Seeking Sister Wife Season 5 Episode 13

  • 4 months ago
Seeking Sister Wife S5 Episode 13 - Seeking Our Forever


00:00 Are you open to being with me and Becky?
00:04 I think Becky is going to be your purity, not me.
00:08 If I make a commitment with somebody, I'm there.
00:11 I want my man, my husband, only for me.
00:15 Miriam is from Michigan. She's from a Muslim family,
00:21 so she's familiar with the plural lifestyle.
00:24 So where I live, it's a big Middle Eastern community.
00:27 What if you converted to Christianity?
00:29 I don't have plans on converting.
00:31 We definitely want to be on the same page religion-wise.
00:35 I'm excited about tonight and nervous.
00:37 I've never been with a white man.
00:39 Really? Oh my goodness.
00:42 Cheers.
00:44 We've got Jasmine over for a little sleepover.
00:47 If we're going to be a band, we all gotta play together.
00:50 Sleeping over is a little nerve-wracking, honestly.
00:53 Wherever you would feel most comfortable,
00:55 you know, if you want to be an end sleeper,
00:58 and you're in an individual that's not meant to be here,
01:01 it could make things rocky.
01:03 How are you actually feeling?
01:05 I'm hesitant. I mean, it's a big deal for me
01:08 to potentially marry someone and get in that kind of involvement.
01:26 I'm certain that you do want to continue with us down this path.
01:30 I mean, actually having someone here in the flesh,
01:34 you know what I mean, actually doing it, you know, for real,
01:37 are you still okay with this?
01:39 The reason why I had Danielle hang back with me
01:47 so her and I could chat, just to double-check,
01:50 make sure that she's truly okay
01:52 with Jasmine spending the night with us and sleeping with us.
01:56 I think Jasmine gets along really well with us,
02:00 and she can seem to hang out with us.
02:03 It's going really well.
02:05 Danielle, before when I thought things were going good,
02:08 that's when you left.
02:10 I'm kind of, you know,
02:13 I'm a little worried about getting excited about this.
02:17 I mean, did you have enough time when you were away from us
02:20 to think about what it is that you wanted to do?
02:23 I can say for how things are going,
02:28 I think it's going pretty well with Jasmine.
02:31 I think she's...
02:33 But I'm not talking about Jasmine.
02:35 I'm talking about you.
02:38 How are you doing? Are you okay with how things are?
02:41 What do you think, though?
02:43 I mean, be honest, be real. If you are, then yeah, but if not,
02:46 I just want to make sure that you have plenty of space
02:49 and opportunity to let me know if there's some kind of concern.
02:54 I mean, could you see yourself marrying her?
02:58 It's not like we're going to propose to her or anything like that
03:07 anytime soon, but I'm just saying, like, you know,
03:10 that's the kind of considerations that I'm wanting to make
03:13 about whoever it is that comes into our situation.
03:16 I naturally get along with her, as we all do, I'm pretty sure.
03:21 And so, honestly, you know, dating in general still makes me nervous.
03:25 You know, I'm still very new to this in different ways.
03:28 That's fair. That's okay.
03:30 You know, I'm used to, like, having the power seat.
03:33 Like, does Daniel want this or does Daniel not want this?
03:37 I'm curious to see how things are going to continue to grow,
03:41 but I'm feeling pretty good, and I want to see how things go.
03:45 All right, well, then, enough said.
03:47 That's all that needs to be established.
03:49 Okay.
03:51 Being in this sort of relationship is extremely difficult,
03:57 so I have to appreciate the fact that there's going to be
04:01 some challenge to overcome.
04:03 I think after showing herself that she could lead the situation,
04:08 if that was really what she wanted to do,
04:10 and then seeing that that wasn't what she really wanted to do,
04:13 I think that's something that she's really taken in.
04:17 [laughing]
04:19 And...
04:21 Okay.
04:23 It's definitely challenging to be the one that's like,
04:28 "Hey, I'm not feeling this."
04:30 And so sometimes I find myself compromising
04:33 when I should be just putting my foot down about things,
04:35 and that can be kind of hard to do.
04:37 Okay, I'm going to get the pillows off the bed that we don't use.
04:42 Every time this turns into...
04:45 The giant bed looks perfect.
04:47 We mapped it out, and we should have enough room for everybody,
04:51 so I don't anticipate that there will be a problem.
04:54 So you are going dead in the middle, like dead center.
04:59 Okay.
05:00 Yeah.
05:01 Oh, nice, that's where all the snuggles happen, yeah?
05:03 Yes.
05:04 That's what's up.
05:05 I like Jasmine, I really do.
05:07 I agree to the sleepover, but there has been some jealousy,
05:10 there has been some insecurities.
05:12 All right, Jasmine, you're up next.
