The next Commission will be centre-right, says Nicola Procaccini of the ECR group

  • 4 months ago
Nicola Procaccini, co-chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, predicts a centre-right European Commission following the upcoming EU elections.
00:00The next European Commission will be more inclined to the right than the current one.
00:04Nicola Procaccini, co-president of the Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament,
00:10said during an interview with Euronews.
00:12He criticized many of the initiatives taken by the Commission in the last five years under
00:17the leadership of popular socialists and liberals, starting from the choices of Franz Tippermans,
00:23the vice president with responsibility for climate.
00:30Franz Tippermans had even more power than Ursula von der Leyen,
00:35being able to implement the Commission's main government program, the Green Deal.
00:43Fortunately, this is something that will no longer be possible,
00:46because regardless of how the European elections go,
00:49we already know that the next European Commission will be of the centre-right,
00:53because the Commissioners are indicated by the governments,
00:55they are not indicated by the elections, the governments are of the centre-right.
00:58But as Conservatives, would you be willing to support von der Leyen or another candidate of the PPM?
01:04This is something that we have to see based on the power relationship,
01:07because they could be the ones who have to support our candidate.
01:11According to Procaccini, stopping irregular immigration must be the first objective
01:15in the next legislator of his political group.
01:18He rejects the label of Eurosceptics, despite the anti-European narrative
01:22of the nationalist parties that compose it, such as Vox, Brothers of Italy and Law and Justice.
01:30Is it correct to call you Eurosceptics?
01:34No, it is very wrong.
01:37We are those who want to return to the original idea of the European Union,
01:46that is, an alliance of nations that does few things together, but important things,
01:55that does those things that the national states alone would not be able to do in the best way.
02:01Procaccini reiterates his opposition to any step forward in European integration.
02:06The full interview will be broadcasted on Euronews on Friday, May 24th.
