• last year
Home And Away 4th June 2024


00:01 (SINGING) We must reach there.
00:04 Home and away.
00:07 I don't know where this is going,
00:09 but I'd really like to find out.
00:12 [GUNSHOT]
00:13 She's been shot!
00:15 Baby, you can't be in here.
00:17 Promise me that she's going to be all right.
00:19 Yeah, yeah.
00:20 Come on.
00:21 We're doing the best we can.
00:23 That's a big promise.
00:24 I know.
00:25 How do people do this?
00:26 Do what?
00:26 We're sitting around a hospital waiting for news on someone
00:28 that you--
00:30 Someone you care about.
00:31 You know what they say, Rem, no news is good news.
00:34 Time of death, 1/04 PM.
00:36 She didn't make it.
00:38 We did everything we could.
00:43 But you had one job, and you failed.
00:45 Remi, don't do this, Remi.
00:46 It's OK.
00:47 This is on you.
00:49 What are you doing here?
00:50 I was worried about you.
00:51 I'm fine.
00:52 We both know that's not true.
00:53 I want to help you.
00:54 We're really split up.
00:55 Why do you care?
00:56 If you need someone, I'm here.
01:02 [TRAFFIC]
01:06 [CHATTER]
01:09 Hey.
01:13 Hey.
01:14 You OK?
01:22 It's a couple of Stevens shot by a girl.
01:26 Yeah, me neither.
01:29 It's really tragic.
01:30 Strange, you know?
01:35 Like, any other day I would have been there.
01:38 I would have seen it.
01:40 I'm glad you weren't.
01:41 Instead, I was at a courthouse getting ready to testify
01:48 for Tana's trial, which I now have to psych myself up
01:52 and do all again tomorrow.
01:53 Come on.
01:57 I'll get you a cup of coffee, and we can go through it.
01:59 Yeah.
02:00 Actually, no.
02:00 I think I want to stay a bit.
02:03 You sure?
02:05 Yeah.
02:07 I can stay here with you.
02:09 No, it's OK.
02:11 Come off in a bit.
02:20 [TRAFFIC]
02:23 Your boyfriend was mates with her.
02:28 You should be looking out for him.
02:30 I am looking out for him.
02:31 That doesn't mean I can't do the same for you.
02:33 We're not together anymore.
02:35 But what's so wrong with me wanting to support someone
02:38 that I cared about--
02:39 I still care about who's going through a tough time.
02:42 You weren't in a great headspace when you
02:48 left the hospital last night.
02:49 And then Eden told me that you had a go at Cash.
02:53 What did she say?
02:54 Nothing more than that.
02:55 Do you want to fill me in?
03:01 Yeah.
03:03 Yeah.
03:04 I had a go at Cash for not being there for Stevie.
03:06 Do you think that's fair?
03:10 Yep.
03:11 Remy, come on.
03:14 No, Cash's literal job was to protect Stevie, and he failed.
03:17 He has a lot to answer for.
03:19 OK.
03:20 OK.
03:22 I know that you've lost someone that you care about.
03:24 It must feel overwhelming.
03:26 No, don't.
03:27 Don't tell me how to feel.
03:30 Please.
03:32 I don't know how I feel.
03:33 Well, so much for a quiet morning.
03:40 You might have to kick me out.
03:41 Never.
03:42 Soon I'll put you to work.
03:43 I've already done a bit this morning, sort of.
03:45 Oh, did you put the bins out, did you?
03:47 Yeah, that.
03:49 Hey, Tane's back from the hospital.
03:51 Yeah, how is he?
03:53 He's OK, physically.
03:54 There's no after effects of the concussion.
03:57 Well, that's good.
03:58 And otherwise?
04:00 He's still pretty down.
04:01 I invited him to come to coffee, but he's not interested.
04:04 Yeah, well, can't blame him.
04:06 It's quite possible he might not come on from court tomorrow.
04:13 I just really, really hope the judge
04:15 doesn't go too hard on him.
04:17 Yeah, I hope his lawyer's up for the job.
04:20 Speaking of job, any news from the board?
04:25 No, not yet.
04:26 These things take time.
04:27 Well, as if they're going to turn down
04:28 the idea of a cardiothoracic unit led by the legendary Levi
04:31 Fowler.
04:33 Fingers crossed.
04:33 Oh, come on.
04:34 How could they resist you, huh?
04:35 I think I liked it better when you guys were a secret.
04:41 No, thanks.
04:42 Life is much simpler now that everything's out and out.
04:45 That may be so, but I still need my boss back to work.
04:47 Hey, you watch it, buddy.
04:48 Just saying.
04:49 Seems the news of Stevie's murder's spreading fast.
04:56 In a cruel case of life imitating art,
04:58 Death Row star Stevie Marlow was shot and killed
05:01 by her stalker, Sydney Wickham.