05:16 I'm not exactly sure how this is going to look with her.
05:20 Comfy?
05:22 All right, good night.
05:25 Ah.
05:27 [laughing]
05:31 There's two big things about this sleepover date--
05:33 how Danielle's going to react to it
05:35 and how Jasmine's going to react to it.
05:37 I don't know if Jasmine's going to actually be comfortable,
05:40 but the biggest worry is that Danielle will have repeat behavior,
05:44 that she won't communicate with us
05:46 if she's not really comfortable with it.
05:48 And honestly, the worst thing that could happen
05:51 is that she leaves again,
05:53 and that would be devastating.
05:58 Good night, my loves.
06:00 Good night.
06:01 Good night.
06:02 Everyone have enough room?
06:03 Yes.
06:04 I think so.
06:05 All right, babes.
06:07 Good night.
06:08 Good night.
06:10 [laughing]
06:13 â™Ș â™Ș
06:28 You want a glass of wine or something?
06:30 Yeah, I'll take a glass of wine.
06:32 Yeah?
06:33 Okay.
06:34 Miriam and I, we're going to have a stay-in date night
06:37 just on the couch, spend a little time together
06:40 and get to know each other.
06:42 Cheers.
06:43 Cheers.
06:44 Okay.
06:46 I've really been excited to spend a little time with her alone.
06:50 I think that's super special.
06:52 I mean, it's not going to be the same with each wife,
06:55 so it's very important for me to get to know her and love her
06:59 and receive love back from her, hopefully.
07:03 You like the fireplace?
07:05 Yeah, it's comfy.
07:06 Yeah?
07:07 Yeah.
07:08 I thought it was nice.
07:09 Cozy, I like all of this.
07:11 Are you comfortable?
07:12 Mm-hmm.
07:13 Okay.
07:14 [laughing]
07:15 Scoot closer, huh?
07:16 There you go.
07:21 But, yeah, I like it.
07:23 Yeah.
07:25 Glad you had a good time with Danielle today.
07:27 Yeah, I enjoyed that.
07:29 We needed that.
07:30 Sorry, my hair is in the way.
07:31 That's okay.
07:32 Yeah.
07:33 You good?
07:34 Yeah.
07:35 Miriam is definitely a gorgeous, curvy woman.
07:39 I mean, she's full-figured, which is nice,
07:42 and she definitely knows how to doll up,
07:45 which is a nice quality because some women just don't know how to do that.
07:49 I was happy to see you meet all the family.
07:52 Mm-hmm.
07:53 They all seem to really like you a lot.
07:56 I like everyone, too.
07:57 Yeah?
07:58 Yeah, I enjoyed my time.
08:01 I'm still not at that stage where I feel comfortable, you know,
08:04 being touchy-feely, so it's awkward.
08:08 It's kind of awkward.
08:10 I want him to get to know me more on a deeper, personal,
08:13 you know, deeper, personal conversations.
08:16 What do you want to do?
08:18 Do you have any dreams of--
08:19 What do I want to do?
08:20 Aesthetician?
08:21 I want to do something in the beauty industry.
08:23 So we could team up on that, huh?
08:25 In the beauty industry?
08:26 Do you know anything about it?
08:28 I love designing.
08:29 I'm artistic.
08:30 So my dream is to design women's clothing.
08:33 You might be my fashion model.
08:35 [laughs]
08:37 How would you feel if I was to put the hijab on the scarf?
08:41 Hijab?
08:42 Yeah.
08:43 How would you feel about it?
08:45 I'd probably say, "Where's my beautiful wife at?"
08:47 Really?
08:48 I'd probably try to pull it off.
08:49 Like, "Where are you at?"
08:51 [laughs]
08:52 I do end up planning on putting it on someday.
08:54 Yeah.
08:57 I mean, I don't think it's bad.
08:59 You don't like it?
09:01 I don't know if it's I don't like it.
09:04 I think you're beautiful.
09:07 But I could take it off in the house.
09:09 Oh, well, that's fine.
09:11 As long as I get to see you.
09:12 Yeah.
09:13 [laughs]
09:14 You know, the Muslim faith to her is really important,
09:18 and it's kind of intrigued me to see what it's about
09:22 so I can meet people where they're at, you know,
09:25 because I don't know what I'm talking about.
09:28 I didn't love God or live for God when I was younger.
09:32 I was pretty bad.
09:33 I was a playboy.
09:35 Oh, yeah?
09:36 Wild boy, yeah.
09:38 Define bad.
09:39 What did you do that was so bad?
09:42 Started a gang in town.
09:44 What?
09:45 Tough guy, cool guy.
09:47 Oh, my God.
09:48 I made people pay me for cash or protection.
09:50 I was pretty bad.
09:52 You're lying!
09:53 No, I had, like, decals on the trucks of the gang.
