FTS 12:30 20-05: ICC Prosecutor demands arrest warrants for Israeli PM and Hamas leadership

  • 4 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Iran declares 5 day of mourning after Pres. Raisi’s death
*Assange wins bid to appeal U.S. extradition ruling


00:11 In Iran, Ali Khamenei approved the appointment
00:15 of Foreign Vice President Mohammad Mugabeh
00:17 as the country's interim president
00:19 and declared five days of mourning
00:21 for the death of President Ebrahim Raisi.
00:23 The International Criminal Court prosecutor
00:28 demanded arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
00:31 Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Joao Afghalan,
00:34 and top Hamas authorities for war crimes.
00:36 And in the United Kingdom, the London High Court
00:41 ruled Monday that Australian journalist Julian Assange
00:44 has the right to appeal his extradition to the United
00:47 States.
00:47 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:54 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesos Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:58 We begin with the news.
00:59 The leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran,
01:01 Ayatollah Zayed Ali Khamenei, approved the appointment
01:04 of First Vice President Mohammad Mugabeh
01:06 as the country's interim president on Monday.
01:09 Through a statement, the highest Iranian political authority
01:12 assured that the vice president is
01:14 in the position of directing the executive power
01:17 and is obliged to agree on the election of a new president
01:20 within a maximum period of 50 days.
01:22 In this regard, Khamenei declared five days
01:24 of national mourning for the martyrdom of President Zayed
01:28 Ebrahim Raisi after the helicopter
01:30 in which he was being transported
01:31 was involved in an accident.
01:33 On the other hand, it was confirmed
01:35 that until now, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri
01:38 Khamenei will serve as acting foreign minister
01:41 after the death of Foreign Minister Hossein Amir
01:43 Abdel-Hayan.
01:44 The sudden death of the president of Iran
01:55 has shocked the world, following which
01:56 Iran has declared five days of mourning
01:59 and a transition government has been put in place.
02:01 Let's see an update on what happened
02:03 with a correspondent Yunus Soner from Turkey.
02:06 Hello from Istanbul, Turkey.
02:08 Turkey has been following closely
02:10 the news about the helicopter crash that
02:12 occurred yesterday in northern part of Iran.
02:16 The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi,
02:21 alongside the country's foreign minister Hossein Amir
02:24 Abdel-Hayan, as well as Malik Rahmeti,
02:27 the governor of the East Azerbaijan province of Iran,
02:31 and Ayatollah Ali Hashmi were in the helicopter
02:35 returning from the border with Azerbaijan
02:38 when the helicopter crashed in the border area
02:41 close to the city of Jofra.
02:43 Currently, the Iranian state TV has
02:46 confirmed that the helicopter has been found,
02:49 that all the travelers, passengers are dead,
02:53 and that their bodies are being transferred
02:55 to the city of Tabriz.
02:57 Turkish drones of model of Akıncı have played a decisive role
03:02 in finding the helicopter in the mountainous region
03:06 among very bad weather conditions of fog and snow
03:11 as well, as Turkish state media reports.
03:15 Right now, the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei,
03:18 has already transferred, in accordance
03:20 with the Iranian constitution, the executive
03:23 to the vice president of Iran, Mohammad Mugbir,
03:27 who will lead a transitional government together
03:30 with the president of the National Assembly
03:33 and the head of the judiciary to prepare elections
03:36 within 50 days maximum.
03:39 All eyes are on the foreign policy
03:42 of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Palestine,
03:45 also regarding relations with Azerbaijan.
03:48 And here in Turkey, the comments are
03:50 that there will not be any change in the foreign policy
03:54 of Iran regarding Palestine or its positions
03:58 in regional issues.
03:59 This is also confirmed by the statement of the supreme leader
04:02 Ali Khamenei himself, who emphasized already yesterday
04:06 that the state of Iran has continuity
04:09 and that state affairs will continue
04:11 without any interruption.
