20th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
00:03, [CHUCKLES] all right.
00:33 [KISSING]
00:36 Just happy.
00:37 [KISSING]
00:38 [SNIFFLES]
00:40 I didn't think I could ever be this happy.
00:42 Just you, me, Dolly, and Brittany.
00:50 It's like fairy tales really do happen.
00:56 [KISSING]
00:58 She's so perfect.
01:02 Yeah, that's because her mom's perfect.
01:05 I wrote it as a minute mark for nappies,
01:10 but I think these are too big to be honest.
01:14 How was your weekend?
01:15 Don't ask me how mine was.
01:17 I had that race, comparing like grape tits and blue tits.
01:20 And to be honest, that geyser is the biggest tit that we've
01:22 ever met in our life, isn't it?
01:24 So I kept this one off school for some like sort of sibling
01:27 leave or something.
01:30 Well, thanks for having her.
01:31 That's all right.
01:33 Brit, you didn't have to stay at someone's
01:35 the whole weekend, you know?
01:36 You could have come home whenever you like.
01:38 Oh, come on.
01:39 Oh, hello.
01:42 Oh, I've missed you.
01:43 You sure you want to call her Dolly?
01:45 Ain't that what they call sheep after they've
01:47 cloned them and that?
01:50 Oh.
01:52 Uh, Bianca, these are six months.
01:55 Oh.
01:56 That's all right.
01:57 We're going to sort it out, won't we?
01:58 Do you want to come?
02:00 I suppose.
02:01 Come on.
02:01 Let's leave Bianca and quit to it, eh?
02:03 Drooping.
02:10 You're drooping.
02:11 I've been telling him that for years.
02:13 Oi.
02:13 Oi.
02:14 [LAUGHTER]
02:19 You ain't told anyone, have you?
02:20 Like you'd do it, it was last.
02:22 Please, keep it down.
02:23 I'll see you in there.
02:30 Oh, you lot.
02:31 Congratulations.
02:32 Yay.
02:33 How's the baby?
02:34 Yeah, brilliant.
02:35 You shouldn't have gone through that effort.
02:37 It's lovely. - Of course we should.
02:38 It's not every day that Whitney gets married, so.
02:40 What is it?
02:41 Well, it's for the wedding.
02:42 Yeah.
02:43 And for the baby as well.
02:45 Wedding's been canceled, though, isn't it?
02:48 What? When?
02:49 When we went into labor.
02:50 No, you can't have.
02:52 I'm defrosting sausage rolls.
02:53 I've got a two-tiered wedding cake
02:54 arriving in a couple of hours.
02:56 We've put out balloons.
02:57 [CHATTER]
03:00 Right, I'm dropping you off at the corner.
03:02 I'm not having your teacher lecturing me
03:04 about you being late again.
03:05 It's not my fault you forgot to say you were on.
03:08 What are these two so happy about?
03:10 You and Dad being back together.
03:11 We're not back together.
03:12 We're just staying there.
03:14 Yeah?
03:14 Keep telling yourself that.
03:16 Tell Whit we'll forgive her, as long
03:18 as she promises to show us Dolly as soon as possible.
03:20 Yeah.
03:21 Nah.
03:22 Thank you again, honestly.
03:23 See you later.
03:24 See you later.
03:25 Yeah.
03:26 You got them, yeah?
03:27 Listen, can I have a word before we go back?
03:29 No, I don't tell no one.
03:32 Why did you have to do it?
03:34 My mum's been cheated on all her life.
03:36 All men cheat, that's what she told me.
03:38 She'd have known you were the same.
03:40 Well, is that what you think of me, yeah?
03:41 It's what you are.
03:42 Yeah, and I hate myself for it.
03:44 [CHATTER]
03:47 Listen, um, you're going to the Vic
03:50 and just keep things sweet, will you?
03:51 Why are you always mucking things up?
03:53 We are the family.
03:54 Whitley has always wanted--
03:56 Don't go and mess that up by saying anything.
03:58 Please.
04:01 I've made the biggest mistake of my life.
04:02 Forgive me.
04:07 Come on.
04:07 Here you go, mate.
04:14 Cheers.
04:16 Thanks for taking me, Sid.
04:17 That's all right.
04:18 Sorry about the cipher, but, uh, Raymond and Denise,
04:20 they've nabbed the bedroom.
04:22 I appreciate you.
04:24 If you get to our age, you stop mucking it up, don't you?
04:26 Yeah.
04:27 Mind you, Elaine don't seem like the forgiving type to me.