09:56 I made them get on their trucks.
09:58 What was your gang name?
10:00 Always Thug and Crew.
10:01 Yeah, and we did--it should be a C, but we did it with a K.
10:05 He was telling me about some gang he created
10:08 when he was younger, which I found funny
10:10 because Garry grew up in this town,
10:12 and he's like 6 generations in, so it's like,
10:14 well, you spoiled and just a little rebel
10:17 doing what you wanted to do in the city,
10:20 so it was kind of funny.
10:22 What are you feeling about, I guess, me?
10:26 About you?
10:27 Mm-hmm.
10:28 Different.
10:29 Yeah.
10:30 Yeah.
10:31 It's true.
10:32 Yeah, I want to get to know you more.
10:34 Yeah.
10:35 See where things go.
10:36 Yeah.
10:37 Slow and steady.
10:38 Yeah.
10:39 It's okay.
10:40 Yeah.
10:41 Yeah, but I don't know about living in this town.
10:43 No?
10:44 Mm-mm.
10:45 What if we have a separate house?
10:47 It's not about the house, it's the town.
10:49 Oh, man.
10:50 No, the town, why?
10:51 I don't know.
10:52 That's not it.
10:54 I hear Miriam saying that she might not be able to live
10:57 in a small town, but I really think I could change her mind
11:01 by showing her the benefits of a small town,
11:04 especially for children.
11:05 She may not understand all the great qualities,
11:09 the safety you have, the freedom you have for your children
11:13 to enjoy their childhood.
11:16 Well, would you give it a try?
11:20 I think it's a vacation home too.
11:22 I could sneak out.
11:23 Okay.
11:24 I feel like he didn't take it in when I was telling him
11:28 I didn't want to live here.
11:30 I'm not comfortable in this town.
11:32 I'm probably the only brown--
11:34 well, I'm not brown, but tan skin person there.
11:38 All right, babe, good night.
11:40 Okay, love you.
11:41 I'll see you in the morning.
11:43 Yeah.
11:44 All right.
11:45 I think Eric has a plan in his head
11:47 of what he wants to do in life
11:48 and what he wants to create,
11:50 and he wants me to be a part of it.
11:52 I'm trying to take my time with him to know
11:54 if this is what I really want and this is who they really are.
11:58 She's kind of standoffish, not sure what that is.
12:13 It's a cultural thing.
12:15 It's a little awkward for sure,
12:18 but I've given her the benefit of the doubt
12:20 and would like to kind of, you know, learn more about
12:24 is this cultural or is this something
12:26 between me and her personally, you know?
12:29 How do you think things are going?
12:34 I don't see any problems.
12:35 Last night, it was a little strange
12:37 having Jasmine in bed with us.
12:39 I do kind of have to address
12:41 there has been some difficulties.
12:44 I'm not okay with this at all.
12:47 piano plays softly
12:51 snoring
12:55 snoring
12:58 snoring
13:04 sighs
13:06 snoring
13:09 sighs
13:11 snoring
13:14 snoring
13:17 music plays
13:21 music plays
13:25 Yeah!
13:30 Good morning.
13:38 How did you sleep?
13:40 Pretty good, I would say.
13:42 I got some good sleep.
13:44 Last night, Jasmine spent the night.
13:46 It was a little strange having Jasmine in bed with us.
13:49 I mean, I'm glad that we were able to do that,
13:52 but can we do that every night?
13:54 I don't know.
13:55 What about you?
13:57 Pretty good, actually.
13:59 I know it's probably different
14:01 laying in bed with all of us.
14:03 It was fine.
14:04 Okay, good, I'm happy to hear that.
14:06 laughs
14:07 I think the night went well.
14:09 It was nice and quiet, and it was great
14:12 to have other people around while I slept.
14:16 All right, well, I say let's go ahead
14:19 and have a seat outside.
14:21 I'm glad Jasmine and I were the first ones up this morning.
14:25 Being the latest wife in the family
14:27 and with her being my potential wife,
14:29 it's good for us to have this one-on-one
14:31 and kind of open up a bit.
14:33 All right. laughs
14:34 When it comes to dating,
14:35 we spend a lot of time collectively,
14:37 but I need to know that when it's just us,
14:40 my potential wife, I need to know that it's good.
14:43 I don't want it to be necessarily led by everyone else,
14:45 and then when we're secluded, it's just weird.
14:48 So, you know, after spending some time together
14:51 and you and Nick got to go on this date
14:54 and just all of us spending some time together,
14:57 like, how do you think things are going?
15:01 I mean, I don't see any problems currently.
15:06 I mean, we're just getting to know each other for the moment,
15:10 so there's not much that can go wrong.