04:13 And sources from Iran also say that Iran's decided position
04:18 against Israeli massacres and genocide in Gaza
04:22 will continue despite this accident
04:25 or despite the loss of the Iranian president.
04:29 That is still being investigated, of course,
04:32 by the Iranian authorities.
04:33 No conclusion has been made yet, and we are expecting reports
04:37 of that later on.
04:39 Turkish government will express today its condolences.
04:43 It has already yesterday, as I mentioned,
04:45 offered help, practical help in the search
04:48 for the president's helicopter and has been pursuing
04:52 cooperation in that effort.
04:54 And today we expect an official announcement
04:57 of the Turkish government offering condolences
05:00 for the loss of the Iranian president.
05:03 This is for the time being from Istanbul, Turkey.
05:05 Let's review the route taken by the helicopter carrying
05:11 Iranian president's side, Ebrahim Raisi,
05:13 from his visit to the Qisqala Sea Dam to the crash site.
05:17 The son of the Iranian president,
05:18 Ebrahim Raisi, traveled early in the morning
05:21 to the Qisqala Sea Dam, located 220 kilometers northeast
05:24 of the city of Tabriz on the Aras River, the joint border
05:28 between Azerbaijan and Iran.
05:30 On the way back, two of the three helicopters
05:32 landed in the capital of the province of eastern Azerbaijan,
05:35 while the aircraft carrying the Iranian president reportedly
05:37 crashed in the mountainous area of Pindavur.
05:41 Ebrahim Raisi, 64 years old, served as national president
05:44 since 2021, when he won the elections with 61%
05:48 of the votes in his favor.
05:50 He was also a member of the Assembly of Experts since 2007
05:53 and served as attorney general between 2014 and 2016.
05:57 He also held the position of vice president of the Supreme
06:00 Court from 2004 to 2021.
06:03 Under the mandate of Ebrahim Raisi,
06:04 the state developed a strong foreign policy
06:07 and a strong diplomatic relationship
06:09 with the Iranian people.
06:10 He was also a member of the Supreme Court
06:12 and a member of the Supreme Court
06:14 for the United Nations.
06:15 He was a member of the Supreme Court
06:17 for the United Nations, and a member of the Supreme Court
06:20 for the United Nations.
06:21 He was a member of the Supreme Court
06:23 for the United Nations, and a member of the Supreme Court
06:26 for the United Nations.
06:28 He was a member of the Supreme Court
06:29 for the United Nations, and a member of the Supreme Court
06:32 for the United Nations.
06:33 He was a member of the Supreme Court
06:35 for the United Nations, and a member of the Supreme Court
06:38 for the United Nations.
06:39 In the absence of the president, the incumbent vice president
06:42 takes over the responsibilities of the executive branch
06:45 as provided for in the Constitution
06:47 of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
06:49 In Article 131, the Iranian constitution
06:51 mandates that upon the death, dismissal, resignation, absence
06:55 or illness for a period of more than two months
06:58 of the president, the vice president
06:59 shall assume the reins of the country,
07:02 subject to the consent of the supreme leader of Iran.
07:05 In this regard, a temporary president
07:07 shall be appointed by the Islamic Council,
07:09 with the presence of the Islamic Consultative Assembly
07:12 and the judiciary, as well as the vice president,
07:14 which in turn, in a period of no more than 50 days,
07:17 will proceed to elect a new Iranian president.
07:19 Now let's look at the profile of Mohammad Makber,
07:25 Iranian force vice president.
07:27 According to Article 131 of the Constitution
07:29 of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he
07:31 assumes the acting presidency with the approval
07:33 of the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.
07:36 He is an Iranian politician, currently
07:38 serving as the vice president of Iran as of August 8, 2021.
07:42 He was head of the execution of the order of Imam Khamenei.
07:47 Makber holds two doctoral degrees,
07:49 one in international law and one in management.
07:51 He also serves as chairman of the board of directors
07:54 of a major banking institution, and is deputy governor
07:57 of the province of Yusistan.
