• last year


00:00:00 Okay, race 18. I don't know how to pronounce it but it's a Tadjas. He is with the first
00:00:10 two riders here. So, Sucek one and Tadjas two and on the inside coming through. Oh,
00:00:16 there's a battle going on. There's a battle going on on the third straightaway. So, oh,
00:00:21 that was close racing in the third straightaway. But still on one we have the winner of last
00:00:26 year and on the two spot we have Tadjas from the Czech Republic. But on three, watch out
00:00:32 for the three, it's Evan Julien for France, third place, fourth place for number 14 and
00:00:36 that's Jack Devine from the UK on four.
00:00:38 Riders ready, one, two, three.
00:00:41 The cruisers get over here. We're looking at the world number five coming down the first
00:00:47 straightaway. Suwiori South of France. Three wins for three for him at the moment. And
00:00:52 we checked out Tony Strob, I think that could be jumping his way through into second. Where's
00:00:57 Darren O'Brien? He's in the back of the pack at the moment with Vasquez and Lodin Grbrka
00:01:02 also in the mix with the Boxster Church. But where are the riders that are coming on through
00:01:06 on the S&M bike there? Racing that jersey. Not sure who that is but he's looking good
00:01:11 for a qualifying position at the moment.
00:01:13 Yeah, Strob out in front. Where's Suwiori Russo? Where's he gone? He's on three, I'll
00:01:20 make him pardon. Three and four. It was Russo, Strob makes it through.
00:01:27 Riders ready, one, two, three.
00:01:32 Okay, watch out. We have Alan Hill in this one and no pressure for him. He is the number
00:01:38 14 and he is on his way to the final. On the Pure bike of course. Here we go, here we go.
00:01:45 Still Alan Hill on one. But who is on the number two position here in the cruiser category
00:01:50 50 years and over? Old guys, old guys but fast ones. He's at 528 on the number two position
00:01:56 there. And the 528 is Yannick Divol. C'est la France qui roule en deuxième position,
00:02:00 mais toujours en première place. Saint-Anglais-Terre, c'est Alan Hill. Alan Hill on the number one
00:02:05 position. On two we have France and who is on the number three position there? Is it
00:02:09 Germany, Italy? We will check them out. On the number three position we have the 21, it's
00:02:16 Germany with Ror Muller and we have the 516 also qualifying Vittori Sartori for Italy.
00:02:21 Riders ready, one, two, three.
00:02:27 Alright and then 45.49, cruiser is on the inside. Look at this guy go. He looks like
00:02:32 the 514 from Holland but I'm not sure that is. Who that is? It could be Ruiz and Lanceau.
00:02:38 Cilic in there from Slovakia also as they come out of that first turn. The Hungarian
00:02:42 has shut it down at the back of the pack. He's had enough. So who leads it out? It's
00:02:46 the 509. The 509 is just in Ruiz. Ruiz looking good from France there. Alvis Lanceau, he's
00:02:52 in there in freedom and we've got three French riders in the top four and one Latvian. But
00:02:56 there's a bit of a move going to go on in this last turn I feel as they come out. It's
00:03:00 going to be Ruiz, it's going to be Cilic coming through, Mojino, Mazoros and the rider from
00:03:08 Latvia, I think it was Lanceau, the European number three.
00:03:12 Okay riders, random start. Riders ready, one, two, three.
00:03:21 Ruiz in category 45 until 49 on track and oh it's close racing from the start. Przechor,
00:03:28 Watson, Boszek, Visser, Komunul, Bersier with Matis and Huff. Those are the riders now on
00:03:35 track but who are the fastest in the pack here? It's the 23 of Robert Boszek. Boszek now on
00:03:40 the inside with the 501. Petr Przechor, it's Hungary and it's Czech Republic on one and
00:03:47 two. One and two is now Czech Republic and Hungary but who is on three and four? Three
00:03:53 and four is qualifying, five is out and goes to the stands but here is the 513 of Watson
00:04:02 and we had the 11 of Komunul. Those are the riders who are qualified for the final in the
00:04:06 cruiser category for 45-49.
00:04:10 Alright, here is Frans Zors on the inside, looks like the rider there on the inside of
00:04:15 him was Christian Frambolt from Germany. Looks like he got a good start there. Oh, one, two,
00:04:20 three, four riders, three riders down on the first straightaway, not sure who that was
00:04:25 but Frans Zors is safely through and the rider putting it all, some bar hump going on in
00:04:30 there from the 412. The 412, Ruben Zembel, he from France, unusual style down the second
00:04:38 straightaway, made me smile anyway. Frans Zors, oh, bad ball, they've all thrown it
00:04:42 away and it's the four riders you see on the track going through. Another giant rider in
00:04:48 three, oh, is it the 602 in the 417? Oh, Pierre Gunignik, oh, Christopher I think it was.
00:04:58 [Applause]
00:05:12 Okay, ladies and gentlemen, a big hand for the four riders.
00:05:15 [Applause]
00:05:21 From France.
00:05:24 Okay, straight into another semifinal in the cruiser category 40-44.
00:05:48 Okay, here we go, looking good for the 14. Patrick Bontemps, Patrick Bontemps taking the
00:05:54 headshot for France. But the second straightaway is still Bontemps in first position. No, it's
00:06:01 not Bontemps, it's Gert Jankes, Gert Jankes for La Liga, he's leading this one out. On
00:06:06 the two spots we have Patrick Bontemps and on the three spots we have Baum, Paul Baum
00:06:10 from Holland, Netherlands, number three. Netherlands, where are you, you want your rider?
00:06:15 Yeah, here we go, on the last straightaway we still have the number eight of Gert Jankes
00:06:21 on one on the outside, it's Bontemps, Baum, and then last qualifying with the 24 on the
00:06:28 plate is Peter Parastyr, Slovakia.
00:06:37 Italy, make a big noise of Carlo Pell! Hey Italy, where are you?
00:06:45 (applause)
00:06:47 (speaking in foreign language)
00:06:50 (applause)
00:06:52 (applause)
00:07:15 (applause)
00:07:17 All righty then, here we go, all right up on the gate, 30, 35, 39 cruises.