15:12 Right. laughs
15:14 Yeah, ideally, you know, as time goes on--
15:19 I know this is kind of crazy to bring up already,
15:22 but, you know, as things progress,
15:24 we would definitely want you and your son to move in.
15:28 I mean, how would you feel about that?
15:30 I know that's kind of like jumping, you know, in the future,
15:33 but just like the thought of it, like, what do you think?
15:36 I mean, the thought of it doesn't bother me at all.
15:38 Okay.
15:39 So I do want to take it slow,
15:41 but I do not mind thinking about the future at least.
15:44 Right, okay.
15:45 I'm just not going to act on it immediately.
15:48 Exactly.
15:49 So there's definitely a lot of exciting things
15:53 to look forward to, but I do kind of have to address,
15:57 you know, there has been some difficulties being a sister wife.
16:01 I don't want to sit here and act like it's completely easy 24/7.
16:06 You know, I've definitely struggled with a lot of issues
16:10 coming into it.
16:11 I've always been monogamous until now,
16:13 and so I just want you to feel like you can always vocalize
16:17 how you're feeling or what your thoughts are,
16:19 because I've definitely struggled myself,
16:21 and I think at times I really wish I would have spoke up
16:25 before it just began to snowball, if you will.
16:28 Yeah.
16:29 It got to the point where I moved out.
16:33 Yeah.
16:34 That's crazy. I had no idea.
16:37 Yeah, it was brief.
16:38 It was really brief, but I did at one point consider separating.
16:44 We've done a lot to work through it and talk about it,
16:47 and honestly, this is a big first step.
16:49 Like, you know, this is us getting back into dating.
16:53 Danielle opens up to me this morning,
16:55 and I think that that was really brave of her,
16:58 but I do not anticipate that I will have the same issues.
17:01 I'm pretty secure in myself.
17:04 I just kind of wanted to be transparent
17:06 and not sit here and act like, you know,
17:09 everything's all fine and treaty.
17:10 And I will say on a daily basis, like, we all get along great.
17:14 Like, our dynamic is a lot of fun,
17:16 but with fun comes hard work.
17:19 I don't feel like she was engaging with me
17:22 as much as she could have been,
17:24 and maybe she was just listening.
17:25 You know, she might not have much to say,
17:27 but I don't feel like she was exactly
17:29 really understanding what I was telling her.
17:32 I'm not feeling that everything is in place that it needs to be.
17:36 Nothing bad happened, but it's like,
17:39 girl, you're gonna be potentially my wife.
17:42 I can't just let anybody slip into the situation, you know.
17:45 A marriage is a true commitment.
17:48 At this time, I'm just not sure if Jasmine
17:50 could be our potential sister-wife.
17:53 [â™Șâ™Șâ™Ș]
17:56 Hey.
18:10 Oh, hi.
18:11 How are you?
18:12 I'm good, how are you?
18:13 I'm good.
18:14 How was everything?
18:15 It was good, you know.
18:17 We sat, hang out, talked for a while.
18:20 Had your dinner?
18:21 Had dinner, yeah.
18:22 Yeah?
18:23 Let's go sit down.
18:24 Chill for a minute.
18:25 Okay.
18:26 Talk about it.
18:27 All right.
18:28 You just talked about some important things?
18:35 Yeah, I mean, I tried to push it,
18:38 see if she was really interested or not,
18:41 'cause we've been going out for several months now,
18:44 and it's still kind of super slow,
18:47 which I'm kind of cool with after the last round.
18:51 Um, come here, baby.
18:54 Stay.
18:55 Come here.
18:56 There you go.
18:57 Good girl.
18:58 We had lightning in a bottle with Stephanie.
19:00 We were like, yeah, let's do--
19:02 we're doing life together for the rest of our lives right now.
19:06 And then seeing how, you know, that turned out,
19:10 crash and burn, I'm kind of cool with taking it slower
19:13 with Yari, because I understand that it's a big jump
19:17 from regular, normal people life to polygamy.
19:22 She didn't say this, but I kind of felt like
19:26 it's what she was getting at was,
19:28 I just want a man all to myself.
19:31 Oh, did she say that?
19:33 Yeah, I mean, you know.
19:36 She was like, I want a husband that is, you know,
19:40 just for me.
19:43 Yari saying that she wants a man only to herself
19:49 makes me feel like she's definitely
19:52 not in the right relationship.
19:54 So what was her point to keep--
19:56 what is her point to keep going if she doesn't--
19:59 she thinks something's going to change, maybe?
20:02 I--
20:03 Okay, she's saying, in general,
20:05 oh, you know, I prefer to have a man to myself,
20:08 or is she actually saying she wants you to herself
20:11 and she's thinking that if she holds on with us,
20:14 some miraculous situation is going to happen
20:17 where she's going to have you to herself.
20:19 I don't see that's what she's looking for,
20:21 is like, oh, I'm going to steal Justin from Becky, you know.
