Edmonton Oilers vs. Dallas Stars Game 1 Preview & Odds

  • 4 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - So tonight, game one in Dallas
00:05 between the Edmonton Oilers,
00:06 fresh off of their game seven win at Vancouver,
00:10 are off the beaten path again in Dallas
00:13 for game number one against the Stars.
00:16 How do you see this one playing out?
00:18 I think I actually,
00:21 I think I bet the Oilers had the plus money.
00:23 - You know what?
00:25 If you look at the Dallas Stars,
00:26 I think the eye test,
00:27 if we're looking at all these teams,
00:30 it looks like Dallas and Florida
00:32 are just a little bit better than everybody, right?
00:35 A little bit more complete than everybody else.
00:38 But it doesn't work out that way always.
00:40 And it's amazing, Scott,
00:43 you're one of the few people that say,
00:44 you know what, you like the Edmonton Oilers,
00:45 so take a shot with them.
00:47 We've seen, and it's always hit or miss
00:50 whether teams are gonna be hot or not
00:51 coming off that seven game series.
00:53 But the trend in this playoffs,
00:56 both in the NBA and we've seen teams in the NHL too,
01:00 continue, like they ride that momentum.
01:04 The Dallas Stars haven't played guys in six days.
01:08 It's a long time to be off
01:09 at this time of the year right now.
01:10 You wanna be rested, but this is a little bit too long.
01:13 I think the first period,
01:15 the Oilers are definitely worth a look.
01:16 Listen, Scott, I think it's a seven game series.
01:18 I think the Oilers can beat them.
01:20 I think the Oilers in a weird way,
01:22 you know, it's like styles make fights.
01:25 Each matchup is different.
01:27 Vancouver did a very good job on McDavid and on Dry Sidle.
01:32 People don't realize this about Vancouver,
01:35 but you know this, they're freaking big, bro.
01:37 The Canucks defensemen, like they've got six foot five,
01:40 six foot seven dudes.
01:42 They punish the Oilers a lot.
01:44 And the Canucks spent, so we talked about it,
01:46 they spent so much time trying to nullify
01:48 the offense of Edmonton.
01:51 They forgot that we need to shoot the puck.
01:53 Dallas isn't gonna play that way, Scott.
01:55 Dallas are gonna say, you know what?
01:57 We're not scared of McDavid.
01:58 We're not scared of Dry Sidle.
01:59 We'll skate with these guys.
02:01 We're fine.
02:01 We got a better goalie.
02:02 We'll outscore them.
02:03 We're fine.
02:04 I'm expecting this series to be much more free flowing.
02:07 And I think McDavid's gonna have more room to work with.
02:10 He's gotta step up.
02:11 The assists aren't enough.
02:12 The assists are cute and stuff.
02:14 McDavid's gotta step up and have a game
02:16 where he scores two, three goals.
02:17 And a couple of these games.
02:19 Same with Dry Sidle.
02:20 Big players make big plays in big games.
02:22 They need to step up.
02:23 Bouchard's been unbelievable.
02:25 They need to protect Skinner a little bit.
02:26 But I think Edmonton have a legitimate chance
02:29 of beating the Stars.
02:30 Even though I've been on the Stars wagon
02:31 mid, like around Christmas.
02:32 I was like, man, watch out for the Stars team.
02:34 But I think this is a toss up series, Scott.
02:36 I'm taking Edmonton tonight.