00:07:40 All righty then, little Beau takes the whole shot in this one, but no, now he's coming
00:07:45 down the straight, below the take, the bottom riders on his inside, Delamore, Lestin and
00:07:48 Nicolas from France, Austria, but look at him, he comes out in front in the first turn,
00:07:53 he's Beau Klein-Heselink from Holland, he looks good out in front, who's there in two,
00:07:58 the European number seven and the 016 of Delamore, and Lestin, two riders from France, one rider
00:08:05 from Holland, who's there in four at the moment, as they come out of this last turn, they're
00:08:09 coming down the last straight, little Beau looks like he's going to take it to the wall,
00:08:13 he's going to be in the final, who's going to get the four, looks like it's a rider on
00:08:18 the GT fight, was that the 401, the 501 of Daniel Ickola from Austria.
00:08:25 Here, cruises 30, 35, 39, on track, Aluza, Crurel, Pinot, David, Brown, Josiquel, Kappins
00:08:34 and Tiefenthaler, we have Germany with France, the UK and the Czech Republic on track, but
00:08:40 who is the fastest one of them all, is it the 503 coming out of Czech Republic, Aluza, Aluza
00:08:44 on one and two, we have the 13 of Dimitri David, Dimitri David who is in second position for
00:08:49 France, but it's still a Czech rider on one, France on two, and who is jumping his way
00:08:54 to the number two position, it's David in third position for the moment, it's still
00:08:59 the Czech Republic on premier place, and the two spot is going to the 18, ladies and gentlemen,
00:09:04 Willy Crurel, and we have the 014, Sylvain Pinot, those are the riders who qualified for
00:09:09 the final.
00:09:10 25, 29, the rider from the Ukraine has slipped the gate there, that was a hold on, hold on
00:09:22 is out of it, so Elvis is stacked one and two at the moment, who is going to be there
00:09:26 in three, going to be the German rider, I think it's going to be Alga, as the hold on
00:09:30 tries to make it back through, Elvis stacked one and two, then we see the rider on the
00:09:35 014, the 513 of Berenice Alga from Latvia, and the 513 of Matteo Ponell as the rider
00:09:42 from the Ukraine, he's gone back up to four or five now, here comes the Ukraine, Holden
00:09:47 down the last straight away, he slips his pedal on the gate, has the Ukraine rider going to
00:09:51 make it, no he's not going to make it through, oh so tough for Eyal Holden, he tried his
00:09:59 hardest.
00:10:01 Gate drops down, second semi final here in the cruiser category, 25, 29, and was it Jonathan
00:10:10 Ricour in the hold shot, we have the number four of the world, the number eight of the
00:10:13 world in this one, oh a crash in the turn, so who is eliminated in the first turn, we
00:10:18 will check him out later on, but now for the moment it's 018, Jonathan Ricour in first
00:10:24 position, second place, second place Alexis Moelmoer, and Kylian Burnham for France, it's
00:10:29 France on two and three, but hey one two and three, one two and three is going to France,
00:10:34 but who is the number four position and qualifying with those three French riders, and for the
00:10:39 moment the 907 is 07507, oh four riders from France are qualified for this one, whoo!
00:10:47 We have three riders from France qualified for the final in the cruiser category, 25 to
00:11:00 29.
00:11:02 We have a little lost child, Marleen.
00:11:29 Marleen, Marleen, she is 10 years old, and the moment to wait for the buffet.
00:11:39 Marleen, immediately to the buffet please.
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00:22:49 Alright ladies and gentlemen we are here in the team area again with our my good friend Jason Nordham.
00:22:54 Jason "The Cricket" Nordham. We nicknamed him that for when he was very small and he had very spinny,
00:22:59 sticky legs as it were. But they used to spin really fast. And we've got his little brother now Brian out there riding.
00:23:05 We called him "The Little Cricket". But "The Cricket" Jason Nordham, men under 23. Listen you've had some great successes over the years.
00:23:11 I've seen you grow up from that little tiny boy into what you are now. A great man on the track. You're getting some great starts and stuff.
00:23:18 How are you feeling coming into this weekend? Third at the World Championships but men under 23. How do you feel this weekend?
00:23:25 I'm feeling quite ok. I had some days off for the crash I had at the Worlds. So I try to be as best as possible.
00:23:34 And yeah the training was going very good. So I'm looking forward to the race.
00:23:40 Ok good stuff. And is a lot of your competition here that would be normally in the men under 23?
00:23:46 Yeah there's a big competition group here.
00:23:48 Ok so it's going to be. I mean some of the elite riders might not be here because Olympic points have been decided.
00:23:53 We just did a big interview there about Team GB. But for you guys men under 23, titles to be won right?
00:23:59 Yeah it will be a tough racing this weekend.
00:24:02 Ok and how do you think it's going to all pan out for the Olympics?
00:24:06 The guys, obviously I guess they're only going to send the elite guys right? They won't send an under 23 rider?
00:24:12 No they won't send an under 23 rider.
00:24:14 Ok no worries. But it's all good then. So listen how are you finding the track here? They've made a few changes.
00:24:20 What do you reckon? You've just finished your training session?
00:24:22 Yeah it's difficult. It's better than last year. But you need to feel the rhythm.
00:24:29 And the timing will be more different than usual.
00:24:32 And the third straight looks a bit more tricky but is it?
00:24:35 Nah it's fine.
00:24:37 Ok good stuff. Well look good luck this weekend. Hopefully see you on top of that podium.
00:24:41 Thank you. I will try my best.
00:24:43 Ok nice one. That's Jason Norton. The Cricket. Hopefully we'll see him on that podium this weekend.
00:24:48 [Music]
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00:26:58 Are you ready?
00:27:17 I'm not mad.
00:27:26 Stay there. Here he comes.
00:27:28 Leo the Lion.
00:27:33 Everybody.
00:27:37 Let's hear you.
00:27:41 Here he is.
00:27:47 Leo the Lion.
00:27:50 [Music]
00:27:52 Yeah.
00:27:59 Two is left.
00:28:01 Crank is on the track. Crank.
00:28:04 Here we go. Who's Crank?
00:28:08 I say yeah man.
00:28:12 You say.
00:28:16 [Music]
00:28:19 Let's hear you. Come on.
00:28:21 YMCA.
00:28:27 Everybody.
00:28:30 [Music]
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00:28:47 [Music]
00:28:49 Everybody.
00:28:55 Who's saying?