20:25 What does she say about, like, potentially
20:27 in the future joining our family,
20:29 like, being a part of our family?
20:31 Like, I know that she couldn't steal you from me.
20:34 I know that's not a possibility,
20:36 but is that what she's hoping for?
20:38 Is that the angle she's trying and hoping to eventually get?
20:41 'Cause if that's the case, then why are we wasting our time?
20:44 I mean, we're just-- we're wasting our time,
20:46 she's wasting our time, we're wasting her time,
20:49 'cause that's never going to happen.
20:51 I'm feeling that we're kind of on, like, a plateau,
20:55 I guess, so to speak.
20:56 I don't feel like things are really going anywhere,
20:58 but I don't know if it's because she just really wants
21:01 to move that slow, or if she's just really not into it.
21:05 I mean, she obviously likes me.
21:07 She likes you.
21:09 She's just never heard of this,
21:11 and so she's not sure what to expect from it.
21:14 Maybe she just needs more time with us,
21:17 maybe to change her mind or come around to that.
21:21 It's not as bad as she thinks it would be.
21:24 I don't know.
21:25 I mean, hey, if we find somebody in the meantime,
21:28 obviously we're going to focus on that person.
21:31 Yeah, for sure, I mean, I told her that.
21:34 My relationship with Yari,
21:36 and compared to my relationship with Stephanie,
21:40 it's not really a comparison.
21:42 Like, we were super close.
21:44 Like, we talked to each other every day.
21:46 You know, we're always planning the next time
21:48 we were going to get to see her, and with Yari,
21:50 days will go by and I won't even hear from her.
21:53 So...
21:55 I'm still trying to figure out if Yari is a good addition.
21:59 We don't really know for sure.
22:01 I see Yari as a good potential because, you know,
22:04 obviously she's beautiful,
22:06 but she's really conflicted inside of her,
22:09 if she can do this lifestyle or not.
22:12 So we're still going to be continuing to seek
22:15 for that perfect sister-wife,
22:17 and hopefully, you know, we'll find that.
22:20 I mean, there's some people that are looking
22:22 for that loving family dynamic to make them feel safe
22:25 and protected and happy, and...
22:28 That's what we have to offer.
22:30 Well, thanks for having me. Yeah.
22:35 I am interested in Jasmine,
22:37 and I count on my wives to recognize
22:40 that I'd like to pursue a relationship with her further.
22:45 Good morning. Hello.
22:56 Hey, good morning.
22:58 How's everybody doing today?
23:00 Good. How are you in your little bunny slippers?
23:03 (laughter)
23:05 I'm doing OK.
23:07 Hello, Jasmine. Did you sleep all right?
23:09 Yes, I did. Did you?
23:11 I did, yeah.
23:13 Good morning.
23:15 Good morning.
23:17 I was waking up with Jasmine, and the house was fun.
23:20 I mean, it was cool, it felt natural.
23:22 I was happy that Jasmine felt comfortable
23:25 and didn't have to sleep in the bed the whole night.
23:28 Having 4 women in the bed is, you know,
23:30 something I've not experienced yet,
23:32 so that was new for me and very fun.
23:35 I slept good. How did you sleep?
23:37 Pretty good, actually.
23:39 And apparently, I didn't knee anybody,
23:41 I didn't, like, take out anybody with the elbow.
23:44 I didn't rip the blankets off of nobody.
23:46 I didn't even feel you get out of the bed.
23:49 Oh, good. Yeah, I kind of, like...
23:51 (laughter)
23:53 I didn't.
23:55 Yes, I, like, slithered down,
23:57 and I, like, slipped out the bottom of the blanket.
24:00 I didn't even notice.
24:02 You never try that move?
24:04 I have never tried to get out.
24:06 I mean, I'm in the middle sometimes,
24:08 like, in between Danielle and Nick sometimes,
24:10 so I've never tried that either.
24:12 I might give that a shot next time.
24:15 Yeah, like, get slither on out.
24:18 Stealth mode, we love it. Right.
24:20 I'm so glad that you came over.
24:22 Thank you for coming over.
24:24 Yes, we had a wonderful night.
24:26 It was a lot of fun.
24:28 The bubble bath was very, very nice.
24:30 (laughter)
24:31 I think, you know, Jasmine keeps us on our toes.
24:34 She keeps things fun and spontaneous,
24:36 and I think that that's really good, you know.
24:39 Danielle, how are you feeling about Jasmine?
24:41 Um, I mean, so far, there's definitely some awkward moments,
24:44 but she's spunky, she's fun.
24:46 We just gotta see how that goes with us.
24:51 All right, well, let's go then.
24:54 Get ready.
24:56 I am interested in Jasmine.
24:59 I think she's very interesting.