07:59 He served as an officer in the medical corps
08:01 of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps
08:03 during the Iran-Iraq War.
08:05 [SILENCE]
08:08 Let's take a short break, but remember,
08:19 you can join us on TikTok @Telesuinglish,
08:21 where you will find news in different formats, news
08:24 updates, and much more.
08:27 Other stories coming up.
08:28 Stay with us.
08:36, Welcome back.
09:06 In the Netherlands, the International Criminal Corps
09:08 of Prosecution, Karim Khan, demanded arrest warrants
09:10 for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
09:13 and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant.
09:15 Today, that I have reasonable grounds
09:18 to believe on the basis of evidence collected
09:22 and examined by my office, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
09:27 Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Galant
09:32 bear criminal responsibility for the following
09:35 international crimes committed on the territory
09:38 of the state of Palestine from at least the 8th of October
09:43 2023.
09:45 The crimes include starvation of civilians
09:48 as a method of warfare, willfully causing
09:52 great suffering, serious injury to body or health
09:57 or cruel treatment, willful killing or murder,
10:01 and intentionally directing attacks
10:04 against a civilian population, as well as crimes
10:08 against humanity of extermination and/or murder,
10:12 persecution, and allegations of crimes
10:16 of committing other inhumane acts.
10:17 The ICC prosecutor also pointed out
10:23 as criminally responsible for war crimes and crimes
10:25 against humanity, the head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip,
10:28 Yahya Sinwar, the commander in chief of the Kazan Brigades,
10:32 Mohamed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri, and the head of the Hamas
10:35 Politico-Budo, Ismail Haniyeh.
10:37 Prosecutor Karim Khan further stated
10:39 that no one can act with impunity
10:40 or justify starving civilians as a method of warfare
10:44 and stated that international humanitarian law
10:46 is the fundamental basis of human conduct in conflict.
10:49 In Palestine, the Israeli army intensified its attacks
10:58 on the Gaza Strip during the last few days,
11:00 causing the forced displacement of 1,810,000 people from Rafa.
11:05 227 days after the beginning of the genocide on the Gaza
11:08 population, the Israeli air raids and artillery bombardments
11:11 targeted Palestinian homes in Rafa, Jabalia, the city of Gaza,
11:15 and the Nusraat camp, among other places in the territory.
11:18 In this context, Doctors Without Borders
11:20 reported after an attack on the Jabalia refugee camp,
11:23 34 patients arrived at the Al-Awda Hospital, which
11:26 no longer has drinking water.
11:28 For this part, the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees
11:31 warned that the failure to open land crossings
11:34 presaged the continuation of catastrophic humanitarian
11:38 conditions in the Gaza Strip.
11:40 On the Gaza Strip, dozens of men, women, and children
11:49 lined up on the outside of a charity
11:51 in Mubassi in the southern city of Hanjounis
11:53 to get some food amidst severe scarcity
11:56 as a result of the ongoing war.
11:58 Due to the shortage of cooking gas,
12:00 people carried plastic containers
12:01 to be filled with pasta cooked in giant pots set over firewood.
12:06 The humanitarian situation worsened in early May
12:08 when the Zionist troops launched an operation
12:10 in the southern town of Rafa.
12:12 And Israel's capture of the main border crossing
12:15 linked the Gaza Strip to Egypt.
12:18 Rafa was the main entry point for fuel.
12:21 In this context, the Israeli Defense Minister,
12:23 Joav Galan, said Monday in talks with a US envoy
12:26 that the army would expand its operations
12:27 in the southern Gaza town.
12:29 We don't have food and water, so we ask for help.
12:36 And people can see that we can't eat nor eat when
12:39 it comes to us and the food.
12:41 We can't find food or water, and we take our children
12:47 to the hospitals.
12:48 This pot will be used for sometimes they fill it half
12:55 full and sometimes they fill it full.
12:58 We were in Rafa, then came to Khan Younis.
