 The 2005 film version of 'Bewitched' was dead on arrival
26:38 because it has no idea what it wants to be.
26:41 Is it a satire, remake, or an homage to the classic 60s comedy series?
26:45 Since the film can't make up its mind,
26:47 Kidman and Ferrell have little chance at creating three-dimensional characters.
26:52 In the end, she just comes off as a naive, inconsistently written airhead,
26:56 and he comes off as an egotistical, childish jerk.
27:00 "I don't know what the problem is. I can't even think of them right now.
27:02 But the only problems you care about are your own.
27:04 No wonder the audience doesn't like this show."
27:07 Their forced relationship makes no sense,
27:10 but neither do any of the other motivations in this film.
27:13 The most impressive magic in the movie may have been
27:16 when they made their chemistry disappear.
27:18 "You think I'm nuts, don't you?"
27:20 "Of course not. I know plenty of women who carry around collapsible broomsticks."
27:25 Justin Guarini and Kelly Clarkson
27:27 From Justin to Kelly
27:29 "So Justin, do you spend a lot of time in the girls' room?"
27:31 "You know, I just needed to make a quick escape."
27:33 "Me too. It's total insanity out there.
27:35 There's even one guy passing out whipped cream bikini contest flyers."
27:39 In the early 2000s, American Idol dominated the planet.
27:44 It turned Kelly Clarkson into an overnight sensation,
27:47 and runner-up Justin Guarini into an overnight flavor of the month.
27:51 As a means to cash in, we got the shamelessly gimmicky rom-com from Justin to Kelly.
27:56 Set during spring break, the movie plays like a musical fanfic
28:00 written by a shipper trying to push Clarkson and Guarini together.
28:03 "Well, goodnight."
28:03 "Goodnight."
28:05 As a result, the stars just look embarrassed to be there
28:09 and prepared to fire their agents.
28:11 We'd rather see a buddy picture starring William Hung and Sanjaya.
28:14 "So you promise you'll come out to Texas?"
28:16 "You'll be about to take a hovercraft to get there, baby."
28:18 Number 3. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.
28:21 Gigli.
28:22 "I gotta tell you I'm not up for this dumb deal. I say we don't do it."
28:26 Remember when Bennifer 1.0 was the ultimate celebrity supercouple?
28:30 Ben and Jen may have been on the set of Gigli,
28:33 but this infamously horrendous picture set both their acting careers back a decade.
28:38 And it probably didn't help their off-screen relationship in the long run either.
28:42 With Affleck playing a macho meathead and Lopez playing a lesbian,
28:47 it's completely inconceivable that these characters would ever fall in love.
28:50 "So, Rochelle, does this mean you decided to hop the fence?"
28:56 The chemistry between the actors doesn't make this contrived relationship any easier to buy,
29:01 especially when they have to say lines like,
29:03 "It's turkey time."
29:04 "Huh?"
29:08 "Cobble, cobble."
29:11 Number 2. Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson.
29:14 The Fifty Shades of Grey franchise.
29:16 "Why would they say that?"
29:18 "Because they know me well."
29:19 Once again, you can't entirely blame the actors here,
29:22 as Johnson and Dornan give perfectly solid individual performances
29:26 in the first Fifty Shades of Grey movie.
29:28 Though the same thing can't exactly be said about the sequels.
29:31 But given the material they're forced to work with,
29:34 which by the way started as Twilight fan fiction,
29:37 the actors don't have a snowball's chance in hell
29:40 of making their on-screen relationship believable.
29:42 "Are you gonna make love to me now?"
29:44 "Two things. First, I don't make love."
29:49 Even if Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman had played Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele,
29:53 their love scenes still would have been more laughable than steamy or romantic.
29:58 Yes, none of that matters to studios,
30:00 considering the films ended up making as much as they did at the box office.
30:04 "I've fallen in love with you."
30:06 "No. No, Anna, you can't love me."
30:10 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
30:12 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
30:16 You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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30:25 Number 1. Robert Downey Jr.
30:28 Robert Downey Jr. is a famous actor and actress.
30:31 He's a famous actor and actress, but he's also a very famous person.
30:35 He's a famous actor and actress, but he's also a very famous person.
30:38 "I am hotter than you."
30:39 "I am hotter than you."
30:40 "Get your hand off me."
30:48 "Get your hand off me."
30:49 "Keep your hands off her."
30:50 "Don't fight."
30:52 It's no shocker that one of the most poorly written romance novels of all time
30:57 would inspire one of the worst cinematic love triangles ever.
31:01 To add insult to injury, Stewart, Pattinson, and Lautner
31:04 make little effort to emote feelings of affection throughout the Twilight Saga.
31:08 "Why haven't you called me back?"
31:09 "I had nothing to say."
31:14 "I have tons. Hold on."
31:19 The fact that Bella looks vaguely like she may be physically unwell
31:22 as she walks down the aisle is reason enough to place this mostly expressionless trio at number one.
31:28 They've taught a generation that lustfully staring into somebody's eyes
31:32 is all a healthy relationship truly requires,
31:35 giving us all unrealistic expectations for romance.
31:38 "It's not like you're gonna have a real honeymoon with him anyway."
31:40 "It's gonna be as real as anyone else's."
31:43 "That's a sick joke."
31:45 Which one of these couples do you think has the least amount of attraction?
31:48 Be sure to let us know in the comments.
31:50 "But not me."
31:51 "Can't you trust me?"
31:55 Do you agree with our picks?
31:57 Check out this other recent clip from MsMojo.
32:00 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
32:05 [Music]