25:02 This was great.
25:04 It was so fun. I don't even want you to leave.
25:07 Thanks for having me.
25:09 Yeah, say bye, Vera.
25:11 Honestly, the next steps for me
25:13 is more of like an information-gathering phase.
25:16 I want to spend time with everybody individually
25:19 and as a whole to really get a sense of who they are.
25:24 I'm going to be very, very nosy.
25:27 It's good to see you.
25:29 See you again soon.
25:31 Thank you, you too.
25:33 Of course.
25:34 Here, let me get the door for you, Jasmine.
25:36 I would like to pursue a relationship with her further,
25:40 but it's not just on me,
25:43 because I count on my wives
25:44 to recognize things that I might miss.
25:48 I might be blinded by the beauty or something like that
25:52 and not able to see something
25:57 that my wives are aware of,
25:58 but there is kind of an aspect of it to me
26:00 that might be slightly disappointing
26:02 if we don't move forward with Jasmine.
26:04 It was lovely to see you.
26:06 Thank you for having me.
26:08 There'll definitely be a family meeting in order.
26:11 We'll need to come together and kind of convene as a group,
26:14 kind of check notes, kind of cross-compare,
26:17 see what everybody else is thinking.
26:20 Almost time to go, huh?
26:37 Yeah.
26:39 It was a good trip, huh?
26:41 Quick, but good.
26:42 Quick, but good, but yeah.
26:47 And it makes me want to go see her.
26:50 laughs
26:52 We're getting ready to head back to Denver
26:54 to take Miriam to the airport.
26:56 She flies back to Michigan.
26:58 I feel like the trip was a great success.
27:00 I mean, it went really well,
27:01 but we need to figure out a couple things,
27:04 talk some things out,
27:05 but overall it was a wonderful trip.
27:08 I'm very happy.
27:10 Hey beautiful.
27:11 How are you?
27:12 Good, how are you?
27:13 Good, how's V?
27:14 Good, you haven't felt her kick yet, have you?
27:16 Uh-uh.
27:17 She did.
27:18 She did.
27:19 Come on, her butt yesterday or something.
27:20 Oh wait!
27:21 No.
27:22 No.
27:23 Darn it.
27:24 Uh-uh.
27:25 I feel closer to Miriam than I do with Natalia.
27:30 I wish things were different with Natalia and I,
27:33 but it's going to take a little more time for her to accept
27:36 that we really are still open to searching.
27:41 You ready for this drive?
27:43 Are you ready for me to leave?
27:45 No.
27:46 No?
27:47 I know.
27:48 It's okay.
27:49 But I'll be back.
27:50 I told you like yesterday,
27:51 it's just a see you later.
27:52 I know.
27:53 Not a goodbye.
27:54 Maybe next month or something
27:56 or when the baby's born, he'll come.
27:58 Okay.
27:59 Okay.
28:00 We're definitely going to continue with Miriam dating
28:02 and courting her to see if she's supposed to be
28:05 in our family as a wife.
28:07 I mean, definitely right now she's a really good friend
28:09 and definitely a potential.
28:12 So let's get our stuff in.
28:14 Head out.
28:15 Head out.
28:16 I don't know what the future is yet.
28:18 We're going to see.
28:20 Hopefully we'll continue talking and building
28:23 and maybe meet my family.
28:27 Thank you guys.
28:30 [plastic crinkling]
28:33 You actually have room inside.
28:35 Boys.
28:36 Bye.
28:37 Nice meeting you.
28:39 Bye.
28:40 See you guys soon.
28:42 If we decided to move forward with Miriam,
28:44 that would create some not so good things with Natalia,
28:48 I feel, at this point.
28:50 Natalia was not engaging with, you know,
28:53 the fact of a potential sister wife.
28:56 You can't just ignore it anymore.
28:58 I mean, they're really coming out.
29:00 Let's deal with them.
29:02 And love is a family, and I'm a little nervous
29:04 that Natalia might not be willing to do that.
29:07 With Jasmine being potentially my future wife,
29:14 I want it to be someone I'm head over heels
29:16 like I am about you guys.
29:17 I hope we're collectively on this decision together.
29:20 I don't know how everyone feels, but it's a big deal.
29:25 [upbeat music]
29:28 Still want it on plates?
29:37 Uh...
29:38 I don't mind eating out of the takeout.
29:40 Yeah, I really don't either.
29:42 I think you're the only one that likes to eat on a plate.
29:45 [laughter]
29:46 Well, now that we've had a few days to process
29:48 Jasmine coming to spend the night with us as a family,
29:51 I think it's time for us all to come together
29:54 and really voice our true opinions
29:56 about what we should do.
29:57 Oh, look at how your drink matches your outfit.
30:01 I hope we're collectively on this decision together.
