JT Economie - 20/05/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : JT Economie - 20/05/2024


00:00 [Music]
00:06 [French]
00:10 [French]
00:14 of the partial subvention of butane gas in the context of the year, is taking effect from Monday.
00:21 The price of the 12 kg bottle will exceed 50 dirhams, against 40 dirhams before.
00:26 For the 3 kg bottles, the increase is 2.5 dirhams.
00:31 This approach is working to complete the financing of social construction sites, the government explain.
00:37 The executive recalls that direct social assistance reached 3.6 million families last April.
00:44 In the wake of this, 4.2 million families benefit from "Amotsa Damoun"
00:49 and 330,000 families should benefit from housing assistance.
00:53 By 2026, the government has planned 80 billion dirhams to finance the various social programs.
01:01 We stay in Morocco. In the framework of the reform of higher education, the African Development Bank is preparing to unlock 120 million euros
01:10 to co-finance an important support program for the transformation for a Moroccan digital, entrepreneurial and inclusive university.
01:19 Designated by the abbreviation UM40, this program will be extended over a period of 5 years, from 2024 to 2028.
01:28 According to the BAD evaluation report, the program includes three main areas of results,
01:34 namely the improvement of the training environment with an indicative allocation of 64 million euros,
01:41 the digitalization of an innovative Moroccan university with an allocation of 50.7 million euros,
01:48 and the promotion of the excellence of entrepreneurship and employability with an allocation of 5 million euros.
01:55 The allocation of the resources of the loan is conditioned by the expectation of results measured by several indicators,
02:01 including the number of new students enrolled in medicine, the construction and equipment of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of BNL,
02:09 the construction and equipment of five university cities with a capacity of 1,500 beds each in Al-Aresh, Oujda, Safi, Taroudant and BNL.
02:19 In Africa, the European Union has agreed to unlock 100 million euros over the next five years to support Guinea-Bissau in the development of the fishing sector.
02:30 According to the terms of a partnership agreement, more than 22 million euros from the global envelope would be allocated specifically to the development of fishing and the blue economy.
02:40 According to the Ministry of Fisheries and the Maritime Economy, this agreement would allow the better organization of the commercialization of Guinea-Bissau's
02:50 haliotic products on the European market. Note that the agreement protocol also provided for the establishment of a national laboratory certified of Guinean-Bissau haliotic products.
03:00 In international economic news, the informal economy in Lebanon represented 60% of the national GDP in 2023.
03:10 According to the Association of Industrialists of Lebanon, the informal economy represented 60% of the GDP in 2019,
03:17 to drastically fall to 15% in 2020 before bouncing back to 60% last year.
03:25 The drop in the rate of the informal economy in 2022 would be linked to the devaluation of national currency and, consequently, to the drop in tax burden on individuals as well as on companies.
03:37 As of 2023, taxes and taxes began to be calculated on the basis of the real exchange rate of the dollar versus the pound,
03:46 leading to the return of tax burden at its level before 2019. According to economists, industrial and commercial companies of the private sector,
03:55 employers are the first economic actors to pay the price for this phenomenon, by fully subduing the unloyal competition of the companies not declared.
04:05 In international economic news, the gross domestic product of Russia increased by 5.4% on an annual basis in the first quarter of 2024.
04:16 According to the Russian National Statistics Agency, this growth is due to the explosion of military orders to continue military operations in Ukraine.
04:26 For two years, the war effort has actually become the engine of the Russian economy.
04:31 In the first quarter of the year, activity in Russia has also been pushed by favorable prices on the hydrocarbons markets.
04:39 Total state spending exploded by 20% over a year, according to the Russian Ministry of Finance.
04:45 In 2023, Russian military spending had represented 5.9% of GDP, an increase of 24% compared to 2022,
04:55 in line with a favorable state scheme for the Russian economy. The FMI has recently reviewed the increase in its growth forecasts,
05:02 anticipating a 3.2% GDP increase in Russia over the entire year 2024.
05:09 This is the end of our edition today. Thank you for following it. Excellent continuation of the programs on our antenna.
05:15 Thank you for watching.
05:20 [Music]
