Chiuso il Festival del Lavoro "Il futuro dell'IA si gioca sulle competenze"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Etica e sicurezza del lavoro nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale», è intorno a questo tema che si è svolta la quindicesima edizione del Festival del Lavoro alla fortezza da basso di Firenze. Per 3 giorni personaggi del mondo della politica e dell'economia, della società civile e dell'imprenditoria, si sono confrontati sul lavoro etico ai tempi dell’intelligenza artificiale e la rivoluzione dei nuovi strumenti digitali.


00:00 Ethics and safety of work in the era of artificial intelligence is around this theme that is
00:10 the 15th edition of the Festival of Work at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence.
00:15 For three days, characters from the world of politics and economy, civil society and
00:20 entrepreneurship have confronted each other on ethical work in the times of artificial
00:24 intelligence and the revolution of new digital tools.
00:28 The Festival has grown exponentially in the last 15 years.
00:33 We are very satisfied, but we are also satisfied with the content.
00:37 A series of reasoning and reflections that have led to a final thought, which is what
00:44 we have been maturing for a long time.
00:46 You can't stand still without training.
00:50 You can't wait for the world to change in response to our needs.
00:55 Today there is a need for continuous training, for the adequacy of our capabilities.
01:00 Artificial intelligence will accelerate this process.
01:04 Some figures will disappear, others will be born, but the important thing is that everyone
01:09 does not stop, because if you do not train yourself, you are out.
01:13 Artificial intelligence and the formation of new skills have also been at the center
01:17 of the conclusive intervention of the Minister of Labor Calderone from the auditorium stage.
01:23 The risk of how artificial intelligence will be managed in the world of professions is
01:32 a concrete risk, and a real risk, especially where professions are intellectual professions
01:39 and the difference is made by the ability to discern the professional.
01:44 If we make the machines do what the professional must do, we will certainly do it again
01:53 a step back from what is important, instead of underlining how much the subsidiary function
02:01 of professions is also decisive for the State.
02:05 Today it is important, instead, to invest in the quality of training.
02:10 The quality of training means effort, but it also means the satisfaction at the end of
02:17 the day to say that your work was done well.