05:03 Following a mistrial, Wickham went--
05:07 went directly to Summer Bay to follow
05:09 through on his earlier threat.
05:11 It's awful.
05:12 I'm so wrong.
05:14 That movie brought such a wonderful energy to the bay.
05:17 This is how it all ends.
05:19 You know, it was nice to be a part of it while it lasted,
05:22 but now even the good bits feel bad.
05:25 Feels like a dark cloud's hanging over all of us.
05:29 Let's go for a surf.
05:32 Yes.
05:33 Might make us feel a bit more normal.
05:35 See you soon.
05:36 Now I haven't got a comment, and don't bother ringing back.
05:43 I'm in Juneau.
05:45 They've been calling me all morning, too.
05:46 They're really persistent, these people.
05:48 They're even approaching Surf Lifesavers on the beach
05:51 asking for a comment.
05:51 Wouldn't surprise me.
05:53 These grubs want to talk to anyone who is within a bull's
05:55 roar of a shooting.
05:56 Yeah.
05:57 Dana, FYI, tomorrow's going to be a very busy day for us.
06:04 The Lifesaver on duty yesterday is struggling
06:06 and needs some time off, so it's up to you
06:07 and me to get it together.
06:09 No.
06:10 Oh, no.
06:10 Oh, yes.
06:11 It's what the grieving fans are going to get up to.
06:13 Oh, not again.
06:15 Now that the movie's been shut down,
06:16 it's going to be business as usual on the beach,
06:18 except we're going to have heaps more people to deal with.
06:20 No, I know that.
06:21 So it's up to you and me to keep a lid on it, so just be there.
06:23 I can't.
06:25 What do you mean you can't?
06:26 You were rostered on ages ago.
06:27 How am I going to find a replacement at this late stage?
06:30 I'm sorry.
06:31 Well, that makes two of us.
06:34 Yes?
06:35 No, no, no comment at all.
06:36 Could you please stop ringing?
06:41 What is wrong, people?
06:52 I know, right?
06:55 Check that out.
06:56 I don't think we can do this.
07:02 We can't just get in a war and pretend like nothing's happening.
07:05 Yeah, no, it feels off.
07:07 Well, let's go.
07:08 It was all so new anyway, Emmett.
07:17 Who knew if it was going to go anyway?
07:19 Yeah.
07:21 You feel how you feel.
07:23 There's no rule book for these kind of things.
07:25 You know she had this theory that we're
07:30 all the sum of our X's, for better or worse.
07:34 Yeah, for some people, maybe.
07:37 You know, while we're being honest,
07:40 what you said the other day about our relationship
07:43 being defined by trauma--
07:44 Yeah, what about it?
07:46 I don't think that's true.
07:48 I never saw you as a victim, ever.
07:50 But I was.
07:54 No, that's what you thought, not what I thought.
07:58 You know, when I met you, I fell in love
08:04 with this smart, gorgeous woman.
08:07 No.
08:08 You're just trying to pick one up.
08:12 Yeah, I can see.
08:13 You know, finding out what an amazing survivor you were
08:20 came later.
08:22 And that only made me fall in love with you even more.
08:27 Sorry.
08:43 That's OK.
08:46 Sorry.
08:47 Just wait.
08:48 Hang on.
08:52 Your Honor, Tana Prater was doing what he thought
09:07 was best for Maya, Poppy.
09:11 Your Honor, Tana is a man of strong morals
09:14 whose only motive was to defend an abandoned baby.
09:17 He does not deserve harsh punishment.
09:19 Sounds great.
09:20 Yeah, confident.
09:21 It should be, because I feel like I know it backwards.
09:24 OK.
09:25 I feel like maybe I've earned something to go with this coffee.
09:28 Or what did you have in mind?
09:30 Oh, I was thinking like free cake.
09:32 You know we're a bar.
09:33 We don't really do cake.
09:34 Yeah, no, I was hoping that you might make me one.
09:36 Oh, yeah, for sure.
09:37 Never.
09:40 Here you go.
09:40 Hope you're hungry, because the chef went all out.
09:43 Thank you.
09:47 Hey, a double Vulcanize.
09:50 You sure?
09:51 Yep.
09:52 I'll have it on the broccoli.
09:56 Is she OK?
09:58 She will be.
10:00 Let me take this.
10:01 Is that serious daytime drink you ordered?
10:10 Thanks.
10:11 What's going on?
10:14 Oh, you don't want to know.
10:18 It's about yesterday?
10:20 Not exactly.
10:21 Anything I can help with?
10:26 Have you ever made such a big mistake
10:27 that you don't even know yourself?
10:30 Do you know who you're talking to?
10:34 You might need some more context.
10:35 I-- I overstepped with Remi.