00:29:00 [Music]
00:29:03 Everybody put your hands.
00:29:15 [Music]
00:29:17 Everybody.
00:29:20 [Music]
00:29:23 Yeah man.
00:29:31 [Music]
00:29:44 One.
00:29:46 You say.
00:29:49 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:29:54 Let's hear you.
00:29:57 Crank.
00:30:00 Thank you Crank.
00:30:03 Give me five.
00:30:07 Thank you very much.
00:30:10 You are so beautiful.
00:30:13 Thank you very much.
00:30:15 [Italian]
00:30:18 We are waiting for the final.
00:30:22 [Italian]
00:30:25 So tomorrow night we have the final of the Champions League
00:30:40 [Italian]
00:30:43 Ready or not ready.
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00:31:01 [Music]
00:31:03 Ladies and gentlemen.
00:31:11 Welcome to the UCLNX World Championships.
00:31:15 The racing is about to begin.
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00:31:42 We are all of you.
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00:31:58 Okay. We are going to start with our final here.
00:32:02 With a presentation of all riders.
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00:32:18 We are starting with our final here today.
00:32:24 With the women category 40 years and over.
00:32:27 [Italian]
00:32:30 [Italian]
00:32:32 Okay ladies and gentlemen.
00:32:42 The women 40 and over line up on the gate.
00:32:45 We introduce you the riders in the European Championship Final.
00:32:50 The European BMX Racing Championships.
00:32:53 Who is going to be the European Champion?
00:32:56 Line up in lane number 8.
00:32:59 Plate number 25 from Spain.
00:33:01 Del Carmen Gonzalez.
00:33:04 That's it. Make some noise ladies and gentlemen.
00:33:08 On plate number 413 in lane number 7 from France.
00:33:12 Amelie Masson.
00:33:15 [Applause]
00:33:18 Lane number 6 in plate number V16 from the Netherlands.
00:33:27 Wendy Brondeka.
00:33:29 [Applause]
00:33:32 Lane number 5. Plate number 409 from France.
00:33:38 Vanessa Comercell.
00:33:41 [Applause]
00:33:44 Plate number 5. The number 5 of the world from France.
00:33:48 Elodie Marouch.
00:33:51 [Applause]
00:33:56 Plate number 420 from Germany.
00:34:00 Stephanie Finka.
00:34:03 [Applause]
00:34:06 And on plate number 410 from France.
00:34:10 Emily Colomina.
00:34:13 [Applause]
00:34:16 And on the inside in lane number 1 on plate number V18 from the Netherlands.
00:34:23 Amelie Alperenka.
00:34:26 Your attention for the start.
00:34:30 Cruiser women and over. Good luck ladies.
00:34:48 [Applause]
00:34:50 So we want to go to the final of the quarterfinal.
00:35:03 We want to take a win.
00:35:06 [Applause]
00:35:09 Elodie Marouch, madame et monsieur.
00:35:17 [Applause]
00:35:19 Yeah, great stuff there from the rider from France.
00:35:41 Here we see on the big screen the replay.
00:35:45 Not the first straight away, but your world number 5 Elodie Marouch.
00:35:48 From the start, she had a little bit of work to do here, but she had the inside line.
00:35:53 On the German rider it was in Finka I believe.
00:35:57 As you see the world number 5 from France went all the way out to Rock Hill.
00:36:01 She's back here in Italy and she's brought home the European Championship title.
00:36:05 Along with the world number 5, ladies and gentlemen, make some noise one more time.
00:36:10 Elodie Marouch, your European champion.
00:36:14 And the wrong rider there from France, who took a spill on that first straight.
00:36:19 Good to see her back up on the bike.
00:36:22 Okay, final number 2 of the European Championships, ladies and gentlemen.
00:36:27 We bring to you...
00:36:30 [Applause]
00:36:32 Okay, final number 2, race number 2 for the cruiser.
00:36:57 It is the women, the 38 to 39 years.
00:37:00 Okay, line up on the gate number 8.
00:37:10 All the way on the outside, from Germany, on plate number 303, Simone Hay.
00:37:16 Lane number 7, plate number 311 from France, Agnieszka Wola.
00:37:27 [Applause]
00:37:29 Lane number 6, plate number 306 from France, Ygritte Delplena.
00:37:36 [Applause]
00:37:39 From Holland, on plate number 011, Svella Rutega.
00:37:47 [Applause]
00:37:51 Plate number 312 from France, Leonie Sajeya.
00:37:56 [Applause]
00:37:59 On plate number 018, from France, Emilie Vallot.
00:38:06 [Applause]
00:38:09 Plate number 4, the world number 4 from France, Laureane Bottes.
00:38:16 [Applause]
00:38:20 In plate number 304, show your appreciation for Slovakia, Isakaterina Orakova.
00:38:31 [Applause]
00:38:34 The cruiser women, 30 to 39 final. Good luck, ladies.
00:38:39 [Applause]
00:38:43 Attention. Okay, riders, random start.
00:38:47 Riders, ready, watch the gate.
00:38:51 Gate drops down and in.
00:38:55 2024 UECC AMEX European Championship.
00:38:58 Is it Svella Rutega on the number 1 position?
00:39:01 Is it the 011 number here on the number 1 position?
00:39:04 We will check her out here in the second straight away.
00:39:07 I think it's Svella Rutega on the number 1 spot.
00:39:11 Yep, it's Svella Rutega.
00:39:12 For your rider, you have a rider on the number 1 position.
00:39:15 On the 2 spot, we have the number 4, Laureane Bosquet.
00:39:18 France in second place and France in third place.
00:39:21 But still in first place, we have number 18, from England, Svella Rutega.
00:39:27 What a hit, the new European Championship women's company cruiser, 30 to 39.
00:39:32 Yep, it is Svella Rutega on the number 2 position.
00:39:35 We have Laureano Bosquet on the number 18.
00:39:40 And the winner of the women's VALOR second place, France.
00:39:45 Yeah, here we see the great start there from the rider on plate number 4, Laureano Bosquet.
00:39:48 But Svella Rutega, she was jumping her way through the triple the smoothest.
00:39:52 And out of that first turn, she had a bit of a clear lead over the world number 4.
00:39:56 And Svella did make the final out in Rock Hill.
00:39:59 So here she is making amends in the European Championships.
00:40:02 And she takes home another European title.
