Bindi Irwin Shared How She Keeps dad Steve Irwin’s Memory Alive for her Daughter, Grace

  • 4 months ago
Bindi Irwin Shared How She Keeps dad Steve Irwin’s Memory Alive for her Daughter, Grace


00:00 Danger, danger, danger, or crikey!
00:02 I always said I want to make sure that Grace knows Dad,
00:09 her grandpa crocodile, as she calls him.
00:12 And it's really special watching her just loving the documentaries.
00:17 I mean, she worships.
00:20 Just, I am so grateful for Dad,
00:23 because what you saw on television was really him.
00:26 You can take the boy out of the outback,
00:28 but you can't take the outback out of the boy.
00:30 G'day, Australia!
00:31 I mean, he was exactly the same person as our dad
00:36 as he was on screen.
00:37 So for Grace, she knows him through the television screen
00:42 100% exactly like he was in real life.
00:46 So I feel like she is able to grow up knowing him.
00:49 And when she starts repeating him and saying,
00:52 "Danger, danger, danger, or crikey!"
00:55 She has a little plush crocodile that she gets out
00:57 and puts satellite trackers on.
01:00 And it's really cute.
01:01 And then every night we have a big photo of Dad.
01:04 And we do our calm down ritual.
01:07 So that's our thing as a family.
01:10 So me and Chandler and Grace,
01:12 we go outside and we sit under the stars
01:14 and we talk about what we're thankful for
01:16 and what we're excited for the next day.
01:19 And then we come inside and we talk about how, you know,
01:23 we love each other and we do our story time.
01:26 And then we go and say goodnight to Grandpa Crocodile,
01:29 which is actually something she started.
01:31 We took her to bed one night. - Did she?
01:33 - Yeah, she did.
01:34 We took her to bed one night, Ella.
01:36 And she goes, "Goodnight, Grandpa Crocodile!"
01:38 'Cause he's feeding a croc in that photo.
01:40 And then that started becoming part of our calm down ritual.
01:44 So we go through all these steps
01:46 because when you have a kid,
01:47 she loves having like an organized routine.
01:51 So she likes knowing the calm down ritual.
01:54 But now every night we say goodnight to Grandpa Crocodile
01:57 and then she goes to bed.
01:58 Like it's the last thing she does before she goes to bed.
02:00 - It's very cute.
02:01 - The cutest thing.
02:02 - That's very cute.
02:03 - And I love the fact that we are able
02:05 to include him in her life.
02:07 It's just really special 'cause I know
02:10 if he was still around, you know what would happen.
02:12 He would just--
02:13 - Yeah, you'd never see her.
02:14 - He would just take it.
02:14 - Yeah. - Completely.
02:16 - I think that Dad's presence is something
02:18 that is still felt every single day.
02:22 And I think Mum, you were really incredible
02:25 with making sure he was still part of our lives
02:29 and part of everything.
02:31 Like I remember from a really young age,
02:34 I would watch his documentaries.
02:36 You know, we'd sit down in the morning
02:37 and we'd watch Dad doing his thing
02:41 on the early documentaries with him and Mum.
02:44 And there's pictures of him everywhere around Australia Zoo.
02:47 And so much of our lives, for Bindi and I,
02:50 and well, all of us, it's been captured on camera.
02:53 I was literally filmed being born.
02:56 Sorry about that, like seriously.
02:58 So every single moment is there.
03:00 And then, you know, that really comes to the fore
03:03 when you lose someone, you realise,
03:05 wow, I am so grateful that I've got
03:07 all of these early, early memories
03:10 that I can go back to and revisit.
03:14 You know, because that memory's very, very foggy
03:16 when you're only two years old.
03:18 And so watching those little clips
03:20 or seeing a photo I haven't seen before,
03:22 or watching one of the old documentaries,
03:24 it helps those memories to just come back.
03:27 And it's a wonderful thing.
03:29 You feel like you get a little piece of the puzzle back,
03:32 you know, a little piece of this person back.
03:34 And it means a lot.
03:35 So he's very much part of our lives.
03:37 And even to the point where he's part of my niece's life,
03:42 he's part of Grace's life, you know,
03:44 she grows up knowing all about him too.
03:46 - Now having Grace, it's really special
03:48 because it's like including the next generation.
03:52 - When we have guests, whether they're staying
03:54 at the Crocodile Hunter Lodge or dining with us
03:57 or visiting Australian Zoo, they go,
03:59 you know, it almost feels like he's still around.
04:03 That's that presence, that sense.
04:05 And there's great fun photos of him.
04:07 And it's just nice to be so inclusive of Steve
04:10 when this was his big dream
04:13 and we're fulfilling everything
04:15 he wanted to see happen in the future.
04:17 So it means a lot when people say,
04:19 just feels good, you know, like he's still here.