04:30 No?
04:31 Well, I don't look like the groveling type,
04:33 but, uh, appearances can be deceiving.
04:37 Must be good having your son so close.
04:38 Yeah, yeah, it is.
04:40 So much easier when they're younger, isn't it?
04:43 You sorted things out with your boy yet?
04:45 Nah, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
04:55 Everything all right?
05:00 Yeah, Anna keeps messaging.
05:02 I think I should go and see my sister before we leave.
05:04 Well, what if you run into your dad?
05:06 You OK with that?
05:07 Can I handle him?
05:09 You know, I'm sure Xavier would love to meet them.
05:12 You two?
05:13 Gets messy, doesn't it?
05:15 What, meeting their sister-in-law, their nephew?
05:17 I don't know how this plays out yet.
05:19 Are they in our lives?
05:20 Are they not?
05:21 We travel back tomorrow.
05:23 I don't know when we'll be back.
05:24 We can come back any time for family.
05:26 It's just best if I go this time.
05:29 I'll take the tube, the keys, and meet you back at the hotel,
05:32 yeah?
05:33 OK.
05:34 All right?
05:35 Yeah.
05:36 [SIGHS]
05:38 [LAUGHS]
05:39 I just love all the little noises
05:41 she makes when she's feeding.
05:42 She's like a little piggy.
05:43 [LAUGHS]
05:45 How does Brittany get on at Sonia's?
05:47 Well, she's a bit quieter than normal.
05:49 Yeah, you see.
05:50 She didn't even look at Dolly when she came in.
05:52 Do you think she's a bit jealous?
05:54 Yeah, probably.
05:54 You know, Tiffany dropped Morgan out the window
05:56 when he was little.
05:57 What?
05:58 And it makes me wonder if she's done it before,
06:00 because it makes a lot of sense.
06:01 Are you all right, Zach? I'm making tea.
06:03 Do you want one?
06:04 Yes, please.
06:04 I love my baby.
06:05 [LAUGHS]
06:07 Listen, did anyone happen to cancel the registry office?
06:14 Yeah.
06:15 You did.
06:16 No, I didn't. I forgot.
06:17 Well, you forgot to cancel the reception as well.
06:19 Which is fine, because it's canceled now, isn't it?
06:22 So Linda says we can't get our deposit back,
06:24 and we're going to be eating wedding cake for about a week.
06:26 You better phone that registry office right now.
06:28 They expect us in a couple of hours.
06:31 Night, tomorrow.
06:33 Oh, Britt.
06:34 She's finished feeding now, if you want to hold her.
06:36 Later.
06:37 They ain't picking up.
06:43 There's nothing wrong with that, I'm telling you.
06:45 Shall I go and talk to her?
06:46 Wait.
06:47 Don't worry about it.
06:48 She's probably upset about the wedding being canceled.
06:50 You know how much she was looking forward
06:51 to being a bridesmaid.
06:52 Being a bridesmaid ain't all it's made up to be.
06:54 I'll tell you once, I had to wear like this orange
06:57 and white chiffon little number.
06:59 I looked like one of them traffic cones.
07:00 [LAUGHTER]
07:01 Just give her time, yeah?
07:03 She'll be fine.
07:04 Yeah, but I don't want her to be fine.
07:05 I want her to be happy, you know?
07:07 All the excitement of the wedding and that,
07:09 and then Dolly came along, and everything got canceled.
07:12 So I don't know.
07:13 I just wanted to feel part of the family.
07:15 She is part of the family.
07:16 She knows that.
07:17 Yeah, I hope so.
07:19 Maybe we should just go ahead with the wedding.
07:23 You can't just get married to please a kid wit.
07:25 Tell us, Ac.
07:26 Babe, we had a baby like five days ago.
07:29 She'll get over it.
07:30 Don't worry.
07:31 Don't you want to marry me?
07:32 Of course I do.
07:33 What sort of question is that?
07:34 Then why wait?
07:36 Come on, I don't want to wait.
07:38 We could do it today.
07:40 Come on, let's do it today.
07:42 Come on.
07:43 It'll be like the icing on the wedding cake.
07:45 [LAUGHTER]
07:48 Um, yeah?
07:51 Yeah.
07:52 Do you know what?
07:53 It's perfect.
07:54 Listen, I love you.
07:56 You mean everything to me, and I want everyone to know that.
07:59 Great.
07:59 I'm going to get married today.
08:02 Hang on.
08:02 Wait, you are actually serious?
08:04 This is for real?