00:40:05 Because I do not think that's her first.
00:40:07 She has many titles. Congratulations, Svella Rutega.
00:40:13 Cruiser women's 17 to 29 line up on the gate.
00:40:16 Some big names in this one.
00:40:22 Final number 3 of the 2024 UECPMX Racing Championships.
00:40:27 From Slovakia, on plate number 16, Kristina Mladisova.
00:40:38 And lane number 7, plate number 11, Fujil Vugopal.
00:40:43 Lane number 6 for the 718 of Caroline Roche-Dover from France.
00:40:55 Plate number 702 from the Netherlands, Vera Kwan.
00:41:04 Plate number 4, the world number 4 from Holland, the Netherlands, Jennifer Madin.
00:41:10 Plate number 3, the world number 3 from Denmark, Mia Christensen.
00:41:19 Lane number 2, plate number 14, for Mathilde Hugo from France.
00:41:30 And on the inside, on plate number 727, from the Netherlands, Debbie Schoek.
00:41:38 The Cruiser women's 17 to 29 years European Championship final.
00:41:45 Good luck, ladies.
00:41:48 Okay, riders, ready to start.
00:41:50 Riders, ready, 1, engage.
00:41:53 Riders, ready, 1, engage. We have the number 3, 4 of the world in this one.
00:41:57 And the number 1 and 4 of last year.
00:42:00 So we have 1, 2, 3, 4, Dutchess in this one.
00:42:04 And who is the fastest?
00:42:06 Dutchess.
00:42:08 Dutchess.
00:42:10 Dutchess.
00:42:12 Dutchess.
00:42:14 Dutchess.
00:42:16 And who is the fastest one of them all?
00:42:17 Is it Jill Vogelpoel?
00:42:19 Is it the number 11 of last year?
00:42:21 Now on the number 1 position is Vogelpoel, leading this one out.
00:42:24 Number 2 in the 3 of the world is Mia Christensen.
00:42:27 The 3 spots go to number 6 of last year, Christina Madrasova.
00:42:30 Madrasova is now on 3.
00:42:32 But still on 1, the lady from Holland is Jill Vogelpoel.
00:42:35 Jill Vogelpoel in the last straight away still on 1.
00:42:38 Holland, let me hear for Jill!
00:42:43 Yeah, Jill on 1.
00:42:44 And here we have Mia Christensen from Denmark.
00:42:47 And now we have the number 16 of Slovakia, Christina Madrasova.
00:42:52 Yeah, great stuff there from the Dutchess.
00:42:54 The fans in the stands loving that one.
00:42:56 Dressed up today, all in orange, as they crown their European champion.
00:43:00 Jill Vogelpoel hasn't dropped a single lap all day long.
00:43:05 Every single lap she has won here.
00:43:07 We see the clear leader, I thought Christensen might have just snuck underneath.
00:43:10 And Madrasova chose the outside gate.
00:43:13 Not sure if that was a wise choice with Vogelpoel on, you're inside.
00:43:18 But Vogelpoel takes another European title there.
00:43:21 Good luck and congratulations to her.
00:43:24 She is your European champion.
00:43:26 Okay, cruiser 16 and under for the ladies, for the girls.
00:43:32 We have world finalists in this one from France, Belgium, Germany.
00:43:38 Czech Republic also in this one and Great Britain.
00:43:42 Line up on the outside on plate number 14 from France.
00:43:47 Islílú Poró.
00:43:49 Lane number 7 on plate number 16.
00:43:55 From the Czech Republic, Stefánka Frémlová.
00:43:59 Lane number 6, plate number 7 from France, Léonie Vogel.
00:44:07 Gate number 5, plate number 11.
00:44:15 The European champ from last year from Great Britain, Elsa Rendell-Tard.
00:44:20 From Germany on plate number 301, Maria Verma.
00:44:30 Plate number 312 from France, Céline Boullée.
00:44:40 Plate number 322 from Belgium, Maybell Factory Team rider, Ella Hossa.
00:44:52 And in lane number 1 on plate number 12 from France, Louise Boissonne.
00:45:07 Girls 16 and under, cruiser final European Championships.
00:45:11 Good luck girls.
00:45:13 [Crowd cheering]
00:45:17 Attention.
00:45:19 Okay riders, random start.
00:45:22 Riders ready, watch the gate.
00:45:25 Riders ready, watch the gate.
00:45:30 And here is the number 2 of Europe, now in the number 1.
00:45:35 Elsa Rendell-Tard, she is doing it for the UK, she is doing it for Stage Strong.
00:45:40 We are on the number 1 spot, 6'6" up on her bike in the first turn.
00:45:43 And we are on the number 1 position on the 2nd of the number 2 of France.
00:45:46 Louise Boissonne, Céline Boissonne, Djamon de Champs, Angleterre.
00:45:49 [Rapping in French]
00:45:58 UK, red, red, where are you? For Elsa Rendell-Tard.
00:46:08 Ladies and gentlemen, 3'8" on 2.
00:46:10 Yeah, great stuff there from Elsa Rendell-Tard.
00:46:16 I'd love to see the little hop in the third straight away.
00:46:19 We're probably not going to see it on the replay, but she jumped the step up really clean there
00:46:22 from the Stage Strong cruiser and looked good out in front doing it for her late mum Tabby.
00:46:27 Here we come down the third straight, are we going to see this lovely little...
00:46:31 Oh, I just cut the video short there, we missed it.
00:46:33 But she is your European Champion, ladies and gentlemen, make some noise.
00:46:37 Elsa Rendell-Tard.
00:46:39 Okay, we move it to the young ladies.
00:46:46 We always used to call them powder puffs back in the day.
00:46:48 We're back with the girls, 8 years old.
00:46:50 One of these young ladies is going to be the European Champion 2024.
00:46:55 The girls, 8 years old final on plate number 806.
00:47:01 From Belgium, Marta Lilloupha.
00:47:07 On plate number 810, from Germany, Seija Rochman.
00:47:15 Plate number 6, plate number 817, from the Netherlands, Jelly Moes.
00:47:28 Plate number 808, from Slovakia, Zara Orakova.
00:47:36 Plate number 801, from Poland, Alina Kusinska.
00:47:46 Plate number 814, from Germany, Paula Huber.