10:43 OK.
10:44 And I shouldn't have even been there because of Nelson.
10:47 Ah, juggling two people at once.
10:50 I get that.
10:53 And I'm probably going to push them both away,
10:54 because I don't know what to do.
10:56 All right.
11:02 Run me through it.
11:05 Yeah, the media won't let up.
11:06 They're on the blower all the time looking for a comment
11:09 about the shooting.
11:10 That's terrible.
11:11 There's a steady stream of mourners
11:13 going down to the crime scene, taking over the beach.
11:16 Well, they're heartbroken.
11:17 Don't be too hard on them.
11:18 Yeah, look, I'm sure some of them are fair dinkum,
11:20 but there's quite a few who are just
11:22 rubbernecking sticky beaks.
11:24 Yeah, we've had a lot of Stevie fans through here, too.
11:28 Hey.
11:28 Hey.
11:29 That was a quick serve.
11:31 You can go in.
11:32 This doesn't feel right, you know,
11:33 especially with Stevie's memorial right there.
11:36 A lot of people just walking around upset.
11:38 Yeah, I get they've got to pay their respects,
11:41 but it's making the beach feel like a funeral parlor.
11:45 Mm-hmm.
11:46 Well, they have to grieve somewhere.
11:47 Yeah.
11:49 Have you seen Remy lately?
11:51 How's he doing?
11:52 I've been trying to give him some space,
11:53 but maybe I should reach out.
11:55 Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
11:57 I had a quick yarn to him down on the beach earlier,
11:59 and he's not good.
12:04 [KNOCKING]
12:23 Hey.
12:24 Hey.
12:25 Come in.
12:29 How you going?
12:32 I'm sure you want the answer to that one.
12:35 Yeah, just saw the tributes to Stevie down at the beach.
12:39 It must be next level for you.
12:42 I know you guys broke up, but still, it can't be easy.
12:46 Actually, we got back together.
12:49 Oh.
12:50 Yeah, I was finally ready to move on from Bree, and--
12:53 All right, let's get out of here.
12:58 All right, we'll go pretend everything's normal.
13:00 No, thanks.
13:00 Yeah, one hour.
13:02 Come on.
13:03 We'll play some pool, mix things up a bit.
13:05 All right.
13:10 We'll go before I change my mind.
13:15 Look, I know I'm supposed to say something
13:21 to make you feel better.
13:23 Hey, it's fine, mate.
13:26 Is there anything I can do?
13:29 I don't think so.
13:31 Thanks for offering, mate.
13:35 So you and Stevie decided to give it another go, hey?
13:38 Yeah.
13:40 It's over before it started.
13:41 Guess we'll never know what it could have been.
13:48 Hey.
13:51 Hey, can I talk to you?
13:54 I'm going to grab a coffee.
13:56 Let me know if you want to hit the pool table, yeah?
13:58 I need to talk to you about what happened earlier.
14:06 You are doing my head, you know that?
14:16 I know, I know.
14:17 I'm sorry.
14:18 Why'd you do it?
14:19 You kissed me.
14:23 You were hurting and being so lovely about us.
14:29 That's the Remy I fell in love with.
14:31 It was wrong.
14:40 I totally earned that, and that's
14:42 why I wanted to talk to you.
14:45 I need us to get past this.
14:46 No, I get that we are both going through something
14:52 emotional right now.
14:53 Absolutely.
14:54 You dumped me and moved on with Nelson.
14:58 You are the last person I should be leaning on.
15:02 No, I don't need you kissing me for support.
15:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:07 It was dumb, dumb and thoughtless,
15:11 and I regretted it straight away.
15:13 But all I can do is apologize.
15:14 Apology accepted.
15:21 But I still care about you.
15:22 Like, I'm always going to care about you, Remy.
15:26 I can't-- I can't help that.
15:27 And I care about you too.
15:30 But maybe that's the problem.
15:31 I think that we should stay away from each other for a while.
15:38 Yeah.
15:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're probably right.
15:43 OK.
15:48 Walked away, left no trace.
15:54 Heart still aches when I see your face.
16:01 I'm still waiting for confirmation,
16:02 but everything's looking really, really good
16:04 for the cardiothoracic unit.
16:06 The board were positive.
16:07 They were asking all the right questions.
16:10 Right.
16:12 If you're interested, I could recommend you
16:14 for a spot on the team.
16:15 You'd need some extra training, but your critical care
16:18 qualifications would put you in good stead.
16:21 Or not.
16:23 Sorry.
16:24 I'm sorry, my head is--
16:26 my-- you know, elsewhere.
16:28 You OK?
16:29 Yes.
16:30 Yeah.
16:31 It's just like my brain is--
16:33 Tana, hm, court case, everything.
16:36 There's no surprises there.
16:38 I mean, there is a lot going on.