08:05 Yeah.
08:07 All right, well, you bugger off over Sharon's,
08:08 and you tell everyone that thought it was off
08:10 that it's now back on.
08:12 Let me have a little cuddle.
08:13 You're so--
08:15 And we can get you into that wedding dress.
08:18 Oh my gosh.
08:19 It's so cute.
08:21 Come here.
08:21 Oh, we're getting married today.
08:23 [LAUGHTER]
08:25 All right, see you in a minute.
08:27 OK, go.
08:28 Oh my gosh.
08:29 So exciting.
08:31 Oh, mommy's getting married today.
08:33 Yeah.
08:33 Mommy's getting married today.
08:35 Mommy's getting married today.
08:37 Do we have to drag mom into this?
08:39 If anyone's done the dragging, it's her.
08:42 Oh, morning.
08:43 Do you know if I can recycle this?
08:45 Are you pleased with yourself?
08:47 Elaine just told us why dad's been gone all weekend.
08:48 It's because you kissed him.
08:50 Elaine's in bits.
08:50 She's kicked him out.
08:51 Well, where is he?
08:52 I should go over there.
08:53 No way.
08:54 You stay away from him, mom.
08:57 Look, OK, your dad was in a bad way, and he kissed me.
09:03 And I hold my hands up.
09:04 I didn't back off.
09:05 Honestly, I'm only human.
09:07 This is a really difficult situation.
09:10 Should we go and explain that to Ian?
09:11 No.
09:12 See, you know it's wrong, and it's not fair on any of us.
09:16 It won't happen again.
09:18 You said that before, mom.
09:19 Believe me, I promise you, I'm not
09:20 going to do anything to jeopardize
09:22 my relationship with you two.
09:24 You better not.
09:25 Junior, he wants to stop by before he goes.
09:33 And explain why he ran out on us last time.
09:35 Don't be like that.
09:36 It's a good thing.
09:40 You sure you don't need a date to take to the wedding?
09:45 No.
09:46 Oh.
09:48 I want to talk to you, all right?
09:49 I think we're confusing the boys.
09:51 Tell me about it.
09:51 After a cup of beers, I can't tell one twin from the other.
09:55 They think we're back together.
09:57 Do they?
09:58 Yeah.
09:59 I don't know where they got the idea from,
10:01 because I thought I'd made it quite clear
10:02 that I don't fancy you one bit.
10:04 Have you?
10:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:06 I was watching telly the other night,
10:08 and I was pointing out all the women I thought
10:10 were better looking than you.
10:11 In fact, there was a couple of old mingers on there
10:13 I thought had more going for them than you.
10:16 That's good, then.
10:17 Yeah.
10:18 I just think we should sit them down and tell
10:20 them that we're just good friends.
10:22 Yeah?
10:24 Yeah, of course.
10:25 Right.
10:26 You can stop ogling women on TV.
10:28 [LAUGHS]
10:31 Is this meant to be a joke?
10:32 Well, no, it was off, and now it's back on again.
10:34 I burst the balloons.
10:35 Fine, no balloons.
10:36 Just a little spread will do.
10:37 No!
10:38 No, don't do wedding receptions by half.
10:41 You are having balloons.
10:43 Thank you.
10:44 You're a diamond.
10:45 Mm.
10:47 Hi.
10:48 What's going on?
10:49 Me and Wida decided to go to the wedding today,
10:51 so you back on as maid of honor.
10:53 Becky escaped, love.
10:54 You're kidding.
10:55 What about Brittany?
10:56 She ain't going to say anything.
10:57 She won't.
10:59 I told her she'd ruin everything if she did.
11:02 [SIGHS]
11:04 OK.
11:05 Well, I guess we just--
11:06 it's like what we said.
11:07 Never happened.
11:10 I hate what we've done.
11:11 Can't even look Brittany in the eye.
11:14 Listen, you just need to focus on getting married and being
11:18 the best husband in the world.
11:19 I just want you to be happy for the rest of your life.
11:27 I hope you know that.
11:28 Aw.
11:29 I am going to be happy for the rest of my life.
11:32 I've got everything I've ever wanted.
11:35 You must think I'm mental, getting married, like,
11:37 so quick after having Dolly.
11:39 But you know, it just feels right, you know?
11:44 Come to the wedding, please?
11:46 I wish I could.
11:47 I'm on duty today.
11:48 I'm meant to be on my way back from a crime scene now.
11:50 OK.
11:52 I just need you to see her.
11:54 Come here.