00:47:56 Plate number 804, from Spain, Lea Catroni Martinez.
00:48:06 And on plate number 812, on the inside, from Holland, Meryl Van Der Gaal.
00:48:20 Girls, 8 years old, is good luck.
00:48:25 OK, riders, ready to start.
00:48:35 Riders, ready to watch the game.
00:48:38 Girls, 8 years old, on the start from the lady with 8.04 on the plate.
00:48:46 She's doing it for Spain, she's Lea Catroni.
00:48:49 Lea Catroni, she is leading this one out for Spain.
00:48:53 Spain on one, Spain on one, still on one.
00:48:55 We will check her out in the second turn.
00:48:58 But I think it's still Spain on the number one position there.
00:49:00 And it's 8.04, yeah, Spain on one, on the two spots.
00:49:03 We have a German rider, a German rider with the 8.14 on the plate.
00:49:06 It's Paula Huber from Germany on the two.
00:49:08 We have a three spot for a Dutch rider with the 8.04, minimum score on three.
00:49:13 OK, I think if we go further on, who is still on one is Spain, ladies and gentlemen.
00:49:22 Spain on one position, going through here in the last straight away.
00:49:25 And the number two spot is Germany with Paula Huber and the Dutch lady.
00:49:31 It's 8.04, that's the podium.
00:49:34 Ladies, it's 9.04.
00:49:36 Yeah, great racing for the little Langan's there.
00:49:39 The lady is 8 years old and the Spanish rider hadn't dropped a single lap all day long.
00:49:43 Here she chose gate two.
00:49:45 She was quick out the gate, she has been all day long.
00:49:48 Smooth through the triple there into that first turn.
00:49:51 She got the pedals going real quick.
00:49:52 And she was in and out of that turn, leading out Paula Huber there.
00:49:56 I think from Germany it was in two, wasn't it?
00:49:58 And the rider from Holland there just moving on through into three.
00:50:02 But look at the gap that the young lady from Spain had as she crossed the line.
00:50:07 And it was Meryl van der Goor, I think, that ended up in the three position.
00:50:11 And we'll see them on the podium later on this evening.
00:50:14 OK, boys, 8 years old, line up on the gate.
00:50:19 Three riders from Latvia, four riders from Latvia, two from Czechia,
00:50:22 one from Netherlands and one from Lithuania, ladies and gentlemen.
00:50:26 OK, boys, line up on the gate in lane number eight.
00:50:29 On plate number 813 from Holland, Jens Janniskes.
00:50:33 Lane number seven, plate number 809 from Lithuania, Djukubas Jankauskas.
00:50:46 Lane number six, plate number 804 from Czechia, Pita Vasekka.
00:50:51 Plate number 807 from Latvia, Janis Osis.
00:50:59 Plate number 810 from Czechia, Radim Brucha.
00:51:12 Plate number 819 from Latvia, Horens Trubins.
00:51:16 Plate number four from Latvia, Mateo Bogomolsovs.
00:51:25 And on the inside on plate number 820 from Latvia, Kristans Krausja.
00:51:41 OK, boys, 8 years old, line up on the gate, European Championships.
00:51:44 Good luck, guys.
00:51:46 OK, here we go, number four in the world.
00:52:01 He was a little bit far from the start.
00:52:04 He hit the gate and then he has to start again.
00:52:07 So he is now on three or four.
00:52:10 In the middle of the pack, that was a bad decision.
00:52:12 Meanwhile, we have three riders on the track.
00:52:14 Three riders on the track, four riders.
00:52:16 Back on the bike.
00:52:18 But now it's another leader.
00:52:20 And the other leader here on one is 820.
00:52:22 And 820, ladies and gentlemen, that's Kristians Krausja.
00:52:25 Let's go and see Kristians Krausja from Latvia, Radim Brucha from Czech Republic.
00:52:30 The first two positions.
00:52:32 We are at the last corner of the last corner.
00:52:35 We are at the finish line.
00:52:38 We are with the victory, ladies and gentlemen, for Latvia, Kristians Krausja.
00:52:45 Yeah, great stuff from the riders from Latvia.
00:52:52 Kristians Krausja takes the win.
00:52:55 A rider from Czech Republic was there in two.
00:52:58 There is a bit of a collision there down that first straightaway.
00:53:02 The 810, Brucha takes the second place.
00:53:04 But it was all about the top three, really.
00:53:06 They were clear.
00:53:08 And it's good to see the rider from Lithuania getting the third position
00:53:12 and that final podium spot in the orange.
00:53:15 You see in there Džigubas Jankauskas from Lithuania taking that final podium spot.
00:53:20 But your European champion, Kristians Krausja.
00:53:41 All right, the girls, nine years old, line up on the gate.
00:53:43 Final number seven.
00:53:45 We've got riders from Great Britain, Holland, France, Latvia, Poland
00:53:48 and the Netherlands in this one.
00:53:50 In lane number eight on plate number 906 from France, Alpenis Haly.
00:53:56 These are the girls, nine years old.
00:54:00 Lane number seven, plate number 13, Vloti Nesan.
00:54:10 Plate number 913 from Poland, my good friend, Maja Kološić.
00:54:14 Plate number 12 from Latvia, Ema Valkovska.
00:54:23 Plate number four, the world number four from France, Elise Edou.
00:54:37 Plate number 11, the European champion from last year from Holland, Femme Mulhauser.
00:54:42 Plate number 929 from Great Britain, Fluent BMX, rider Betty Wills.
00:54:54 And on lane number one, plate number seven, the number seven of the world
00:55:03 from Great Britain, Holly Bishop.
00:55:07 Girls, nine years old, European Championship final.
00:55:13 Good luck, ladies.
00:55:29 We have the number four of the world, number seven of the world, number one of last year.
00:55:34 But who is on the lead here? Is it Mulhauser, Edou or Bishop?
00:55:38 We will check out after the turn.
00:55:40 The little ladies on the bike, nine years old, here competing like a real monster.
00:55:45 And in the number 11 of Femme Mulhauser, Mulhauser from Holland,
00:55:48 the one on the outside coming through from France, Elise Edou.
00:55:52 And on the inside we have the number seven of Holly Bishop.
00:55:56 And on the inside we have the number seven of Holly Bishop from Great Britain on the south lane.
