SIA flight turbulence: British pensioner dies, 16 Malaysian passengers on board

  • 4 months ago
The passenger who died in flight during a severe turbulence on Singapore Airlines Flight SQ321 has been identified as 73-year-old British man Geoffrey Ralph Kitchen.

The airline said the nationalities of the affected passengers include Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and Malaysia.

41 of them are from Singapore, 56 from Australia and 16 from Malaysia.

00:00 The passenger who died in flight during a severe turbulence on Singapore Airlines flight
00:07 SQ321 has been identified as 73-year-old British man Geoffrey Ralph Kitchen.
00:14 The incident caused injuries to some 30 people on board the plane.
00:19 18 people have been hospitalized and seven of them are critically injured with head injuries.
00:24 The cause of death is a heart disease.
00:30 The doctor said that the patient will be hospitalized for 73 minutes.
00:43 The aircraft, traveling from London to Singapore, fell into an air pocket while cabin crew was
00:48 serving breakfast before it encountered turbulence.
00:52 This prompted the flight to divert and make an emergency landing in Bangkok at 3.45 pm on Tuesday.
00:59 A passenger said the incident involved the sensation of rising, then falling.
01:04 He said the plane tilted up and made a dramatic drop, which launched passengers into the ceiling,
01:11 damaging the baggage cabins and light fixtures.
01:13 There were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board the aircraft.
01:20 Singapore Airlines said the nationalities of the affected passengers include Singapore,
01:24 Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and Malaysia.
01:28 41 of them are from Singapore, 56 from Australia, 47 from UK, 23 from New Zealand and 16 from
01:35 Malaysia. The Transport Safety Investigation Bureau under the Singaporean Transport Ministry
01:41 said it is investigating the incident and they will be deploying investigators to Bangkok.
01:47 The incident occurred at around 4.45 pm on Tuesday, June 20, 2021.
01:49 The plane was hit by a strong wind gust of 3.5 kmph.
01:51 The plane was hit by a strong wind gust of 3.5 kmph.
01:53 The plane was hit by a strong wind gust of 3.5 kmph.
01:55 The plane was hit by a strong wind gust of 3.5 kmph.
01:57 The plane was hit by a strong wind gust of 3.5 kmph.