11:55 [LAUGHS]
11:58 Lily, you can't wear your bouquet like that.
12:00 Everyone will think you're pregnant again.
12:02 Joy.
12:03 Cherry blossom or dusky blush?
12:10 Not to influence you, but one is innocent,
12:12 and the other is used to having a very good time,
12:14 if you can imagine.
12:15 But the cat's obsessed with a cherry blossom,
12:17 which got me thinking maybe one will
12:19 lean in the other direction.
12:20 All right.
12:21 Well, I'll do what you decide.
12:25 Welcome to the madhouse.
12:28 Thanks for coming.
12:29 Yeah, of course.
12:30 So what, shall I get changed or something?
12:32 No, no, wait.
12:34 I wanted to say, Cherr, thank you.
12:39 I'm so glad that it's you standing by my side today.
12:43 And I know that you're not a massive fan of Zac.
12:47 Well, um--
12:48 Well, because of what you said.
12:49 You know, my hen doing in the tapo band.
12:53 You were saying I couldn't trust him.
12:56 What was all that about?
12:58 It's just he's-- he's a self-confessed ex-player,
13:02 and I just don't want him to hurt you.
13:04 He won't.
13:05 I've tamed him.
13:07 Good.
13:08 [LAUGHTER]
13:10 [LAUGHTER]
13:13 Oh, look at you.
13:14 You look radiant.
13:16 If you could bottle that, you'd make a fortune on the market,
13:19 wouldn't you? - Oh, thank you.
13:20 Oh, I wish I didn't have to work this afternoon.
13:22 Well, it's ridiculous you don't, so bunk off.
13:24 No, she's fine.
13:26 I completely get it.
13:26 So last minute, I completely understood.
13:28 No, it's not.
13:29 Tell her, Kat.
13:30 I don't really care.
13:31 Might be you and Reece next.
13:33 Yeah, when his wife croaks it.
13:35 All right, come on, Whitney Dean.
13:36 Charleston is waiting upstairs.
13:38 Time to get you on that gorgeous trip.
13:40 I think you mean Miss Whitney Dean Hudson.
13:42 [LAUGHTER]
13:44 Can't believe I just said that.
13:48 Getting married today.
13:50 I'm not having you getting married with a skew-whiff tie.
13:53 Why are you strangling me?
13:54 What are you doing?
13:56 Well, I'll say one thing for us.
13:57 We scrub up well, don't we?
13:59 You better be wearing waterproof mascara.
14:01 Never wear anything else.
14:03 Who'd have thought it?
14:04 Zach Hudson finally tying the knot.
14:07 Proud of you, mate.
14:09 Although, you don't do things by half.
14:11 Baby one week, wife the next.
14:13 Carry on like that, you'll be divorced by July.
14:16 Why did you say that?
14:17 Taking a notice.
14:19 Right, all I've left to do is titivate my fascinator,
14:22 and we're good to go.
14:23 Excited?
14:24 Yeah.
14:27 Yeah, yeah.
14:30 Can't believe I get to marry with.
14:31 She-- she's my world.
14:37 Mate, I just love her so much.
14:41 Yeah, course you do, darling.
14:43 Yeah.
14:44 Yeah.
14:47 Just been an emotional couple of days, innit?
14:49 Whitney's a lucky girl.
14:53 George is here.
14:57 You're lucky.
15:02 I'd have changed the locks by now.
15:04 Shout if you need me.
15:05 Got sandwiches to make and mini quiches to defrost.
15:07 Come to get the rest of your stuff?
15:13 Laney.
15:14 No, don't.
15:16 What, you're sorry?
15:18 You hate that you hurt me?
15:20 You didn't mean anything?
15:23 I really don't need to hear any of this anymore.
15:26 Well, all of the above.
15:29 I don't want to make excuses, but these last few months
15:33 have been a lot for us to handle.
15:38 But I just want to say you've been amazing, always by my side.
15:43 Helped me.
15:45 Comforted me.
15:47 Yeah, well, Cindy had some comforting to do too, didn't she?
15:53 I dropped my guard at Christmas.
15:55 She was my wife, and I found it confusing,
16:03 trying to get my head around the fact
16:05 that she's back in my life again.
16:06 But you are the one I love.
16:10 You're my future.
16:14 We make mistakes sometimes.
16:17 Sometimes.
16:19 Not so it wasn't just a moment of weakness.
16:23 Oh, no, no, no.
16:25 That's not what I meant, Laney.
16:27 Please.
16:29 I'm not good at words and stuff.
16:30 I love you.
