BOLA Perkuat Pembinaan Talenta Muda Klub

  • 4 months ago
PT Bali Bintang Sejahtera Tbk (BOLA), induk Bali United, sepakat untuk tidak mengubah susunan pengurus perseroan. Ini merupakan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST).

Sejumlah strategi bakal ditempuh sepanjang tahun ini, mulai dari pembinaan talenta muda klub melalui Bali United Academy dan Bali 7s International Youth Tournament, hingga mendorong sportainment dengan mengubah penggemar menjadi konsumen.


00:00 The winner of PT Bali Bintang Sejahtera TBK Induk Bali United Optimis will be active until the end of this year.
00:07 The cleanest laba that was harvested in the first quarter of 2024 only has 16.5 million rupiah left.
00:13 Before the strategy is met, it will start from the recruitment of young talent clubs through Bali United Academy
00:19 and Bali 7S International Youth Tournament
00:24 to encourage sport tainment by changing fans into consumers.
00:29 [music]
00:32 PT Bali Bintang Sejahtera TBK or BOLA Induk Bali United agreed not to change the arrangement of the management of the company.
00:39 It was a decision of the annual shareholders' meeting.
00:43 In the meeting, BOLA withdrew the previous directorial arrangements and the previous period commissioners,
00:48 including Yabe Stanuri as the main director until Andi Efnoia as an independent commissioner.
00:53 During 2023, BOLA still suffered a loss of 3.71 billion rupiah, following an increase in operational costs.
01:01 This condition was directed when the revenue grew to 363.3 billion rupiah.
01:06 BOLA is confident that it will work positively until the end of this year.
01:10 The cleanest laba harvested in the first quarter of 2024 only has 16.5 million rupiah left.
01:16 A number of strategies will be met throughout this year, starting from the recruitment of young talent clubs
01:21 through the Bali United Academy and Bali 7S International Youth Tournament
01:25 to promote sport tainment by changing fans into consumers.
01:28 This is Ades Channel.
01:50 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
01:55 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
01:59 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:03 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:07 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:11 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:14 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:20 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:26 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:30 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:34 Bali United Academy of Sports and Sports Administration.
02:37 [BEEP]