30:05 I don't know how everyone feels, but it's a big deal.
30:09 Thank you.
30:12 Nice.
30:13 Sweet.
30:14 Looks good.
30:15 Um, I've heard from Jasmine a little bit.
30:18 I feel like it's just time to discuss
30:22 if we are trying to get together with her again.
30:25 The openness that she had in regards to, like,
30:28 our type of relationship, I think, is pretty, you know--
30:32 Hard to find.
30:33 Unique, yeah, and hard to come by.
30:35 You know, and she has a lot of characteristics
30:37 that could work in this type of relationship, so...
30:40 Um, I guess for me, how Jasmine was with us,
30:45 I admire. She was bold. She was outgoing.
30:49 I love having babies.
30:50 I'll populate the whole next generation.
30:53 Got a big, huge bed now.
30:56 Oh, yeah, I can't wait to see that.
30:58 Nothing necessarily went wrong,
31:01 but it didn't go right enough.
31:03 You know, you're a cool chick, and I like you,
31:06 but with this being potentially my future wife,
31:09 I want it to be someone I'm head over heels,
31:12 like I am about you guys.
31:14 â™Ș â™Ș
31:17 I'm just not sure if moving forward right now
31:20 would be the best idea.
31:22 â™Ș â™Ș
31:24 It's still hard for me to talk about how I'm feeling.
31:27 It's really easy for me to start feeling kind of insecure and down,
31:30 and I kind of put myself in a box,
31:32 but things that I've been through made me recognize
31:35 I need to speak up if there's any issues.
31:39 I mean, I get that.
31:41 I, um--and honestly, for me, Danielle,
31:45 like, I'm kind of feeling a little reserved with her as well,
31:51 or maybe it's her reserve that I'm feeling.
31:54 But at the same time, like, I think overall, like,
31:58 I like hearing you be able to express yourself, Danielle.
32:01 I mean, if I'm being honest,
32:03 I guess I am a little disappointed to hear that.
32:06 I was kind of hoping we would move forward with Jasmine.
32:11 I thought she might be an interesting person
32:15 to get to know in a romantic, you know, sense.
32:19 But, um...
32:22 you know, this is one of those instances, I guess,
32:25 where even I have to accept the structure that we've created.
32:29 You know what I mean?
32:31 It's not like my desire to have this individual here
32:35 overrides what you all are saying.
32:37 I mean, like, but here's the thing.
32:39 If you feel like we should move forward with her,
32:41 that makes a difference to me.
32:43 'Cause that kind of makes me question, like, you know,
32:45 how I'm feeling, like, is there just not something maybe--
32:48 like, maybe am I rushing it?
32:50 Like, maybe this connection isn't immediately
32:52 and it's something I gotta work for in a way, you know what I mean?
32:55 Like, I don't, you know--
32:57 I didn't have to work for a connection with you.
32:59 I didn't have to work for a connection.
33:01 And I guess we didn't have to work with a connection.
33:03 It's natural.
33:05 So then on that note, are we dating Jasmine or not?
33:08 I say no, 'cause I agree with Daniel.
33:20 Yeah.
33:21 Jenny?
33:23 I agree.
33:26 I was digging Jasmine.
33:29 It kind of sucks to see that it didn't really work out,
33:31 but I like seeing Danielle being confident
33:34 in standing alone or apart in how she's feeling,
33:38 even if April and Jennifer might have been liking Jasmine more.
33:43 I'm honestly very thankful for Jasmine,
33:45 and the reason why I say that is because
33:47 there was a lot of growth with this.
33:49 Like, honestly, this was really freaking hard.
33:51 If you look back a few months ago, we were struggle-bussing.
33:54 Another question is, do we want to, like, in general,
33:57 continue seeking?
34:00 Whoever's meant to be with us is out there,
34:03 and so we got to keep pushing forward.
34:06 I think now that we see that you're more comfortable,
34:09 we see that you do want to move forward,
34:12 that we can do this,
34:14 maybe doing it with someone else
34:16 or a couple of other someone's else, you know,
34:20 might be beneficial, because here's the thing.
34:23 Let's date.
34:25 Like, let's actually get out there,
34:27 and let's date a couple of people and see how it feels.
34:30 Now it's like as much as I was disappointed
34:32 about us not being with Jasmine,
34:35 whatever this is you guys are talking about...
34:37 [laughter]
34:39 ...has me intrigued.
34:41 There's been some roller coaster that we've gone through
34:44 here and there, you know, Danielle leaving,
34:46 us coming back together,
34:48 meeting someone who could potentially be a wife,
34:50 and then things not working out.
34:52 I mean, it's been a journey that we've gone through.
34:55 If we didn't have these issues
34:58 and things to work out and resolve,
35:00 I don't think we would be as strong as we are today.