00:56:01 And in the end, the number 11 of the first place, the Netherlands rider, Femme Mulhauser.
00:56:09 Ladies and gentlemen, on the finish line from the Netherlands, Femme Mulhauser for the girl, nine years old.
00:56:23 Yeah, that was a girl, nine years old. As we look to the big screen and the replay,
00:56:27 Poppy Bishop on the inside there, Holly Bishop up in the park getting a great gate.
00:56:32 And Mulhauser there just getting a bit wrong there over the triple.
00:56:35 Let the other rider just catch her up there. That was the world number four of Edou from France.
00:56:40 This is where Bishop and Mulhauser, well at it, down the third straight.
00:56:44 Mulhauser just that little bit taller, maybe that was the advantage into that last turn.
00:56:50 Edou there hanging on for the final podium, I believe, or was she picked on the line by the Great Britain rider?
00:56:55 Might have been the two GB riders in second or third there.
00:56:59 We'll have to wait to see them on the podium to find out that final result.
00:57:03 Okay, boys, nine years old.
00:57:07 Wow, look at this lot. Latvia, France, Switzerland, Holland, Czech.
00:57:15 And we turn our attention to lane number eight, plate number 14 from Latvia, Jakub Strelis.
00:57:21 Lane number seven, plate number 910 from Czechia, Albert Kuteka.
00:57:34 Plate number 915 from Latvia, Marius Trox.
00:57:42 Plate number 13 from the Czech Republic, Max Roska.
00:57:51 Plate number 986 from the Netherlands, Tim Ruzanda.
00:58:01 983 on the plate, he's been riding really well all day long, from Switzerland, Moritz Sassmann.
00:58:11 Lane number two, plate number 914 from Latvia, Roland Baranovskis.
00:58:23 And in lane number one, on plate number one, he's the number one of the world from France, Ethan Hosati.
00:58:38 Boys, nine years old, European Championships. Good luck.
00:58:42 Good luck.
00:58:44 Okay.
00:58:45 Okay, riders, ready to start.
00:58:49 Riders, ready, one, begin.
00:58:54 And he's got it coming from, and that is Ethan Hosati.
00:59:00 Say what's up, he's got a headshot.
00:59:02 From a moment to Latvia, he's rolling two, he's got the shot.
00:59:04 And I think it's Bagnowski, Bagnowski's got the shot, number one.
00:59:09 Second slot is for Bagnowski, but still number one of the world.
00:59:12 And he's doing it with raw.
00:59:14 And then Ethan Hosati, it's number 15, Marius Trox.
00:59:18 Trox is on two.
00:59:19 And attention, there's the return of number 915, Marius Trox, from Ethan Hosati, the world number one.
00:59:27 Who always gives the first applause, only on the last line of the line, the number one, ladies and gentlemen, also in Europe, Ethan Hosati for France.
00:59:38 Yeah, the world number one has just found himself a European title as well.
00:59:47 Great stuff for the young guy on the inside.
00:59:54 It's hard by a couple of Latvians there, but the world number one, hang on, in the end, Ethan Hosati.
01:00:02 Two Latvia riders in second and third.
01:00:05 As we enter the second turn there, on the replay, we see our friend waving him on in his lead of the line.
01:00:12 I guess it is, I'm not sure what it is.
01:00:14 What is that, is it a dog or a lion?
01:00:16 I don't know, anyway, our mascot and European champion from France, premier position for Ethan Hosati.
01:00:24 Okay, girls, ten years old, lap on the right, race number nine.
01:00:40 Riders from Switzerland, Holland, Latvia, France and Slovakia in this one.
01:00:46 Plate number 119 on the outside from Latvia, Andrija Stromberga.
01:00:53 129 on the bike, Grace Hrjaka.
01:01:07 Plate number 14 from the Netherlands, Elin Elis Lernedekkers.
01:01:12 Plate number 12 from the Netherlands, Emy Jaspers.
01:01:21 Nice.
01:01:24 Plate number 117 from France, Noëlle Capot.
01:01:34 Plate number 15 from the Netherlands, Mert Jensen.
01:01:39 Plate number 5, the world number 5 from Switzerland, Kayla Kuscha.
01:01:50 And in lane number 1 on plate number 18 from the Netherlands, Lauren Miniver.
01:02:03 Girls, ten years old, good luck ladies.
01:02:07 Okay, here we go, it's the lady of ten years old.
01:02:23 A little jump there from the lady inside, we have the number 5 in the world, where is Emy Jaspers, where is my little friend from Holland, from Lijksgesel.
01:02:32 It's in, well, I have to check her out here immediately, but here we are, we have number 5 in the world, Kayla Kuscha, and she is in it from Switzerland.
01:02:40 Switzerland on one or two, we have Latvia, 119, Andrija Stromberga.
01:02:46 Oh, and Emy Jaspers right here in front of me.
01:02:50 Kayla Kuscha, the Swiss lady has already reached the last corner, so we go with the category for the ten years old, ladies and gentlemen, from the country of the sun, the number 4 from the finish line, Kayla Kuscha, Switzerland.
01:03:10 Yeah, great start, has to jump to single lap all day long, young Swiss rider, Kayla Kuscha, the world number 5, backs her up with the European Championship title, but chasing her down from the outside, we believe, the young niece or cousin of Marita Stromberg, Andrija Stromberga, showing good form here from Latvia, not been racing very long, only a few years.
01:03:37 And Len Ekers from the Netherlands picking up the final bronze position here, but Kayla Kuscha didn't drop a single lap all day long, she is European Champion, voila, Swiss star.
01:03:53 Alrighty then, here we go with the boys ten years old. Final number ten, riders from Czech Republic, two from France and one from Great Britain, this is a Czech storm, one of these riders is gonna check out.
01:04:09 Alrighty then, plate number 12 on the outside, Jan Osenesek.
01:04:19 Plate number 14 for Great Britain, Jack Devoy.
01:04:29 On his inside on the triple one from France, Evan Julien.
01:04:37 On plate number 160 from Czech Republic, Tateas Flick.
01:04:46 Plate number 144 from Czech Republic, Jiří Luska.
01:04:55 Plate number 11, the 11th plate for Czech Republic, Tomáš Suček.
01:05:04 Plate number 123 from Czech Republic, Matěj Karol Krapiček.
01:05:14 Plate number 119 in lane number one for France, Helene Sova.