13:00 Life is difficult because there is nothing here.
13:02 In Rafa, everything was available.
13:05 We live on canned food now that we bring from charities.
13:08 Had it not been for charities, we
13:09 would have starved to death, me and my grandchildren.
13:13 On Sunday, thousands of Moroccans
13:15 demonstrated in Casablanca their support
13:17 for the Palestinian people.
13:19 Social activists and human rights defender groups
13:21 reiterated their call to the prime minister of Morocco,
13:24 Aziz Ahamnous, to break all kinds of relations
13:27 with the government of Tel Aviv.
13:29 It should be noted that the North African nation
13:31 established diplomatic relations with Israel
13:33 in the framework of the Abraham Accords,
13:36 mediated by the United States, which
13:37 saw similar movements by the United Arab Emirates
13:40 and Bahrain.
13:41 In effect, the demonstrators highlighted
13:44 the courage of the Palestinian people
13:46 and rejected the Western powers and the Zionist occupation.
13:49 [CHANTING]
13:52 We are here today to say to the valiant Palestinian resistance,
14:06 to the steadfast Palestinian resistance
14:08 in the face of Zionist occupation and Western imperialism,
14:12 to say that the Moroccan people, as always,
14:15 are always on the side of the Palestinian resistance.
14:21 In the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader
14:32 was elected president for a second term
14:33 with more than 59% of the votes.
14:36 Abinader obtained a wide advantage
14:37 over Leonel Fernandez, who received 27.30% of the votes,
14:42 while Abel Martinez obtained 10.41%.
14:45 Likewise, both candidates recognized the victory
14:48 of Luis Abinader.
14:49 Electoral authorities reported a turnout of 25.31%.
14:58 Dear Dominicans, thank you, dear Dominicans.
15:03 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
15:06 The civic spirit and the participation of each one of you
15:09 have been fundamental to strengthen our institutions
15:12 and to present once again the image of the pluricountry
15:15 with deep democratic convictions that we are.
15:18 Now let's go to topics of the United States.
15:20 Violence, insecurity, and the use of firearms
15:22 continues to be one of the main issues
15:25 ahead of the presidential election in November.
15:27 The US organization Gun Violence Archive
15:30 pointed out that so far in 2024, mass shootings
15:32 are more common nationwide.
15:34 In this context, the organization
15:35 reported 165 mass shootings in the first five months
15:39 of the year.
15:40 11 out of the total shootings registered so far
15:43 have resulted in mass murder.
15:45 A total of 6,289 deaths have been
15:48 the result of homicide, suicide, or unintentional injury
15:52 where guns have been the cause of death.
15:54 A total of 528 minors, including children and teenagers,
15:58 have been victims of gun violence in 2024.
16:05 We have a fun short break coming up,
16:06 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
16:08 for our English-speaking audience,
16:10 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
16:13 and share the link to reach more people.
16:16 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
16:18 as well as the rest of the world.
16:20 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
16:22 Fun short break.
16:22 Don't go away.
16:43 Welcome back.
16:44 In the United Kingdom, the London High Court
16:46 ruled Monday that Australian journalist Julian Assange
16:48 has the right to appeal his extradition to the United
16:51 States.
16:51 Two London High Court judges granted Assange permission
16:54 to appeal, having previously asked Washington
16:56 to provide satisfactory assurances
16:59 about free speech protections at any US trial.
17:02 The journalist will now face another court battle
17:04 in his long-running legal case after the UK government
17:06 approved his extradition in June 2022.
17:10 His defense attorney told the court
17:11 they do not accept assurances given by US prosecutors
17:14 that Assange would be able to rely on First Amendment
17:17 rights and protections.
17:19 Assange is wanted by Washington for publishing
17:22 hundreds of thousands of secret US documents
17:24 exposing their war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
17:27 In the meantime, hundreds of protesters
17:36 gathered outside the United Kingdom's High Court of Justice
17:38 in support of journalist Julian Assange.
