• 5 months ago
लोकसभा चुनाव के लिहाज से देश की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण सीट वाराणसी पर 1 जून को सातवें चरण के तहत मतदान होना है। वाराणसी में कांग्रेस की नेत्री आराधना मिश्रा ने मणिशंकर अय्यर के चीन वाले बयान पर कहा है कि चीन की सेना ने हजारों किमी भारतीय सीमा में अतिक्रमण कर रखा है, इसमें सरकार क्या कर रही है। सरकार से सवाल पूछा जाना चाहिए।

#Varanasi #AradhanaMishra #Congress #ManishankarAiyar #LoksabhaElection2024 #PMNarendraModi


00:00There has been a lot of discussion on this issue, and I think that today, where the country is standing,
00:09can it be denied that thousands, hundreds of kilometers have been crossed by the Chinese army?
00:16Ask the government for an answer. What is the government doing today?
00:20Congress is asking, they said that when the time comes, the Prime Minister will pick up the bag and leave.
00:28The whole country is fighting for elections. Elections are being held in their constituency.
00:35So what is the capacity to go to Kanyakumari and meditate?
00:42This means that they have realized that the promises they made in Vishnath Dham have not been fulfilled.
00:51The people of Kashi have been deceived.
00:53So, somewhere or the other, they will have to react.
00:56So, we just have to know that they are taking the bag with them, not leaving it.