35:02 We ended this year stronger than we started it,
35:05 and I am just--I don't know.
35:10 I'm just so happy.
35:12 I'm just so happy that Danielle has found her voice.
35:15 I'm so happy to see that Nick is truly putting it
35:20 in the hands of his wives to have us add--
35:26 I'm sorry.
35:28 [sobbing]
35:34 I'm such a crybaby.
35:36 [laughter]
35:38 I just love the love that we have,
35:42 and I'm thankful for each of you,
35:45 for everything that you guys do.
35:47 Love you.
35:50 Aw.
35:51 [laughter]
35:53 I love you guys.
35:55 Aw, I love you guys.
35:57 [sobbing]
36:00 A lot has happened in the last six weeks,
36:03 and it just has gotten worse.
36:05 We've done everything that she asked,
36:07 and now she is very upset.
36:10 I have a friend, and I'm trying to help her,
36:12 but nothing I say even helps.
36:14 Like...
36:17 â™Ș â™Ș
36:19 â™Ș Been such a lonely ride â™Ș
36:23 â™Ș Trying to find what thrives in me â™Ș
36:29 â™Ș I know it's not the first time â™Ș
36:36 I'm just feeling really sad
36:38 because things are not good with Natalia.
36:42 Um...
36:45 A lot has happened in the last six weeks,
36:47 and, um...
36:50 it just has gotten worse.
36:52 Miriam seems to be a really good fit for our family.
36:56 And I think Natalia just didn't expect that to happen,
36:59 and now she is very upset,
37:03 um, to put it mildly.
37:06 And I just don't know if it's gonna work out with her.
37:10 You know, I know God's in control of it.
37:13 Um, there's a reason, but it's just disheartening.
37:17 It's really...
37:20 I just don't know what's gonna happen.
37:23 So I'm just praying God works all this out,
37:28 'cause I really love her.
37:32 You know, I just want to have a sister, like,
37:35 want to have a friend, and I'm trying to help her,
37:37 but nothing I say even helps, like...
37:41 So we'll see what God does.
37:45 â™Ș
37:54 [speaking Portuguese]
37:58 [speaking Portuguese]
38:01 [speaking Portuguese]
38:04 [speaking Portuguese]
38:08 [speaking Portuguese]
38:12 [speaking Portuguese]
38:16 [speaking Portuguese]
38:20 [speaking Portuguese]
38:48 Things escalated.
38:50 Like, "I don't want you talking to her.
38:53 How dare you?"
38:54 We agreed we'd wait.
38:56 I feel like she was fine initially.
38:59 Like, she was fine with us meeting Miriam,
39:02 potentially just me more so.
39:04 But then Natalia felt like we lied to her and tricked her.
39:09 I'm hurt.
39:11 That's my wife. I love her.
39:13 Um, I'm heartbroken.
39:15 But I feel like Natalia is still unwilling
39:19 to address some of her issues in her heart and mind,
39:23 and she's not really being a team player in the family.
39:28 Like, you know, you don't want to lose anybody.
39:30 I don't want to lose a wife,
39:32 but if a wife doesn't want to face her problems,
39:35 I mean, it's better it came out now
39:37 that she's just not going to grow up,
39:39 she's not going to mature, she's not going to change,
39:41 compared to her getting to America.
39:43 We've got two kids, and then we've got to deal with it.
39:46 I mean, it's a blessing.
39:48 Even with what happened with Natalia,
39:54 we're still seeing Miriam.
39:56 We're just kind of taking it slow
39:58 and getting to know each other,
40:00 but we definitely get along really well.
40:02 We have a lot of fun together, and it feels very comfortable.
40:06 I guess at the end of the day with Natalia,
40:09 she's missing out on a blessing in her life
40:12 and in her family,
40:14 and I know Garrick's a very good husband.
40:17 You know, we have a strong relationship with God.
40:23 He doesn't make mistakes, even in the bad.
40:26 Even all these bad things are for my good,
40:29 they're for my perfection and my change,
40:31 and so I can be thankful for all the hurt
40:34 and the pain and the suffering.
40:36 God is so loving that all that suffering,
40:39 it's beautiful, it's so good,
40:42 'cause it's refining you, it's transforming you.
40:46 This beach weather is amazing, so nice and warm still,
41:03 and we're about to go get in the water all the way down.
41:07 What do you think? You guys are ready?
41:09 Yes.
41:10 That's what I'm ready for,
41:19 figuring out how we're moving forward, like what's next.
41:23 (upbeat music)
41:51 Yay!
41:52 Woo!
42:06 (laughing)
42:08 (upbeat music)
42:11 (upbeat music)
42:14 (upbeat music)
42:17 (upbeat music)
42:20 (upbeat music)
42:23 (upbeat music)
42:26 (upbeat music)
42:29 (upbeat music)
