Stanley Cup Playoffs Excitement: Rangers vs Panthers Tied

  • 4 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:03 Everybody does love hockey, Stanley Cup playoffs, which are, listen,
00:07 these series have been excellent so far.
00:09 Unlike the NBA, they're going to probably have a lot of distance to them,
00:13 especially the Rangers and the Panthers, Joe,
00:16 who last night played their third straight overtime game in the series.
00:22 And the Rangers took a penalty, Joe, about a minute into the overtime,
00:27 and Florida said thank you very much on ESPN.
00:31 Good roll in, Reinhardt, the draw controlled by Florida.
00:37 Sent in to the corner and played back up high.
00:40 One for three on the power play tonight.
00:42 Down low.
00:43 Score!
00:45 Sam Reinhardt!
00:48 A power play goal!
00:50 Wins it for Florida!
00:52 You know, it's funny, Joe.
00:54 I thought the Rangers came out really strong in this game.
00:58 I thought they played a great first period.
01:00 And they let go of the rope big time.
01:02 And I've seen the rumblings, obviously, around town.
01:05 I can tell who everybody is starting to pick on in terms of they need more for it.
01:09 They're absolutely right.
01:10 They've gotten nothing from Kreider in this series.
01:13 They've gotten nothing from Mika Zabadijad aside from him basically costing that penalty last night
01:19 with that awful pass that he made.
01:22 It has not been good for a couple of the big players for the Rangers.
01:25 And they're going to need to fight it now.
01:27 And this is what's now at best a three.
01:29 This is it.
01:30 More overtime games, Carver.
01:31 They're going to be tight.
01:33 We should have played that bad.
01:34 I ruined that for you.
01:35 I apologize.
01:36 You did.
01:37 Three and four overtime games.
01:39 And you knew.
01:40 You said it.
01:41 It's going to be up and down.
01:43 You cost us.
01:44 That was such a good ticket.
01:46 It was my fault.
01:47 And I listened.
01:48 And you know what?
01:49 If it was anything else, if it was baseball or NBA, I probably would have did the better.
01:55 Because this is in your wheelhouse.
01:57 You don't normally get three-plus overtime games in a series, Joe.
02:02 That's not a normal thing.
02:04 It's that East Coast flair, Vinny Viola coming back to New York.
02:09 It's got everything.
02:12 And I'll say this about Reinhardt.
02:13 I'm used to no one already Reinhardt from the floor.
02:16 So I'm just saying, Reinhardt's a big in New York City.
02:19 I'm just saying.
02:21 Maybe there's some relation there.
02:22 He gets the overtime winner, Sam Reinhardt.
02:24 They win it, and they are now tied two games apiece.
02:26 La Violette also wasn't happy with the Ranger effort after the first period.
02:31 La Violette.
02:32 We've got to be better.
02:33 We can't afford lapses like that.
02:36 I don't have an explanation.
02:38 It was the same thing.
02:41 They come out, and they're chasing.
02:43 Now they're chasing it.
02:44 They press, and I didn't think the response was good to start the second period.
02:49 It just kind of went in there, and we had to kill some penalties from there.
02:52 So I definitely think that we need to be better.
02:55 He's right about that.
02:57 They definitely need to be better, Joe.
02:59 There's no question there.
03:00 We love Paul Maurice as well.
03:03 He always has some insightful comments to make after the game.
03:06 And I think he actually sums up, Joe, pretty good how fun this series has been so far.
03:11 I think it's phenomenal hockey, and I can say that.
03:13 I mean, if you're up 3-0, that's easy for the coach to say.
03:16 But it's 2-2.
03:18 It's tight.
03:19 There's great saves at both ends.
03:21 There's incredible skill, incredible speed, and there's mentality to it.
03:25 But it's also been a really disciplined series.
03:27 There haven't been a lot of slicks.
03:30 The new people to the series is not overly physical.
03:34 Our Boston series was mean and disciplined, but mean.
03:39 So it's just a really, really two really good teams.
03:43 Oh, good.
03:44 You say so good.
03:45 See how he's talking.
03:47 That's what I'm talking about at the cocktail ball.
03:50 The benefactor is that both teams are at least going to play six games,
03:53 and if you're a fan of hockey, you're going to get entertained.
03:55 If you're a fan, Joe, it's just great if you're a fan of hockey.
03:58 Go ahead.
03:59 What's the matter?
04:00 Paul Maurice is the smartest guy in the room.
04:02 He's the Mike McDaniel of hockey, right?
04:05 You meet this guy at a water at the bar.
04:07 You try to get a drink, and all you want to do is just get the drink
04:10 and go back, and he starts talking your ear off.
04:13 You got to listen to this guy.
04:15 So good.
04:16 Fundamentally sound.
04:18 Great saves on both sides.
04:21 This guy's talking like -- I mean, come on.
04:23 What are we doing here?
04:24 He's so smart, he's stupid.
04:26 It's amazing.
04:27 I mean, really.
04:29 He tries to rationalize and just be a philosopher about everything.
04:33 It's hockey, man.
04:35 It's physical.
04:36 We know that.
04:37 It's playoff hockey.
04:38 Kick it up a notch, Maurice.
04:40 Take the class.
04:42 The Panthers are favorites tomorrow night on the road at the Garden.
04:46 Minus 120 this is at now.
04:48 It was 115 this morning.
04:50 Rangers dogs at home again, Joe.
04:53 You know, that's a tough one to go against, but guess what?
04:55 I'm going to.
04:56 I think the Panthers win tomorrow night and take a 3-2 lead back to
04:59 Florida.
05:00 I do, but let's take overtime.
05:02 Come on.
05:04 Four games in a row?
05:06 Yes!
05:07 Come on.
05:08 (upbeat music)