16:41 It's like I am really prepared for the court case,
16:43 but I'm still so anxious.
16:46 I'm just so glad that you are going
16:47 to be there to speak up for him.
16:49 Yeah, but I'm there as a witness for the prosecution.
16:51 Well, that's true, but you are his friend,
16:55 and that will shine through.
16:57 Yeah, thank you.
16:59 You ready to go?
17:00 Yes, very.
17:01 How bad is this going to be for Tommy?
17:12 I don't know.
17:13 I don't want to think about it.
17:15 All I know is that he is going to need
17:16 all the help that he can get.
17:18 All right, I'm going to get changed.
17:26 You can just make yourself at home.
17:28 You know where everything is.
17:30 Hey, you with me?
17:32 Yeah, sorry.
17:34 I've been quiet the whole way home.
17:35 It's not like you.
17:37 I choose not to be offended by that.
17:39 [CHUCKLES]
17:41 Just, um, I hate that I'm testifying
17:47 for the prosecution and that my brain just keeps going
17:53 back to my part in this.
17:55 Well, you didn't make Tane take that baby.
17:58 No, but why did I let him into the ward?
18:01 Why did I leave him alone?
18:03 Tane made his own choices.
18:05 None of this is on you.
18:07 What if I say something tomorrow that does actually
18:10 get him into more trouble?
18:11 You won't.
18:12 All right?
18:13 You just got to make sure that lawyer doesn't rattle you.
18:14 But Tane's going to be staring at me the entire time.
18:17 Take a breath, please.
18:19 OK?
18:20 All right, you have put so much into this.
18:24 There is no way you're going to mess it up.
18:28 I really hope so.
18:29 You won't.
18:30 Not even Tane's lawyer would have
18:32 rehearsed as much as you have.
18:35 That's true.
18:35 I've done a lot of prep.
18:36 OK?
18:37 So you just got to stick to the script.
18:39 All right?
18:40 Stick to the script.
18:42 Easy.
18:43 You got this.
18:44 OK?
18:55 (SINGING) 'Cause I've been missing you like hell.
18:59 Latte, two sugars?
19:00 Yeah, it's me.
19:03 Cheers.
19:04 You're welcome.
19:10 What was that?
19:11 Bad taste, that's what it is.
19:13 And it's not the only one I've seen.
19:15 You're kidding.
19:16 I saw a fair few of them around yesterday as well.
19:21 Lime and vultures.
19:24 Here we go.
19:25 OK.
19:25 Here.
19:27 Oh, darling, is everything OK?
19:30 Oh, yeah, no, I'm just taking my time.
19:31 Great.
19:32 Thanks.
19:34 Really?
19:35 I'm fine.
19:36 I'm overthinking it.
19:37 You overthinking?
19:39 Yep.
19:40 Just need to trust myself.
19:42 And look, I'm even hungry again.
19:44 Oh.
19:46 I can come with you if you want.
19:48 No, no, no, I would be more nervous if you were there,
19:51 honestly.
19:52 OK.
19:53 Well, text me when you're done.
19:55 But remember, you got this.
19:59 Yeah.
20:04 Morning.
20:06 Morning.
20:07 Better make a double, please, Marilyn.
20:09 I've got a huge day ahead of me, understaffed,
20:12 just when I need it the least.
20:16 Hello.
20:17 Who do we have here?
20:20 Baby Dana.
20:21 Looking very flash.
20:23 I wouldn't say flash, John.
20:24 And couldn't do her rostered surf life-saving shift because
20:28 of a social engagement?
20:30 No.
20:31 Nice long ladies lunch?
20:32 No.
20:33 Lovely day at the races, perhaps?
20:34 Definitely not.
20:35 Well, pray tell me what has kept you from your commitment?
20:38 Just stop.
20:39 No.
20:39 I have every right to know why a volunteer let me down.
20:43 Shut up, John.
20:43 Stop, stop, stop.
20:44 OK?
20:45 She's testifying in court.
20:49 What?
20:50 Tane's court date was rescheduled for today.
20:54 I'm so sorry, Dana.
20:56 I should never have been so rude.
20:58 Must be under a lot of pressure.
21:01 No, you poor thing.
21:02 Sounds like Mr. Paratow took advantage of your kindness
21:13 and manipulated you in order to visit the child.
21:15 Help her.
21:16 I can't.
21:17 She's his witness.
21:18 I feel like I have ruined any chance
21:21 I had of walking free.
21:22 Not you.
21:23 Sonia.
21:24 What about her?
21:24 She's decided not to testify.
21:26 I don't think he stands a chance.
21:28 I call the defendant, Tane Paratow.
21:30 What is this?
21:31 You told me it was a bad idea for me to testify.
21:33 We don't have any more options.
21:35 (upbeat music)