16:35 I know you do.
16:43 I just don't know if that's enough anymore.
16:47 Yeah.
16:49 Wedding day came and she found out he was gay
16:50 and had a thing with Ben.
16:51 Broke her heart, bless her.
16:53 Zach's all right.
16:55 I used to see him when I stayed over my dad's.
16:57 His jokes were a bit cringe, but he was really there for Whitman
17:00 Peach Day, do you know?
17:02 Everyone at school is well joyed I got a day off,
17:04 even if I do have to dress up like this.
17:07 I don't mind them that much.
17:11 Do you think he makes Whit happy?
17:13 No, yeah.
17:15 But you're well glad he took you in.
17:17 Whitney took me in.
17:19 Zach just got stuck with me.
17:20 Well, I mean, you could have done a lot worse.
17:23 I heard her talking to Gobi Bianca today.
17:25 She said it's the happiest Whit's ever been.
17:26 You got a problem with him?
17:32 No.
17:35 If this is true, what you say, he does make her happy.
17:39 Brit, you out here?
17:41 Yeah, where you at?
17:43 Oh, you look amazing.
17:45 Beautiful.
17:47 Do you know what?
17:48 I feel really beautiful.
17:51 You too.
17:52 You look lovely.
17:55 I love this.
17:56 Just two cousins hanging out, getting to know each other.
18:00 Brit, can I speak to you, quick?
18:05 Lil, do you want to go in and hold Dolly?
18:07 Why would I?
18:08 I've got one at home.
18:09 Oh, yeah.
18:10 Fair enough, yeah.
18:11 I just, um--
18:23 I wanted to say that I know things have been really hectic.
18:27 I just wanted to check that you're OK.
18:30 And I-- I want you to know that just because I've had Dolly
18:33 doesn't mean that my feelings for you have changed.
18:38 Yeah, I know.
18:41 I love you just as much as I love Dolly.
18:45 It's just Dolly needs so much attention at the moment.
18:49 I don't ever want you to feel pushed out, OK?
18:53 That's OK.
18:55 Sorry if I've been a bit weird lately.
18:58 Weird?
19:00 All the best people are weird.
19:03 Where?
19:04 Where? - Yeah?
19:05 Dolly's got a stinker.
19:07 Oh, no.
19:09 You know what that means?
19:10 Time for you to change your first nappy.
19:12 No way.
19:12 Yes, you can.
19:14 Come on.
19:14 I'll show you how to do it.
19:15 Yeah.
19:16 [SIGHS]
19:18 You don't even really know the first thing about him.
19:23 I'm not stupid, all right.
19:24 I know that.
19:25 But he is our brother.
19:28 Girls, you didn't need to do all this for me.
19:31 There's a wedding in here later.
19:32 And not one of yours, I hope, because I came empty-handed.
19:35 No, the way we grew up, we don't exactly
19:37 have much faith in marriage.
19:39 Yeah, I get that.
19:41 Shut up.
19:41 I'm all for it.
19:43 Oh, yeah, she's-- she's loved up.
19:46 Does he treat you right?
19:47 Bobby's the kindest, sweetest, nicest guy I've ever met.
19:50 Yeah, he actually is.
19:51 He's a bit boring, though.
19:52 Hey, look, if you find someone that makes you happy,
19:55 you're already winning in life.
19:56 Wow, so us single people, we're just losers, are we?
19:58 Yeah, you said it.
19:59 Although this loser lives in Dubai, so one up on you.
20:03 No, don't get sucked in by that flattery.
20:05 She's just angling for a trip out there.
20:07 I'm actually not.
20:09 But how big is your place, and when can we come?
20:11 Well, I think I could squeeze you in.
20:13 And the business will be expanding soon,
20:15 so leave me for a flight in as well.
20:17 Now I'm interested.
20:18 I'm careful.
20:19 Sounds like you're making promises you can't keep.
20:23 Why do you say that?
20:25 Well, you disappeared without a trace the other night.
20:27 Oh, well, I'm here now.
20:30 Look, why don't we start small, yeah?
20:33 One thing you can't get out there is decent fish and chips,
20:35 so who's hungry?
20:37 Yeah, my Bobby runs the chippy.
20:40 Even better family discount.
20:41 Yeah, he always gives me a free savoy.
20:43 No, she actually just means sausage.
20:48 I can't wait to meet him.
20:49 Well, there's some things we shouldn't
20:51 talk about in front of him, and some things we should probably
20:54 fill you in on.
20:55 It's a bit awkward.