17:40 The ruling was welcomed with cheers and slogans
17:43 in support of Julian Assange.
17:44 Journalists' legal team indicated
17:47 that in the case of an unfavorable outcome,
17:49 Assange could have been on a plane to the United States
17:51 in less than 24 hours.
17:53 Stella Assange expressed her intention
17:55 to take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.
17:57 The judges reached the right decision.
18:14 We spent a long time hearing the United States
18:17 putting lipstick on a pig.
18:20 But the judges did not buy it.
18:22 In this regard, the Brazilian president
18:27 Luiz Inácio Azevedo posted on X the following.
18:30 "Julian Assange, the journalist who
18:32 should have won the Pulitzer for revealing
18:35 the secrets of the powerful, has been in prison for five years
18:39 in England, condemned to the silence of all the press that
18:42 should defend his freedom in the framework of the fight
18:45 for freedom of expression.
18:47 I hope the persecution against Assange ends
18:49 and he returns to freedom as soon as possible."
18:51 On Monday, Niger and the United States
18:59 announced they have reached an agreement
19:01 to withdraw US troops deployed in the West African nation
19:03 by September 15th at the latest.
19:06 The decision comes after the government of Niamé
19:08 said their presence was illegal.
19:11 Precisely, Amadou Abdrabane, spokesman
19:13 for the military junta that governs Niger,
19:15 announced the end of the military cooperation
19:18 agreement with the United States,
19:19 taking into account the aspirations and interests
19:21 of the people.
19:22 The official also expressed that the US military presence
19:25 violates all constitutional norms.
19:27 The United States has around 650 soldiers in Niger,
19:31 with a major drone base near Agadez
19:33 in the north of the country.
19:34 Niger has already overseen the withdrawal of troops
19:37 from France, the former colonial power,
19:39 and traditional security ally.
19:41 Niger Minister of National Defense and the United States
19:47 Department of Defense have reached a disengagement
19:51 agreement for the withdrawal of United States forces.
19:54 Let's continue with the news about Latin American athletes
20:10 and their classification for the Olympic Games,
20:12 because a double Pan-American champion, Jocelyne Bria,
20:15 secured her berth for the Paris 2024 Games.
20:19 The Venezuelan athlete surpassed the minimum mark
20:22 of 14 minutes and 45 seconds, needing
20:24 to qualify for the Olympic Games in a 5,000 meters
20:28 race at the Grand Prix of Los Angeles in the United States,
20:31 securing her first Olympics with a national and South American
20:34 record of 14 minutes, 36 seconds, and 59 hundredths.
20:39 With the result, Jocelyne Bria becomes the 26th athlete
20:44 of the Venezuelan delegation that will attend the summer
20:46 event.
20:46 Another athlete who will be at the Paris 2024 Games
20:54 is 57-year-old Shelly Antania Zenn,
20:57 who made history by qualifying for her first Olympic Games.
21:00 The achievement came after winning the gold medal
21:02 in the second qualifying table tennis tournament held
21:05 in Lima, Peru.
21:06 It's worth noting that Zenn was a professional player
21:08 in her youth and has been retired for a long time.
21:12 Meanwhile, in the NBA playoffs, Indiana Pacers
21:15 defeated New York Knicks 130-109 to reach the Eastern Conference
21:20 Finals.
21:21 The Madison Square Garden hosted the seventh game
21:23 with a strong performance by the visiting team.
21:25 The locals could not respond to the Pacers' effectiveness
21:28 in blocking and defense.
21:29 The Indiana Pacers will go head-to-head
21:32 against the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Final.
21:35 We have come to the end of this news brief.
21:36 You can find these and many other stories on our website
21:39 at teleciclinglish.net.
21:40 So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram,
21:44 and TikTok.
21:45 For Teleciclinglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
21:47 Thank you for watching.
21:59 For Teleciclinglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
22:01 Thank you for watching.
22:09 (upbeat music)
22:11 .
