HER Productions presents Blackbird

  • 4 months ago
Newcastle independent theatre company HER Productions is set to present David Harrower's Blackbird over eight performances in June.
00:00 Hi, my name is Pip Tharagu. I'm the director of this production of Blackbird by David Harawa.
00:06 It's presented by Her Productions at Catapult. This play is about Oona and Ray.
00:12 They meet again in an office break room after a long time of their relationship from a long time ago.
00:20 Hi, I'm Charlotte DeWitt and I'm playing Oona in this upcoming production of Blackbird.
00:29 Oona is a firecracker searching for answers from her past and you can come and check us out in this
00:36 70 minute long conversation. Prepare to be confronted and enjoy a night of theatre.
00:46 you