20:56 Yeah.
20:57 [CHATTER]
21:00 What's the matter with you?
21:08 Oh, I'm just being silly.
21:12 You know me and weddings.
21:14 I was just thinking about Whitney and everything
21:18 that she's been through.
21:19 Look where she is now.
21:20 She's found her Mr. Right.
21:23 Silly old girl.
21:25 You're in good company, Jane.
21:27 I was thinking the same earlier.
21:29 I'm so proud of her.
21:32 Look at you, eh?
21:34 New baby, new wife, taking on Brittany.
21:37 You've got it all, mate, haven't you?
21:39 No, I mean it.
21:40 I do.
21:42 And there's Whitney.
21:43 I mean, she's one in a million, isn't she?
21:45 This could be it, mate.
21:46 This could be the start of the rest of your life.
21:50 Love, eh?
21:51 [CHUCKLES]
21:54 Cheers, bro.
21:55 No worries.
21:56 I'll be back in a minute, yeah?
21:57 I'm going to tell her.
22:06 I've got to tell her.
22:07 You're having a laugh.
22:08 You can't tell her now.
22:09 A marriage can't start on a lie, Bianca.
22:11 I have been begging you to tell her.
22:15 You've had your chance, Zak, so suck it up.
22:18 You're in today, and I will ruin the rest of your life.
22:20 [CHATTER]
22:23 It's really going to work out this time, isn't it?
22:27 Zak ain't Lee, and he's certainly not Callum.
22:32 This is your happy ever after.
22:38 You ready?
22:49 You lucky man.
22:55 Thank you.
22:58 Oh, she looks beautiful.
23:01 Hello, brother.
23:05 Hi, baby.
23:08 Thank you, mum.
23:12 Everyone take your seats.
23:35 No need to be nervous.
23:36 No.
23:38 Uh, Brie, is it all right if my daughter stands with me?
23:44 It's your wedding.
23:45 Thanks.
23:46 I'd like to welcome everyone to the marriage
23:58 of Whitney and Zak.
24:00 Shh.
24:04 Is she in?
24:05 Eh?
24:07 Sorry.
24:08 This ceremony will be in accordance with the civil law
24:15 of this country.
24:17 This requires a couple to declare their freedom
24:20 to marry each other.
24:21 Kat, the front door was open, all right?
24:26 It might be burglars.
24:27 I swear, if I end up in hospital--
24:29 I've got to go.
24:30 I've got to go.
24:31 No, you don't!
24:36 Nan!
24:37 Brother Alfie, what have you done?
24:39 What the--
24:40 You've killed Nan!
24:41 You great pillock!
24:46 Please, Lainey, let me help you behind the bar.
24:52 I don't think so, George.
24:54 We're not there yet.
24:55 Excuse me.
25:00 Are you George?
25:02 Yeah.
25:04 Who's asking?
25:04 I'm Monique.
25:05 I take all bad news from you, Chip.
25:07 I'll be glad to even marry that Bobby clone.
25:09 I'm Junior's Monique.
25:11 Daddy!
25:12 Hey.
25:13 I'm Junior's wife.
25:18 Well, you're married.
25:19 With a kid.
25:21 I've got a grandson.
25:22 Now, before rings are exchanged, Whitney and Zak
25:30 have written their own vows.
25:32 Whitney?
25:34 Oh, do I go first?
25:35 If you want.
25:36 Oh, OK.
25:37 Well, I just wanted to say that I never thought any of this
25:48 would happen to me.
25:50 And I don't mean the wedding, but finding someone
25:53 so wonderful as you, Zak.
25:56 Especially having a family with you.
25:59 We have three daughters, Brittany, Dolly, and baby Peach.
26:07 Who will live in our hearts forever.
26:11 And you are going to be the best dad, just like you'll
26:21 be the best husband.
26:22 I know you love me, and I know you'll
26:27 never let me down.
26:30 So I vow that I'll try my best to always listen to you,
26:35 to love you with all my heart, to always believe
26:39 in the best of you, knowing that you'll never hurt me.
26:44 You don't know that.
26:45 Brittany, what?
26:52 Nothing.
26:53 What's the matter?
26:53 Nothing.
26:54 What?
26:56 Nothing.
26:57 What's the matter?
26:57 He might hurt you.
27:01 No, he won't.
27:07 Tell her, Zak.
27:08 No, I'd never do that.
27:09 He cheated on you.
27:10 It's true.
27:17 Zak slept with Lauren.
28:11 [Music]
28:13 [MUSIC]