01:05:24 Boys ten years old final, good luck.
01:05:31 Okay.
01:05:32 Okay riders, random start.
01:05:38 Riders ready, watch the gate.
01:05:41 Number one, two and four, oh Paul Sheridan did one.
01:05:47 But who in the false is the man in the pink shirt, oh it's a Czech rider, oh one, two, three, oh it's a Czech rider, thank you.
01:05:58 Suček, Suček on one, we will check the other guy now, it's your cousin Czech, Czech, he is on one, on two, we have Suček, two, Czech rider on one, on two, and three, we have another Czech rider, Jiří Luska, Luska, he is on the number three position for the moment, hey Czech, where are you, you have three riders in front.
01:06:15 Jan Osenesek, Tomáš Suček of Czech Republic, ladies and gentlemen, leading on the boys ten years old and the winner is Jan Osenesek.
01:06:28 For Czech Republic, ladies and gentlemen.
01:06:30 Wowzers, wowzers, wowzers.
01:06:33 I did say somebody was going to check out, didn't I, hey?
01:06:37 Yeah, the 144 Luska was the early leader but Osenesek and Suček have been riding really well all day long, what a move from the young man on the inside and pedalling through that table, that got him in front of the rest of the pack, Osenesek.
01:06:55 And he took the lead there into that last corner and that's the way they stay in, and a good strong fourth place from the great, great rider, got to give him a mention, Jack Devine, rode really well all day long, picked up a fourth place behind those super fast Czech riders, but congratulations, Osenesek, he is European champion.
01:07:14 All righty, the cruiser's 50 and over.
01:07:19 That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
01:07:25 Okay, line up on the gate, on the outside, on plate number 506 from the Netherlands, it's Erik Ladinger-Bruycka.
01:07:37 516 on the plate from Italy, Vittori Satori.
01:07:44 Plate number 517 from Belgium, Tony Stroeber.
01:07:53 Plate number 528 on the bike from France, Yannick Thibault.
01:08:02 Doing it for Germany on plate number 521, Johann Patrick Rombalala.
01:08:13 The world number five in lane number three from France, Silvio Rizzo.
01:08:23 From Austria in lane number two, Philippe Kroll.
01:08:32 And doing it on the V1 four plate for Pure Bicycles, Alan Hill.
01:08:42 Great Britain!
01:08:44 Cruisers 50 and over, good luck guys.
01:08:51 Okay.
01:08:52 Okay riders, line up start.
01:08:56 Riders ready, watch the gate.
01:09:01 Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have the number five on the road, this one is Silvio Rizzo.
01:09:05 Rizzo is doing it for France, Alan Hill is coming out on UK, and he is coming to Verona for a win.
01:09:12 He is coming to Verona for a win, he is on the Pure Bike on the number one position there,
01:09:16 on the two-spot there, coming through with the bronze medal, and that is Silvio Rizzo.
01:09:19 Rizzo on the outside, coming outside, inside, third front, going to the side with the 516, and he's landed.
01:09:26 Alan Hill, Silvio Rizzo, ladies and gentlemen, on the first and second place, right now on the last corner.
01:09:30 Great Britain rider, Alan Hill, flying on the last straightaway,
01:09:35 Signore Signori, the number one in Europe, Alan Hill from Great Britain.
01:09:41 Yeah, another European title for my good friend, to go with all his other titles.
01:09:48 Good stuff for the 50 and over cruisers, good racing from these guys.
01:09:53 Hilly and Rizzo have been going at it, only met in the final.
01:09:56 Here we see Hilly on the outside, and, sorry, Rizzo on the outside, Hilly on the inside, that was the advantage.
01:10:02 Vlad Dinkobrugge from Holland though, putting in a good show there in the S&M race shirt.
01:10:07 Lots of people watching at home, be loving that, especially Kiki.
01:10:10 But Alan Hill, Pure Bicycles, laying this one out from the martial fight, into,
01:10:15 Hilly takes another European title back to the UK, and it's great stuff from him.
01:10:22 Alrighty then, cruisers 45 to 49, La Folle Gai, France, Hungary, Slovakia,
01:10:27 Czechy, Great Britain, Latvia, in this one, final number 12,
01:10:34 who's got gate 8, it's the number 15, is he going to do a Nick Kinman from Latvia?
01:10:41 Is he going to do a Mariusz Stromberg, Alvis Lentzuuu!
01:10:46 On the Pure Bike, on plate number 11, from France, Cedric Cuminot!
01:10:57 Line up on the ATS from the 516 plate, is Nicolas Mugeno from France, to the ATS.
01:11:11 Doing it for BMX Widow Photography, and Scotland, Great Britain rider, Fraser Watson!
01:11:19 On plate number 23, from Czechy, it's Robert Boczeka!
01:11:34 On plate number 13, from Czechy, BRS, Filip Sileka!
01:11:41 Fall of France, on plate number 509, Jocelyn Ruiz!
01:11:50 And in lane number 1, on plate number 501, put your hands together, the rider from Hungary, Péter Prečka!
01:12:03 45 to 49 years old cruisers, good luck guys!
01:12:08 And here riders, ready on start, riders ready, watch the gate, here at the gate, oh that's looking good,
01:12:22 on plate number 23, Robert Boczeka, Robert Boczeka, oh that's almost gone wrong there,
01:12:27 for France rider, but now we are in first position, some people thought it was a bust,
01:12:33 but who is now in 1, and you don't want to go wrong, here's another rider, from the Netherlands, Jocelyn Ruiz, from Holland!
01:12:40 Jocelyn Ruiz, the French lady and gentleman, who is going to the last corner,
01:12:47 the last straight for France, watch out, there's a return, let's follow the last straight,
01:12:52 the final sprint, on plate number 509, for France, Jocelyn Ruiz,
01:13:01 the number 1 rider in Europe, David Cruiser, 45, good luck!
01:13:07 Wowzers, wowzers, wowzers, I'm not sure who got that one,
01:13:10 we're going to have to wait for the podium to see who got it,
01:13:14 maybe we'll see it on the big screen, but it was Ruiz that took it out from the lead there,
01:13:21 and it's the second place rider, hunting him down, here we see a bit of a gap there,
01:13:26 opening up to third place, it's all about the top 2, you think that Ruiz has got it in the bag here,
01:13:33 as he comes out this last turn, the rider on his outside, was that the 510?
