Frank The Tank
00:00 Take me out for some hot dogs.
00:04 Oh, way to go, Ohio.
00:08 Yes, that's right, I'm back in Ohio.
00:10 Amherst, Ohio.
00:12 At a place that was sent to me
00:14 by a DM recommendation on Twitter.
00:17 And this is Hot Dog Heaven.
00:19 Amherst, Ohio.
00:21 Kind of northern Ohio.
00:23 Sort of central, getting kind of east.
00:25 On a, not too far off of Route 80.
00:27 It may be here since 1976.
00:30 A couple years ago they had a massive fire.
00:33 Destroyed the place, but they rebuilt.
00:35 And they hope to be back better than ever.
00:38 So we're here, we're going to see if Hot Dog Heaven
00:40 is truly a heavenly taste.
00:42 Or is this just a false heaven.
00:47 Let's find out as we go raw dogging in Ohio
00:51 in Hot Dog Heaven.
00:54 (upbeat music)
00:58 (upbeat music)
01:24 Hot Dog Heaven has been the staple in northern Ohio
01:27 for nearly 50 years.
01:29 It opened up in 1976.
01:31 And they survived that fire.
01:33 Reopened in this same location, but they rebuilt.
01:38 And they're hoping to reestablish themselves
01:41 as a hot dog king.
01:43 Well, we're going to take a look at these hot dogs.
01:46 Fast service.
01:48 Bundy Dog Rationale.
01:50 Subpar.
01:52 It's got good coloring.
01:54 This is the regular hot dog.
01:56 So we're going to see how this is.
01:58 As I said, Bundy Dog Rationale is subpar.
02:01 (upbeat music)
02:03 Let's take this.
02:05 (upbeat music)
02:21 Pumped back single over the middle.
02:23 Decent dog.
02:29 It's a tasty dog, but not a great dog.
02:31 Not a great snap.
02:33 Bundy Dog Rationale.
02:35 Good coloring though.
02:37 Welcome.
02:39 (upbeat music)
02:41 Now let's try the chili dog.
02:50 Chili, we got the cheese sauce, the chili.
02:52 Again, Bundy Dog Rationale.
02:54 Needs work.
02:58 So let's see how this hot dog is in the chili.
03:01 (upbeat music)
03:03 That is a little kick to the chili.
03:07 Not a big kick.
03:09 (upbeat music)
03:11 This is an infield hit.
03:17 Now they have the all beef hot dog.
03:19 Now the all beef hot dog is kind of a jumbo hot dog.
03:23 Fits the bun much better.
03:25 Looks like it has good crisping, good crunchiness.
03:29 Natural split.
03:31 Let's see how this jumbo all beef tastes.
03:33 (upbeat music)
03:35 Good crunch, good taste.
03:42 A much better dog than the regular dog.
03:47 (upbeat music)
03:49 This dog is double in the gap.
04:01 Could be a triple on a good day,
04:03 but doesn't quite make it to a triple.
04:06 What's the fries?
04:08 Fresh cut fries?
04:10 Well, they say they are, but they don't quite look fresh cut.
04:13 But they're good, like real shoestring fries.
04:16 Real shoestring fries.
04:18 (upbeat music)
04:20 Yeah, great.
04:24 I'm gonna give them a 7.2.
04:26 All right, you know, any place that you recommend,
04:30 if I find it on my routes, I'll check it out.
04:34 'Cause you never know, we're on a show.
04:37 So leave a comment down below,
04:39 or send me an email.
04:41 Whatever way, give me a recommendation to me.
04:44 So maybe I can be a raw dog reviewer one day.
04:47 Don't forget to click like and subscribe.
04:49 And I'll see you down the road.
04:51 And a word of advice,
04:53 don't speed in Ohio because they love to pull you over.
04:56 Especially if you have a house head license.
04:59 Keep raw dogging.
05:01 ♪ Take me out for some hot dogs ♪
05:05 ♪ Get me one that's only plain ♪
05:08 ♪ No mustard or horseradish ketchup ♪
05:11 ♪ I'll know what the dog is really about ♪
05:14 ♪ And it's hoped that this is a good one ♪
05:18 ♪ Maybe a home run or a double ♪
05:21 ♪ But if it sucks, it will be a strikeout ♪
05:24 ♪ And I'm worried of my taste buds ♪
05:27 (car horn honking)
05:28 (laughing)
05:29 (whooshing)
05:31 (whooshing)
05:33 (whooshing)
05:35 (whooshing)
05:37 (whooshing)
05:39 (whooshing)
05:41 (whooshing)
05:43 (whooshing)
05:45 (whooshing)