Salute: a Roma il XXIV Convegno di AIIC. Il futuro della sanità tra nuove tecnologie e AI

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il futuro della sanità nazionale è stato al centro del XXIV convegno nazionale AIIC tenutosi a Roma. Un appuntamento che ha permesso di intraprendere un dibattito sul Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, accendendo i riflettori sugli investimenti previsti nel PNRR così da riuscire a cogliere gli ambiti strategici odierni quali cronicità, territorio e prossimità. Una iniziativa che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre duemila soci dell’associazione che hanno sottolineato come la sanità sta vivendo una vera e propria rivoluzione che si sta compiendo grazie all’avvento delle nuove tecnologie, dell’intelligenza artificiale e della robotica. Un cambiamento che è reso possibile anche grazie alla figura professionale dell’ingegnere clinico.


00:00 The future of national health has been at the heart of the 24th Convention of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers, held in Rome.
00:07 An appointment that allowed to undertake a debate on the national health service, turning on the spotlight on digital health.
00:13 The theme of this year's Congress is essentially digital health and how this can be an enabling factor for health in the vicinity, health on the territory.
00:25 We believe that the digitization of health can represent an added value in these terms, but at the same time we are aware that we are still at the beginning.
00:36 The system is not mature, we want to see the ecosystem in its complexity and in the context of this event we intend to confront ourselves and give our availability.
00:46 An initiative that has seen the participation of over 2,000 members of the association, who have emphasized how health is increasingly technological and that for this reason it becomes increasingly important the need in citizens to feel safe.
00:58 When we talk about technology, we always tend to see innovation, the new thing, the revolutionary thing.
01:05 However, health is still made up of technologies and devices that are needed in everyday life. On these, in fact, today we have some criticism,
01:16 because the level of technological update, combined with elements of connectivity capacity, of computer security, if we want to transfer information,
01:27 is one of the first elements on which we must invest in the short term and the investment will certainly be significant also from a monetary point of view,
01:36 taking into account that certainly the moment of the substitution of technology is a moment in which I can think about rethinking the processes.
01:43 A four-day debate that allowed to highlight how health is experiencing a real revolution that is taking place thanks to the advent of new technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics.
01:53 A change that has also been made possible thanks to the professional figure of the clinical engineer, who, from the maintenance of the safety of technologies in hospitals,
02:01 has now reached to extend its horizons, contributing to the health of the entire population.
02:06 Clinical engineers deal with artificial intelligence because it is certainly a topic that is impacting all areas of social life and productive life.
02:16 In particular, it is also impacting the world of technological innovation in health, medical devices, regarding data management.
02:24 From this point of view, our work will undergo an important conditioning and therefore we want to be ready.
02:31 During the 24th National Convention of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers, a manifesto for telemedicine was presented,
02:38 which allowed to open a debate on its contents and on its implementation.
02:42 This manifesto is born from the awareness of this epochal turning point that telemedicine has in Italy for the care of patients.
02:55 The contents of this manifesto gather a little the principles from an ethical point of view,
03:02 but also contents that concern professions and the way of cooperation between professions, obviously to the benefit of patients.