01:13:37 I couldn't quite see the number plate there, it was definitely the photo finish for sure,
01:13:43 we'll have to wait until we go to the jury for the result in that one,
01:13:46 as we move on to the Cruisers, 40 to 44 years, 4 riders from France in this one,
01:13:52 Latvia, Holland, Slovakia and Germany.
01:13:57 These guys have been battling all year long in the European Cup,
01:14:06 still more European Cups to go, but we are racing the European Championships,
01:14:09 from Germany, lane number 8 for Markus Huber,
01:14:12 lane number 7, plate number 24 for Peter Palacsi.
01:14:22 427 on the plate from the Netherlands, Paul Baum.
01:14:30 Plate number 8, the world number 8 ladies and gentlemen,
01:14:38 from Latvia, Gert Jankovs.
01:14:41 Plate number 411 from France, Pierre Guenhennecker.
01:14:51 And plate number 412 from France, Ruben Zandelby.
01:15:00 On plate number 14, 4 of France, Patrick Bontemps.
01:15:09 And in lane number 1 on plate number 12, from France, Cedric Prepsos.
01:15:20 Cruiser 40 to 44, good luck guys.
01:15:24 Go for it guys.
01:15:26 OK.
01:15:27 Attention.
01:15:29 OK riders, ready to start.
01:15:31 Riders ready, watch the gate.
01:15:35 Here we go, the 40 to 44 on the inside, number 2 on the plate, Cedric Prepsos.
01:15:44 Prepsos, he is now on 3 actually, he's on 3, he's on 1,
01:15:49 and we have Gert Jankovs on number 1, on 2 we have France,
01:15:56 and the 3 spotted young dude, number 4, Patrick Bontemps.
01:16:00 Gert Jankovs from Latvia, attention to the fall,
01:16:03 we are in the last corner with the pilot of the Avetton, Gert Jankovs,
01:16:07 with Cedric Prepsos in second,
01:16:10 he's on the line, number 1, cruiser 40 to 44, Gert Jankovs Latvia.
01:16:18 Yeah, great rider there from Gert Jankovs from Latvia.
01:16:22 As we see Prepsos was your favourite, really out of the gate,
01:16:26 he's not dropped a single lap all day long,
01:16:28 and he had first choice but it was Jankovs that got inside,
01:16:33 and the rider there in red and white, he went down on the third straight in the end,
01:16:38 but Jankovs looking good,
01:16:40 as we see our puppy,
01:16:43 cheering them on as they come out of that last turn,
01:16:47 Prepsos was going for it,
01:16:48 but Jankovs, the world number 8,
01:16:51 gets the European title here for Latvia,
01:16:53 and he takes it back to that gorgeous country,
01:16:56 which we go to later on in the year,
01:16:58 that was race number 13, race number 14 on the track,
01:17:02 Latvia, finals for the cruisers 35 to 39.
01:17:06 France, Austria, Czech and Holland in this one.
01:17:10 Alrighty then, here we go on plane number 016 on the outside,
01:17:16 from France, Paul Lestienne.
01:17:19 Plate number 014, from France, Sylvain Pinot.
01:17:28 Plate number 513, from the Netherlands,
01:17:35 it's little Boatline Hesvika.
01:17:43 Plate number 501, from Austria, Daniel Nikola.
01:17:48 Plate number 013, from France, Dimitri Davida.
01:17:58 Plate number 17, from France, Jeremy Delorme.
01:18:12 Plate number 18, from France, Willy Correl.
01:18:15 And in lane number 1 on plate number 503, Thomas Halluza.
01:18:26 Cruisers 35 to 39, good luck guys.
01:18:33 OK, riders, ready to start.
01:18:36 Riders ready, watch the gate.
01:18:41 Cruisers 35 to 39 on track, and we have Holland with France,
01:18:48 we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 French riders on this one,
01:18:52 and in the Boatline Hesvika going outside,
01:18:55 here's definitely the biggest one on the back,
01:18:57 and here on the number 1 position, Holland is Boatline Hesvika.
01:19:01 Let me hear you for Boat!
01:19:04 Yeah, checking out little Boat, takes the European title,
01:19:29 he's been trying hard, hasn't dropped a single lap all day long,
01:19:32 somebody's got a little bit excited in the grandstand there,
01:19:35 for little Boat as he comes down the first straightaway,
01:19:38 all to play for really, there's riders on his inside,
01:19:41 he had a good choice, he had first choice,
01:19:43 he went outside but he got in front in the first turn,
01:19:46 and that's what counted, and little Boatline Hesvika there,
01:19:49 he takes the lead, and he is the European champion in 2024,
01:19:54 good to see him back at the front of the pack there,
01:19:58 in the 35 to 39 Cruiser category, he's your European champion,
01:20:01 love that, well done to the Dutchies,
01:20:04 and there, is that, yeah, yeah definitely excited to see a win there,
01:20:09 in race number 40.
01:20:12 Alrighty then, moving on, Cruisers 30 to 34,
01:20:22 France, Belgium, Italy, Latvia,
01:20:27 in this one, final number 15, lane number 8,
01:20:31 plate number 11, he's European champion from last year,
01:20:34 Chase Bicycles, Thibaut Chavin.
01:20:37 Plate number 12 on lane number 7 from France,
01:20:44 Benjamin Rondel.
01:20:47 Plate number 306,
01:20:54 from Italy, make some noise, Italian Francesco Dermi.
01:20:58 From Latvia, on plate number 307,
01:21:05 Robert Stramanis.
01:21:08 In plate number 311,
01:21:14 for France, Alexandre Duchesne.
01:21:23 Plate number 25,
01:21:25 doing it for the team, BMX Target,
01:21:27 Target BMX Team Rider from Belgium,
01:21:29 Roy van Acker.
01:21:32 Plate 304, full of France,
01:21:37 Alexandre Landais.
01:21:40 Lane number 1 on plate number 305,
01:21:47 full of France, Kevin Angiobo.
01:21:50 Cruisers 30 to 34 years, good luck guys.
01:21:53 Cruisers 30 to 34 years, good luck guys.
01:21:56 Cruisers 30 to 34 years, good luck guys.
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01:28:47 Cruisers 12 and under, good luck guys.
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